"My Lord, what do we do now?"

"Let's control this country first."

Although Loulan is very small, it has neither high technology nor powerful ninjutsu.

But it doesn't mean that they are useless.

After all.

It seems that this is the routine in the Naruto world.

Wherever there are good things, there will inevitably be special ethnic groups.

For example, the Grayer Mine has a royal family guarding it. Those people are born with the energy of the mine and are different from ordinary people.

The same is true for Loulan.

Because they live on the dragon vein, there is also a royal family that can control the energy of the dragon vein.

I don't know if it's because they have eaten too much radiation.

The main point is that the environment affects the people, and everything changes. Zong.

The same is true for the five major countries.

Those located in the desert are proficient in wind ninjutsu.

Countries with abundant water resources are more proficient in water ninjutsu.

The Land of Earth is good at earth ninjutsu.

The Land of Lightning is good at lightning ninjutsu.

As for the more affluent Fire Country, it is full of talents, and there are ninjas who are proficient in all kinds of systems, which directly become all-rounders.

Let's get back to the topic.

The Loulan Kingdom has a queen's lineage that can control the dragon vein energy 24, and the space-time gate is still here, so it can't fall into the hands of others.

Naturally, this place must be controlled, and no mistakes are allowed.

With a wave of his hand.

A clone army appeared behind Neji, with as many as hundreds of people

"Go ahead, just control them, don't kill them randomly, especially those from the Queen's lineage, bring them all to me"


Number One led the army to do things.

And Neji, he came to the palace in the center of Loulan Kingdom and sat on the highest place, the seat that originally belonged to the queen.

It didn't take long.

The main reason was that Loulan Kingdom was too weak. At least against these clones brought by Neji, they had no chance of winning. They lacked strength to resist.

After all, they were just some ordinary people, and they didn't even know ninjutsu, so what else could they do.

Less than half an hour.

The riot outside gradually subsided.

Then the door of the palace was pushed open.

Several clones walked in with a mother and daughter.

"Sir, this is Loulan’s Queen Salia and her daughter Princess Sarah. Number One introduced them.

""Well, hello, both of you."

Neji greeted them with a smile.

The queen named Salia was a little scared, but she still managed to stay calm and stood straight, not wanting to weaken her momentum.

As for Sarah, the heroine who became the queen in the anime.

Now she is still a little loli, holding her mother's hand and hiding behind. She even looked up at Neji secretly, without the courage.

"My Lord, I don't know what your purpose is in coming to our Loulan. If you are short of money, I can ask someone to prepare some for you. I dare not say how much more it is, but we in Loulan can still take out a few boxes of treasure."

Saliya spoke, trying to negotiate with Neji.

And her words also made Neji laugh.

"Your Majesty, do you think I am short of money?"


"What’s more, my people have already captured you. If you want something, don’t you think I can take it myself?"


Salia was silent.

Because even if it was not pleasant to hear, what Neci said was the truth.

Their Loulan country had already fallen, and they had no resistance at all.

Now whether they lived or died depended on what Neci thought, and it was not something that prisoners like them could control.

But even so.

Salia still wanted to fight for it again.

"Sir, you are right. Loulan is under your control. You can take whatever you want."

"I just hope that you can be kind enough to restrain your subordinates and tell them not to embarrass the civilians."

"In exchange, I can fully cooperate with you and hand over everything in Loulan to you."

While speaking,

Salia also knelt down, which shows that she is indeed a good queen. Even at this time, she is still thinking about the civilians.

"Well, when you say"leave this to me", does that include yourself?"

Sitting on the high throne,

Neji leaned back in the chair, touched the armrest with one hand, and said with his legs crossed.

At this moment, he really looked like the kind of big villain who controlled the government and was arrogant.


Salia bit her lip.

She was actually a very gentle woman, with fair skin, big eyes, and black hair. She looked like a Yamato Nadeshiko. She was not a strong person. She had to consider the common people and her daughter, so she made a decision without much thought.

"Yes, sir, including me."

After saying this, Salia also lowered her head to show her submission

"You are really conscious. You have made such a great sacrifice. It really makes me feel embarrassed to embarrass your people again."

Ningci said with a smile

"I hope you can help me."

Salia bent even lower.

"Okay, I promise you."

Ningci waved his hand and said indifferently.


He didn't plan to do anything to those civilians.

The key point is that there is no benefit. It's not like he's crazy or bored. Who would have nothing better to do than to kill civilians for fun.

Another thing.

Neci said that he wanted her to cooperate in the study of dragon veins.

There is no other meaning.

At least not at the moment.

It was because Salia thought too much that she made it seem like she was sacrificing herself so heroically.

But just sacrifice, what's the big deal. As the beneficiary, Neci would definitely not explain so much to her.

"Thank you, sir!"

Sallya bowed again to express her gratitude

""Okay, take your daughter down. I'll call you if there's anything."

I didn't spend too much time on the mother and daughter.

The main thing is that I don't know how long the energy of the dragon vein can maintain this space-time channel.

Although it is not always open, but only open when needed, it will also consume energy.

The dragon vein is only said to be infinite and has a large volume.

But it is not really inexhaustible.

After all, the planet can still be drained, let alone a ground vein.

So, Neji still sticks to the original idea and takes as much as he can in this world, and does not fight a protracted war.

The first is the nine tailed beasts.

This must not be missed.

Then there is the Gregg Mine, the Outer Path Statue and Uchiha Madara's Samsara Eye, as well as the inheritance of the three holy places.

If possible.

Neji also wants to find out the few relics left by Kaguya Otsutsuki, as well as the Ten Tails hidden by Isshiki Otsutsuki. And the treasure" Plow

" that can travel through time and space.

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