In the main world,

Neji didn't make a big fuss because he didn't want to make things too big and provoke a bunch of old antiques.

For example, the Six Paths Sage in soul state.

And Isshiki Otsutsuki who has not died yet and is hiding behind the scenes.

These two guys are really old and sinister, and they are still very powerful.

With Neji currently reaching the pinnacle of Super Shadow, but not yet mastering the Yin-Yang escape and forming the power of the Truth-Seeking Jade, he may not be able to defeat them.

Knowing that he might suffer a loss

, of course he has to be low-key and not too ostentatious.

However, now he is in a parallel world.

Can he run away if he can't win?

So there is no need to think so much, just do it.

"Who are you?"

The unattended Gregg mine can be excavated by his men.

As for Neji himself, he came to the Sand Village and implemented the capture plan starting from the One-Tail.

There was no nonsense.

Several sword energies were shot out, and all the Sand Ninjas that blocked the way were killed.

Then he soared into the air and came directly above the Sand Village.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~~

The Sand Village had anti-aircraft weapons, and a few feet long arrows carrying detonating tags were shot at them, but they were all blocked by Neji with an electric charge barrier.

Even if an explosion occurred, it would not hurt him at all.

He ignored this tickling attack.

Neji used his perception ability to lock onto one. The one-tailed

Jinchuriki was not Gaara, but an old monk named Fufuku from the previous generation. He was not an acquaintance anyway.

So who cares if he is good or bad? Neji would not be too polite. He squeezed it hard. With a loud bang, the whole house was crushed by the purple giant hand, revealing the one-tailed Jinchuriki inside.

"Don't be so arrogant, little thief¨‖ !"

With a roar, a man with spiky hair, a white cape and sharp eyes flew over.

He did not approach Neji. He just raised his hand and condensed a cone-shaped iron block several feet high and weighing tons, and hit Neji's purple arm.


Under the huge force, although the purple arm was not broken, it was knocked off, giving the old monk Fenfuku inside a chance to escape.

"The Third Kazekage?"

Ningji was not in a hurry to catch the old monk, but looked at the hedgehog-haired man with interest.

"It's me, who are you? Do you dare to tell me your name?"

The Third Kazekage stepped forward and asked with great momentum.

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of explaining too much to others. Of course, if you can beat me, that's another matter."

Ningji said with a smile

"Humph, you’re young, but you have such a big tone!"

"Young man, what do you think our Sand Village is? We won't tolerate you doing whatever you want and making irresponsible remarks here!"

The Third Kazekage said unhappily.

"Well, what you said makes sense. I also want to see how powerful the legendary strongest wind shadow is. Is it just a false reputation?"

"I'll show you!"

"No, no, no, don't get me wrong."

Raising his hand to interrupt the Third Kazekage, Neji said,"I want to see your strength, but I didn't say I want to do it myself. You should practice with your old enemy again."

"What old enemy?"

Just when the Third Kazekage was confused,

Neji waved his hand and summoned the Scorpion from the space.

With the deeper development of time-space ninjutsu, he could open up a space on his own.

Of course, Neji would not open up only one.

In addition to the eye-jutsu space for combat, he also opened up two other spaces.

Each of them is several kilometers in size.

One is used as a portable laboratory to store various items and the energy of the Grayer mine.

The other is used to house the puppet army, the clone army, and to give space to those with independent consciousness.

His subordinates have circled out a living area.

It can be considered a space for mobilizing troops.

These alternate spaces are all bound to Neji, so wherever his real body goes, the alternate space will follow.

Even cross-world combat is no problem, it is still very convenient.

The appearance of the Red Sand Scorpion did not surprise the Third Kazekage.

This is because the Red Sand Scorpion is still in his Scarlet Amber shell and has not revealed his true face.

However, when the Red Sand Scorpion summons the two puppets of the Third Kazekage and the Fourth Kazekage that he and Neji made, the living Third Kazekage will not be able to remain calm.

"¨~ This is......"

Not only the Third Kazekage was dumbfounded.

At this moment, many ninjas from the Sand Village also came over. Among the crowd, Rasa, who had not yet become the Fourth Kazekage, was also completely stunned when he saw a puppet doll that looked like him.

"Don't leave Scorpion alone, let the Third Kazekage see your masterpiece, this opportunity is rare."

Ningji said with a smile.

Isn't it rare?

If there is no parallel world, how can two Third Kazekage and two Fourth Kazekage get together?

They can play mahjong, okay?


The Scorpion of the Red Sand, whose will and memory had been modified, obeyed Neci's words 100%.

So when he heard Neci say to take action, he did not hesitate at all and controlled the two Kazekage puppets to attack the living Third Kazekage and his group.

On the left, iron sand was flying, and on the right, golden sand was surging.

There was a loud bang (de de de) and the people in the Sand Village were also stunned.

"Lord Third Generation, what is going on?"

"How should I know?"

Faced with the question from his ninja, the Third Kazekage was furious, and he didn't know where to start.

The key point was that he was also confused. He still didn't understand what was going on.

"Sir, this is a puppet they copied based on your bloodline ability!" The Third Kazekage also considered this. But the problem is, what puppeteer has such great ability that he can even copy his magnetic escaping bloodline.

It's simply unreasonable, okay?

"Don't say so much now, go gather more people, we must solve all these invading enemies!" While controlling the iron sand to fight against the red sand scorpion, saving more people who can be saved, the third generation of wind shadow shouted.

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