But Scorpion was different.

Although he was not very good before, and he didn't know how to play puppets. If he didn't make a Gundam , how could he be called a puppet master?

But now it's different, who made him follow a good master.

Under Neji's education, Scorpion also learned a lot of things.

Even if he can't master it, he can use it all, but he is much better than the blind drifter like the Third Kazekage who has no real skills.

Look. Neji didn't even need to make a second move.

Scorpion had already restricted the Third Kazekage in place, and he couldn't take care of anything else.

Not only that.

When Scorpion controlled the Third Kazekage to fire a super-electromagnetic cannon, even though the Third Kazekage had set up layers of defense, there were more than a dozen iron sand walls.

But he still couldn't stop it, and it was penetrated in one go.


Under the violent explosion, the Third Kazekage was also blown away, and rolled a long distance after landing.

Not to mention how serious the injury was, just the act of rolling on the ground was embarrassing enough.

""Protect the Kazekage!"

Seeing the Third Kazekage being beaten away, the ninjas of the Sand Village became anxious and rushed up, protecting the Third Kazekage while attacking the Red Sand Scorpion.

But it was useless.

The Third Kazekage couldn't stop the Red Sand Scorpion, so the other rotten potatoes and stinky bird eggs thought they could do it with their numbers?

That was a joke.


"go to hell!"

""Everybody, charge!"

Hundreds of Sand Ninjas rushed towards the Red Sand Scorpion.

On the Red Sand Scorpion's side, he was not nervous or timid, but remained calm.

"Since you want to die so much, I will grant your wish."

After the words fell, the Red Sand Scorpion also took action.

Under his control, the three and four generations of puppets, like ghosts on the battlefield, launched a ruthless killing of the Sand Ninjas who rushed up.



One by one, the iron sand spears and the gold sand spears penetrated the bodies of the Sand Ninjas without any hindrance and nailed them to the ground.



"it hurts!"

"my leg!"

"Who come save me!"

"Kill me, please......"Poof!"

In just a few minutes, the scene turned into a purgatory.

More than two hundred Sand Ninjas died here, and their bodies were scattered all over the ground. There were even more injured people, too many to count.

Seeing this scene, the Third Kazekage, whose mouth was still bleeding, was so angry that his eyes were about to burst.

He pushed away the ninja who was healing him with one hand, and then he stood up.

"Sir, you can’t do that!"

"Get out of here! If you keep talking, I'll kill you too!"

The Third Kazekage is undoubtedly a very responsible Kage.

Even if he was injured, he never thought of escaping alone, but wanted to live and die together with the Sand Village.

But this is useless.

Things in the world are originally the law of the jungle, and the winner is the king.

So there is no such thing as sympathy.

The key is that there are so many touching things. It's really heartbreaking to talk about this on the battlefield.

Anyway, Neji will not...

"Scorpio, it's time to end"

""Yes, sir."

Under Neji's order,

Scorpion no longer held back, and in just a few moves, he took down the Third Kazekage, who was already seriously injured and had consumed too much chakra.

Well, the Third Kazekage of the two worlds fell in his hands, which was also the fate of fate, it should be like this.

"Get out of the way!"

The Red Sand Scorpion was leading the way.

Those Sand Ninjas were useless, and all of them would be defeated.

However, Neji didn't intend to embarrass these minions, so he wouldn't kill them unless they came for him.

After leaving the Sand Village, he was too lazy to walk slowly in the desert.

Neji used the space-time ninjutsu to teleport away with the Red Sand Scorpion, the Third Kazekage and the old monk Bunfuku as the two trophies.

As for the pursuers behind, and what would happen to the Sand Village without the Kazekage, that was none of his business.

"Sir, where are we going now?"

It was the 41st year of Konoha.

The Second Ninja World War had not yet ended.

This war was definitely a big fight.

The cause was no longer important.

Anyway, Hanzo of the Hidden Rain Village was a little"inflated". For some purpose, he declared war on several major ninja villages that were fighting in their countries at the same time. The four countries of

Sand Village, Konoha, and Iwagakure went to war one after another.

·· ········Request flowers 0

The Hidden Rain Village fought with Konoha first.

There is one thing, if we have to fight, I will fight the most powerful one among you.

But don’t say that.

Hanzo of the Salamander is indeed very strong.

Not only relying on one person, he completely suppressed the people of Konoha, and I don’t know how many times he annihilated them.

In the later stage.

Not wanting to make things too extreme, Hanzo, who has some brains, also gave Jiraiya and Tsunade the title of the Three Ninjas.

This can be regarded as giving Konoha a way out.

Otherwise, if Konoha really got angry and launched a full-scale attack on the Rain Country, they would not be able to stop Hanzo of the Salamander with just a few men.

Because the foundation is completely different.

The Land of Fire is so big and rich.

It can support tens of thousands of ninjas without much pressure.


As for the Rain Country, it has a small territory, it always rains, and the climate is bad.

In addition, it is sandwiched between several major countries, and there are wars all year round, and it is impossible to recuperate. How many ninjas can they train? It is not easy to train a thousand people.

The gap between the bottom ninjas is too big.

That's the problem.

Even if Hanzo is strong, can he protect the entire Rain Country alone and prevent anyone from invading?

It's impossible.

So Hanzo, who declared war on several major countries at the same time, seemed reckless and did things without considering the consequences.

In fact, he thought very clearly.

He just wanted to show his military power through this war and let the surrounding countries know that he is not a soft persimmon that can be squeezed by anyone.

It is thorny.

Whoever dares to stretch out his claws will surely stab the other party.

Even Konoha is no exception.

To sum up.

Hanzo doesn't want to completely defeat Konoha and kill everyone.

That's impossible.

Instead, he wanted to hurt Konoha through these small-scale battles, and let the surrounding countries that were watching the war understand his intention, that he was not to be trifled with.

If one time didn't work, he could try a few more times.

After defeating Konoha, Hanzo of the Salamander was afraid that the effect would not be good, so he fought with the Sand Village and the Iwagakure Village several times respectively. He was really awesome to suppress several big countries by himself. However, Hanzo of the Salamander still underestimated the war. It was not something that could be controlled by one person. In addition, he also underestimated the foundation of several big countries.

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