The result was.

The war did not go as Hanzo had expected, that several major countries were subdued by him and withdrew their troops one after another.

That was not the case at all.

On the contrary, due to the conflict of interests, they really got angry.

Several major countries refused to give in to each other and sent more troops.

Konoha VS Iwagakure.

Iwagakure VS Sand Ninja.

Sand Ninja VS Konoha again.

The whole thing formed a rotation relationship and a chaotic scene. Anyway, no one was in an alliance relationship, and they could fight whoever they wanted.

Maybe today Konoha will go to war with Sand Ninja, and tomorrow it will become a fight against Iwagakure. All of these are possible things.


Because the Hidden Cloud Village also got involved.

On the surface, they said they were going to fight Konoha, but in fact they attacked the Hidden Cloud Village from behind, which made the melee even larger and even more impossible to end.

As for the Hidden Rain Village and Hanzo Salamander's"093"...

Who can still see them?

In the later period of World War II, it was a PK between several major countries, and there was no mention of Hanzo of the Salamander and the Hidden Rain Village.

Of course.

The major countries were not feeling well either.

There was no other reason, it was just that the consumption was too great and too many people died.

You know.

In the second half of this war, several major countries sent their children who had not yet graduated from school to the battlefield because they had no one available.

This is obviously a fight for family background and future.

How can it be comfortable?

And this is exactly what the saying goes.

War is not something that one person can control.

Isn't this a big ninja village? It has been trapped in a meat grinder, and it can only keep filling it with people, and it is difficult to get out.

The bloody reality is in front of us.

I just don't know how many lessons Hanzo of the Salamander and the several major ninja villages can learn from it.

What a pity.

If you look at the third war later.

It is obvious that they did not learn any lessons and did not learn anything.

Those ninjas who died in vain were really useless.

Flying over the battlefield.

Looking at the ninjas still fighting each other below, countless people died in just a short while, and Neji shook his head.

Not out of sympathy, nor out of emotion.

He just felt that it was meaningless and a waste of labor.

""Sir, it seems that these ninja villages have not sent out their Jinchūriki."

The Scorpion of the Red Sand, who was flying in the air with the help of the magnetic field, spoke up beside Neji.


Ningji nodded.

During the Second Ninja War, the major countries did not send their Jinchūriki to the battlefield.

The reason was that their skills were not up to par and their Jinchūriki were not very stable.

For example, the Eight-Tails in the Hidden Cloud Village often went berserk.

That's why they went to Konoha to capture Uzumaki Kushina, just to obtain the Uzumaki clan's sealing technique and strengthen their control over the Eight-Tails.

The Hidden Rock Village was a little better, but not much stronger.

The main reason was that the Four-Tails and the Five-Tails were not that strong, and with Ohnoki's strength, they could still be controlled.

The Hidden Sand Village did have a perfect Jinchūriki, the old monk Bonfuku.

But he was a war-weary person.

Even if he was thrown into the battlefield, he would not kill anyone, so what use would he have.

Let's talk about Konoha's Nine-Tails.

Kushina was only thirteen or fourteen years old, and she had only been a Jinchūriki for a few years. How could we expect her to influence the war situation and do much?

So the result was that no one sent out Jinchūriki, and only competed with the consumption of ordinary ninjas.

"Let's go."

Since the Jinchūriki was not on the battlefield, Neji did not waste time here.

But just after flying a distance,

Neji saw several familiar figures.

They were Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru. They were accompanied by three little ones, namely Yahiko and Nagato who had not grown up yet.

This was really a piece of cake.

Without any hesitation,

Neji descended from the sky and landed in front of the three big and three small ones.

This sudden scene also made Jiraiya and others alert, and they quickly took defensive actions.

"What do you do?"

After searching Neji and Scorpion for the forehead protector but not finding any, Jiraiya asked.

"Idiot, didn't you see his eyes?"

Tsunade took a step forward and said to Neji,"You are from the Hyuga clan, right? What's the matter that made you come to us?"

It has been more than a year since the Three Ninjas were conferred.

But because the war is not over yet, Tsunade and the others have not left the Rain Country. They are still leading small-scale battles.

Jiraiya and Yahiko also met a year ago.

During this period of time, Jiraiya went to fight when there was a war, and came to teach these three little ones when there was no war...........

Tsunade and Orochimaru would come over sometimes because of Jiraiya.

Today, by chance

, all six of them were there, but they didn't expect to run into Neji. Tsunade thought something had happened again.

""Tsunade-sensei, your method of maintaining your youth is really good. Even though I look twenty years younger, there is no obvious change."

Neji said with a smile, answering the question irrelevantly.

"What did you call me?"

Tsunade was also a little confused.


"You are my student? Please, when did I accept you?"

"To be exact, it was more than 20 years later."

What the hell?"

Tsunade was confused again, Jiraiya said he didn't understand at all, but Orochimaru showed a thoughtful expression, and then his eyes lit up.

"Are you from the future?"

If Minato Namikaze could think of it, Orochimaru would definitely think of it.

"What future? How can that be possible?

Jiraiya didn't believe it.

But Orochimaru and Tsunade ignored him and were still waiting for Neji's answer.

"You can say that."

Ningji nodded.

Although it was not a formal travel to the past, the time span between different worlds was also a travel through time.

"How is this possible?

Jiraiya was still doubtful.

Tsunade and Orochimaru also pondered, considering the probability of such a thing happening.

"You haven't answered me yet, are you from the Hyuga clan? 1.1" Tsunade asked again


"Then what is your name and who are you descended from?"

"It's better not to say this, so as not to affect some things"

"That's right."

Tsunade nodded, acknowledging this reason, and then said,"Then what are you doing here? You can't just come back for no reason."

"Of course, we are here to save all mankind."

Ningji said seriously.

He was not lying.

After all, there will be an invasion of the Otsutsuki in the future. If they succeed, the energy of this planet will be drained.

All mankind will die.......

The more things happen, the more things happen. Now I have not only a leg injury but also a cold. I am really fed up. But don't worry, I will not give up. I am still typing.

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