"Earth escape, earthquake core!"

A cube of earth rose up and blocked Ohnoki.

The next second, Neji's Eight Trigrams Palm arrived.


The earth was instantly smashed into pieces and turned into slag.

The palm force still had some strength left, passing through the flying stones and knocking Ohnoki and others off balance, almost falling over.

However, after this block,

Ohnoki was not really hurt.

But this is not the end.

If one move fails, Neji has another one..

"The Peacock Magic Technique."

The big fist formed by the purple chakra smashed down towards Ohnoki's head.

"Rock Fist Technique!"

Ohnoki gathered a lot of rocks in his right hand, turning it into a rock arm, and then hit Neji's purple hand.


With a loud noise, a large area of rocks was also splashed.

"What a strong force!"

He staggered and almost fell down after being hit again. Ohnoki was speechless and very depressed.


"Don't come over here, or you'll cause trouble for me!"

He stopped his own ninjas from coming up, and after thinking for a while, Ohnoki said,"Go call Lao Zi and Han over here. We've trained them for so long, it's time to try out their effects."

During World War II, the major ninja villages did not send their Jinchūriki to the battlefield, but they were not unprepared.

Especially for a force like the Hidden Rock Village that was cunning and liked to hide its tricks, it would be strange if they didn't have a backup plan.

""Yes, sir!"

The ninja took the order and went down.

Ohnoki also confronted Neji again.

Let's talk about Neji first. He also heard Ohnoki's instructions. It can be said that it was exactly what he wanted, and it saved him from looking for it himself.

So, he was not in a hurry and played a few tricks with Ohnoki first.

The five elements sword energy was dodged.

Ningci used the ninjutsu of the monk Jilu again, transformed into a furious King Kong with a height of more than ten feet, and chased Ohnoki relentlessly.

Boom boom boom!

Big holes were hammered out of the ground.

This scene was like whack-a-mole.

But as the beaten party, Ohnoki was very unhappy.

The old man got angry and used his signature skills.

"Dust Release, the Art of Separating the Original World¨¨ !"

Ohnoki put his hands together and then opened them, creating a transparent cone-shaped barrier, and then swept it towards Neji.

In response to this attack,

Neji did not panic.

""Water Mirror Technique!"

With just a raise of his hand, a mirror made of water appeared in front of Neji.

In the reflection, a copy of Ohnoki instantly jumped out of the mirror, and then opened his hands and used the cone-shaped original world peeling technique.




The two cone-shaped barriers collided with each other, and a huge explosion occurred immediately.

It directly blew up the ground and set off a huge dust storm tens of meters high.

Ohnoki was also startled and flew away a long distance.

"Good boy, I really underestimated you, but if you think you can defeat me in this way, you are totally wrong!"

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Just keep going if you have the guts."

Ningji waved his hand and said in a nonchalant tone.

"Young people should not be too arrogant!"

"If you are not arrogant, can you still be called a young person?"


This really made Ohnoki feel very depressed.

He couldn't catch his breath and almost fell down.

"You little brat, I think you are really tired of living, take another move of my Original Realm Stripping Technique!"

Before he finished speaking,

Ohnoki, who was flying in the air, took action and used the ability of Dust Release again, releasing a huge conical beam of light to sweep towards Neji.


A crack was cut in the ground, which shows the destructive power of this ninjutsu.

However, for Neji, this Dust Release is only lethal, but the speed is too slow.

If you want to hit him, you have to stand still.

But how is that possible? With just a flash, Neci dodged the sweep of the light column and appeared directly above Ohnoki's head.

He raised his right foot high and chopped down with a force of ten thousand kilograms.


Even Ohnoki's reaction was not slow, and he blocked it with his rock arm.

But he was still chopped away by this huge force, like a cannonball, and hit the ground heavily.

Along with the loud bang, there was also flying dust.

His whole body was embedded in the ground, smashing out a huge pit several meters deep.

"Third generation sir!"

""Lord Tsuchikage!!"

The Rock Ninjas who were watching the battle shouted anxiously.

But just when they wanted to move forward, Scorpion summoned his puppet army and directly blocked the Rock Ninjas.

However, the Rock Village still has some foundation.

Look, two of the two Chuuriki came over.

"Lava Release: Burning River Rock Technique!"

One lava ball after another hit Neji.

This was the move of the Four-Tails Jinchūriki, Lao Zi. He launched the attack without even saying anything. He was also a complete lack of martial ethics. While Lao Zi was entangled with Neji, another Jinchūriki, the Five-Tails Man, ran into the deep pit and dug out the half-buried Ōnoki.

"` 〃"Pah, pah, pah, this damn brat!"

Ohnoki spit out the dirt in his mouth and cursed.

The good news is that he was not seriously injured.

Because when he was receiving the kick, he also used the Light and Heavy Rock Technique to greatly reduce the force of the kick.

Otherwise, if he really resisted it, his old arms and legs would not be able to bear it.

Even if he was not kicked to death, he would definitely break 70% to 80% of his bones and could not move at all.

"Sir, are you okay?"

Wearing a red armor and a bamboo hat, Han, who was very tall and gave people a sense of oppression, asked

"It's okay, go help Lao Zi quickly, he can't deal with this brat alone!"

Ohnoki covered his chest and panted.

Even though he was very unhappy, he had to admit that the sudden appearance of Neji was like a freak, threatening the strength of their Iwagakure Village.

""Okay!" Han replied without saying anything. He left the pit and rushed towards the place where the battle was going on.

As for Neji, facing the attack of Lao Zi, he really had no pressure at all.

It's not that Lao Zi was weak when he was young, but that he is very strong now. To put it bluntly, as long as the Six Paths don't come out, he is basically invincible.

"Where are you running to!"

Among the Jinchūriki, Lao Zi is considered to be very good.

The main reason is that he and the Four-Tails have the same bad temper, and they quarrel with each other a little, but they also have a sense of mutual respect.

So even if there is a little disagreement, the Four-Tails will not stop Lao Zi from using its power.

With this relationship.

In addition, Lao Zi himself is also very hardworking. He is not even thirty years old

, but he has already mastered the Four-Tails Chakra and can use the Tailed Beast Form.

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