
Lao Zi smashed the several-meter-high rock into pieces with one punch.

Not only that, his fist also contained magma, which exploded and melted the broken rocks. The killing power was also not small.

Unfortunately, the speed was too slow.

This level of attack could not even touch the corner of Neji's clothes.

"Brat, is all you can do is run?"

After a series of attacks, he was unable to touch Neji, and Lao Zi was also furious, and wanted to curse.

"You have such a bad character, you deserve to look like an ape."

"What did you say? Say it again if you have the guts!"

Old Zi glared at me, as if he would kill me if he disagreed with me.

"I'm saying you're ugly, like an orangutan"


"You can't stand this? It seems that your character is really not good, just like your appearance, it is very consistent with the characteristics of an orangutan."


Old Zi was so angry.

Not only did his eyes turn red, but his hands also began to tremble.

However, before he could make any move, Ningci, who had had enough of the fun, did not intend to waste words with Old Zi. He threw a pupil technique at him. He instantly controlled the opponent.

Just then, the Five-Tails man also ran over and attacked Ningci.

Ningci simply controlled Old Zi to stand in front of him and started fighting with the man.

"Lao Zi, what are you doing?"

After taking a punch, Han 950 was also very surprised.

However, Lao Zi, who was controlled by the pupil technique, did not pay any attention to him. He went up and greeted him again, and the punch was even heavier.

"Lao Zi!"


"Stop it!"

The lava ball is shooting!!


The more he talked, the harder he got beaten.

This made Han speechless.

In fact, Han also thought that Lao Zi must have been under the illusion of the enemy.

So he didn't plan to hold back, and prepared to subdue Lao Zi with violence first, and then help him remove the illusion.


It sounded like the whistle of a train.

Using the steam armor on his body, Han used his boiling escape ability, and after running, his whole body turned into a wave of air. He quickly approached Lao Zi and kicked him.

But the next second.

Lao Zi's body turned into a magma body.

Although he was kicked away, the high-temperature magma on his body also burned Han's feet.


Han groaned.

Enduring the pain in his feet, he started running again and launched a series of attacks on Lao Zi.

Bang, bang, bang!!!

With the punches and kicks, both sides suffered losses.

Lao Zi was beaten hard and had no chance to fight back, and Han was burned by the magma in many places, especially the hands and feet he used to attack.

They were burned with black smoke.

It can be seen that Lao Zi's magma defense is no joke, and its anti-armor ability is very strong.

This won't work.

Otherwise, before I wake up Lao Zi, my hands and feet will be useless first.

Han took this into consideration.

He shook Lao Zi off and ran towards Neci at a very fast speed.

Trying to kill Neci, the caster, first can also be regarded as solving the root of the problem, which can also be used to Rescue Lao Zi.

The idea is indeed good.

But it is not so easy to implement.

Neji did not move.

He still controlled Lao Zi, letting the other party enter the tailed beast form, then jumped to intercept Han, and cast a small tailed beast ball at the other party.


In less than two seconds, the small tailed beast ball was shot out.

Faced with this kind of attack.

Even Han, who is more than two meters tall and has unparalleled strength, did not dare to be careless. He quickly ran a distance and avoided the tailed beast ball.


There was a loud noise.

The mountaintop hit by the tailed beast ball was also shattered and swallowed by the light.

And this is not over yet.

Before the explosion of the first tailed beast ball subsided, Lao Zi, who had turned into a tailed beast, condensed the second, the third...

It looked like he would not stop until Han was blown to death. His life was threatened.

How could Han remain calm?

Fortunately, he was also a Jinchūriki and had the power of the tailed beasts.

It was just the Tailed Beast Balls.

It was as if no one had them.

His body followed his thoughts, and then Han also entered the Tailed Beast Form and began to condense a small Tailed Beast Ball.

Four Tails vs. Five Tails.

The scene suddenly became like this.

Both sides shot Tailed Beast Balls at each other, and the fight was so fierce that it was earth-shattering.

There were constant loud noises.

In just a short while, the area within a radius of ten kilometers was attacked by missiles like a landslide, and huge deep pits were blown out one after another.

Even if this attack was directional and not completely random, it was because the camp of the Hidden Rock Village was too close.

So they were the most unlucky.

As several Tailed Beast Balls whizzed into the camp, countless Rock Ninjas were also blown up into the sky, looking at the scattered flying scene.

I guess there's no chance of survival.

"Bastards! I want your lives!!"

Seeing his subordinates being killed, Ohnoki was furious and completely furious.

He pushed away the person who was supporting him and flew into the sky.

First, he locked the position of Neji and others, and then he used the Dust Release Ninjutsu again, holding a conical light column in his hands. He swept it directly to where Neji was, and even Lao Zi and Han were not spared.

It's not that Ohnoki has gone crazy. He even wants to kill the Jinchūriki of his own village.

But the uncontrolled Jinchūriki who killed his own people is not so important to him. Life and death depends on fate. If you don't have the ability, it's a waste of resources to survive.

Buzz ~~ The conical light column is like a giant sword that can hold up the sky.

All the places that were swept by it were cut in half, even the earth was no exception.

It can be seen that Ohnoki was ruthless and showed no mercy.

But the same thing.

The power of the Dust Release Ninjutsu is strong, but the attack speed is a bit slow..

Unless it is the kind of instantaneous cubic barrier that can decompose a person into an atomic state in an instant.

Without extreme speed or space-time ninjutsu, it is indeed difficult to dodge, let alone defend.

But this conical barrier attacks others from the outside, and when it is activated, it is like a child holding a ten-foot-long sword.

It is inevitable that it will be inconvenient to move and restricted.

This is the case now.

Ningci easily dodged the attack without using space-time ninjutsu.

At the same time, he also controlled Lao Zi to dodge.

On the contrary, Han, who only cares about himself, is a little slow to react because he can't control the power of the tailed beast too well.

He was touched by Ohnoki's dust escape light column and almost died on the spot.

And seeing this scene.

Ohnoki was also very angry.

The key enemy didn't hit one, but almost killed his own people.

Where can this fucking reason be.

Added by: Asmodeus

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