
Old Zi, who was controlled by Neji, was also half an enemy in Ohnoki's eyes. There was absolutely nothing wrong with attacking him..

""Han, get away from me!"

He shouted with both warning and reminder.

Then, Ohnoki flew forward for a distance and launched a new round of attack on Neji and Lao Zi.

Although there was nothing new in the moves, it was still the Dust Release Ninjutsu.

But you have to admit that

Ohnoki, who possesses the Dust Release Ninjutsu, does not need other attack methods, just this one is enough.

After all, it is a bloodline elimination that is stronger than the bloodline limit.

The lethality is absolutely outrageous.

It can be said that if you touch it, you will die.

Even the Kage-level figures can't be hit by it, let alone ordinary ninjas. Without some amazing skills, they are not qualified to be Ohnoki's opponents.

Of course.

This does not mean that Ohnoki has no weaknesses.

His endurance is very poor.

Just like a fighter with a small fuel tank.

The attack is sharp, but it can't last long. After launching a few Dust Release missiles, it will be unable to move. It will be tired..

This is exactly what is happening right now.

When he used Dust Release for the fourth time, there was a slight"pop" sound, and the barrier in Ohnoki's hand was directly shattered, but he failed to use it.

As a last resort.

He could only give up using Dust Release, and use the Earth Release Ninjutsu that he is best at, and started a medium-to-close range battle with Neci.

But fighting with Neci in close combat!

Isn't this like a three-year-old kid jumping off a cliff, a hen flying into a frying pan, or an old man eating arsenic when he has nothing to do, all of which are just his own faults. Although

Ohnoki's melee strength is also very strong, he not only has the Weighted Rock Technique to increase attack power, but also the Light and Heavy Rock Technique that can remove material weight and attack. He can attack when advancing and defend when retreating.

He can be called a two-sided god of war, awesome as hell.

But this is still not enough in front of Neci. In just less than three minutes.

Under Neci's continuous attacks, Ohnoki became precarious, and some of his defenses could not make it.

""Damn it! Get down here!"

The furious Ohnoki used his Rock Fist Technique again, turning his right hand into a huge rock fist and using the Weighted Rock Technique to increase the weight.

Then he looked down and punched Neji on the head.

"Old man, have you run out of tricks?"

While talking,

Neji attacked slowly.

But this was just an illusion.

He had the Byakuran, read all the books of the Uchiha clan, and studied Kurama Yakumo's five senses illusion for a long time.

Layer by layer,

Neji's attainments in illusion reached a level that ordinary people could hardly imagine. It can be said that he had already mastered the use of illusion to perfection, and he could do whatever he wanted.

A look, a movement, or even a breath could perform it.

So don't think it's just a simple punch. In fact, it is indeed mixed with illusions of illusions, which can... Affects people's five senses.

It seems slow, but it is actually fast.

In Ohnoki's eyes, his rock fist is obviously faster and can hit Neci first.

But the reality is that Neci came from behind and punched Ohnoki in the face, knocking the old man out.


Ohnoki fell to the ground, and he was a little dazed.

Not only was he hit, but he also didn't react.

But fortunately, at the critical moment, he used the light and heavy rock technique to relieve a lot of force, otherwise he would have taken the punch with his head and he would never be able to stand up again.

But this is not the end yet.

Don't give Ohnoki too much time to relax.

Neci flew closer and punched him again.

"Earth escape, rock arm!"

Ohnoki created a huge rock arm and used it to protect himself.

But with a loud bang, the rock arm was broken into pieces by Neji.

The broken stones splashed and hit Ohnoki's face, causing him to feel pain, but he didn't dare to let his guard down at this time and avoid these little things.

It was also very uncomfortable.

"Earth escape, Earthquake Core!"

Onoki used Ninjutsu again, lifted a piece of earth and rammed it towards Neji, also wanting to use this to create some distance between them.

Unfortunately, it didn't work as he wished.

Neji, who had already moved his arms and legs, couldn't be stopped by a piece of earth.

""Soft fist, break!"

He slapped down with his palm.

The soil clod instantly cracked and splashed everywhere.

Then the second and third clods did the same.

Even if Ohnoki created more soil clods, he couldn't stop Neji's advance, not even a little bit.

0 ·····Request flowers··· ·······

"Rock Arm!

Ohnoki used this move again.

But it was not for defense, but to hit Neji.

""Peacock Magic!"

Neji also activated his chakra and condensed a purple hand several feet long, and then collided with Ohnoki's rock arm.


The ground collapsed and dust flew.

After the collision, Neji's chakra hand was still better, and it directly smashed Ohnoki's rock arm into pieces.

Then the purple hand did not stop.

Under Neji's control, it grabbed Ohnoki.

"Little boy, don't think you are sure to win, I still have many tricks up my sleeve!"

.............. 0

Seeing the purple hand grabbing over.

Although Onoki was surprised, he did not lose his composure.

While speaking, he formed seals with both hands again and performed another ninjutsu.

"Earth Style: Gangli Style!"

This can be regarded as Ohnoki's ultimate move, of course, besides Dust Style, it is a more powerful move among Earth Style Ninjutsu.

Ohnoki pressed his hand on the ground and injected chakra.

With a rumbling sound, a rock giant with a height of tens of meters also emerged from the ground and blocked him.


Neji's purple hand hit the rock giant, but it seemed a little powerless and had no lethality.

Of course.

This is a different time.

Ohnoki used his ultimate move to deal with Neji's casual attack, how can it be compared and put together?

What a joke

"It just so happens that I also have a dojutsu that I don't have much chance to perform, so today I'll use the Sandaime Tsuchikage to try it out."

The chakra hand was blocked, and Neji didn't rush to get angry, but said with a smile

"Humph, if you have the ability, then use it, or people will say that I am bullying the weak. I won't give you this opportunity!"

With the rock giant here,

Ohnoki's self-confidence returned. He folded his arms and flew to the rock giant's shoulders, saying nonchalantly

""Okay, thank you , Tsuchikage-sama."

He smiled.

Then, Neji's eyes also turned into a kaleidoscope.

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