White eyes, blood-red hexagram pattern.

Different from Sasuke's.

Sasuke's is a very straight hexagram.

But Neji's is hollow in the middle, and the six corners rotate inward.

It represents the seal and time and space.

That's right.

Neji's eyes have reached the level of the Eternal Mangekyō.

Although he has no brothers.

But there is still cloning technology.

Make more clones, and cultivate them well, and there will always be awakened Byakuran, or the kind that reaches the Mangekyō level.

Then there is no need to change eyes.

Just use the Reverse Reincarnation Technique to absorb the pupil power of these clones.

Use quantitative change to promote qualitative change.

Finally, push your eyes to the level of the Eternal Mangekyō.

This is really not difficult for Neji, and he did it very easily.


""Zero nine three"

Purple chakra spread out from Neji's body, condensing into bones and a head.

In just a few seconds, a half-body skeleton tens of meters tall appeared.

And this is just the beginning.

Meridians and flesh spread on the skeleton, and then covered with outer clothes, achieving the second form.

Then came the third form with legs grown and a significant increase in size.

There is a problem with Susanoo here.

That is whether to add the Karasu Tengu armor.

Because this set of armor can be used in the second form, which is the half-body Susanoo, and can also be used in the third form, the Susanoo with legs.

It all depends on how the caster uses it.

This can be called the fourth form of Susanoo.

It is easy to make a mistake.

In the anime,

Sasuke used the Karasu Tengu armor when he was in the second form.

And Uchiha Madara used the Karasu Tengu armor after he entered the third form, that is, when he had legs.

That's why people think that their Susanoo are different.

Actually, it's not.

The question is when to equip this set of armor, it's that simple.

He didn't use the Karasu Tengu armor either.

Because that's too bullying.

Just maintaining the third form, the Susanoo giant that is hundreds of meters tall standing in the field has a crushing force on Ohnoki's stone man of dozens of meters.

It even made him open his eyes wide, shocked.

The main thing is that

Ohnoki has seen Uchiha Madara's Susanoo, and it left an indelible impression of fear on him who was weak at the time.

At this time, the scene reappears.

All the memories of the past flooded into his mind, how could he not be frightened?

"you...How can you do this?...this......"

Ohnoki couldn't even speak clearly.

It can be seen how much psychological trauma Uchiha Madara had caused him.

After seeing this scene,

Neji knew that this battle could not be fought.

Because Ohnoki had lost his fighting spirit and even the courage to fight, how could he fight?

"Ohnoki, look into my eyes!"

For a man who has already lost his will to fight, Neji would not waste his breath to explain so much, and he would just use the eye technique to control it.

As for Ohnoki, his defense was broken and his mental state was extremely bad. He did not think too much and looked at Neci involuntarily.

And just at this moment

, he sank into Neci's eye technique and lost all chances to resist.

The giant war did not start.

To be honest, it was quite disappointing for Neci.

But with Ohnoki's Dust Release Bloodline as compensation, it was okay.

Another thing is that Neji came here to cause trouble and grab resources. There will be many opportunities to fight in the future, so this time is not bad.

""Put down the Tsuchikage-sama!"

Seeing Ohnoki being captured, the ninjas of the Hidden Rock Village also rushed up.

But Neji hadn't dispersed Susanoo yet, so he just waved his hand, and the purple sword dozens of meters long swept across the ground.

It caused an earthquake.

It also beat the Hidden Rock Ninjas to the ground, killing and injuring countless people.

It was really too childish to use a cannon to kill a mosquito.


Han, the only high-end combat force of the Hidden Rock Village, who had barely recovered, used the Tailed Beast Mode again, jumped high, and rammed into the mouth of Neji's Susanoo.

Five-tailed King Mu.

A monster with five horns on its head.

In addition to the boiling escape, it is best at ramming people with its head. Even the Eight-tailed and Nine-tailed couldn't stand it and had to be knocked over.

But that was its heyday.

And Neji's Susanoo was not comparable to the Eight-tailed and Nine-tailed.

So the current scene is very touching.

After enduring Han's collision, Neji's Susanoo was fine, not to mention cracks, and even his feet didn't move......

It can be said that all the work was in vain.

"I was just trying to take you down, but you came to me and saved me the trouble."

As he spoke

, several chains shot out from Neji's Susanoo, tying up Han in the form of the tailed beast. No matter how Han resisted or howled, he couldn't break free.


Neji's Susanoo was not an Outer Path Demon Statue, and it didn't have a restraining effect on the tailed beasts, he had studied the Peacock Technique to a certain level, and the radiation from the star meteorite activated and materialized chakra.

Therefore, Neji's use of chakra was not something that ordinary people could do. In comparison, many moves can be extended.

This chain is just one of them.

In addition to the Uzumaki clan's sealing technique, the Senju clan's wood escape technique, and the Yang escape technique developed by himself.

All accumulated together.

It has led to the fact that the chakra chain used by Neji is very powerful. It is not the chain of the Outer Path Demon Statue, but it is better than it. It also has a very strong sealing and restraining effect on the tailed beasts.

Don't say five tails.

Even if it is replaced with eight tails and nine tails, as long as they are tied, they can't break free.

"Be quiet!"

Ningci thought, and a strong electric current was transmitted along the chain, instantly making the tailed beast 4.4 scream and smoke all over. It had no strength to struggle.

So far, both tailed beasts were successfully captured, and an additional Ōnoki was added.

It can be said that the harvest was full.

With these trophies, they ignored the Iwagakure ninjas who were not afraid of death and were still rushing up.

Ningci controlled Susanoo and jumped, then spread a pair of wings behind him, and flew away without any scruples.

One day later.

When Ningci rushed to Takigakure to capture the seven-tailed beast.

Other villages also received information about the incident in Iwagakure.

"What? You said that old man Ohnoki and two Chuuriki of the Hidden Rock Village were captured by a strange young man?"

In the camp of the Hidden Cloud Village. Ai, who has not yet become the fourth generation Raikage, can't believe that such an outrageous thing would happen.

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