Because even if they were enemies, he had to admit that Ohnoki was very strong, no worse than his father, not to mention that he had two more Chuuriki. In the entire ninja world, who else could be the opponent of these three people?

Not to mention the other way around, if the three of them were defeated by others, could a young man do that?

Ai said it was too absurd.

"Father, I think this is a scam!"


The Third Raikage nodded without comment.

In fact, he didn't really believe it.

But if it was a conspiracy of the enemy, they should have made up a more decent one. Why would they use such outrageous news to deceive people?

In addition, a few days ago, the same situation happened in the Sand Village.

Someone broke in and captured the One-Tailed Jinchuriki under the watchful eyes of many Sand Village ninjas, and even the Third Kazekage was not spared.


The result can only be true, no matter how outrageous it is.

"Has the intelligence been verified?"

"Sir, I saw this with my own eyes."

"What does that young man look like?"

"He is handsome, not short, and he has white eyes."

"White eyes? Is he from the Hyuga clan?"

"I am not sure, because he can use chakra giants hundreds of meters high to fight. That seems to be the ultimate power of the Uchiha clan. It is rumored that the Shura of the Ninja World, Uchiha Madara, used it decades ago."


The Third Raikage and the Fourth Ai looked at each other and were silent.

The key is that it would be fine if the news was false.

But if it was true, it would be a big problem.

A person's reputation is like a tree's shadow.

After all, that was Uchiha Madara.

If there is another person like this, and there is no Senju Hashirama, who in the ninja world can stop him? What about the Hidden Mist Village and the Hidden Cloud Village?

Aren't they going to be like the Hidden Sand Village and the Hidden Rock Village now, allowing the other party to plunder, trample, and humiliate, without even a chance to fight back?

""Father, how should we deal with this matter?"

Fourth Generation Ai couldn't help but ask.

"Be patient."

Compared to the Fourth Raikage, the Third Raikage was much more stable.

After thinking for a moment, he said,"Send someone to verify the information. If it's all true, then we don't have to fight anymore.""

"What does father mean?"

"Well, facing this unknown and powerful enemy, we can only turn the enemy into a friend and unite the forces of other ninja villages. Only in this way can we save the tailed beasts and our country."

"...Yes, I understand.

Although he didn't want to fight alongside Konoha and the Hidden Rock Village, the Fourth Ai Ye knew that this was not the time for him to act willfully and do what he wanted.

Just like his father said, if this new enemy was really that powerful, then they would be courting their own destruction if they didn't unite.

For the sake of the Hidden Cloud Village and the Land of Lightning, they had to take action and make the most thorough preparations.

While the Fourth Ai Ye was discussing this with his father, at the same time,

Konoha and the Hidden Mist Village also received intelligence and were holding a high-level meeting.

The content of the discussion was... The situation is similar to that of the Raikage and his son.

Because of the new enemy

, it only took two attacks to capture two Kages and three Jinchūriki.

As a result, the top combat forces of Sand Village and Iwagakure Village were seriously lacking, and they even became leaderless.

Two attacks defeated two major ninja villages.

Facing enemies of this level, which force dares to be careless?

In comparison, whether this second war is fought or not is not so important.

So they all ordered the withdrawal of troops and held an emergency meeting to discuss how to deal with this emergency.

"Let's talk about how we should deal with this matter."

In Konoha's meeting room, Sarutobi Hiruzen sat in the first seat, smoking his pipe and letting everyone speak freely.

"Hokage, I think this matter is very serious!"

"If only one ninja village was in trouble, we could still consider it a personal vendetta, but now both the Sand Village and the Rock Village have been hit and suffered heavy losses."

"Regardless of whether this person's goal is the tailed beast or the village's shadow, we can't let him go on. We must be prepared."

"Well, that’s a good point. So what do you think and how should we prepare?"

"Hokage, the best way is to unite the forces of other ninja villages and let them work together to deal with this person."

"I think, as long as they are not fools and can see the seriousness of this incident and do not want to suffer losses, they should not reject our proposal."

"What do you think?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked around at the people present.

"The Nara clan leader is right."

"I think it's OK"

"We must unite. This kind of thing is not just our Konoha family's problem. We can't just shoulder it by ourselves."

"Yes, let’s form a coalition!"


"I support it too."

A group of senior executives and family patriarchs all raised their hands to express their support.

"Well, let's arrange it this way. I will meet with the daimyo and send envoys to the Hidden Cloud Village and the Hidden Mist Village to convey the proposal. The war will end here. To show our sincerity, we will withdraw our troops another 50 miles."


"The Hyuga clan leader and the Uchiha clan leader will stay. The others can go back first. The meeting is adjourned!"

Everyone looked at each other for a few seconds.

But they didn't say much. They left one after another.

In the end, only the clan leader of the previous generation of Hyuga, the father of Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hiashi, Hyuga Sosuke, the old clan leader of Uchiha, Uchiha Asaoka, Sarutobi Hiruzen

, and two advisors, Utatane Koharu and Mito Kado En, were left in the meeting room.

"Hyuga clan leader, do you have anything to say?"

Seeing that the other party had not spoken, Sarutobi Hiruzen reminded


Hinata Sosuke shook his head expressionlessly.

""Hyuga clan leader, please don't be stubborn!"

Mitomon Yan stood up and said loudly. Judging from his posture, he was about to slam the table.

"Why am I so stubborn?"

Hinata Sosuke said he didn't understand at all.

"Stop quibbling. It was reported in the newspaper that the young man who kidnapped the Jinchūriki and two Kages had a white eye. Do you dare to say that he has no connection with your Hyuga clan?"

"I don't know about that."

Hinata Sosuke spread his hands.


"Mitomon Counselor, believe it or not, anyway, my Hyuga family has a clear conscience and has never done anything to let Konoha down." Mitomon En wanted to get angry, but was interrupted by Hyuga Sosuke.

After that, before he could say anything else,

Sarutobi Hiruzen took over the conversation.

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