"Hyuga clan leader, don't be angry. The Mito clan advisor just wants to make things clear so that everyone won't have trouble in the future. Don't you think so?"

"Well, I accept this reason, but I would like to ask you to be more polite next time, Mr. Mitomon. After all, not everyone has the same good temper as me, and we, the Hyuga clan, are not criminals under your control."


""Okay, okay, we are all working for the village, why make the relationship so awkward, let's all calm down."

Sarutobi Hiruzen tried to smooth things over.

After letting Mito Kado En sit down first, he continued,"Hyuga clan leader, I just want to know one thing, you really don't know that young man?"


"The one who went to Sand Village and Rock Village to arrest people"

"Oh, I don't know"

"No impression?"


Hinata Sosuke shook his head again.

"What about the Uchiha clan leader? Do you know him?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen changed the subject of the questioning.

"How could I possibly know him!"

Uchiha Asaoka said unhappily.

"But, how do you explain that young man using your clan's ultimate power, which should be the eye technique called Susanoo?"

"Ha, so they say so, right?"

Uchiha Asaoka laughed disdainfully and said,"Susanoo requires a Mangekyō-level Sharingan to cast. Even our Uchiha clan hasn't awakened this kind of eye yet, so why would an outsider use it?""

"In my opinion, this is completely false, pure false information!"

"is that so?"

"I think it can't be true."

"All right."

He couldn't force the patriarchs of the two families, so if they didn't admit it, Sarutobi Hiruzen had no other choice.

He could only stop asking questions and leave it at that for now.

"The two clan leaders please go back first. Sorry for the trouble."


"Hokage, you are too polite. ."

After seeing off the two clan leaders,

Sarutobi Hiruzen and the two advisors did not leave, but sat down to discuss.

"Hiruzen, do you believe what they say?" asked Utatane Koharu

"Of course, they have no reason to deceive us."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile.

In fact, what he was thinking was, even if he didn't believe it, what could he do? Without more solid evidence, he could only take it seriously.

Of course.

These are all things on the surface, for people to see.

As for what's going on behind the scenes, he can talk to Danzo later. Anyway, the Root was established to deal with this kind of dirty, tiring and troublesome work. If we don't use them now, when will we have to wait?

"The human heart is unpredictable, we must be on guard, Hiruzen, who knows if this is a conspiracy between their two families!"

"I understand. Don't worry. Leave everything to me."

For some things, the fewer people know about them, the better.

Even if everyone is an old colleague and has worked together for decades, they probably know each other better than they know themselves.

But it is better to cover up things that should not be revealed.

With this in mind, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not say too much to the two consultants. After sending them away, he went out to find Danzo.

In the Root base

, outsiders did not know what Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo talked about.

But the next day, many unfamiliar faces appeared outside the residences of the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan, as if they were monitoring them.

Let's not talk about Konoha for now.

At the same time, something happened in another place.

That is in the cave under the mountain cemetery in the north of the Iron Kingdom.

The old and white-haired Uchiha Madara had already noticed the moment Nagato was transferred to the other space by Neji.

"How's the investigation going?"

Sitting on a stone chair, Uchiha Madara asked without showing any emotion.

"Madara-sama, Nagato and his men have had contact with the three ninjas of Konoha, and from what they said, it seems they have met a young man."

White Zetsu replied respectfully.

"young people?"

"Yes, Jiraiya said that the other party is quite capable, and he would feel relieved to let Nagato and the others be taught by him."

"So, it was that young man who took Nagato away?"

"This should be"

"So what's his name?"

"It's not clear yet. The three ninjas haven't revealed it yet."

"Keep investigating, the Rinnegan must not be lost, find this young man and Nagato and the others for me!"


After White Zetsu left,

Uchiha Madara also closed his eyes, but his mood was still not calm.

There was no way.

The Samsara Eye was too important to him.

It was not only related to his future resurrection plan, but the key was that it was also very disadvantageous to him at the moment.

Because Uchiha Madara still needed to rely on the Outer Path Demon Statue to deliver energy to maintain his vitality.

If someone were to use the Samsara Eye to summon the Outer Path Demon Statue away, he would also lose his vitality and would not live long.

You know, he hasn't arranged the executor of the plan yet, and he couldn't be willing to die now.

Therefore, it was necessary to find Nagato back and ensure that the Samsara Eye would not fall into the hands of others.

No one could change Uchiha Madara's will.

Of course.

Then again.

Uchiha Madara was not so anxious that he was scratching his heart and liver.

The main reason was that in his cognition, the Samsara Eye was not a power that anyone could control.

Ordinary people would just replace this pair of eyes. If their own foundation was not enough, they could not bear the burden and consumption of the Samsara Eye. , not to mention its ability.

In view of this.

So Uchiha Madara was not so anxious and angry, and he could still keep calm.

What a pity.

He didn't know.

There are a group of people in this world (Qian Haohao) who cannot be calculated according to common sense.

That is the time traveler with cheats.


Ningci didn't want to kill Uchiha Madara now.

He had to meet him first. If he didn't let him say a word and let him die, wouldn't it show that he was too unsportsmanlike.

Although Ningci didn't care about that kind of thing.

But as a man with a pattern He still wanted to have a chat with Uchiha Madara.

Anyway, Madara, who had lost his Samsara Eye, couldn't make much waves, so why let him die so miserably.

Boom!! Bitter!

In the violent explosion.

The entire Takigakure Village was engulfed in a sea of fire.

And the Seven-Tails Jinchuriki of their village was also caught by Neji, beaten half to death, and had no ability to resist.

It was that simple. For Neji now, attacking a small ninja village is really like playing, and he can do it casually.

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