"Young man, what is your purpose in coming to us?"

""Hand over the Two-Tails and the Eight-Tails."

Neji said without any expression.

It was for the tailed beasts.

Unfortunately, the Third Raikage would never agree to such a thing.

Although the current Eight-Tails Jinchūriki is not Killer Bee, but the fourth Ai's cousin, Brubi.

But the Third Raikage does not do things according to the person.

No matter who the Jinchūriki is, it is impossible for him to hand over his companions in his village in exchange for peace.

"Boy, I can't agree to this. If you know what's good for you, leave now. Otherwise, I'll let you know what the wrath of the Raikage is!"

Even though he was a little afraid of Neji's strength, the Third Raikage would not weaken his momentum. His words were even more sonorous and powerful, piercing through the clouds and splitting the rocks.

"Oh, I knew that talking was unreliable. After all, people are mean. Unless their bones are broken and their pain points are poked, they will never recognize the reality."

He shook his head.

Neji continued,"Okay, let's not waste time. Show us what you can do. After I beat you, I have to go somewhere else. I'm really busy."

After saying this, even the ordinary ninjas in the Hidden Cloud Village were very angry.

Not to mention the Raikage and his son.

Especially the Fourth Generation Ai, who had a hot temper and was not as stable as the Third Generation Raikage. At this time, his veins bulged and his fists were clenched.

Then, without waiting for the Third Generation Raikage to say anything, he shouted, kicked the ground hard, jumped up dozens of meters high, and hit Neji at a very fast speed.


The Third Raikage had just started to speak.

There was a dull thud, and the Fourth Raikage was hit back, smashing to the ground at a faster speed than when he went there.

Fortunately, there was the Third Raikage.

As a father, he would definitely not stand idly by and let his son suffer.


A flash of lightning flashed by, and the Third Raikage, who had activated the Lightning Chakra mode, came in front of the Fourth Raikage at the speed of teleportation.

He reached out and caught him.

But then, the Third Raikage frowned.


I saw.

Although the Third Raikage caught his son, the place where he was standing collapsed directly to a depth of several meters.

And this was the result of the Third Raikage unloading most of the force.

Otherwise, it would not be a large piece of the ground that collapsed, but he would have to drill into the soil and even people could not be seen.

From this, we can know that the Fourth Raikage has endured multiple attacks. It is absolutely a huge mountain of pressure, and it cannot be underestimated.


"You stand aside and help me hold the line!"

Without giving the Fourth Ai a chance to refuse, the Third Raikage threw him a hundred meters away.

The purpose was obvious.

It was nothing more than protecting the Fourth Ai.

Because the Fourth Ai rushed forward just now, but was beaten back after just a fight. It was obviously not Neji's opponent.

The Third Raikage didn't want his son to lose too badly, so he also lowered his own momentum.

"The young man is indeed quite capable, no wonder he dares to cause trouble everywhere and catch the tailed beasts. But I am not one of those softies, be careful or your teeth will break."

"Haha, what the Third Raikage means is that you are stronger than Ōnoki?"

"Humph, we can only know whether you are strong or not after a fight. It depends on whether you dare to attack me."

"It's a clumsy way of provoking you, but..."

Ningji laughed and descended from the sky. He landed on the ground and continued,"I'm really interested in your Ipponkan-te, so I'll play with you first."

"You are so arrogant! Watch out!"

The Third Raikage was waiting for this moment.

So when he saw Neci descending to the ground, he attacked without any hesitation.

And the first move was a killing move.

With the sound of electricity, in less than a second, the Third Raikage crossed a distance of hundreds of meters and came in front of Neci.

Then he raised his right hand, four fingers formed a knife, and stabbed Neci in the face.

""Hell Thrust, Four-Handed Kick!"

Even though it's not the strongest one, this move of the Third Raikage can't be underestimated. It's powerful enough to split mountains and rocks, and even collapse a small hill.

The most important thing is the penetrating power.

Even a body of steel can't stop it.

But it's just thunder and lightning, who's afraid of who?

Neji also raised one hand, condensed Chidori lightning, and then went hard towards the Third Raikage's Four-Handed Kick.


With a loud bang, the ground around the two of them was blown away.

Circles of shock waves spread out, and the power was too amazing.

0 ······Request flowers· ·········


The Third Raikage put away one finger and increased the power of his fingertips again.

Neji still used Chidori, but increased the power.


There was another loud noise.

The ground was scraped away three layers again, turning the place where the two stood into a circular pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters.

"Good boy, if you can take this move from me, I will give you the tailed beast!"

Lightning flashed in the eyes of the Third Raikage, which was a sign that he had increased his strength to the limit.

Then, he put away two fingers, but gave up the two-handed weapon and directly used his one-handed weapon, which was the strongest spear.

But what he said was

........ 0

You know, the Ipponkan-te is the strongest move of the Third Raikage.

If Neji took it, it would prove that Neji is stronger than him.

Of course, he can do whatever he wants.

He wants the tailed beast.

Do you think the Hidden Cloud Village dares not give it to him?

The Kage of the whole village has been defeated, and the rest are just a bunch of good-for-nothings. What use are they? So, the words of the Third Raikage sound quite impressive, but they cannot stand any scrutiny. They are just a bunch of nonsense.

"Old man, put away your little thoughts. If you lose to me, it will not only be a matter of the tailed beasts, but you, the Hidden Cloud Village, will have to pay a greater price."

"Oh? It seems I really can't lose!"

While speaking, the Third Raikage was surrounded by lightning and thunder, and he also burst out with even stronger power.

"Come on, kid, let me see if your skills are as powerful as your mouth!"


The speed was even faster.

It was just like lightning.

In the blink of an eye, the Third Raikage was already in front of Neji, and the finger he raised was like the eternal spear of Odin.

Breaking through all obstacles, he stabbed fiercely.

In fact, it was very simple for Neji to avoid this kind of attack.

Just enter the hollow state.

Don't look at Tsuchi's brain. He is simple and nervous.

But his pupil technique is really useful. Just hide in another space and everything will be fine. There is no attack that can break the space, and it is impossible to hurt him.

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