What Kakashi?

Forget about the kind that cheats.

Anyway, Neji will not be like Obito, sucking people into his own space randomly and exposing his only weakness to others.

Another thing.

Neji is different from Obito.

The other party is purely relying on the eye technique nurtured by the Sharingan to show off his power. It cannot be said that he has not studied space-time ninjutsu at all, but in fact, it is almost the same.

To put it bluntly.

There is no innovation, and he has been relying on his old capital.

But Neji is different.

Character is the most fundamental. He likes to study and tinker with various things. He never stops and dares to innovate. This is what makes him different from others.

Speaking of space-time ninjutsu, after reading so much information and with super comprehension, Neji has also made a way in this regard and has gone very far.

It is not something that ordinary people can achieve.

After all, even the space used by"Zero Nine Zero" to transform into a hollow god was opened up by Neji himself. Need I say more about other things?

He is at a much higher level than Obito.

Obito only has one alternate dimension.

But Neji can develop as many as he wants.

So, he can absorb people into these alternate dimensions at will, and he is not afraid that these people can find his true body.

The same is true for attacking.

Although Neji did not enter the hollow state, he used the Kamui pupil technique to divert the attack of the Third Raikage.

The opponent poked a finger down.

It did not poke Neji's body.

Instead, it poked into the Kamui vortex, and the powerful force of the hand was hit into the alternate dimension without people.

There was a loud bang.

The ground in the alternate dimension cracked, and the whole mountain was destroyed by this finger.

But in the outside world.

It was calm and there was no movement.


It is not polite to not return the favor.

A ball of purple lightning also appeared in Neji's hand.

This is Chidori Raikiri condensed by Storm Release, and its power is far greater than that of ordinary Raikiri.

As for Storm Release.

Yes, it was also developed by Neji himself.

Because it is a blood limit of escape technique, and there is the sample of Obiruko.

Therefore, it was not difficult for Neji to develop this bloodline, and he did it very easily.

Taking advantage of the moment when the Third Raikage paused in surprise because of the failure of the Ippon Kanju, Neji also struck down with the purple lightning in his hand, boom!!!

With a loud bang, the Third Raikage was also knocked away hundreds of meters, rolling all the way, and plowed a deep ditch on the ground.

However, this result still did not satisfy Neji.

Because in his expectation, he wanted to pierce the Third Raikage through and through.

It was just that the opponent's body was too strong, and the lightning armor defense offset a lot of the damage of the purple lightning cut.

So he was knocked away instead of being penetrated.

This can only be said.

He is worthy of being a man with the strongest spear and the strongest armor. It is indeed different from ordinary shadow-level characters and much more powerful.

Looking at the Third Raikage standing up again.

There was no extra external injury on his body, but there was a cut on his chest, and bleeding was coming out.

Neji was also a little impressed.

Little did they know that compared to Neci, the Third Raikage was the most surprised one. It would have been fine if the hand in front of him was caught and no damage was caused.

The key point was that his lightning armor, which was known as the strongest shield, could not block Neci's attack. It was broken in one go, causing him to be injured.

This was a result that the Third Raikage never expected.

Of course.

In order to protect his ninja village and companions, he could not retreat, and could only continue to fight.

At the same time, he gestured to the Fourth Raikage, asking them to leave quickly.

The Third Raikage said,"Young man, your strength is indeed very strong, but if you think you can defeat me with this, you are very wrong."


Ningji smiled noncommittally.

He didn't even say hello.

In the blink of an eye, Neji appeared behind the Third Raikage and used another Storm Release Raikiri.

He admired the Third Raikage. He just admired his perseverance.

As an ordinary person, he could actually train his physical fitness to this level, comparable to a small tailed beast.

It can be seen how much effort and hard work he put in.

But this does not mean that Neji will show mercy and not kill people.

With a bang!

The Third Raikage was knocked out again, bleeding profusely from his back, and a large wound appeared.

His Lightning Release Armor still failed to completely defend against Neji's attack.......


The fourth generation Ai who was watching the game was also very anxious. If someone hadn't pulled him back, he would have gone on the field to support.

"Lord Ai, don't be impulsive!"


He shook off several ninjas around him.

The fourth generation Ai didn't really lose his mind. He rushed to the battlefield, thought for a while and said:"Call Brubbi and Okai over here. It's time to let them help!"

"grown ups......"

"Go quickly!"


There was no other way.

The ninja could only obey the order and leave.

The Bruebi and Okai mentioned by the Fourth Generation Ai were the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki and Two-Tails Jinchuriki of this generation.

But compared to Killer Bee and Yukito.

The Jinchuriki of this generation are not easy to control.

From time to time they will fall into a state of madness and attack their own people.

Therefore, these ninjas in the Hidden Cloud Village are unwilling to contact the Jinchuriki, nor are they willing to fight alongside them. The resistance is still quite strong.

But the Fourth Generation Ai can't care so much.

If we can't concentrate all our strength to defeat the enemy Neji at one time.

When the Third Generation Raikage is defeated, their Hidden Cloud Village will also usher in a huge change. I don't know what the result will be.

That's what the Fourth Generation Ai doesn't want to see anyway.

Therefore, running away and retreating are both undesirable. The only chance to turn the tide of the battle is to pull all the Jinchuriki over.

Concentrate all the forces of the Hidden Cloud Village. With the cutting-edge combat power of 2.6, they can fight against the enemy Neci together, and maybe they can turn defeat into victory.

The Fourth-generation Ai is still confident.

He does not think that Neci is strong enough to make them despair.

Because Neci is too young.

He looks like he is not even twenty years old.

People of this age, even if they have been practicing since their mother's womb, how much can they grow in just a dozen years?

At most, he is a little stronger than the Third-generation Raikage, at most.

This is the conclusion that the Fourth-generation Ai came to after the Third-generation Raikage was injured. Otherwise, he would not think that Neci could be better than his father.


With the above understanding.

That's why the Fourth-generation Ai feels that as long as he and the two Chuuriki help, they can eliminate the enemy Neci in one fell swoop.

Not to mention 100% certainty, 70% to 80% is still indispensable.

Added by: TONY2k5

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