Just when the fourth generation Ai thought more and more reliable, and couldn't help but rush to the field to help.

The battle between the third generation Raikage and Neji also entered a white-hot stage.

Don't say it.

The third generation Raikage is indeed a very comprehensive strong man.

Although he is not very good at using ninjutsu and illusion, his ninjutsu is unique, enough to make up for his shortcomings.

Attack has the strongest spear.

Defense has the strongest shield.

In addition, the speed is super fast, like lightning.

It is both tanky and piercing, absolutely powerful, and can kill ordinary ninjas like killing chickens. But. It's a pity that he met Neji.

As a time traveler who can cheat, Neji's trump cards are really countless, too many, and he can abuse the third generation Raikage with just two of them.


Even the pupil technique of the White Sharingan and Susanoo were not used.

Just relying on his strong physique and strange punch, Neji can fight against the third generation Raikage head-on and gain the upper hand.


Another punch went down.

The Third Raikage was directly beaten to the ground, and he couldn't get up for a while.

The defense of the Lightning Release Armor is strong.

But it can't defend against the Eight Characters of the Soft Fist created by Neji.

Chonghe Zhuanbeng Zhenli Pojie.

After a set of small combos, even the Third Raikage with a strong body would be beaten to vomit blood, and he was seriously injured.

"Stop it!!"

Just when Neji was about to throw two more punches, the Fourth Hokage Ai rushed over, followed by two Chuuriki.

"Damn kid, give me your life!"

Seeing his father being beaten so badly, spitting blood and staining his chest red, the fourth generation Ai was completely furious. With a sizzle, the lightning chakra mode was activated.

With surging anger, he kicked down with great force in an instant.

""Yi Lei Shen Nu Lei Axe!!"

With a loud rumble, the ground within a radius of dozens of meters collapsed with the foot of the Fourth Generation Ai as the center, which shows how powerful his move is.

But it's useless if he can't hit anyone.

Compared with the speed of the Third Generation Raikage, the Fourth Generation Ai is still a bit behind.

Neji can even dodge the attack of the Third Generation Raikage, not even a bit slower than the opponent, let alone the Fourth Generation Ai.

It didn't take much effort.

Neji dodged the kick of the Fourth Generation Ai, came to his side, and then kicked him.


Brupi, who had transformed into a tailed beast, rushed over to help and blocked the kick for the Fourth Generation Ai.

Although he was also kicked away, he did not hurt the Fourth Generation Ai.

Then, the Second Tail Jinchuriki Okai also rushed over and slapped Neji with one claw.

"" Looking for death!"

A toad lying on the foot, it's annoying even if it doesn't bite people.

A mere two-tailed Jinchūriki, a half-finished product, who can't control the power of the tailed beast, actually dared to attack him.

If this is not looking for death, what is it? The key is that this is not a wooden man, but a man.

If you want Neji to treat him differently, that is definitely a daydream.

A purple big hand appeared and directly pressed over.


The weak two-tailed Jinchūriki, like a cannonball that was shot away, flew straight over a distance of hundreds of meters and smashed into the mud.

The uneven ground was hit again and a big hole was created.

But this is not over yet.

The two-tailed Jinchūriki was knocked away, and the fourth-generation Ai rushed up again.

When the fourth-generation Ai was knocked away, the eight-tailed Jinchūriki Brubi rushed up again.

Then even the third-generation Raikage joined the battle and fought against Neci together with the fourth-generation Ai and others.

Not only was each move more ruthless than the last.

And four against one, absolutely no martial ethics.

"You want to play a group fight, right? If that's the case, then no one should blame anyone else."

As soon as he thought about it, a dozen pieces of wood appeared on Neji's body. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

That's right, this is the Wood Release Ninjutsu.

Although he hasn't merged with the clone of Senju Hashirama yet,

Neji has still developed the Wood Release with his own ability and understanding.

This is indeed not difficult for him.

The key point is that the core of Wood Release is Yang attribute chakra.[]

And Neji, who can plunder the vitality of others, causing his own vitality to explode, has also learned a lot of Yin-Yang escape from Kaguya.

In addition, he has the cells of Hashirama Senju and the clone of White Zetsu as a model. It is naturally easier to develop Wood Release, and it is not difficult.

Sixteen pieces of wood turned into sixteen Neji in a blink of an eye.

This also shocked the Third Raikage and his group.

"Wood Release Ninjutsu?"

"How is this possible!"

But no matter whether they believe it or not, these wood clones of Neji are real, without any water.

Then, under Neji's control, the sixteen clones were divided into four waves, besieging the three generations of Raikage and the other three.

Well, four clones per person.

Just like they besieged Neji just now, he is just recreating the original scene, which is fair and absolutely not cheating.

Bang bang bang bang!!!

The sound of fierce fighting rang out.

However, it was the three generations of Raikage and the other three who were beaten and beaten violently.

This is also normal.

Originally, when four were fighting one, they were the ones who were beaten away, not to mention that now it was sixteen against four.

Although Neji's clones are not as strong as his original body.

But his basic attributes are too high.

Physical fitness, vitality, chakra, dynamic vision, The reaction speeds are all more than a hundred times faster than those of ordinary people.

The foundation is too solid.

The clones will naturally become stronger and have excellent combat power.

To put it bluntly.

How can the clones of 320 ordinary Genin be the same as the clones of Kage-level strongmen.

It is the same now.

These clones of Neji are superior to ordinary Kage-level ninjas in all aspects, including strength, speed, and chakra.

Plus four against one.

It is unreasonable not to teach the Fourth Generation Ai and others a lesson.

The battlefield was divided into four places.

In each place, there were four wooden clones beating up a target.

Neci himself was idle.

But it didn't matter, it was a good time to take a break.

He found a stone to sit down, and he was not in a hurry to deal with the Third Generation Raikage and others. He just watched the show with interest.

"Heavy Flow......"

The fourth generation Ai roared, just thinking about showing off his power.

But the next second, a wooden clone's fist landed on his head.


The fourth generation Ai was stunned.

He fell heavily into the pit.

And this is not over yet.

At the same time, several other pairs of fists also swung over and smashed at the fourth generation Ai.

There was only a loud rumbling sound.

As the dust flew, it gradually spread.

The fourth generation Ai, who was trapped in the pit, had no idea how many fists and feet he had eaten in just a short while. If he continued to be beaten like this, he would not need to be processed again if he was used as dumpling filling..

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