Let's look at the other two sides.

The two-tailed Jinchuriki and the eight-tailed Jinchuriki were even worse off.

After several fights, they were almost torn apart by Neji's clones.

Only the third Raikage was in a slightly better situation.

Because he was fast enough and had stronger defense.

Even if it was Neji's clone, if he didn't use some moves, such as the Eight-Character Formula of Soft Fist, Storm Release Raikiri, and Five Elements Body-Breaking Sword Qi, it would be difficult to break the opponent's lightning armor with pure strength.

But that's all.

It's just difficult to kill, not impossible to kill.

Compared to others, it's just a little more trouble, so what.

A few minutes passed.

Just when several people were in danger and even the third Raikage was about to give up.

Suddenly, many ninjas emerged from all directions.

There were people from the Sand Village, the Iwagakure Village, and the Konoha.

The leaders of the Sand Village were the Chiyo siblings, and the newly appointed Fourth Kazekage, Rasa.

The leader of Iwagakure Village is Ohnoki's son Huangdi, his bodyguard Akagi, and other jonin masters.

Looking at Konoha, the lineup is even more luxurious.

In addition to the leader Sarutobi Hiruzen, there are also Kakashi's father, Hatake Sakumo.

Tsunade, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and a large group of bloodline families.

For example, Uchiha, Hyuga, Ino-Shikacho, Aburame, Inuzuka, etc.

In addition, there is a yellow-haired boy following behind these people.


It was a huge crowd of people, and none of them were weak. If an ordinary person encountered such a scene, even if they were not scared to death, they would probably lose all their fighting spirit and lose the desire to resist.

But that was for ordinary people, not Neji.

He was quite happy to see so many people coming, because it saved him a lot of effort. They had to fight anyway.

It would be more refreshing to solve the problem one by one than to have them come over and solve it all at once.

As for the fact that there were many people and there might be unexpected events,

Neji didn't worry about that.

It wasn't that he was blindly confident and thought that he was invincible and had no opponents.

Although it was true.

When the Six Paths strongmen didn't show up, he was invincible.

It was too simple to think that he could defeat him by relying on numbers.

But the most important thing was that if he couldn't beat them, Neji could still run away.

Sometimes, with space ninjutsu, who could stop him?

What was shameful?

Neji didn't think so.

Victory and defeat are common in the military. You are not Long Aotian. Who dares to say that you will never suffer any loss and win all your life?

You can survive to the end.

You can outlast all the enemies.

That is truly amazing.

It is normal to run away if you can't win. There is no need to feel ashamed.

Therefore, you can attack when you advance and run away when you retreat. There is no worry. You are invincible. What else can Ningci worry about?

""Ningji, what are you doing?"

Jiraiya came out and asked a little excitedly.

Compared to him who was not brainwashed,

Tsunade and Orochimaru, who had been deeply affected by Kotoamatsukami's eye technique and whose wills had been modified, were very calm.

"I'm just doing what I want to do. Please don't make such a fuss."

Ningji said with a slight smile

"You want to save the world, right? Is this how you save it?"

Jiraiya said he couldn't understand it at all.

"Yes, what's wrong with gathering the power of all the tailed beasts and using them to save the world?"


That's true.

But Jiraiya always felt something was wrong. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Humph, that sounds good, but it can't cover up the fact that you abused violence, and who knows what you want to do with the tailed beasts, whether it's for your own selfish interests!"

The current head of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Asaoka said.


Jiraiya understood this instantly.

Regardless of what Neji's purpose is, whether it is right or wrong, first of all, the method he adopted is problematic.[]

Too rough, too cruel

"How dare anybody teach me a lesson?"

Ningji turned his head and looked at Uchiha Asaoka.

At the moment their eyes met, his pupil power also extended over, instantly knocking Uchiha Asaoka away, knocking down several people with a bang.


"Don't look into his eyes!!"

Several Konoha ninjas came to the front in an instant and blocked Sarutobi Hiruzen and others.

These ninjas were quite loyal and had good reaction abilities, and could be called elites.

But it was a pity that the people following them were not very good.

Neji still looked down on Sarutobi Hiruzen and other old guys, because it was because of them that Konoha could not develop as it had for decades.

As I said before.

It's okay to be a little bit evil.

It's normal to eliminate dissidents, concentrate all efforts, and use some means.

But if a person is too incompetent and has no enterprising spirit, then there is really no hope.

Isn't that what Sarutobi Hiruzen is like? He may be good at playing politics and can suppress Danzo so that he can't turn over.

But in other aspects, has he made any good achievements?

Really nothing.

The ninja school was founded by Tobirama Senju.

After it fell into his hands, it became a brainwashing base to promote personal achievements.

Let alone teaching apprentices.

He also created a group of pornography, gambling and drugs.

Anime is anime.

It is completely different from reality.

When watching TV, you see Jiraiya peeping, Orochimaru killing people for experiments, and Tsunade is hopelessly addicted to gambling.

You just laugh and nothing happens.

But in reality, if there are such people around you, it would be very bad.

Let's talk about Jiraiya first.

With his strength, he can peek at whoever he wants.

I don't know how many girls and wives in Konoha have suffered from his evil hands.

Is this tolerable?

Anyway, Neji can't tolerate it (although he is fine).

If he hadn't been prepared and cast an anti-peeping ninjutsu on the girl next to him, the first person he would have killed after his debut might have been Jiraiya.

The second one would have been Sarutobi Hiruzen.


The apprentice is a peeping Tom, and the teacher is not much better, even worse.

He uses his telescope technique to scan Konoha all day long, and lingers in the women's bathhouse. He is simply disrespectful to his elders and unworthy of being a Hokage. It's too disgusting.

You know.

Even with the Byakuran and the ability to see through objects, Neji has never looked into the women's bathhouse a few times.

It's definitely not because he is embarrassed.

He just thinks it's unnecessary.

If you have the ability, go and soak it, chase it, and snatch it away by force.

What's the big deal about peeping.

It's obscene, shameless, and wretched.

Not only is it extremely despicable and not presentable, but the key is that it also loses grace and embarrasses the majority of male compatriots..

Added by: Asmodeus

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