It's okay once or twice.

It can be regarded as satisfying curiosity and cultivating sentiment.

It has been like this for decades.

He is a pure old pervert and will only be looked down upon.

Let's talk about Orochimaru.

Having such a person around will not make people feel safe.

As for Tsunade.

She is a gambler. Those who understand can understand.

Anyway, in terms of character and hobbies, the three ninjas are very criticized, not to mention Sarutobi Hiruzen who taught them.

This old guy is the most stupid.

Even in a parallel world, Neji will not let him go. He is not venting his anger for anyone.

He just doesn't like him and wants to mess with him.

"My little brother, you said you wanted to use the tailed beasts to save the world. Regardless of whether this is true or not, do you think you can be at peace with killing so many people for this?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen walked out and said

"Peace of mind, sir"


Faced with this sudden outburst of swearing, Sarutobi Hiruzen was completely at a loss.

Fortunately, he was also a man of many experiences and experiences, so he was only in a trance for a moment and then calmed down.

"Little brother......"

"Who the hell is your 067 little brother"

"young people......"

"I'm young, you look"

"......I mean, you should be from the Hyuga clan, right?"

"Who cares about your father? You are such a fool. You can't even teach your apprentice well. You'd better not embarrass yourself. I feel disgusted just by seeing you."


Damn it!

Faced with this conversation that was full of elders, even someone like Sarutobi Hiruzen who had seen a lot of big scenes was a little bit stunned. He was stunned.

The key is that there is no way to communicate at all. How to deal with this?

Not to mention Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Hearing their leader being scolded, the ninjas of Konoha were also excited and furious, and they all greeted Neji.

"Damn you little brat!"

"Didn’t your parents teach you to respect your elders?"

"You are such a little beast, speaking so viciously, why don’t you just die!"

"That's right, everyone, stop wasting time talking to him, just kill him and be done with it, so that we can have some peace of mind!"

"That's right, kill him!"

"Lord Hokage, please give the order. I can't wait any longer!"

""Be quiet!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen lowered his hand.

Then he looked at Neji and said solemnly:"Young man, no matter where you are from or what your purpose is, I advise you to hand over a few Kage and Jinchūriki as soon as possible, otherwise we will not let you leave."

"It doesn't matter, whatever you say."

Ningji responded nonchalantly.

He was not angry about the insults.

The point was that it was unnecessary.

Anyway, this battle was unavoidable, so when the fight started, he would hit harder and send those insulting guys to the west.


A dog barked at him.

Just beat him to death with a stick. It was not worth it to scold a dog, and it was too embarrassing, wasn't it?

""Young man, don't be so stubborn. No matter how strong you are, can one person defeat our coalition of tens of thousands of ninjas?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said again.

Looking at him, it seems that he really wants to persuade Neci through conversation and solve this matter without bloodshed. When people get older, they may become indecisive and like to talk too much.

But this can only be said that he thinks too much.

"Who knows if you don't try it."

Ningci smiled slightly.

"You!! You are so stubborn and hopeless!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said angrily. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Perhaps because he had been in class with children for too long, he got used to it. Sarutobi Hiruzen also took out his usual attitude of a patriarch. When he spoke to Neji, it was as if he was teaching a child from his own village.

"Heh, it seems that the Hokage has made a mistake. I am not your subordinate, and it is not your turn to teach me."

He waved his hand in disdain.

(cbdf) Ningci said calmly:"Okay, let's stop talking so much nonsense and wasting everyone's time. In order to make you give up, let's just do this."

"Now, I declare war on all five of you great nations at the same time. If you want to take the tailed beast back, then come and defeat me."


"How dare he!"

"Crazy, really crazy!"

Hearing Ningci's words[]

The ninjas from the major countries were all shocked and started to complain.

The key point is that this is a challenge to five major countries by one person.

They have not experienced the three or four wars, so they can't understand such a thing, let alone think that someone can do such a thing. It

's simply throwing their lives away.

But Neji doesn't care about that.

He is not imitating Uchiha Madara. He just thinks it's a waste of saliva to talk more, it's endless, it's better to just declare war directly.

""Young man, are you serious?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked loudly.

People from other ninja villages, including the Sand Village led by Chiyo and his brother, the Rock Village led by Ōnoki's son, and the Cloud Village led by several jonin, all gathered around and stared at Neji.

The answer was Neji's chuckle and active attack.

""Eighty Gods Air Strike!"

He slapped out with his palm.

Dozens of huge chakra fists emerged and soon fell into the crowd.

Boom boom boom~~~

There were continuous loud noises.

The ground was shaking, and countless ninjas were blown away or killed.

After all, the Eighty Gods Air Attack was a move that could easily break even Susanoo, let alone use it against these ninjas. It was absolutely like a cannon hitting a mosquito.

No one could catch it.

""Get out of the way!"

After reminding everyone, Sarutobi Hiruzen also flew to avoid the chakra fist.

There was a loud bang.

A big hole was punched on the ground again, and gravel and dust flew everywhere, making many people look dusty.

"Sir, this won’t work. What should we do?"


Under the order of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the ninjas of Konoha also took action.

Other ninja villages were similar. Under the leadership of their respective leaders, they dodged the attacks while surrounding and counterattacking Neji.

A great battle began.

Neji did not use his ultimate move right away, but first moved his body.

He raised his hand to knock a ninja away, and inserted the kunai he had taken into the neck of another ninja.

He swung his foot and kicked another ninja away.

He turned it into a rolling gourd and knocked down several companions.

Among the thousands of ninjas,

Neji was like a man in a deserted place, and he performed a wonderful show.

Every punch and kick could knock more than one person away, making them lose their fighting power.

""Soft fist, break!"


A loud noise was heard.

A large area was cleared.

Dozens of ninjas flew into the air, some with missing arms and legs, and some died.

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