

"my leg......"

The wailing and screaming were endless, one after another.

Neji did not move, just waiting for the ninjas from all directions to rush up, and then knock them down one by one and kill them.


The corpses accumulated under his feet are getting more and more, almost piling up into a small mountain.


A golden light flashed, trying to attack Neci from behind.

But with a 360-degree field of vision, no matter where the enemy comes from, it is actually the same for Neci.

Grabbing the opponent's wrist.

Neci also saw who was attacking him.

Golden hair, handsome face.

And those coquettish sideburns, confident eyes, it was Naruto's father who has not grown up yet, Minato Namikaze.

Now he is only thirteen or fourteen years old, the same as Uzumaki Kushina.

But you have to say.

This Minato Namikaze is really talented.

Even if he hasn't learned the Flying Thunder God Technique, his speed is not slow, much faster than most Chunin, even faster than...���Some senior ninjas.

But that's the extent. It

's not enough for Neji.

With a flick of his hand,

Neji threw Minato Namikaze into the air, and then added a chakra energy ball.

This chakra energy ball is the most proficient move of the Hamura lineage on the moon, and the puppets they made can also use it.

The advantages are fast firing speed and continuous firing, plus the power is not small, and it can be adjusted according to needs.

So Neji still likes it very much.


As a 90s generation.

Growing up watching Dragon Ball.

Which boy doesn't have a dream of firing energy cannons and Kamehameha waves.

This feeling, but Rasengan and Raikiri can't give.

There was a loud bang.

Without even looking at the result in the sky, whether Minato Namikaze was blown to death, Neji went to deal with the attacks of others.

Sand Ninja, Rock Ninja, Cloud Ninja, Konoha.

People from the four major ninja villages all rushed up and attacked Neji desperately.

But these ordinary ninjas, no matter how many there are, can't pose any threat to Neji.

Once the Tai Chi force field was activated, people around him couldn't get close to him.

The more fierce the attack, the greater the force that would be rebounded.

Coupled with the soft fist,

Neji's close combat ability was invincible.

There were constant bangs, and the ninjas he knocked out were either injured or dead. No one was his opponent.


Suddenly, a white streak attacked Neji.

This was the sword light emitted by Kakashi's father, Hatake Sakumo, known as the White Fang.

This sword light was magnificent and powerful, and he was indeed quite capable.

Neji also took it a little more seriously, not as casually as he treated other ninjas.

It's not that Hatake Sakumo was so strong that he had to treat him with caution.

But when facing an interesting opponent, he could also give him some respect.

He used the self-created Divine Machine Hundred Refining Technique to absorb some minerals from the soil on his hands.

There was a flash of light.

Ningci had a long sword shining with cold light in his hand, and he swung it upwards.


With a loud bang, the sword light from Hatake Sakumo was also caught by Ningci.

After that, before Hatake Sakumo could attack again, Ningci took the initiative to attack, and killed more than a dozen ninjas from various villages on the way.




Limbs flew everywhere, blood splattered. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

With Neji as the center, it was like a meat grinder, constantly devouring the lives of these ninjas.

But under the orders of the village leaders.

These ninjas could not retreat, and could only keep rushing forward, and then fell to the ground, becoming one of those corpses.

But this is war.

No matter if the enemy is one or a group of[]

Once you join this kind of game, don't even think about getting out of it unscathed.

It's the same with the five major ninja villages.

They often fight each other.

From small-scale battles to the world battlefield, all the manpower and material resources are exhausted, and there are too many deaths.

Neji has only killed a few people.

It's not even one thousandth of what they killed themselves.

So, you can't blame others for this kind of thing. You can only blame themselves for not being able to see the situation clearly and liking to play this kind of killing game.


With one sword, he chopped off a few more heads.

Hatake Sakumo rushed over to stop him, but he couldn't keep up with Neji's speed.

After just a few rounds of fighting, he was forced back again.

Asking for flowers

""Little thief, don't be so arrogant!"

Granny Chiyo rushed up with her puppet, showing a posture of fighting with Neji.

But just when everyone thought so, she turned halfway and rushed towards Hatake Sakumo with her puppet.

""Chiyo, what are you doing?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was standing in the outer circle and had not participated in the battle, was also anxious.

But the answer he got was a cold snort from Chiyo, and then nothing more.

It was obvious that Chiyo didn't want to pay attention to him.

"Stop her!"

There was no other way, Sarutobi Hiruzen could only send people to stop Chiyo.

After all, it was more important to deal with Neji, the enemy, and to get the tailed beast back. He would not allow Chiyo to ruin this matter.


, the development of things still did not allow Sarutobi Hiruzen to get what he wanted.

Because the ninja he sent to stop Chiyo was stopped by Chiyo's brother Ebizo.

"Ebizo, what on earth are you going to do in the Sand Village? Do you want to betray our agreement?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked loudly.

When the Third Kazekage and the Third Tsuchikage were captured, the Kirigakure did not participate, and the Third Raikage and his son were in a tough battle. They were chased and beaten by those wood clones of Neji and had no time to take care of other things.

On this battlefield, it was obvious that Konoha was the only one in power, and they could only listen to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

And now.

The Chiyo siblings did not deal with Neji, but instead chased and killed Hatake Sakumo, which was definitely a slap in Sarutobi Hiruzen's face.

They did not take him, the newly appointed commander of the coalition forces, seriously.

However, the Sand Village has stabbed Konoha in the back more than once or twice.

Regardless of whether the people of Konoha are used to it or not, at least the Sand Village itself does not care, and has no psychological burden.

"Old Sarutobi, you don't think that the feud between our two families is over, do you?"

While blocking the attack of the Konoha ninja, Ebizo said

"That is......"

"Stop talking nonsense. Hatake Sakumo killed my nephew and his wife. Unless you let him commit suicide to pay for his crime, don't even think of asking us for help!"

"It 's unreasonable!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen threw his hands in anger.

Because no matter whether Ebizo's request was reasonable or not, he couldn't cut off his own hands and feet at this time and kill Hatake Sakumo and...

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