"Ebizo, don't forget that your Kazekage has also been captured, and we don't know whether he is dead or alive!"

"So what?"

Ebizō continued in a nonchalant tone:"Even if we want revenge, we will not cooperate with the enemy. If you want to convince me with this reason, you'd better give up this idea."

Because they are still in their middle age, in their forties.

It is the time when they are still ambitious, energetic and tempered.

So whether it is the Ebizō siblings or Sarutobi Hiruzen, they are not too weak to give the opponent a way out.

"Ebizo, you must think carefully. If you continue to be an enemy of Konoha, you will undoubtedly be courting your own death!"

"Haha, that does sound scary, but unfortunately you’ve chosen the wrong target. We in the Sand Village won’t fall for it!"

"Well, you asked for it!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was also very angry.

He issued the order"Two-One-Seven" on the spot:"Konoha ninjas listen up, anyone who obstructs the war, no matter who they are, will be killed without mercy, and the Sand Village is no exception!"


Thousands of Konoha ninjas received the order.

Then they launched a more fierce attack on Neji.

On the way, they did not show mercy to any Sand Village ninjas who obstructed them. They had hatred in the first place. They just barely maintained peace in the name of the coalition.

But now with Sarutobi Hiruzen's order, what else would the ninjas below care about? They would definitely fight to the death. On the other hand, the situation in the Sand Village was not much different.

Because they hated Konoha in the first place, and now they were targeted, they would definitely not sit still and wait for death, they would fight back.



The people of Konoha and Sand Village started fighting, which also caused a lot of chaos.

What was going on? The people of Rock Village and Cloud Village were dumbfounded.

"Third Hokage, what are you doing? Don't you know which is lighter and which is heavier?"

Ohnoki's son, Huang Tu, felt it was ridiculous and said

"I have my own sense of propriety"

"What sense of propriety?"

The jonin from the Hidden Cloud Village mocked,"At a time like this, you are still losing your composure and fighting each other. The Third Hokage is really competent as the leader of the coalition forces!"


Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent.

He was a little confused as to why he was so impulsive. He knew he couldn't do that, but he couldn't stand Ebizo's provocation.

He ordered an attack on the Sand Village after just a few words.

Could it be that...


Sarutobi Hiruzen broke out in a cold sweat.

He quickly raised his hands to form a seal, disrupting the flow of chakra in his body.


He opened his eyes again.

The situation in front of him had not changed.

The people were still the same people, and the battlefield was still the same battlefield.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a little more relaxed, no longer so heavy and depressed, and he no longer wanted to destroy something, or even kill someone.

"What a powerful illusion!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was still frightened, couldn't help but look at Neji in the crowd.

At this moment,

Neji turned around and smiled at him.

Avoiding Neji's sight,

Sarutobi Hiruzen called Hyuga Sosuke to his side.

"Chief Hyuga, are the people in your clan also proficient in illusion techniques?"

"Lord Hokage, you are worrying too much. We are not good at this."

Hinata Sosuke said calmly.

"Then use your white eyes to look around you, how many people have been trapped by the illusion?"


It was his responsibility, so Hyuga Sosuke didn't refuse.

After opening his Byakugan, he scanned the surrounding ninjas, and what he saw also surprised him.

"How is it?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked

"Seven out of ten"

"There are so many?"

"Yeah." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Hinata Sosuke nodded.

Because that was the fact. In his observation, the chakra flow of seven or eight people out of ten was not normal.

"Shikaku, is there a solution?"

Although Nara Shikaku is only fifteen years old, he was promoted to the Hokage's staff because of his outstanding IQ.

"A bit difficult"[]

Nara Shikaku explained:"The range of this illusion is too large, and it not only affects our people in Konoha, it is not so easy to completely remove it."

"Then do your best and remove as many as you can!"


"Chiyo and his brother are so impulsive, chasing after White Fang at this critical moment, are they also affected by the illusion?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought of this question.

"This is probably the case."

Nara Shikaku looked around and said,"Third-generation sir, if I am not mistaken, this illusion can affect and amplify people's emotions, such as hatred and fear. These things may seem insignificant, but in fact they can still influence the situation of the battle...."

"What a meticulous mind!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't expect that.

While dealing with so many people, Neci still had time to perform such an illusion without anyone noticing.

He couldn't help but sigh. If only Neci was a ninja from Konoha, he could use him.

Unfortunately, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know.

He had such an opportunity in another world, but he just didn't grasp it, and it was impossible for him to grasp it.

After all, Neci was a time traveler.

It would be too difficult to make him submit to these natives.

Just when the Konoha group was discussing how to break this illusion and deal with Neci.

Neci had also finished exercising and was ready to do something serious.

"Wood Release, the world of trees is born!"

He clapped his hands and shouted.

With the conversion of a large amount of Yang attribute chakra, countless huge trees emerged from the ground with Neji as the center. They soon occupied an area of several kilometers and spread to the outside.���

During this process, countless ninjas were entangled by trees and had no chance to escape.




The screams continued, forming a large area.

Seeing this,

Sarutobi Hiruzen and others who had not yet come up with a 3.5 strategy were also shocked, and somewhat helpless.

After all, this was a wood escape ninjutsu.

Let's not talk about how Neji could use it, ordinary ninjutsu could not deal with it.

"Jiraiya, didn't you say he was from the Hyuga clan? Even if he came from the future, how could he use Wood Release Ninjutsu?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't understand.


Jiraiya was also very confused and couldn't explain it at all.

As for Tsunade and Orochimaru, they had already been modified by Neji, so they were even more silent at this time, and had no intention of explaining to Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others.

"Never mind."

"Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Tsunade"

"You three should go up and help. If we don't take action, I'm afraid our front line will be broken by this guy."



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