In addition,

Minato Namikaze has not grown up.

Kakashi and Might Guy are only four or five years old.

There is no 50-50 chance of cheating, and no Eight Gates Ninjutsu that can kick out the finale.

In addition, there are no reincarnations of Indra and Ashura, and the Third Kazekage and the Third Tsuchikage were both captured by Neji.

The Third Raikage and his son were also injured, and are currently being chased and beaten by his Wood Release clones, and they are only a matter of time before being captured.

Only Sarutobi Hiruzen is left to preside over the overall situation and command the not-so-united coalition.

Under such circumstances, how can they turn the tables?

There is no chance at all.



Seeing the coalition forces on the opposite side surrounding them again without knowing whether to live or die,

Neji waved his hand and asked his brothers to go out.

Soon, the melee started again, and the scale was even larger.

The coalition forces of the four major ninja villages had about 30,000 ninjas.

And Neji's team, even with the clone army, only had a few hundred people.

But the situation was one-sided.

The coalition forces of 30,000 ninjas were suppressed by Neji's people, and a large number of them died, and they had almost no ability to fight back.

The people of the Hidden Cloud Village still wanted to rescue the Third Raikage and his son.

They rushed over one after another.

But that level of battle was not something that ordinary ninjas could intervene in.

It would be in vain to go, and more people would die.

"Don't disperse, only by uniting together can we exert a stronger force!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was busy commanding and had no time to participate in the battle.

Because it was different from the fourth war more than 20 years later.

The current ninja coalition was just a temporary team. It had not been deployed and trained, and lacked tacit understanding.

And it was extremely disunited.

You know.

A few days ago, these people were still fighting each other, and they were going to fight to the death.

The hatred between each other was also huge.

In the blink of an eye, they were asked to become companions and have to turn their backs to each other. How could that be possible?

There was no trust and no unity.

It was completely fighting each other, a mess.

Except for Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen could hardly command people from other villages.

Under such circumstances.

In addition to the lack of cutting-edge combat power, it could not effectively contain and threaten Neji. How could they win this battle?

And this was the fact.

As time went on. More and more people on their side fell.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was discouraged and helpless.

"Shikaku, do you have any other ideas?"

The defeat was obvious, and Sarutobi Hiruzen had to try his best to save the situation.

"My Lord, the only solution now is to fight a war of attrition."

"How do you say it?"

Looking at the battlefield in front of him, the young Nara Shikaku thought for a moment and said,"In terms of numbers, we still have the advantage now, so as long as we are not afraid of sacrifice and keep rushing forward, I believe we can always use up their chakra and win this victory."

"you mean......"


Nara Shikaku nodded, confirming Sarutobi Hiruzen's idea.

That's right.

He meant to sacrifice human lives and wear down the opponent bit by bit.

Although it was a bit ruthless.

But this is a war.

It's a matter of life and death, and there is no room for mercy.

After all, if they lose

, it's hard to say what the fate of these people will be, maybe even worse, so why would they have the time to think about so much.

"I understand."

Sarutobi Hiruzen also thought about the consequences and didn't want to lose too badly.

So even though he had some inexplicable emotions, he could only suppress them for the time being and solve the problem at hand first.

"All right, let's do as Shikaku says." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He patted Nara Shikaku's shoulder to show his approval.

Then Sarutobi Hiruzen turned around and gave an order:"All members listen to my orders, now move closer to me, and form teams of 100 people, and carry out a round-robin combat mode, and use ninjutsu to attack together."


The people of Konoha were still very obedient.

After receiving the order, they all gathered in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen and formed a new attack team.[]

With a scale of hundreds of people, they launched a new round of siege on Neji again.

They used fire style and lightning style, or other ninjutsu together.

Anyway, it was round after round, over and over again, not giving Neji's people any room to rest.

Not to mention.

Let the Konoha people do this.

The Red Sand Scorpion and others were beaten up. Not to mention that they were in a stalemate, but they were not advancing as fast and easy as before.

But if they want to win this battle with this tactic, then it can only be said that Sarutobi Hiruzen and others are thinking too much.

Two aspects.

First, the people under Neji are all real immortals.

What is immortal?

It is just the literal meaning, they can't be killed.

Because Neji fused the latest generation of chakra seeds to the Red Sand Scorpion.

It has been mentioned before.

The meat ball cultivated with Neji's gene cells can be compatible with any alien genes and energy.

It can allow ordinary people to have the power of ninjas, so it is called chakra seeds.

In view of this ability.

Neji also developed this meat ball.

For example, life energy and resurrection ninjutsu developed from the Peacock Magic Method were all added to this meat ball.

In this way, anyone who has integrated this meat ball, as long as they are not completely destroyed, will have their chakra seeds in their bodies destroyed. Those who are missing arms and legs, or whose heads have been chopped off, can be restored with the help of the resurrection techniques and life energy in the chakra seeds.

They can come back to life after death.

This ability is undoubtedly very powerful and shameless.

After all, it means a lot more lives. It is equivalent to everyone being like Danzo in the later period, fighting with a bunch of resurrection coins. What can the opponent do about this?

(I don't understand it.

I can't crack this ninjutsu.

Then there is really no way to deal with it. It's useless to fight a war of attrition.

Let's talk about the second aspect.

It's Neji himself.

Because a war of attrition is useless to him.

Let's not talk about how much chakra he has. After fighting for so long, the chakra consumed is just a drop in the bucket.

It's not as fast as his own recovery.

In addition,

Neji can replenish his energy anytime and anywhere.

To this day, Neji has developed the Six Vaults Immortal Thief Technique quite well.

What is the Six Vaults Immortal Thief?

It is the ultimate in body training.

The six vaults are the six internal organs among the five internal organs and six internal organs.

Based on the six organs that can absorb energy, namely the stomach, gallbladder, large intestine, small intestine, bladder, and triple burner, a perfect digestive system has been created.

The ingested substances can be decomposed and absorbed instantly, and the nutrients are converted into the energy needed by the human body through circulation..

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