Of course it's not Qi.

It's life energy and chakra.

If you only have the Six-Story Sage Thief Technique, it can only be regarded as having a perfect body. The foundation is laid, and the purpose of longevity and delayed aging is achieved.

But this is not enough.

That's why there is the matching Reversal of Life Technique.

With the cooperation of this ninjutsu that can plunder the lives of others, Neji's Six-Story Sage Thief body can show its strengths and perform better.

Just see.

Neci just made a seal.

In an instant, with him as the center, all the trees within a radius of several kilometers tightened their branches and began to plunder the energy of the ninjas tied by them.

Vitality, chakra, and even the soul were not spared.




It was only a few seconds.

Those ninjas shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye. They were skinny and looked like zombies that had been drained of water.

Such an amazing scene also frightened the attacking ninjas, making them afraid to move forward.

Besides, the energy that was drawn out naturally gathered to Neji through the huge root structure of thousands of trees.

Then it was all absorbed by his body.

After removing impurities and purifying, some life energy and chakra were increased.

To be honest, this method of devouring other people's energy is worse than cannibalism, so Neji rarely uses it.

He usually plunders those animals and plants without intelligence, which is enough anyway.

As for now.

The reason why he used this trick was to tell the people of these major ninja villages that it was completely impossible to fight a war of attrition with him.

If you don't want to die, it's better to surrender as soon as possible.

What a pity.

Most people will not cry until they see the coffin. They will not completely let go until the moment of their own death.

But even though they saw the tragic situation in front of them, thousands of ninjas were killed by Neji in an instant, and their deaths were so horrible.

The top leaders of several major ninja villages had no intention of ordering a withdrawal, and they were still urging their ninjas to launch a new round of attacks.

In this case, it was they who did not know how to live or die.

What else could Neji say? Of course, he would help them.

Thousands of ninjas fought one after another, and they did achieve some results.

Some clones and less powerful subordinates, such as those from the Snow Country and the Craftsman Country, were killed many times.

But it didn't matter.

(cbdf) Once the resurrection technique was activated, he could be a brave man again in a few minutes, get up and continue to work, which made the besieging ninjas stunned to death.


Neji didn't even look at the dead subordinates, he just took care of himself. Jiraiya came to attack.

He was kicked away by him.

Hatake Sakumo avoided Chiyo's pursuit and rushed over here again, but was also defeated by Neji in a few moves and suffered serious injuries.

The fight lasted for several hours.

From noon to dusk.

Gradually, after trying various ninjutsu, Neji had enough.

""Yin Dun, black curtain covering the sky!!"

This is another ninjutsu developed by Neji.

Because of its good effect, he thinks it is the most suitable to end this meaningless battle. With

Neji as the center, the shadow under his feet quickly spread out.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge black curtain covering the sky and the sun, as if the sky had collapsed, covering the area within ten kilometers.

That's right. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

This is exactly developed based on the shadow imitation technique of the Nara family.

Neji just increased the power of the ninjutsu a little bit.

This dark curtain covering the sky is similar to the legendary domain because it also incorporates the concept of barrier technique.

Anyone covered in it will have to face shadow attacks from all directions at all times, even from underfoot and above. It can be said that it is hard to defend against, and one negligence may kill them.

Those Kage-level strongmen are okay.

Even if they can't escape, at least they can save their lives.

But those ordinary ninjas are not so good.

Neji just used his mind to tie them up in large numbers and subdue them one by one.

Well, I won't kill them first.[]

After all, they are all combat forces cultivated by the major ninja villages, and they may still be useful.

When the dark curtain covering the sky dissipates, the coalition forces of tens of thousands of ninjas are tied up by shadows and sealed so that they cannot move.

The only ones who can move at the scene are Sarutobi Hiruzen, Hatake Sakumo, Chiyo siblings, the fourth Kazekage Rasa, etc., who are powerful.

But relying on them alone, it is impossible to turn the tables.

""Ningji, do you really have to go this far?"

Jiraiya, who was seriously injured and bleeding from multiple wounds, stood up and said loudly with a sad and angry look in his eyes.

"At this time, please don't use your theories to persuade me."

Ningji replied with a smile.

He looked calm and relaxed, as if he was just out for fun, not like he had just subdued tens of thousands of ninjas and done something big.

"I didn't mean to persuade you......."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's end it all here"

"Is there really no way to talk anymore?"

Neji didn't answer, but just shook his head.

"Well, in that case......"

Jiraiya gritted his teeth and then rushed towards Neji, wanting to catch him off guard and take him down.

But he was just thinking too much.

Not to mention whether he was Neji's opponent or not, and whether it was useful to rush over.

The key was that he couldn't even do it.

Because the moment Jiraiya took action, another person also moved.

This person was Orochimaru.

He came behind Jiraiya, and without any hesitation, he stabbed him with a kunai.

With a puff.

Feeling the severe pain from his back, Jiraiya staggered and almost fell to the ground.

He quickly stood firm, endured the pain and rushed out more than ten meters to distance himself from the person behind him.

But when Jiraiya turned around and saw clearly who attacked him, he was completely stunned.

"Orochimaru? Why did you attack me?"

"Of course I don't like you, you keep talking too much nonsense." He licked the blood stain on the kunai with his tongue and said calmly


Jiraiya was so angry that his three spirits jumped up and down, and he felt an indescribable sense of frustration.

"Tsunade, what's going on between you and Orochimaru?"

Feeling the threat from behind, Sarutobi Hiruzen could no longer remain calm.

"Nothing, I just think this world is too boring, it seems nice to try something new."Tsunade responded with a smile.

What kind of bullshit reason is this? Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't accept it at all. In comparison, he was more willing to believe that Tsunade and Orochimaru were both under the enemy's illusion..

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