Of course this is normal.

If it is a real god, it is impossible to be summoned so easily.

Also, it is impossible for Orochimaru to play tricks on it and return the soul it swallowed. It is probably similar to the evil god that Hidan believes in.

It has a certain level of intelligence and special abilities, but it is not a real god. At most, it is a false god born by some coincidence.

Thinking of this,

Neji did not waste any more time.

He punched away the Sarutobi who was in the way.

Then he stepped in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen.


"Save your saliva, Sandaime."

Without giving Sarutobi Hiruzen a chance to talk nonsense, Neji just pointed his finger and subdued this famous and most powerful ninjutsu doctor.

Although it was also because Sarutobi Hiruzen was injured and was still maintaining the Shiki Fuujin technique and could not move, which made it easy for Neji to succeed.

But it is also undeniable that

Sarutobi Hiruzen is not that strong.

Especially compared with the current Neji, it is really a small witch meeting a big witch, and there is a very big gap.

Don't say that Sarutobi Hiruzen was injured.

Even if he was intact and healthy.

If Neji really wanted to kill him, it wouldn't take much effort.

""Third generation!"

Saruma ran over and wanted to save Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But unfortunately, after two moves, it was also knocked to the ground and became a prisoner of Neji.


Neji didn't care about Saruma, but used his own technique of summoning souls and sending generals to catch the god of death behind Sarutobi Hiruzen.

If the Six-Vault Immortal Thief Technique developed by Neji is not as good as the original version in the world of one person.

Then the summoning soul and sending generals that he sublimated from the soul transfer technique is a bit of a different approach and is better.


Neji's ninjutsu can not only capture and control spirits, but also transfer his own soul out, becoming the same as the group of god of death holding Zanpakutō.

This can also be regarded as a semi-invincible state.

After all, if there is no way to target the soul body, ordinary ninjas can't even see, let alone touch Neci.

Then it will be easier for him to kill people.


The god of death let out an unwilling roar.

But he still couldn't break free from Neci's palm, and was flattened and rolled into a ball by him, and finally rolled into a ball and put into a special container.

At this point, this sudden but short war was over.

Tens of thousands of ninjas all became Neci's captives.

And Jiraiya.

He was also subdued by Tsunade and Orochimaru.

As for the Third Raikage and his son, they were already captured by Neci's Wood Style clone, and they couldn't make any waves.

"Sir, what should we do with these people?"

The subordinate in charge came over to ask

"Let's take them to another dimension first. How to arrange it specifically? You guys should come up with a set of rules first."


After that, under the management of the subordinates, tens of thousands of ninjas were transported to the different space opened by Neji, waiting for their fate.


After Sarutobi Hiruzen took away the main force, there were only less than 2,000 ninjas left here.

Therefore, Neji didn't waste much energy and he took down this place.

"you...What do you want to do?"

Kushina looked at Neji with a little fear, and covered herself with her hands.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in you for now, but you have to give me some of the Nine-Tails' chakra, and of course you can't refuse it."

Ninji said with a smile.

Nine-Tails? (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Its strength is just so-so.

It is a turret with fierce firepower, but its weaknesses are also obvious. Its mental strength is not good, and it is restrained by Wood Release Ninjutsu.

In addition, it is not necessary to have Kurama to revive the Ten-Tails.

Don't forget, the boy named Akong is still in Neji's hands.[]

After this period of cultivation, and the replacement of cells,

Akong can now transform into six tails.

It's just that the Nine-Tails chakra grows too slowly by himself, so it slows down the development progress and is a bit powerless.

However, as long as he can be supplemented with enough Nine-Tails chakra, I believe he can change further.

Until he becomes a brand new Nine-Tails.

And with this Akong, there will be enough Nine-Tails chakra to revive the Ten-Tails.

Therefore, Kurama is not a necessity for Neji, at least he doesn't have to get it so quickly.

He can take down Kushina first, brainwash her with the Kotoamatsukami eye technique, and then it won't be too late to extract the Nine-Tails from her.

Kushina's talent is still good.

As a member of the Uzumaki clan, she is born with a huge amount of chakra.

Coupled with their sealing technique.

It may not be easy to say when fighting with people, but they are naturally gifted and have a great advantage against the tailed beasts.

Therefore, brainwashing Kushina and training her to be his helper is also a sure win for Neji.

He would not waste it.

Let Uchiha Izumi take Kushina away.

Girls are easy to talk to, and this is also a way to let Kushina let down her guard.

"grown ups"

"What's the situation now?"

"The Sarutobi, Utane, and Mito clans were all suppressed, and all the rebels were eliminated. Only Danzo was still leading his Root to resist stubbornly and refused to surrender."

"The old man is quite courageous."

Ningji smiled, but didn't take it seriously.

Because the level is completely different.

220 Danzo's vision is only on Konoha. His lifelong wish is to sit on the position of Hokage. He is almost crazy.

And Neji.

What he wants is not this planet, or even the world.

As the saying goes, the bigger the dream, the bigger the stage.

So Danzo, who has a narrow vision, has no value and position in Neji.

���He said that his ability to do things is not very good.

He is just very good, very outstanding, but Neji will not take him seriously. How important is it?

"Kill them all, no need to hold back, let Konoha be stable as soon as possible"


After his subordinates received the order and left,

Neji was ready to set off again and go to the Land of Water. He still had to gather all the tailed beasts.

Now, Neji already had the One-Tail, Two-Tail, Four-Tail, Five-Tail, Seven-Tail, Eight-Tail and Nine-Tail in his hands, and only the Three-Tail and Six-Tail from the Hidden Mist Village were missing.

Naturally, he had to catch them all.

But just when Neji was a distance away from Konoha, two figures suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked his way.

"Uchiha Madara?"

Looking at the old man with white hair in front of him, Ningci also descended from the sky.

"Haha, I didn't expect that someone still remembered me, and it was a mysterious young man like you." Senile Spot said with a seemingly kind smile.

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