"As one of the founders of Konoha and the Shura of the Ninja World, you are so famous that I must know about you."

Ningji also smiled.

"It's a pity that time makes people old. The Shura of the Ninja World is a thing of the past. Now I am just an old man waiting to die."

Uchiha Madara said with a little emotion.

He really doesn't look that good now.

After all, he is over 70 years old.

Even with the Outer Path Demon Statue to help him prolong his life, his body is still aging and his skin is so loose that it can kill a fly.

"If that's the case, then what's the purpose of Senior Madara stopping me?"

Neiji asked knowingly.

"Give me back those three children."

"Which three children?"

"Yahiko, Konan, Nagato"

"Oh, Madara-senpai is related to them?"

"They have some connection with their elders."

"But as far as I know, the elders of these three children are ordinary people, not ninjas. How can they be related to the famous senior Madara?"

Ningji said with a playful smile

"I said, I am just an ordinary old man. When I traveled in the Land of Rain, I was a neighbor of their elders and lived with them for a while."

Uchiha Madara said seriously.

No one knew how true or false his words were.

Of course, that was not important.

Uchiha Madara wanted to avoid fighting as much as possible through the conversation and get the Samsara Eye back without bloodshed.

And Neji was just playing along with him.

"I'm sorry, Madara-senpai. Although I respect you very much, Nagato and the others have already accepted me as their master, so I definitely can't let you take them away."

"Not negotiable?"

"More talk is useless"

"All right then."

Uchiha Madara moved his feet, as if he had given up.

But the next second, he spoke again:"I didn't want to use force again, but it seems that it won't work."

There was really no warning.

Uchiha Madara said he would do it.

With a glance, he brought Neji into an endless illusion.

Of course, this was also the result of Neji's lack of resistance.

Otherwise, based on Uchiha Madara's current eyes, they are far less powerful than his Byakuran. He was willing to be attacked.

It was just that Neci wanted to experience the superb illusion of Uchiha Madara, the Shura of the Ninja World, to see if there was anything worth learning. He was confident enough, so he could be a little more reckless.

Just like now.

After feeling the illusion of Uchiha Madara, Neci just thought about it and bounced his illusion back.


Having fallen into his own illusion, Uchiha Madara was stunned.

"Lord Madara?"

"No problem."

Waving his hand at Bai Zetsu, Uchiha Madara said with a smile:"I didn't expect that young people nowadays are so powerful. Not only can they break my illusion, but they can also bounce it back to me. It really opened my eyes and made me very happy."

"Did Senior Ban give up?"

"No, I'm just glad to see you, so I want to give you another chance. Hand over those three little guys, and I'll forgive you."

"Haha, Senior Madara really loves to joke around. I can also tell you that it is impossible to make friends with him."

Ningji said with a smile while shaking his head.

"Well, since we can't come to an agreement, it seems that we can only rely on our strength. Young man, I hope you are not just a show-off, so that I can exercise my old bones more."


Neji stretched out a hand, and his meaning was concise.

As for Uchiha Madara, he didn't say anything more.

He clapped his hands and used the Wood Release Ninjutsu.

With a rumbling sound, countless huge trees came out from the ground and rushed towards Neji, trying to entangle him.

But it's Wood Release.

Neji is not incapable of it.

He also clapped his hands and used the Tree World Birth Technique to collide head-on with Senile Madara.

Bang bang bang!!

Boom boom boom!!! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

A huge sound was heard.

The scene was also in chaos, and the terrain within a radius of several kilometers was changed.

And this is the battle of super shadow-level figures.

Just starting to move a little, the destructive power generated is terrifying enough, which is completely incomparable to ordinary ninjas.

The shadows of the five major villages are not enough to look at[]

The fight continued.

Although Uchiha Madara no longer had his Samsara Eye and his body was old and decayed, all kinds of conditions limited his ability to perform.

But the Shura of the Ninja World was indeed the Shura of the Ninja World. He could use all kinds of ninjutsu at will.

And they were powerful, basically all of them were fired in a straight line.

Uchiha Madara, who had turned into a ninjutsu turret, made up for his physical deficiencies and became very terrifying.

"Fire escape, great fire extinguishing!"


A meteorite-like fireball fell from the sky, causing a huge explosion after landing, clearing all the trees within two kilometers.


A wooden clone of Madara appeared beside Neji and kicked him.

But in close combat, he was still Uchiha Madara himself.

So this wooden clone was no match for Neji at all. After being caught by him with one hand, he blew it up with another punch. As the broken wood flew everywhere,

Uchiha Madara's attack came again.


A purple lightning bolt hit Neji.

This is the immortal method Yin escape thunder school.

However, because Madara is not in his prime, and does not have the Samsara Eye to achieve the power of the Six Paths, even if he can still use immortal techniques.

The power is also discounted a lot, especially for Neji, it is not enough.

He just opened his mouth and sucked all the lightning into his stomach, and then burped again.

".The taste is okay, but the portion is too small, not enough to eat."

Spitting out the smoke from his mouth, Neji said with a smile.

Hearing this,

Uchiha Madara was not angry.

Because it was not worth it, and he was not so petty. (Understand)

But. At the moment, Uchiha Madara really can't fight for a long time.

It's because his body is too old. Even with the energy delivered by the Outer Path Demon Statue as support, it can't be consumed all the time.

Therefore, in order to end this battle as soon as possible.

Uchiha Madara didn't intend to waste too much energy, but directly used the real

"Young man, it seems I still have to teach you how to respect your seniors."

With a bang, a bright blue giant rose from the ground, hundreds of meters high.

I have to say that

Uchiha Madara is really not an ordinary person.

It's okay that he opened Susanoo without the Mangekyō Sharingan, but he even created a complete form with all four limbs.

This is not something that an ordinary Uchiha can do.

It can be said that he is the first person in history.

Of course,

Neji is not bad either.

It's just Susanoo, but he makes it seem like everyone can do it.

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