What is the executor of the Moon Eye Project?

There has never been such a thing.

Because Uchiha Madara only believes in himself, he will not entrust this lifelong wish to others, but will complete it himself.


Black Zetsu responded, acting very obedient.

The matter in the cave came to an end.

Let's talk about Neji.

He first went to the Land of Water, and used his unrivaled strength to forcibly suppress the Hidden Mist Village, and captured the Three-Tails and the Six-Tails.

After that, he went to the moon again.

He captured all the Hamura lineage that had not yet disappeared, and obtained a huge Samsara Eye.

There is definitely no such thing as too much of this kind of artifact.

In the following time, Neji was not idle.

After taking care of the moon, he used the super-large teleportation technique to move the Gray Stone vein to his own different space.

In case of emergency.

In addition, he ordered people to build a new set of instruments on the dragon vein of Loulan.

Well, Neji is going to perform the fusion ceremony of Kiyomizu in this world.

The main reason is that the two The time of the world is not connected.

When he returns to the original time and space, it is still the time period when he came.

This is equivalent to the original time and space being frozen, or entering the time chamber in Dragon Ball.

How can he not make good use of it? Just when Uchiha Madara created Black Zetsu.

He was still thinking of some way to trap Neci.

On Neci's side, he was also preparing intensively, intending to use the Kidoumeira forbidden technique as soon as possible to continue to improve his strength.

Compared with this matter.

Not to mention that he didn't know what Uchiha Madara was thinking, even if he knew, Neci would not take it as a big deal.

Because this world ultimately depends on strength.

Without strength.

No matter how many conspiracies and tricks you play, it will be in vain.

On the contrary, if you have strong enough strength, you don't need to play conspiracies, right? If you don't like someone, just kill him.

It's all over, how simple.

Two months passed in a blink of an eye.

Neji also prepared everything to fuse the first target.

In fact, the ceremony was not bad.

It was completed in just a few days.

The reason why he waited so long was mainly because Neji cultivated a new generation of ultimate summoning beast clones.

He added the captured death god material to it.

According to Neji's idea.

After he completed this fusion, his body could also switch freely between reality and illusion, and change from a physical creature into a death god-like existence.

For this purpose.

Let alone two months, he would have to wait for two years.

Fortunately, everything was done.

The results of the clone cultivation were also very satisfactory.

Now all that was left was the fusion.

The Golden Wheel Mountains.

It was the place chosen by Obiru.

Because it was quite suitable, it was also requisitioned by Neji.

Geographical advantage No problem.

When the time comes, through the power of the Samsara Eye, the moon will be moved to the predetermined orbit, blocking the sun in the sky and causing an annular solar eclipse.

In this way, the right time will be achieved.

Under the illumination of this special light, the ninjutsu ceremony was officially launched, and the latest generation of ultimate clones that had been prepared long ago were merged into Neci's body.

The whole process is not complicated.

And it doesn't last long.

Because Neci is so well prepared.

In addition, this clone has no soul and will, and will not compete with him for control, so this fusion process can be called perfect.

After everything is done.

The annular solar eclipse scene just ended.

(To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!

) Neci walked out of the Nirvana material.

His appearance has not changed at all, and he has not grown much taller or become a big guy.

But in terms of physical fitness and potential, it is really a world-changing change, and I don't know how much it has increased.

After all, the most powerful thing about the Ultimate Summoning Beast is its physique.

Infinite evolution can be achieved through swallowing


Now Neji also has this ability, plus the huge amount of vitality that he already has in his body, combined with each other.

The effect produced is the same as nuclear fusion, which cannot be described by one plus one.

It can be said that.

Now Neji is in evolution every moment, and as long as the energy in his body is not used up, the evolution process will not stop.

There is another point.

By devouring the body of the god of death.

Neji has now achieved his wish and can transform into the state of the god of death.

That is, the body is transformed into a spirit.

This move alone is enough to run rampant in the ninja world and become a king.

Of course, invincibility is not enough.

The main reason is that the ninja world has various barrier techniques and sealing techniques, as well as many artifacts.

The most famous of them are those left by the Six Paths Sage.

The Golden Rope, the Seven Star Sword, the Banana Fan, the Red Gourd, and the Amber Bottle.

The first three are not a threat to Neji.

But the Red Gourd and the Amber Bottle are both sealing ninja tools. If you are not careful, you may still be pitted.

In addition to these things.

There are also the spiritual weapons in Uchiha Itachi's hand.

Yasaka Magatama.

The weapon of the legendary wild god, which can penetrate prey through a distance of thousands of miles, is very powerful.

Eight-foot mirror.

A spiritual weapon without a physical body, it has all kinds of property changes, and can change its own attributes according to the opponent's attack, invalidate it, and reflect all physical attacks.

It can be called the best among defensive artifacts, and you will be invincible with it.

Let's talk about the Ten-fisted Sword.

It is a kind of Kusanagi sword.

But its ability should not be underestimated.

It is in the shape of a gourd, and can spit out a virtual sword body, pulling the enemy hit into a dreamlike illusion world.

Sink forever and never get out.

The sealing ability should be better than the red gourd and the amber bottle.

After all, when the brothers Kinkaku and Yinkaku were put into the amber bottle, they could still struggle and almost ran out.

If it was replaced with the Ten-fisted Sword.

It is highly likely that it would not be like that.

All of them are down.

There are indeed many artifacts and spiritual weapons in the ninja world, and their abilities are extraordinary.

Even if you are not afraid of these things, you still need to be on guard and not be too careless.

Otherwise, if you get tricked, even if you don't die, it will be embarrassing, right?

"Sir, the ruins you mentioned have been found."


Ningci smiled when he heard that.

There are many secret places hidden on the planet of the Ninja Realm.

Let's not talk about the ones made by the natives and the three holy places.

After the Otsutsuki clan came, they also built a lot of secret bases, which have now become undeveloped ruins.

And this one found now.

Although there is no time and space treasure that Ningci wants most, it is a place to cultivate White Zetsu, and there are also some excellent mutants.

White Zetsu is also a very good tool.

It can detect intelligence and serve as a suicide squad.

In addition, due to its special physique, it can be used to treat diseases and save people, and serve as an organ stock. So in general, the value of this relic is still quite high. It is worth developing and...

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