
As the stone door was opened, the tranquility of the cave, which had not been entered for a thousand years, was broken at this moment.

The White Zetsu inside was also disturbed and gradually woke up.

But with their abilities, even if they are mutants with strength above the level of Kage, they can't get away with Neji, let alone escape.

Before using the forbidden technique of Kiyomaru,

Neji could suppress all these White Zetsu, let alone now.

It can be said that before the fusion, Neji could beat Kage-level figures with one hand.

But now, he can kill three with one finger.

It's so awesome.

There's no way.

His body is too powerful now.

Let's take a look.

It can accommodate any alien energy.

It can evolve by swallowing.

It can become a spiritual Shinigami and switch freely between reality and illusion.

And"Five-Five-Seven" also has super vitality, and a lot of physical bloodline limits, such as the Corpse Bone Vein, have been obtained by him.

Another another.

According to Neji's own design, his body will continue to evolve, and he will soon awaken more blood limits.

In this way

, who can have a stronger body than him?

At least there is no such thing in the Ninja World, and the Otsutsuki clan can't do it either.

After dealing with one ruin,

Neji didn't stop, but went on to look for the rest of the ruins.

It just so happened that there were a bunch of White Zetsu. After brainwashing them, it would be more convenient to let them do the work of finding things.

With the huge Rinnegan

, brainwashing people is also very simple for Neji.

Because the Rinnegan itself has the ability to control the will of others and read their thoughts.

Add Neji's self-created Kotoamatsukami illusion. Even if it is to brainwash tens of thousands of people, or even more people, it won't be too difficult.

On the moon.

Touching the huge Rinnegan,

Neji thought of another thing that could be done.

You know, this large Rinnegan is formed by a lot of Byakugan combined together.

Then according to this logic and method.

Can we use the cloned Sharingan to combine a huge Samsara Eye?

It's worth an experiment.

Neji is a man of action, and he does what he says.

At that moment, he ordered his scientific researchers to cultivate enough Uchiha clones as soon as possible.

See if they can do this with their eyes.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, Neji has been in this parallel time and space for several years.

During this period, he also did a lot of things.

First, a huge Samsara Eye was made.

Second, more relics need to be found, and the time and space treasure, which is the turtle-like creature, is found.

Third, kill Senile Madara, snatch the Outer Path Demon Statue, and revive the Ten Tails.

What Black Zetsu, it's a conspiracy.

It's not enough in front of the real strength.

Fourth, find the hiding place of Isshiki Otsutsuki and snatch his Ten Tails.


The Kida Sprout Forbidden Technique was completed twice.

Fusion of Senju Hashirama's clone and Uchiha Madara's clone respectively.

In this way.

Ningci also evolved his eyes naturally, and obtained a pair of Rinnegan that is better than the ordinary Rinnegan.

Because it is a fusion of the strengths of the Rinnegan and the Rinnegan.

So this pair of new eyes is also quite special.

The overall color is aqua blue.

Like the stars in the deep universe, full of mystery.

And around the pupils, there are circles of rotating lines, which are the information brought by the Rinnegan.

This is not bad.

Adding to Ningci's eyes, it is like a ring rotating around the stars, but it looks even more beautiful.

Speaking of which.

It is precisely because of this pair of beautiful and powerful new eyes.

Ningci, who has advanced to the Six Paths realm, can defeat Jigen possessed by Otsutsuki Isshiki with a devastating attitude. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It didn't take much effort to grab the second Ten Tails.

And he also took down Otsutsuki Isshiki, enriching his collection and experimental objects.

It is indeed a lot of good things.

However, just as Neji was about to use the forbidden technique of Kigeru to fuse the fourth target and release Kaguya Otsutsuki, the energy of the dragon vein was running out.[]

After all, it takes too much energy to control the movement of the planet, and the dragon veins can't support it. Neji had no choice but to move the moon into his own space. He searched the ninja world again and took away everything that could be taken away. He took away a large number of people and things. Finally, he took these spoils and used the limited energy of the dragon veins to open the portal again and returned to the original time and space.


Here, it is still the 66th year of Konoha.

It has not been long since Neji left. He has not missed a single day.

It is still the same as when he left, so there is no such thing as information gap.

However, after this trip,

Neji has changed a lot.

Age is not a big deal.

Just a few years have little impact on a person with Neji's physique, and it is no different from a few days.

The key is strength.

When he left, he just touched the threshold of the Six Paths level.

Now, even if the Six Paths Sage comes, Neji dares to fight him, and even has the confidence to teach him a lesson.

The change is not small. Of course , such a gain is proportional to the effort.

Anyway, in the past few years, Neji has not been idle.

He is either studying various things or practicing and developing his abilities, and he has spent all his time on the right things.

Not to mention dating with girls, he is so hot.

Even if there is a ready-made one, he doesn't have the time to enjoy it.

It is really tiring.

It's not the body, but the mentality that keeps him busy.

So this time when he came back, Ningji didn't do anything else, but returned to Konoha first and rested for a few days at his home.

"Brother Neji!"

Little Hanabi ran over and hugged Neji.

This girl is now ten years old. She is gradually growing up and is more beautiful than when she was a child. She has a more girlish look.


Although Hanabi was cute when she was a child, her personality is more like a boy. She is carefree and not so well-behaved.

"What's wrong? You didn't go to school today?"

Ningji asked while touching Hanabi's hair.

"No, we are on holiday."

Hua Huo answered with her little face raised

"Why the holiday?"

"The teacher said that we will have a practical class in the field tomorrow, so let's prepare well today."

"That's pretty good. There are also practical classes."

"Didn’t Neji-nii have this when he was in school?"

"Of course there are. I, your brother, have taken classes in wilderness survival and reconnaissance, and I got first place in every class."

"I knew that brother Ningji was the best!"

"Of course." Seeing

Hanabi jumping up happily, Ningci also smiled.

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