This is the hateful part of the Riddler.

Jiraiya can write down so many symbols, but he just doesn't make things clear, and throws out a few mysteries for people to guess.

If he doesn't die with this kind of crappy operation, who will die?

After that.

Jiraiya's affairs were put on hold for the time being.

Feeling that he was not strong enough, he couldn't avenge Jiraiya.

After the funeral, Naruto went to Myoboku Mountain to practice and learn the Sage Mode that Jiraiya had told him about.

Of course, this matter is relatively confidential.

Only a small number of people know about it.

Neji didn't have time to care about that, because he was also busy and was perfecting the method of cultivating immortals that he had developed.

Speaking of this matter.

He did spend a long time.

It has been several years since he obtained the method of cultivating the Sage Mode in the Ryuchi Cave.

But there is no way.

The methods of cultivating immortals that were developed before could not satisfy Neji.

Fortunately, this time, he obtained the secret forbidden technique of the Tsuchigumo clan, which just happened to fill in the last piece of his method of cultivating immortals.

So far.

The cultivation method was completed, and it finally looked like something. Neji didn't waste so much energy in vain.

Natural energy. 29 is the energy born from all things in the world, also called natural chakra, which has a very magical and powerful power.

At least it is much stronger than the chakra produced by the human body, and the difference is several times at least.


According to Neji's cultivation method, taking the energy of nature into one's own body to nourish the body and chakra has many benefits.

In addition, he also set the advanced level.

Starting from Qi training, then foundation building, golden elixir.

It's really the same as cultivation.

It is definitely not comparable to the semi-finished ninjutsu of the sage mode.

On the hillside in the wild.

Neci sat on the ground with his eyes closed.

And with the rhythm of his breathing, countless natural energy surged from all directions and was absorbed into his body.

It only took a while.

The first level of Qi training was successful.

This is all because Neci's physique is too strong, after using the forbidden technique of Kigera to fuse three targets.

That is, the clone of the Ultimate Summoning Beast, the clone of Hashirama Senju, and the clone of Madara Uchiha.

Although he has not yet fused with the clone of Otsutsuki and the clone of the Ten-Tails, his physique has not been improved to the peak.

But this is not something that ordinary people can imagine.

Neji's current physique is definitely much stronger than a simple sage's body.

In addition, he also has the Six-Storey Sage Thief Technique, which can quickly digest and absorb energy, so his speed of practicing this sage technique is also very fast.

Advancing is as easy as eating and drinking.

The second level was completed in a few minutes.

Then the third and fourth levels.....

It was not until the tenth level that it started to slow down a bit, and Neji had to sit for half the night before it could progress.

Then came the foundation-building stage.

If the Qi training stage was the process of getting the body familiar with natural energy, then foundation-building would go a step further, and it was to completely integrate natural energy and transform this energy into one's own.

Cultivation deep within cells is not something that ordinary people can do, and requires very high talent and physique.

Otherwise, the result would be the same.

Unable to withstand the erosion of natural energy, one would only become a piece of stone.

Of course,

Neji didn't have that kind of concern.

So he continued to practice boldly, swallowing up a large amount of natural energy, and even increased his speed.

After a while, an energy vortex gathered above his head, like a tornado, which showed how turbulent it was.

Foundation-building level 1.

Foundation-building level 2.

Foundation-building level 3......

Another rapid advancement.

Every once in a while, Neji would succeed in advancing, and his temperament would also change slightly.

Actually. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He didn't have to make this cultivation method so complicated, with each stage divided into ten levels.

But it was his first time practicing.

It was a cultivation method again, so there must be danger.

As a pioneer, without the guidance of predecessors, he could only explore and experiment on his own.

Overcome all obstacles bit by bit.[]

Therefore, a more detailed division can increase the chance of success and allow Neji to further understand the fairy method he created.

There are benefits. It is better than swallowing it whole.

Of course, you can't skip the steps just to save trouble.

A few days later.

Neji practiced the foundation-building stage to the tenth level.

At this point, he opened his eyes and stopped practicing.

It's better to wait for the advancement to the golden elixir.

It's not that there are no follow-up exercises.

But I'm afraid that if I advance too quickly at one time, there will be some hidden dangers. Anyway, I've waited for several years, so I don't mind such a short time.

At the same time.

Konoha has a new situation.

Because Pein came to carry rice.

To be precise, he came to capture the Nine-Tails.

But because Tsunade refused to cooperate and told Naruto's whereabouts.

Pein lost his patience and flew to the sky, and used a Super Shinra Tensei on Konoha, destroying the entire Konoha.

This time the destruction was so thorough.

There was really no complete building left, and it was all razed clean.


Because of Neji's advance knowledge, the Hyuga clan suffered very little loss.

Except for some industries outside that were destroyed, the residence was protected by a barrier, so nothing happened.

The same is true for personnel.

Of the 850 clan members who were called back by Hyuga Hizashi in advance, none died.

As for.

Everyone knows that Pein is back, why not inform others so that Konoha can be prepared and reduce some losses.

Let's not talk about whether Neji has that obligation.

The key is that if Pein destroys Konoha, it will benefit the Hyuga clan more.

Neji is cultivating immortals.

But he doesn't want to stay away from the mundane world and become a hermit who doesn't participate in anything.

That's so boring.

With Neji's personality, he can't do it.

So let's follow the old plan.

Let Pein destroy Konoha.

The Hyuga clan will take the opportunity to take action and completely control the economic system here, becoming a thousand-year-old family.

That is, the Hokage can take turns, but only the Hyuga family can make the decision.

This is not aimed at Tsunade.

After all, one day she will step down as Hokage, but the Hyuga family will continue to live here, which is much longer than her days in power.

In the anime.

Because of the plot.

Tsunade, who already has the strength of a Kage, became a weak woman when Pein attacked the village, and regarded Naruto as the backbone and the last straw.

Then, despite the opposition of Danzo and others.

Naruto must be called back from Myoboku Mountain.

Although the result is good.

Naruto did defeat Pein.

But he did not rely on his own strength, but on the help of the Nine-Tails..

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