Naruto himself is definitely not that strong.

Even if he has the Sage Mode, and his strength increases by dozens of times, he is still no match for Tendo Pain, let alone reaching the level beyond the Kage level.

Not to mention.

Tsunade doesn't understand this.

So now, when Konoha is in trouble, the first person Tsunade thinks of is not Naruto, but Neji, who is more talented and performs better.

"Little Neji, something happened in Konoha!"

"What's wrong?"

Neji pretended to know nothing and looked at the little slug that suddenly appeared.

"It's like this, half an hour ago, an enemy suddenly broke into Konoha, killing people and causing destruction everywhere......"Oh, let's talk while we walk, or little Tsunade will get impatient waiting."

The palm-sized slug said anxiously.

It has a nice voice, like a cute auntie, which makes people not want to quarrel with it at all.

""Okay, let's go back first."

He nodded.

Then Neji activated the space-time ninjutsu and disappeared with the slug.

It was Konoha.

The originally prosperous place had now become a ruin.

Especially in the central area, there were no broken walls or broken walls left. It was directly pushed into a flat giant pit by Pain's Shinra Tensei.

Neji appeared here.

It was quite novel to see this scene. I wasn't angry.

The key point was that it was not worth it.

Because I knew that Pain would come to carry rice.

So Neji was also prepared. He had asked his clansmen to deal with the industries under his hands, and even sold the built apartment buildings at a low price.

This is the first reason. What was destroyed was basically not the Hyuga family's property, so of course Neji would not be angry.

Another one.

There is no construction without destruction. If the old Konoha is not gone, where will the new Konoha be built?

Speaking of just from this aspect.

Neci has to thank Pain.

Because of his actions, the Hyuga family has the opportunity to control the economy of Konoha and save a lot of demolition costs.

Even negotiations are not needed.

Sign the contract and start working directly.

With so much help from others, the Hyuga family has taken a huge advantage. Neiji can't thank him enough, so how can he be angry?


Seeing Ningci appear,

Tsunade, who had been guarding here, immediately rushed over with her men.

"Teacher, what’s going on now?"

"There are too many casualties. I am sending my slugs to rescue them, but I am afraid it is not enough. I need to use my Yin Seal."

"Then, teacher, go ahead and do it. I'll take care of the rest."

Neji took a look.

Sure enough, none of Danzo's people, including the two advisors, came. It was obvious that they must have hidden themselves.


Out of trust in Neji, Tsunade nodded quickly, without even asking him what he was going to do. That was how it was arranged.

Tsunade went to summon more slugs to treat the wounded.

The other ninjas in Konoha also had work to do, either digging through the ruins to save people or transporting the wounded to a safe place.

No one could be idle.

Of course, except for Danzo's group who hid whenever there was something to do.

But they were just some small bugs, and they were nothing in front of the rolling trend, so Neji would not get angry with them, just because it was not worth it.

He felt that they were an eyesore.

Wouldn't it be better to crush them to death when he had time? There was no need to get angry.

"Hey, can you put that person down first?"

Pain, holding a Konoha ninja in his hand, turned his head and looked at Neji.

"Hand over the Nine-Tailed Fox and I will let you go." Tiandao Pain said expressionlessly. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You are a very nice person then."

Ningci smiled and said,"It's a pity that you can't threaten me with anything."

"That's fine, just continue collecting the bodies for your companions."

Tendo Pain lost his patience and raised the black stick again, piercing through the Konoha ninja in his other hand.

But there was only a snap.[]

But the stick in his hand broke directly.

At some point, Neji appeared in front of him, not only saving the Konoha ninja, but also breaking Pein's stick with his bare hands.

This made Pein's pupils shrink. He quickly jumped back and distanced himself from Neji.

"Why are you hiding so far away? Are you afraid?"

Throwing away the half-broken stick in his hand, Ningci said with a smile

"It's useless to be good at talking. I'll say it one last time. If you don't want to die here, hand over the Nine-Tails."

Pein calmed down again.

A very powerful aura burst out from his body, and the chakra alone blew away the rubble on the ground.

It must be said.

Tendo Pein's strength is indeed very strong.

He has already crossed the level of Kage and is in the category of Super Kage.

Even the three ninjas like Tsunade and Jiraiya, the best among the Kage-level figures, can beat other Peins, but they are definitely not opponents of Tendo Pein.

The amount of chakra alone is too different.

Not to mention, Tendo Pein has a lot of powerful moves, which can control gravity and repulsion, and perform sealing techniques like Chibaku Tensei.

In front of him, there are a lot of ordinary Kage-level people, but they are not enough to beat them.

But it's a pity.

Tendo Pein is now facing Neci.

And Neci has grown to the Six Paths stage and practiced fairy magic.

The gap between them is much more exaggerated than the gap between Super Kage and Kage, and they can't be compared at all.

"What if I don't pay?"

"Then die"

"Sure, I'm standing right here. If you want my life, come and take it yourself."

Neci waved his hand and said with a smile.

It was really enough to piss off anyone.

And Tendo Pain didn't waste any words. He directly used the Tenshin Attraction Technique, and his palm generated a huge suction force, trying to pull Neci over.

But Neci just exerted a little force.

His feet were buried three-quarters into the ground, just like a tree with roots. No matter how hard the suction dragged him, he didn't move at all.

The next second, another Pain appeared.

It was Shurado Pain.

This Pain was very big, and because he had been transformed, he also possessed a very strong strange power.

As soon as he came up, he hugged Neci with his thick arms, as if Like a pair of pliers made of fine steel, it firmly restricted his movements.

This is not the end.

The fat Hungry Ghost Road also came.

The opponent put his hands on Neji's shoulders, and then began to absorb Neji's chakra, trying to make him his brother.

Behind him, Shura Road hugged him tightly.

In front, Hungry Ghost Road plundered his chakra.

One physical, one magical.

If it were someone else.

I'm afraid he would really die here.

Even Naruto, he had to use all his strength to break free.

But Neji just twisted Shura Road's fine steel arm casually, and then threw him out..

Added by: Asmodeus

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