

On the training ground,

Xiao Li kicked the wooden stake again and again. Even though his legs hurt, he gritted his teeth and persisted, just because he didn't want to fall too far behind Neci.

Well, since Neci became the head student,

Xiao Li has regarded Neci as an imaginary enemy and a target to catch up with.

"If you keep training like this, your legs will be crippled before you become a ninja."


Xiao Li was startled and stopped immediately.

"That....How should I train?"

Right now, Xiao Li is just a little kid. Apart from his determination to become stronger, his mind is not mature.

He lost his composure after being slightly frightened by Neji.


After pretending to think about it for a while, Neji said,"I can teach you the basic training, but I can't teach you anything more advanced. That is our family's secret."

"If you want to become better, it is best to find a professional teacher"

"Professional teacher?"

"Yes, do you know any taijutsu masters?"


Xiao Li blushed and shook his head.

"I see. Then I will teach you the basics first. When you find a better teacher, it won't be too late to learn from him."

Ningji was not in a hurry.

Because they still had several years to graduate, and he could always get in touch with Might Guy.

"You really want to teach me?"

"Yes, why don’t you want to learn?"

"Of course not....."I mean thank you."

Xiao Li said with a choked voice, luckily he didn't burst into tears, not to mention the feeling in his heart.

Because he was the last in the class.

He couldn't learn any ninjutsu.

He was always disliked by the teacher and was ostracized by the whole class. He didn't even have a friend to talk to.

And Neci, not only asked him to train together, but also helped him so much. This was like a ray of hope for Xiao Li.

How could he not be moved? He didn't cry directly, but he was holding back because he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of Neci.

"It's a small matter. Besides, we are classmates, so we should help each other."

Ningji smiled brightly, showing his sunny nature.

"Well, thank you, Neji."

"You're welcome, listen to me, although it's just a basic training method, you can get hurt if you don't do it properly."


Xiao Li immediately perked up, his expression serious.

"Training is a constant, so don’t push yourself too hard. You also need to pay attention to rest and relaxation......."

There was nothing to do in the following days.

There were clones at school.

Neji would just go there when he had time, and then train with Tenten and Xiao Li to cultivate feelings and tacit understanding.

As for the rest of the time, he was doing various researches and developing new things.

Treating people is also a part of research.

For example, when those family members came, Neji could study their bloodline limits and the various secret techniques stored in their heads.

It was also very rewarding.

However, the situation in Konoha changed because of him.

How to say it? It was almost like an arms race.

Knowing that the Konoha high-level officials were also making deals with the medical masters of the Hyuga side, the Uchiha fighting faction was very anxious.

Without saying a word, they immediately sent more benefits and clan members to Neji.

Even if it was just a minor illness like a headache or a fever, they wanted Neji to treat it.

Of course, they did this for a reason.

That is, Neji would give more life energy from time to time to encourage those Uchiha members who were just one step away from advancing to the Sharingan.

There was almost such a lucky person among five or six people.

Such a huge benefit is right in front of them.

Coupled with Sarutobi Hiruzen's behavior, these Uchiha naturally felt nervous, and they looked for Neji eagerly.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen could not hide the behavior of the Uchiha.

So he also sent more things and patients to Neci, which was considered a confrontation with the Uchiha. The competition was a matter of wealth and numbers.

Both sides wanted to win over Neci, and the benefits they gave were getting more and more.

But who cares about them.

Just fight.

When the snipe and the clams quarrel, the fisherman gains.

Anyway, the one who benefits is Neci, he will not think that the benefits are too much.

"Brother Shisui, what do you think we should do?"

Sitting on a rock and putting his feet in the stream, Uchiha Itachi asked with a bad look on his face.

It was only in front of Shisui, who was both his teacher and friend, that he would show his youthful side.

"Don't worry, things can always be solved, don't worry."

Uchiha Shisui replied with a smile, turning the grilled fish in his hand again.

"But time waits for no one. Those guys from the fighting faction are becoming more and more presumptuous. They even dare to disobey my father's orders. How long can Lord Hokage tolerate them?"

"This is indeed a problem, but I believe that Hokage is tolerant and will not easily attack us Uchiha."


""Okay, let's eat something to fill our stomachs first. We've been training for a long time."

Uchiha Shisui handed the grilled fish to Itachi and stopped him from continuing.

There was no other way.

Itachi could only take the grilled fish first.

"Brother Shisui, I'm not being long-winded. I just received news that the militant faction seems to be planning to do something at the shrine rally. What if they want to launch a coup? Given their personalities, it's not impossible for them to do it."

"Is that so? I understand. Don't worry, I will solve it."

Uchiha Shisui said after a sigh of relief.

In fact, he was under a lot of pressure.

He couldn't get along with either side when he was walking between Konoha and the family.

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