"What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry about it, I will take care of it, trust me."

After eating the grilled fish,

Shisui left without giving Itachi a chance to say more.

As for where he went, of course he went to report the situation to the Hokage.

That's right, even at this critical moment, he still believed in Sarutobi Hiruzen and believed that he could solve the problem.

"Lord Hokage, this is what happened."

After saying this, Uchiha Shisui lowered his head.

"Humph, I've already said that the Uchiha will not be content. They are now plotting a rebellion, and the next step will be to eliminate us. Sarutobi, how long are you going to indulge them?"

Danzo slammed the table and said loudly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen smoked a cigarette and did not speak.

"Danzo, what are you doing? After all, Hiruzen is the Hokage, so be polite."Utatane Koharu said

"I'm just talking about the facts!"

"There's no need to be so angry. Hiruzen must have an idea."

"I'd like to listen to it, hum!"

After a while,���

Sarutobi Hiruzen tapped his pipe and said,"Shisui, do you have any ideas?"

"My Lord, I want to stop them."

"How do you stop it?"

"With my eyes."

Uchiha Shisui raised his head and revealed his Mangekyō Sharingan

"This is?"

"That's right, this is the Mangekyō Sharingan of our Uchiha clan. I can now use a pupil technique called Kotoamatsukami that can change the target's will without being noticed by the other party......."

Shisui was still introducing his eye technique.

But he didn't notice that the faces of the people on the high seat had changed.

Even Sarutobi Hiruzen was no exception.

The key point is that they are now facing Uchiha Shisui directly. According to what he said, even if his will was modified, he would not be able to detect it.

This is fucking ridiculous!

The next second, the four people avoided Uchiha Shisui's sight at the same time.

"If that's the case, then Shisui, just do it."


""Wait a minute, I'll go with you!"

Danzo stood up.

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not stop him, and said:"Okay, if Danzo goes with you, then this matter will be more certain. But you must remember, you must not use force against Uchiha unless it is absolutely necessary. They are also part of our village, and I don't want to see a scene of cannibalism!"

How hypocritical!

As old partners, who doesn't know each other.

Since he didn't stop me, it means that he acquiesced to my behavior, and he even said such shameless words.

If possible, Danzo really wanted to hit Sarutobi Hiruzen on the head to see how thick his face was.

But for the sake of the overall situation, Danzo at least endured it.

"I understand. I'm just going to stay there for a while. I won't resort to violence easily."

Not wanting to look at Sarutobi Hiruzen's face

, Danzo walked down from the platform after saying a few polite words.

"Let's go, Shisui"


After looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen and seeing him nod, Shisui stood up and left behind Danzo.

"When is the rally?"

"eight pm"

"Then we'll meet outside the shrine at six o'clock, and then go there together."

""Yes, Danzo-sama."

Shisui replied.

Danzo didn't say much, and just walked away.

Time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was dusk.

In the outer area of the Uchiha clan's residence, at the entrance of an abandoned shrine, Danzo and Uchiha Shisui met again.

"Shisui, what if your plan doesn't work?"

"The Third Master promised me that he would solve these problems. I think he must have a way."Shisui said with a smile

"Do you count on the Third Hokage? But even with his lobbying, the villagers' suspicion of you Uchiha will not disappear easily."Danzo lowered his head.

"I understand, but with more time, I believe......"

"Besides, people like me won't trust you, so what will you do then?"

"Lord Danzo?"

"At that time, will you also use your Kotoamatsukami on me?"


"Shisui, I will accept your Sharingan!"

After he finished talking to himself, Danzo suddenly raised his head, sprinted out, and launched a sneak attack on Shisui.

Although it happened suddenly,

Shisui still reacted at the critical moment, grabbed Danzo's wrist with one hand, and then cast an illusion on him.

In an instant,

Danzo's body collapsed.

""I'm sorry, Danzo-sama. It's just an ordinary illusion. You'll wake up soon."

Putting Danzo on the ground,

Shisui turned around and prepared to leave.

However, just as he took a few steps, Danzo disappeared behind him, and then appeared in front of him as if he had teleported.

Because it was too sudden, even Shisui didn't react this time.

With a swish, Danzo took away one of his eyes.


Shisui quickly stepped back and put some distance between himself and Danzo


"Sharingan? It will be a replacement for my eye."

As he spoke, Danzo also lifted the bandage on his right eye, revealing a Sharingan that had lost its luster.


I didn't expect that Danzo not only had the Sharingan, but also learned this forbidden technique of their clan. Shisui also gritted his teeth, feeling both painful and angry.

"Don't waste your energy, give me the other eye too."

As Danzo finished speaking, many Root ninjas appeared beside him, which was obviously premeditated.

But Shisui would not give in.

He raised his hands and quickly formed seals, using the Great Fireball Technique.

Although the Root ninjas reacted quickly, the two used water escape ninjutsu to block the Great Fireball.

But Shisui did not want to fight, and took advantage of the gap in the mist to disappear from the spot in an instant.... ps: I still have money and votes, please support me, thank you very much.

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