Let's talk about the counter-replenishment method.

There is nothing to change about chakra counter-replenishment.

Ningci just developed a food supplement method on this basis. It is similar to the Six-Story Sage Thief.

Take in food, grind and absorb it with a special method, and move the energy into the cells, which greatly speeds up the replenishment speed.

It is not comparable to the original digestion.

Theoretically, Ningci can squeeze out some energy just by eating a few stones.

But this method also has disadvantages. It can also be said to be an imperfect aspect.

That is, the capacity of cells is limited, and it cannot be like the real Six-Story Sage Thief, where you can eat unlimited food.

If you eat too much, even if you don't burst yourself, the energy will overflow by itself.

So you have to continue to develop and improve it.

But even so.

The effect of this food supplement is not small.

Because it can improve the absorption speed and efficiency, so that the body can always maintain a state of energy, it will naturally improve physical fitness.

It's only been half a year.

Ningci has grown a lot taller, and the hardness of his bones and the muscles on his body,���They are not comparable to ordinary children.

And a stronger body means that more chakra can be extracted, which complement each other.


The amount of chakra he can extract on a daily basis is already at the level of a senior Genin. The amount stored in the lower dantian is even more.

Even if he can't catch up with Naruto, he must have more than ten cards, which is enough for him to release a bunch of ninjutsu.

In addition.

He has also developed some ninjutsu.

Ninjutsu is still useful.

Neji will not be like other members of the tribe, specializing in close combat soft fists. That is too extreme and does not meet his goal of a well-rounded hexagonal warrior.


A sixteen or seventeen-year-old Hyuga clan member came to Neji in an instant and knelt on one knee.

Hyuga Hizashi was the patriarch of the branch family after all, and he had no shortage of followers.

It can be said that he managed many more people than Hyuga Hiashi. If it weren't for the caged bird seal, he would be restrained by the main family and it would only take a word for him to rebel. As for


, although he was not as keen on power as he was on strength, it was a good thing to have some subordinates to run errands.

In addition, Neji didn't like the system of the Hyuga clan very much, and he would get rid of those clan elders sooner or later.

So it was normal for him to win over some people in preparation for a rainy day.

And this was also simple. As soon as the news of breaking the caged bird seal spread , Neji was very happy. Which branch family member can sit still?

Of course.

Tell these to outsiders that the developer who cracked the caged bird is not Neci, but Hyuga Hizashi.

No matter whether the other party believes it or not, just say it like that.

And no matter who developed the cracking method, it can make the people of the branch family loyal to Neci and his son, and have no second thoughts.

This is normal.

If you have not suffered from the caged bird curse, you can never imagine how much they yearn for this freedom.

It's not about leaving the family.

It's that they don't want to be slaves of the main family, and be punished or even killed by them at any time.

For this reason alone, and for the sake of their own descendants, it is enough for these branch family members to support Neci and his son and follow them to death.

"What's going on?"

"The Hidden Cloud Village sent an envoy to Konoha to participate in the celebration and discuss the establishment of an alliance."

It has come to this time.

Neji is also considering how to solve the life and death crisis of his father.

It is not the time to overthrow the main family yet.

After all, Neji is only four years old. Even if he develops some good things, it is hard to say that he can beat the elite jonin.

The risk factor is too high.

Besides, the father and son have only captured a dozen branch family members, and most of the rest have not been released from the cage.

Once a war breaks out, those branch family members will still have to obey the orders of the main family, otherwise they will die.

In this case, it is not a good time to overthrow the table.

"Send someone to keep an eye on those Cloud Ninjas and report any developments to me immediately."


At Neji's wave, the young clan member also left in an instant.

After that,

Neji returned home and discussed countermeasures with Hyuga Hizashi.

Of course, he would not say that Dad, you are going to die, but just said that he had heard of the conspiracy of the Cloud Ninja and wanted to capture the people of the main family, which might be bad for Hinata. Hyuga

Hizashi, who trusted Neji 100%, did not doubt it.

"What do you think we should do?"

Hinata Hizashi wants to test Neji's ability to respond.

"Two ways"

"Which two?"

"First, take the initiative and kill all those Cloud Ninjas directly, then you don't have to worry about it."


Hinata Hizashi was stunned for a moment, then asked,"What about the second one?"

"Go find Uncle Hiashi and explain the situation. When those Cloud Ninjas take action, execute them on the spot and destroy their bodies so that there is no evidence."

"We can't find the people or the bodies, so who can prove that they have been to our Hyuga clan? Even if those Cloud Ninjas are shameless, it's useless to throw dirty water on us."

What about leaving them alive?

Neji didn't have that idea at all.

Even if he didn't have deep feelings for the Hyuga clan, he couldn't let those guys come and go as they please. What good things are they thinking?

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