"Well, this method is not bad."

It's not that Hyuga Hiashi is too kind.

It's mainly about the main family. He thinks it's better to discuss it with Hyuga Hiashi.

The relationship between the two brothers is still good, and there is no conflict at present, so naturally he has to take it into consideration.

""Okay, I'll handle this matter, you don't have to interfere." Hyuga Hizashi said again.

It doesn't matter.

Neji doesn't have to participate.

Anyway, as long as his cheap dad doesn't suffer any loss and doesn't die as miserable as in the original book, why should he worry so much.

As for.

He has said so much.

If Hyuga Hizashi can still commit suicide like in the original book, then there is really no hope.

Fortunately, things did not develop in that direction.

Two days later, it was the day of the celebration, which was also Hinata's third birthday.

That night, after the banquet,

Neji saw with his Byakugan that two black-clothed ninjas sneaked into the clan leader's house, and then Never came out again.

This is obviously the case.

Hyuga Hiashi listened to Hizashi's advice and dealt with the two invading Cloud Ninjas, and they didn't make any noise.

In this way, the Cloud Ninjas naturally had no excuse to threaten the Hyuga clan.

After all, the people were gone and the bodies could not be found. They could cause trouble for Konoha, but they couldn't find the Hyuga clan.

And this is the fact.

In the daytime, the remaining Cloud Ninjas were angry at Sarutobi Hiruzen and others in the conference room, but they couldn't throw dirty water on the Hyuga clan. They were all so angry that they couldn't stand it anymore.

"Third Hokage, if you know what’s best for you, hand over our captain right away, otherwise don’t blame us from the Hidden Cloud Village for being rude!"

""Messenger, please forgive me for not understanding what you mean. What do you mean by handing over the people? Where is your captain?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was also a little confused.

"Stop pretending, old Sarutobi. Our captain disappeared in your Konoha last night and hasn't come back yet. How dare you say you didn't know about this?"

"I really don't know......"

"Then do you dare to say that it wasn’t done by your Konoha people?"


Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't guarantee it.

After all, Konoha is so big, and there are so many clans. Who knows what happened?

If the captain of the Kumo Ninja went to the Uchiha clan to cause trouble, it wouldn't be surprising if he was killed.

"Messengers, why don't you wait a little longer? Maybe your captain was delayed by something and will be back soon."

Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to delay so that someone could investigate the situation.

But the Kumo Ninjas didn't have that intention.

Because they all knew that their captain had gone to the Hyuga clan and hadn't come back all night, so what could be the result? He must have died a long time ago.

"What are you waiting for? If something happens to our captain, can Konoha afford it?"

"Could you at least give us some time to investigate?"

"At most one day. If you, Konoha, don’t hand over the person, don’t blame us, the Hidden Cloud Village, for starting a war again!"


"By the way, let me tell you another piece of information. Before our captain disappeared, he said he was going to visit the Hyuga clan. I strongly suspect that they were the ones behind this. You should investigate it as soon as possible. If you still don’t see our captain tomorrow, then we’ll see you on the battlefield, Lord Sandaime!"

"Let's go!"

After saying this, several Cloud Ninjas stood up and walked out.

The rest of Sarutobi Hiruzen and his group also had gloomy expressions and looked very ugly.

"Sarutobi, how do we solve this problem?"

Utatane Koharu, who had not spoken before, asked now.

"How else can we solve it? Let's investigate it first. I'll go to the Hyuga clan. You guys should stay idle and investigate other places to see if there are any clues."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said after taking a puff of his pipe.

"OK, then we'll go."



After Utane Koharu and Mito Kado En left, Sarutobi Hiruzen finished a pack of cigarettes, tapped his pipe, and then stood up.

The Hyuga clan's land.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen came over.

He tried to persuade them with emotion and reason, and kept asking them what happened last night.

But because they had already discussed it.

Naturally, Hyuga Hiruzen would not admit that it was he who killed the two Cloud Ninjas.

No matter how much Sarutobi Hiruzen said, even threatening with war and death, Hyuga Hiruzen still shook his head. He just said that he knew nothing, and had never seen the captain of the Cloud Ninja.

The key is to fight.

Konoha's strength is not weaker than that of the Hidden Cloud Village, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was so nervous and wanted to keep things quiet, which was what Hyuga Hiruzen could not understand.

As the shadow of a village, he couldn't handle such a small matter. Don't be too bad.

"Hiashi, do you know how much resources will be lost and how many people will die if the war breaks out?" Sarutobi Hiruzen was also very angry.

"There is no such thing as a war without death."

"That’s why we should try our best to avoid it!"

"There's nothing I can do about it. I really haven't met the other person. How can I explain this?"

"you......You are so stubborn. Rizu, I am helping you, please don't ignore me!"

"Ha, what the Third-generation Master said, how come you are helping me?" Hinata Hiashi laughed

"Solving the problem now is just a small matter. At most, it will only make you lose face. What does it matter? If the Hidden Cloud Village attacks again, and your Hyuga clan is sent to the front line, more than one or two people will die. Do you understand?"

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