"Are you threatening me, Mr. Third?"

"I said I was helping you!"

"That's better not to do it."

Hyuga Hiashi waved his hand and said in a tone that did not allow for negotiation:"In order to protect Konoha, our Hyuga clan sacrificed their lives. There is nothing to regret. Besides, it is a fabricated story. You want me to admit it, but what can I admit?"


"Rizu, how can you talk to the Third Generation Master like that!"

Several old men from the clan came in and scolded him with a stern face.

"Elders, I am only speaking the truth......."

""Shut up!"

The elder of the clan scolded Hyuga Hiashi, and then looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen, and instantly smiled gently. This also showed his fickleness to the fullest.

"Lord Sandaime, what on earth is going on?"

"Is such that......"

At that moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen explained the situation to several elders.

"Yes, that's right."

After thinking for a moment, the leading elder said to Hyuga Hiashi:"Hiashi, tell me the truth, have you ever met that Cloud Ninja Captain?"


Hinata Hiashi had not admitted it before, but it was impossible for him to do so now.

Because he also hated these elders who were trying to get their hands on him, but he couldn't leave them alone. This was also a different kind of resistance.

"Really do not have?"


"Well, what do you think, Third-generation Lord?"

After all, he is the patriarch of their own family.

As for Hyuga Hiashi, they, the elders, can control him, but they can't go too far.

"In that case, I will go to another place to investigate. Bye."

After saying that,

Sarutobi Hiruzen turned and left.

""Goodbye, Third-generation Lord."

After sending Sarutobi Hiruzen out, several elders returned and began to teach Hyuga Hiashi

"Rizu, no matter what you are doing, we hope you will not forget your identity and put your family first."

"If you can't be the patriarch, let someone else do it!"

"Also, we must be more polite to Sarutobi Hiruzen. It will not do us any good to offend him. Do you understand?"

"I got it!"

Hyuga Hiashi clenched his fists and responded while suppressing his anger.

In fact, he had long been disgusted with these elders.

But there was nothing he could do, because he was not such a strong person, and these elders were powerful and of high seniority.

He could only let it go and learn a lesson.

On the other hand,

Neji also knew about Sarutobi Hiruzen's arrival.

He also used the eavesdropping technique he developed to hear their conversation.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen was very cowardly and several elders were very disgusting.

But seeing that Hyuga Hiashi was still strong and the matter was almost over, he didn't care so much.

""Brother Ningci, I ran a long way today!"

Little Hinata came to play with Ningci again and reported her efforts.

As for what happened last night, this girl had no idea.

"You've run a long way. You're sweating all over. Aren't you afraid of catching a cold?"

Neji used his sleeve to wipe Hinata's forehead.

The girl smiled shyly, her face flushed.

"Go back and change into dry clothes."

"Brother Ningji, can you go back with me?"

"What a clingy little guy, let's go."


Neji took Hinata's hand and sent her back.

Nothing happened in the next few days.

Even though those Cloud Ninjas were unwilling and were still looking for trouble with the Hyuga clan.

But because there was no definite evidence and Hyuga Hiashi refused to admit it, Sarutobi Hiruzen had no way to get the Hyuga side to come forward.

He could only find a way to solve the problem himself.

I don't know how he handled it in the end, which made the Cloud Ninjas stop fighting.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with the Hyuga side.

Neji didn't pay attention to it, and still did his own thing step by step.

Learn knowledge and develop ninjutsu.

In addition, he also taught some secret techniques that were not the most cutting-edge to Hyuga Hizashi and the branch family members who followed them.

Decreasing layer by layer.

Neji himself must use the best and most comprehensive ones. The ones given to Hyuga Hizashi are of the second grade, not the most powerful.

Further down.

There are weaker or even second-class secret techniques. , it varies from person to person.

Moreover, these secret techniques have backdoors and seals, and cannot be passed on privately.

Neji is not a good guy or a philanthropist.

He does not trust Hyuga Hizashi 100%.

This is not to say that Hizashi is not trustworthy.

It is the principle and bottom line of being a human being. No matter how good this person is to him, Neji will not reveal all his cards.

That would be irresponsible to himself.

Even his biological father is like this, let alone other people. It is reasonable to keep some backhands.

In fact, this is also OK.

The key is what kind of secret techniques Neji has developed.

For example, the method of counter-attack in the corridor.

It can restore chakra to cell energy and increase the speed of training.

Even if it is weakened by one level.

One day of training can be equivalent to ten days for others.

There are also five days and three days below.

At least the difference is three times, isn't it awesome enough? If you are not satisfied with this, then don't be a human being.

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