Unexpectedly, something seemed to have gone wrong with Orochimaru, and he did not completely summon the third coffin with the four characters printed on it.

But it didn't matter.

The key point was that in Orochimaru's view, two Hokage were enough, and they could definitely help him take down Sarutobi Hiruzen in front of him.

Three to one.

I have a clear advantage.

Not to mention, Orochimaru is still using the Uchiha body with the Mangekyō Sharingan, and he has many cards. Why would he lose?

The battle started again.

Orochimaru, who was full of confidence, controlled the first and second generation Hokage and killed Sarutobi Hiruzen together.

This battle was still very interesting.

The key point was that these people were masters who had reached the pinnacle of the ninja world.

The pinnacle of ordinary people is also the pinnacle.

Even Sarutobi Hiruzen

, the strongest Hokage who seemed to be very watery. His attainments in the five elements of ninjutsu and the title of Ninjutsu Doctor were not in vain, and he still had some skills.

Even though they are not as powerful as the first and second generations, they can still be ranked among the top in the Kage ranking of ordinary people.

Exquisite compound ninjutsu.

Rich practical experience.

And the control of fighter planes and the grasp of rhythm.

They are all worth learning for Neji, so it is not a waste of time.

Of course, compared with Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is still an ordinary person, the Senju brothers bring more value to Neji.

Even though they are now reincarnated bodies, they cannot fight by themselves.

Just those secret techniques and the Wood Release Bloodline ability have also made Neji gain a lot and burst out with inspiration, which can be said to be worthwhile.

The battle in the Four Purple Flame Formation is still going on.

Under a Wood Release Ninjutsu of Senju Hashirama, it was instantly filled with towering trees, which directly filled up the Four Purple Flame Formation. It seriously blocked the view of the onlookers.

Of course, this is not difficult for Neji. The Byakugan of ordinary Hyuga people can see through obstacles, not to mention his mutated and upgraded version.

It is so clear that it is not affected at all

""Hey, the boy from the Hyuga family, Konoha is under attack, where are the people from your family, why don't they come out to help?"

An Anbu ninja approached Neji.

Neji didn't bother to pay attention to such guys.

The point is that although the Anbu is a department directly under the Hokage, it has great power.

For example, when investigating a case, it can execute first and report later, just like the Jinyiwei or the East and West Factory of the ancient dynasty.

But this does not mean that they can ride on the head of a big family like the Hyuga and act arrogantly and boss people around.

Especially after the disappearance of Uchiha. The Hyuga has become the de facto first family in Konoha.

Even the Hokage, in order to ensure the stability and strength of Konoha, now has to be polite when talking to the Hyuga clan, and use a negotiating tone. What's more, they are his subordinates.

Dare to come and cause trouble, they are simply blind guys, looking for death

""You little brat, didn't you hear me talking to you?"

Seeing that Neji ignored him, the Anbu ninja who was talking became very angry and his tone became more serious.

"Do you have nothing to do?"

"What did you say?"

The eyes of the Anbu ninja under the mask widened a little.

He didn't expect that a mere Hyuga boy, who had just become a Genin, would dare to speak to him in such an aggressive tone.

But it was more than that. Neji didn't want to say a word to this blind guy who kept annoying him.

The illusion came out.

He directly controlled the Anbu ninja and made him fly towards the Four Purple Flame Formation.


As soon as he made contact, the Anbu member turned into a fireball.

"Damn it, kid, what did you just do?"

Seeing their companions die, two more Anbu ninjas jumped over instantly.

"You guys are so idle."

Shaking his head speechlessly, Neji controlled the two Anbu ninjas without saying a word.

He let them rush towards the Four Purple Flame Formation and followed in the footsteps of their companions.


Since you love each other so much, let's stay together forever.

Burn and cremate in one go.

Even the steps of joint burial can be omitted, how great.

After dealing with these three annoying people who were looking for trouble, seeing other Anbu ninjas coming to the roof.

Neji suddenly felt that these guys were too idle.

The offensive force arranged by the Sand Village and Orochimaru was not strong enough, and there were too few people to cause any serious damage to Konoha. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Look, the Anbu ninjas haven't even stepped up.

It means that the situation is still under control. Can it be solved by ordinary ninjas alone?

This won't work.

By the way, Neji was still thinking that if Konoha was destroyed more seriously, he could take the opportunity to launch the real estate plan. It's like cutting off the fuel supply from under the cauldron.

Being a nominal Hokage is useless.

Ningji wants all the people in Konoha to live in the houses built by the Hyuga clan, owe money to the Hyuga clan, and work for the Hyuga clan to pay off the debt. This goes on from generation to generation, without end.

In this way, who dares not to take his Hyuga clan seriously?

Those who dare to jump or want to jump.

Let your whole family have no house to live in and no food to eat.

Directly controlling the economic lifeline means controlling the fate of all people and their descendants.

This is much better than being the Hokage, who has to take the trouble to do things for the villagers and deal with various problems.

On one side is the real superior.

On the other side is only the nominal leader, who actually has to serve the public.

Even a fool knows how to choose.

So, to be honest, Neji has no interest in being Hokage. Whoever wants to be the Hokage can be the Hokage. Anyway, he will not do it.

Because he only needs to work hard in secret to control Konoha's economic system.

(King) Who cares who is the shadow at that time? They are just puppets in his hands. Up and down are just a matter of a word. It doesn't matter.[]

Ningci did something.

Because the people of Sand Village and Orochimaru were not strong enough, the damage to Konoha was not as good as he expected.


Ningci summoned several Uchiha puppets and asked them to go to various places in Konoha to cause destruction.

"`.Are you Hyuga Neji?"

Two more Anbu ninjas came over, and one of them asked. Looking at her slender figure and long, smooth purple hair, she must be a pretty lady.

Of course,

Neji's good attitude was not only because of this, but also because he knew how to talk, and he was not so bossy and arrogant.

"it's me"


Hello Ningci, can you tell us what happened here just now?". Được

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