"Oh, I didn't understand what was going on. Those Anbu members rushed to the barrier one after another, as if they were in a genjutsu."


"I think so, otherwise why would they commit suicide?"

"Well, what you said makes sense. Did you see any hostile ninjas or strangers coming here?"

The purple-haired ninja, that is, Mao Yue Xi Yan, continued to ask

"I didn't see this. I was only paying attention to the situation inside the barrier."

""Inside the barrier?"

Compared with Sarutobi Hiruzen's safety, the matter of several Anbu members was indeed not that important, at least not the most urgent.

In view of this, Uzuki Yugao turned her head and looked at the people around her.

"team leader?"

"Well, Hyuga Neji, right? You have the Byakugan, so you can help us observe the situation of the Sandaime-sama first."

The male ninja next to Uzuki Yugao nodded and said.

As expected, it's still the Anbu, recruiting people without any discussion, and the main focus is on being strong.

But it doesn't matter.

Anyway, the puppets that should be sent have been sent out, and Ino Hinata and the others are not in danger. There is no need to leave in a hurry, just play with these Anbu personnel

"No problem."

Ningji smiled and agreed directly.

Meanwhile, on the other side, several 427 Uchiha puppets also came to various places in Konoha and launched a large-scale destruction operation.

They didn't kill people. They just destroyed buildings. No matter if it was a commercial street or a residential area, they didn't let go of anything and collapsed under their ninjutsu.

Some ninjas came to stop them.

Unfortunately, they were no match for these Uchiha puppets.

Because they all had Mangekyō Sharingan, not to mention other means, just one illusion could solve more than 90% of the ninjas.

Without the elite jonin level, or even the Kage level, they couldn't be stopped at all.

But if you want to play, play big.

Neji felt that this was not enough, so he controlled another puppet to find Gaara.

With a Sharingan illusion, he controlled the opponent and then released Shukaku.

"a ha ha ha~~"

Shukaku's strange laughter spread all around.

But he was soon controlled by the Sharingan and began to wreak havoc in many buildings.

"Damn it, it's the tailed beast from the Sand Village!"

Shukaku was so big and made such a big move that he was immediately discovered by many Konoha ninjas.

"No, look at its eyes!"

"That is......Sharingan?"

"Aren't all the Uchiha gone? What's going on?"

"Need I say more? He must be unwilling to defect and wants to take revenge on us, so he joined forces with the people from the Sand Village!"

"These bastards!"

"Damn Uchiha!"

"They can't even let me live in peace after leaving. They are truly an evil clan!"

"Captain, what should we do?"

"Damn it, find them and kill them, don’t let any of them go!"


A large number of Konoha ninjas took action and began to look for the Uchiha clan.

Several Uchiha puppets were also besieged, but with their strength, they can still hold on for now.

How should I put it.

The Mangekyō Sharingan is indeed a dividing line.

Without the strength above the level of Kage, no matter how many there are, it is difficult to pose any threat to them.

Because once Susanoo appears, ordinary ninjas don't even have the ability to break through the defense.

Only when they have consumed their own pupil power and can't hold on, can we see the hope of victory, otherwise there is no need to think about it.

At the moment So.

Under Neji's remote control, several Uchiha puppets used Susanoo.

A giant several meters high rose from the ground, and rushed among the many Konoha ninjas, constantly blowing up pieces after pieces.

Either people, or the wreckage of various buildings.

In short, this was a very uneven battle.

Facing the Susanoo Titan of the Uchiha clan, the Konoha ninjas had no ability to deal with it, and could not organize an effective resistance.

It only took a short while.

Many of them were injured, and the front line was about to collapse. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

""Go and ask for the Hyuga clan leader!!"

A captain with a dusty face sitting in the ruins shouted loudly.

No wonder he thought of the Hyuga clan.

Because Konoha at the moment really can't produce any cutting-edge combat power.

The three ninjas are not here.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is still trapped in the barrier.

What about looking for Danzo and the two advisors?

Don't be ridiculous.

The war has been going on for so long, and the three old Bidens haven't come out to help. I don't know where they ran off to hide.

Still counting on them is like waiting to die.

The Hyuga clan is the strongest clan in Konoha.

When the entire Uchiha clan is here, they can compete with them. There is no reason to say that they can't deal with these few people now.

So at this most urgent moment.

The captain thought of the Hyuga clan first.

And this is the result that Ningji wanted.

So when the ninjas of Konoha ran to the Hyuga Hizashi to seek support, Ningji also took the time to pass a message to his father.

"Okay, I understand."

Hinata Hiashi nodded calmly.

He seemed to be responding to the ninja who asked for help, but in fact he was contacting Neji.

"Thank you, Mr. Hizashi!"[]

Seeing that there was hope for help, the ninja almost cried with joy.

"All right, you go back and report first, our Hyuga clan's support will be here soon."

Hyuga Hizashi waved his hand and said


The ninja took the order and left.

Afterwards, Hyuga Hizashi chatted with Neji for a few more words

"Tell us what you think"

"It's very simple. If we can save Konoha from danger, wouldn't it help raise the reputation of our Hyuga clan to a higher level?"

"You want to be a Hokage?"


"If we don't become Hokage and don't get involved in politics, what's the point of improving our reputation?"

"You can't say that, father."

Neji's voice continued to enter Hyuga Hizashi's mind.

"Having a high reputation is always good. Even if it's not for the purpose of becoming Hokage, it will be convenient in other aspects. At least it's better than having a low reputation."

"The key is that this is something that comes easily to us and doesn't require us to pay anything, so why not do it? Don't you think so?"


Hinata Hizashi nodded.

It's not that he didn't understand these things.

As I said before, he wanted to know what Neji thought.

As a father, Hinata Hizashi didn't expect Neji to have a high level of political awareness, but he also wanted to cultivate him.

Let him understand this aspect of things, at least he won't do whatever he wants on impulse and develop an impulsive personality.

"Father, this also has something to do with the real estate plan I mentioned."

"what is the relationship?"

"After we win the hearts of the people, we can then do our work. Can we control their purses?"

"Haha, you are worthy of being my son."

I love you: I love you Được

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