Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 176 Otsutsuki Hamura's original story

In Uchiha Gin's mental space.

"Huh? I'll give you the stool. Sit down and talk!"

Uchiha Gin, who was originally sleepy, lost all sleep in an instant after hearing the breaking news about Hamura Otsutsuki.

He took out a stool from his back like a flower, and diligently arranged for his confused second uncle to sit down.

He transformed into a large emerald green watermelon, and when he cut it in, the sweet juice spread out.

Hi, Bao cooked.

Picking up a piece of delicious watermelon, Uchiha Gin squatted on the ground, with an urging look on his face, and said to Hamura Otsutsuki who didn't react,

"Second uncle, why didn't you tell me? I'm ready~"

"Hey! Treason!"

Otsutsuki Hamura was suffocated and covered his chest. His blood pressure soared due to Uchiha Gin's sexy moves. Fortunately, he only had a spirit body left, otherwise he would have been so angry that he would vomit three liters of blood.

"Okay, okay, I really can't do anything to you."

Facing the scolding from his ancestor, Uchiha Gin felt that he had indeed gone too far. He stood up with an apologetic look, walked slowly to Otsutsuki Hamura, who was still feeling relieved, and handed the half-eaten watermelon to him. He said helplessly,

"Get out! Don't you know I have diabetes?"

ha? It turns out this problem is hereditary!

Uchiha Gin suddenly realized it, recalling his increasingly soaring blood sugar, and shed tears of sadness in an instant. He felt that the watermelon in front of him became a little boring, and he waved his hand to remove the illusion of his mental space.

The surroundings once again became void, and the cold-faced Hamura Otsutsuki also returned to his previous seriousness. A pair of gray white eyes stared straight at Uchiha Gin, and he said slowly,

"Just now, I discovered my mother's aura."

"Stop! Before talking about this, can you explain to me who your mother is?"

Uchiha Gin made an X with his arm, and the confusion on his face did not seem to be fake, as if he was very unfamiliar with the mother Otsutsuki Hamura said.

"Hagoromo didn't tell you?"

This time it was Otsutsuki Hamura's turn to face the question mark. The eldest brother did not cultivate such a good seedling. It seemed that he was really full.

"Well, below us, if you want to see your ancestors, you have to die."

Uchiha Gin spread his hands and showed a very embarrassed expression. After all, he has not died yet, and it is still too early to pay homage to the Sage of Six Paths.

"Okay, give me the bench and I'll tell you the story about the goddess Mao."

Otsutsuki Hamura sighed. It seemed that he had to waste some time, so he waved and signaled Uchiha Gin to come out as a bench. He was a little tired after standing for a long time.


Uchiha Gin wisely took out a massage chair from his back and guided Hamura Otsutsuki, who looked novel, to lie down on it. As the sound of successful payment by scanning the QR code sounded, the massage chair began its debut in the ninja world.

"Buzz buzz"

"Hey? Hey! Hey~"

The precise acupoint massage of the massage chair gave Otsutsuki Hamura a sore feeling when he experienced it for the first time. With a few small drills rubbing around the sphincter, the second uncle, who had never experienced such enjoyment in his life, could not hold back and cried out in comfort.

"Second uncle, is your strength still appropriate?"

At this moment, Uchiha Gin was holding a questionnaire in his hand, with a questioning look on his face.

"It's so good! It's more comfortable than my little wife in the thirty-sixth room~"

Ōtsutsuki Hamura, who was already a little carried away, squinted his eyes and subconsciously exposed his dirty information.

"Ahem, cough, cough, it's all such nonsense, it's business! Business!"

Otsutsuki Hamura, who was belatedly aware of this, jumped down from the massage chair with a somewhat unnatural look on his face, and admonished Uchiha Gin with a teasing look on his face,

"We, the Otsutsuki clan, have always been diligent and frugal, advocating taking pride in hard work and being ashamed of indolence."


"Hagoromo and I were not born from ordinary people, but were conceived from the legendary goddess Uno."

Otsutsuki Hamura, whose complexion returned to normal, began to talk about his life experience, his old eyes full of nostalgia,

"That year, Hagoromo eighteen, stood like a minions."

Everyone has seen the next plot, so I won’t write about it, so as not to say I’m not good at numbers.

"So, under my wise command, that guy in Yuyi attacked from both sides. Relying on my clever mind and the power of yin and yang in my hands, he sealed the mother who had fallen into madness. The place where the seal was sealed became The current moon, and I, am willing to sacrifice my freedom for the sake of world peace, and guard my mother here to prevent her from causing harm to the world."

Seeing Hamura Otsutsuki portraying himself as the protagonist, Uchiha Gin, who was familiar with the plot, subconsciously rolled his eyes.

I don't know if this guy is good at anything else, but his bragging skills are indeed top-notch among Otsutsuki.

"You know, this is the authentic plot. If that guy in Hagoromo tells you a different version in the future, don't be fooled!"

Say no to piracy and start with Otsutsuki.

"Pa bang bang~"

Uchiha Gin stood up, clapped his hands excitedly, looked at Otsutsuki Hamura with admiration, his head almost raised to the sky, and said in a trembling voice,

"Second uncle's great achievements, I will definitely spread them widely after I go down, so that the world will know that the legendary Immortal of Six Paths is actually just a villain who deceives the world and steals his reputation!"

"Ahem, cough, that's not necessary. I, Hamura Otsutsuki, have been pure and devoid of desire all my life. That kind of false reputation is like a floating cloud to me, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

Hearing Uchiha Gin's words, Otsutsuki Hamura, who had looked complacent just now, suddenly felt sweaty, swallowed hard and said,

His expression changed instantly, he stopped him very calmly, and then said that he was by no means a person seeking fame and reputation.

"I didn't expect that my second uncle would be so upright and upright. It's really shameful. If I have the opportunity to meet the Immortal of Six Paths in the future, I will definitely help you seek justice and reprimand him on the spot so that he can't hold his head up!"

Uchiha Gin clenched his fists, his eyes flashed with the light of justice, which made Hamura Otsutsuki, who felt guilty, unable to open his eyes. He could only smile and began to change the topic.

"Don't mention the past anymore. Now let me explain to you the crisis at hand."

"Second uncle, please speak~"

"Just yesterday, I suddenly felt a mysterious and dark force, but this force was not strong, so I didn't pay attention."


Hamura Otsutsuki's eyes flashed with thought, and Ginori Uchiha, who knew the origin of that power, had erratic eyes and even whistled, trying to hide his inner uneasiness.

"However, after that power overflowed, I discovered that my mother's aura changed in the seal."

"What changes?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Gin was a little confused. When he opened the Laodeng Kaleidoscope, he didn't find anything abnormal?

"There is a trace of mother's breath missing!"

Otsutsuki Hamura frowned, and his uneasiness was palpable. He was very confident in his perception.

For thousands of years, his mother's aura has been very stable, but just yesterday, there was a trace missing, which had to make him wary.

"Hasn't this happened before?"

Hearing this breaking news, Uchiha Gin was a little curious. Can Kaguya Otsutsuki do this kind of operation in the seal? If he could successfully get out of trouble, what else would Jue Juezi do?

"Well, there shouldn't be, right?"

In response to Uchiha Gin's sudden question, Otsutsuki Hamura, who originally had a resolute face, was a little hesitant, and his gray eyes rolled around, as if he was remembering something.

"You won't slip away, will you?"

Seeing his expression, Uchiha Gin's heart skipped a beat. He could tolerate his ancestor's talk of lewdness, and his talk of cheating, but being stubborn about his duties was an unforgivable crime.

Fork it out and bury it!

"Ahem. When the treacherous sons of the branch family were fighting with the main family, I was a little busy, so I neglected the matter of guarding~"

Otsutsuki Hamura, who was stabbed by Uchiha Gin, was a little embarrassed immediately, but he still admitted his mistake generously.

busy? Are you busy making movies?

"There's nothing we can do about it. The movement of the Tenseigan is so loud that it can't be said to have penetrated the earth's crust and tore a small hole in mother's seal. This situation is not impossible, right?"

Otsutsuki Hamura vigorously defended his negligence, but in Uchiha Gin's view, this was a sign of passing the blame.

"Now that something has happened, can you tell me how to remedy it?"

Rather than continue to embarrass his unreliable second uncle, Uchiha Gin took a deep breath, calmed down his uneasiness, and asked aloud,

After all, the motivation was created by oneself. If Kaguya Otsutsuki escapes in advance, wouldn’t it mean that the finale is ahead of schedule, and everyone will become white by hanging on a tree?

Will he never see the Konoha that he misses so much?

"The top priority is to find the trace of mother's aura and take it back, or eliminate it directly."

"How to find this?"

Uchiha Gin looked confused. He was never taught this story!

"Don't panic, I'll teach you a technique that can lock your mother's breath within a certain range."

As Otsutsuki Hamura, who had lived with his mother for many years, he naturally had some means of identifying his mother's aura, and he immediately taught the technique to Uchiha Gin, hoping that he could complete his new mission as soon as possible.

"You're all here, let's teach you the techniques to control the reincarnated eye too!"

After Uchiha Gin wrote down the technique for identifying Kaguya Otsutsuki's aura, he suddenly remembered his main mission.

If he really found the reincarnated eye, he wouldn't be blind if he couldn't control it, so he reminded him loudly,

"Okay, then I'll hand over the psychic technique of the Tsangikan to you."

Anyway, it will be this kid sooner or later, and Otsutsuki Hamura did not hide it, and taught Uchiha Gin the technique of the psychic reincarnation eye.

"Wait a minute! Second uncle, I already have the technique to channel the reincarnated eye. Why don't I just find Gou Ba to directly channel the reincarnated eye?"

Uchiha Gin, who thought he had discovered a blind spot, after remembering the psychic technique in his mind, asked with great imagination,

"Haha, are you thinking about shit?"

Regarding Uchiha Gin's whims, Otsutsuki Hamura gave him a rude look.

"Let's not talk about the fact that you have not signed a contract with the reincarnation eye. Just the spells that the branch family has superimposed on the reincarnation eye over the years are enough for your kid to drink a pot."

"Well, I thought it was too simple."

Uchiha Gin was not discouraged when his idea was rejected. In his opinion, the reincarnation eye that the Otsutsuki clan has enshrined for generations will be his own sooner or later.

But the sudden appearance of Hidden Mission 2 now gave him a bit of a headache.

That's Kaguya Otsutsuki. Are you really going to let him go alone?

Not only is the difficulty no less than beating Su Nuo, it is even closer to "Go and get rid of Tang Monk and his disciples"!

"By the way, I have some news for you."

Otsutsuki Hamura, who was about to turn around and disappear, seemed to suddenly remember something, turned his head, and said in a very strange tone,

There was a visible gloating in his gray eyes, as well as a very obscure envy,

"Just now, the last few male Otsutsuki on the moon came to me to report."


What does this mean? The Otsutsuki clan has no men, so where did the future Otsutsuki Toneri come from? It can't be asexual reproduction like Aunt Snake, right?

"Wait, explain it clearly!"

Looking at Otsutsuki Hamura's back, Uchiha Gin, who had many questions in his heart that had not been answered, waved his hand and shouted,

However, the only response to him was endless darkness.

The next day


Uchiha Gin, with dark circles under his eyes, was awakened by a rhythmic knock on the door. He stood up, rubbed his sore eyes, and yawned.

"Ha~Who is it?"

"Mr. Gin, it's time to get up and eat."

The voice of the black puppet came from outside the door, and with it, there was a hint of food aroma coming in from the crack of the door.

"Come in~"


As Uchiha Gin said, the door of the dormitory opened, and several short figures, carrying steaming food, trotted to his bed.

"Please have a meal, Mr. Gin~"

"Eat in bed?"

Looking at the boy puppets surrounding his bed, Uchiha Gin asked curiously,


The black puppet waved his hand, and a small table rose on Uchiha Gin's bed. The boy skillfully brought the food up,

Tsk! The Otsutsuki clan is indeed arrogant and extravagant. They must go to the countryside and reform!

"Thank you for the hospitality~"

I, Uchiha, have worked hard all my life. It's time to enjoy myself, right?

After the storm, Uchiha Gin, who had finished packing, walked in the corridor of the Otsutsuki Biluo Palace. Looking at the puppets working hard in the corridor, he couldn't help asking the black puppet next to him,

"You Otsutsuki clan, don't you have any living servants?"

"No, every member of the Otsutsuki clan is an extremely noble existence. How can we let them do such a lowly thing."

The black puppet tilted his neck, and his pair of yellow eyes were lifeless. Facing Uchiha Gin's question, he still knew it but didn't know what to say.

"Can I go out for a walk today?"

Although the palace of Otsutsuki Biluo is large, Uchiha Gin has become a little aesthetically fatigued after walking around for a few times. With some thoughts in his mind, he continued to ask the black puppet that never left his side,

"Wait a moment, I'll go ask the master for instructions."

A ray of blue light flashed in the eyes of the black puppet. It should be calculating something. After a moment, he bowed and said goodbye, and walked towards the inner room that Uchiha Gin had never stepped into.

In a hurry, he came and went in a hurry. In a few minutes, the black puppet came back. Looking at Uchiha Gin who was waiting in the same place, he slowly said,

"The master said it's okay, but please don't stay too far away from me, Mr. Gin."


"Mr. Gin, please cherish your last free time."

? ? ?

I wish all students


Have a baby soon!

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