Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 177 I am in a hurry, I need it tonight

"It's done, it's done!"

Not long after Uchiha Gin followed the black puppet and left, a burst of excitement came from Otsutsuki Biluo's inner room,

I saw Otsutsuki Biluo's face glowing red, his face as big as a millstone full of contentment, and his mung bean-like eyes bursting with the light of desire. Looking at the heavy documents in his hands, he couldn't help but laugh.


Carefully putting all his hard work all night into the bag, not daring to stop for a moment, Otsutsuki Biluo got on the airship and headed towards the clan leader's castle at high speed.

At the same time, in the blue sky inside the moon, on top of a gorgeous airship, Uchiha Gin lay on the armrest with a curious expression and looked down.

What you enter is the endless blue sea, and the few pieces of land are lush virgin forests.

Along the way, the black puppet standing on the bow of the ship used a mechanized voice to explain the internal spatial distribution of the moon to Uchiha Gin in detail.

"Mr. Silver, next, I will take you to visit the Otsutsuki clan's natural ecological park."

When the spaceship arrived over an open forest, the black puppet's yellow eyes stared straight at Uchiha Gin, stretched out his long arm, pointed downward, and said,

"You have a zoo here?"

Uchiha Gin raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Unexpectedly, the Otsutsuki clan not only had a very high standard of living, but also had many places for entertainment and recreation. It was a perfect paradise. After living there for a long time, they really felt a little happy.


Just when Uchiha Gin was thinking, a shocking roar brought him back to reality. He saw a huge eye-catching white-fronted tiger suddenly emerge from the dense jungle, with bright patterns and a bulge on its body. A mountain of muscles exuding a chilling aura.

"Your ecological protection is very good. Tigers can grow so big."

Uchiha Gin looked at the giant tiger about ten meters long and couldn't help but praise it. He recalled the astonishing size of the unknown figure girl. Sure enough, the environment here not only nourishes people, but also makes animals fat and strong. .

"That's natural, but Mr. Yin guessed wrong. This tiger is just feed."

The black puppet standing in front made a 180° turn with its head after hearing Uchiha Gin's praise, and said coldly in a mechanical voice,


feed? Uchiha Gin was confused. Isn't this kind of garden pet?

While he was dazed, a strange whooshing sound came to his ears, and he saw a huge amount of foam rising on the water not far from the tiger. A column of water with bubbles shot directly at the frightened tiger.

"That is?"

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Gin quietly turned on his perception and detected a creature carrying a huge amount of chakra under the bubble.

“That’s the king of the eco-park.”

The black puppet looked at the giant crab claws that slowly emerged and said to Uchiha Gin,

The tiger, which was so majestic just now, was trembling now. Facing the water column rushing towards it, it couldn't even think of dodging.

After being hit directly, the picture of blood and flesh flying everywhere in the imagination did not appear. The moment the water column hit, it turned into a huge yellow bubble, wrapping the tiger that had lost its resistance, and slowly moved towards the crab. drifted in the direction.

"You actually know ninjutsu?"

Looking at Uchiha Gin sinking into the water with a huge bubble, he frowned. He saw a trace of genjutsu from that move just now. You know, there are not many ninjutsu beasts who can do genjutsu.

But those two crab claws look very fresh~

"This kind of creature, in the words of our earthly ninja, is called a ninja beast."

Sensing Uchiha Gin's shock, the black puppet explained thoughtfully,

"Not bad, the crab claws look very meaty. I will definitely try them if I have the chance."

Uchiha Gin's focus was obviously off track, and he drooled with regret as he looked at the big crab going away.

The puppet's CPU was obviously dry-heated. It took him a long time to recover from the cold start. He glanced at the salivating Gin Uchiha and started the airship again.

"Let's continue shopping."

In the patriarch's castle.

"Lord Patriarch~"

Otsutsuki Biluo, who was sweating profusely, pressed his head tightly to the ground, showing a very submissive look. He raised the document in his hand high and his voice trembled with excitement.

"The plan has been drawn up, please take a look."

Otsutsuki Tsukihime leaned lazily against the window of the observatory, her head resting on her elbows. Although there was no expression on her cold face, her heart was not at peace at the moment, and her pure white eyes were full of emotions. Inexplicable thoughts,

The slender legs were tightly touching each other, but because they were missing a piece of underwear, they felt a little strangely stimulated. The two white bare feet rubbed unnaturally, and when they heard the sound of squeezing out from the mountains of meat under the stage, they looked slightly... Turning around, looking at the extremely respectful Otsutsuki Biluo, her red lips parted slightly,

"Elder Biluo, I am very confident in you. Just implement your plan."

She is currently busy catching the thief who stole her things last night, so she has no time to take care of such chores.

"Master Patriarch, do you really not want to take a look?"

Hearing Ōtsutsuki Tsukihime's casual tone, Ōtsutsuki Aoi was surprised, and a hint of joy flashed in her heart. However, adhering to the principle of openness and fairness, she still had the courage to ask, otherwise some people would think it was unfair. He might as well move out of the clan leader,

"No need, I don't worry about you doing the work."

Otsutsuki Tsukishima was obviously absent-minded. Facing the admonitions of the people in the audience, she did not even raise her eyelids. She slowly stretched out a soft hand, and a blue light emerged.

The plan in Otsutsuki Biluo's hand was operated by an unknown force, slowly floating from the pair of fat hands, and finally fell in front of Otsutsuki Tsukishima. She glanced at the name of the plan with her peripheral vision.

"Ultimate Operation Plan for the Revival of Otsutsuki"

Very good, Otsutsuki, revival, plan, or ultimate, with full key elements, it must be an excellent plan.

"Approved, implement it as soon as possible, I hope it will work today."

The confused Otsutsuki Tsukishima only took a look, and her heart had already stamped a big "approved" on this plan. She waved her hand to signal Otsutsuki Biluo to move faster, and it would be better to act now.

The Otsutsuki clan is already in danger, and now is the best time to show her wisdom and bravery.

"Well, maybe the effect is not as fast as expected?"

Raising her head close to the ground, Otsutsuki Biluo's two white green eyes were full of confusion. Although the blood of the Otsutsuki clan is different from that of ordinary people, the speed cannot be so fast. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but remind him.

Otsutsuki Tsukiji heard the questioning voice of her subordinates, with a little surprise on her beautiful face. She held two round lumps of amazing size with both hands and slowly stood up. Her 1.8-meter-tall figure was very oppressive, and a trace of anger flashed in her pure white eyes.

"Tsk~ move faster, I'm in a hurry, do you understand?"

"Hehe, got it!"

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