Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 219: Konoha is just starting out, and financial crisis looms

Flying Thunder God Jutsu, as a powerful space ninjutsu, I may never have thought in my life that one day I would be engraved on the toilet lid.

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be anxious yet. There is only one toilet. Let the youngest come first~"

Uchiha Gin, who had just used the Flying Thunder God Technique and rushed back from the beach, instantly appeared on the toilet seat. He felt three familiar smells outside. He immediately frowned, pressed the flush button, loosened his pants, and pushed He walked out of the door, pretending to be surprised and looked at the three people in front of him, and said in a conciliatory voice,

"Ah? Are you suffering from kidney deficiency?"

Senju Itama, who was still quarreling with Uchiha Hikari, heard Uchiha Gin's voice coming from behind. He was surprised at first. After turning his head guiltily, he caught a glimpse of the corner of the other party's pants that was stained with blood. There were black water stains, and his expression became very disgusting. He covered his nose and took a few steps back.

Following the other person's gaze, Uchiha Gin lowered his head and saw the water stains on his trousers, and instantly deduced that it should have been accidentally smeared on himself when Uzumaki Hanamichi jumped up from the sea.

Unexpectedly, I was discovered by this sharp-eyed kid, and he misunderstood that my water pipe was ticking due to kidney deficiency. It was really unbearable for my uncle, but intolerable for my aunt.

"Tsk! You rebellious brat, look at me. Alas~"

The angry Uchiha Gin seemed to reach out his hand reflexively, preparing to give this guy a righteous shock, but the hand he just raised hung in the air after seeing the beautiful and familiar face of the other party. Then he sighed slightly, took his hand back, looked at the confused Senju Itama, and said,

"You little brat, you came out for a walk at this time. Do you want to go home?"

Looking past the tall and graceful figure of Senju Itama, Uchiha Gin saw not far away, looking at a certain white-haired person here with a thoughtful look on his face, and slowly said to her who was silent,

"Your brother keeps looking this way, why don't you go over?"

"Then shall I leave?"

Hearing this, Qian Shu Banjian felt a pain in his heart. His head, which was held high just now, dropped to his chest, and his voice was like a gnat, which was so aggrieved that it made people feel heartbroken.

"I respect your choice, but for some personal reasons, I still hope you don't leave~"

Looking at the suddenly depressed Senju Itama, Uchiha Gin scratched his head helplessly, walked forward, rubbed her little head as if to comfort him, looked at the slightly white hair roots on one side, and said,

"Don't dye your hair again, it will damage your roots too much."

After saying that, he patted Qianju Banjian's slightly trembling shoulders and said with a smile,

"Short hair suits you well, please keep it that way."

"Brother, do you think the woman next to Uchiha Gin looks familiar?"

Senju Tobirama, who had just had a few words with Senju Hashirama, once again focused on the woman from the Uchiha clan. Looking at her beautiful face, he frowned and asked the eldest brother next to him,

"Huh? Why are you still staring at that little girl, uh, that woman?"

"Yeah, does it look familiar?"

Qianju Tojian, who thought his elder brother had seen some clues, hurriedly asked,

"Haha, Brother Yin is so lucky to have so many girls around him~"

Senju Hashirama, who didn't see anything unusual at all, laughed and joked after seeing the three girls surrounding Uchiha Gin. Then he left his younger brother with a painful face and headed towards Uchiha Gin who had been waiting for a long time. Haubara walked away,


Forget it, it's just an Uchiha, maybe he just happens to look similar.

Senju Tobirama, who didn't get a response, glanced at the high-collar robe that the woman was wearing, shook his head in his heart, stopped paying attention, got up and followed his elder brother, preparing to start signing the covenant.

"Ah Yin, hurry up, the ceremony is about to begin~"

Uchiha Hikari on the side saw that the atmosphere between Uchiha Gin and Senju Itama had become a little strange. She felt something bad in her heart and immediately broke the silence.

"Yes, Mr. Yin, the clan leader was looking for you just now and said he wanted you to stand in the front row to witness the covenant."

Uchiha Governance, whose beautiful eyes were full of brilliance, also reminded her aloud. Seeing her best friend who had regained some vitality, she was sincerely happy for her.

Itama is one of my indispensable combat strengths~

Good bestie, a quilt!

"I'll wipe it, you can't miss this~"

"It's motor, why don't you start?"

Senju Hashirama, whose smile never broke today, looked at Uchiha Madara with a face as iceberg-like, clenched his hands into fists, and asked aloud as if he couldn't wait,

"Wait a minute, cousin is not here yet."

This kind of critical moment cannot be done without an elder to witness it. As the saying goes, an elder brother is like a father. After his father's death, Uchiha Gin's family status rose several points in an instant.

"That's right, then just wait, don't be in a hurry~"

Since he was waiting for Uchiha Gin, Senju Hashirama said for a moment that it was okay. He also felt that this ceremony would never be possible without the witness of Brother Gin.

"Huh~ I didn't miss it, did I?"

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here. Within a minute after saying this, the panting Uchiha Gin rushed to the scene. Seeing both parties present looking at him, he said with some confusion, cautiously,

"No, you came just in time."

An inexplicable emotion flashed through Uchiha Madara's eyes, and he nodded to Senju Hashirama in front of him, signaling that it was time to start.

"I, Senju Hashirama, represent the Senju clan and swear in the name of my ancestors that from now on, I will be with the Uchiha clan."

With a smile on his face, Senju Hashirama took out a scroll from his sleeve. After unfolding it, his expression became extremely serious. He looked at the content on the scroll and read aloud,

"I, Madara Uchiha, on behalf of the Uchiha clan, swear in the name of my ancestors that from now on, I will be with the Senju clan."

After Senju Hashirama finished reading the manuscript eloquently, Gin Uchiha, who looked cold, also took out a scroll from his arms, unfolded it and read in a cold voice,

As the two finished reading out the formalized covenant, the excited Senju Hashirama reached out his hand first, looking at his best friend with a hearty smile on his face, his eyes filled with eagerness to realize his dream.

"Congratulations, Hasi hot mom, your dream is about to come true."

Uchiha Madara looked at the other person's extended hand and shook it without hesitation. A trace of warmth bloomed on his cold face, and he whispered to the man in front of him,

"No, motor, it's our dream."

At this moment, the two largest forces in the Country of Fire put aside their hatred for thousands of years and united together. With the rising sun, a new era was about to come.

"Motor, our dream is right in front of us. Which piece do you Uchiha clan want?"

On top of a majestic mountaintop, two figures stood, overlooking the village under construction in the leeward basin. Senju Hashirama's long black hair fluttered in the wind, making Madara Uchiha peeking aside. He was confused and stunned when he was brought back to reality by the other party's question.

"Well, I don't care about this kind of thing, let my eldest cousin decide."

Uchiha Madara, who was still afraid of being discovered, raised his head guiltily, and suddenly saw leaves falling all over the sky. He grabbed a leaf, only to find that there was a small hole in the middle of the leaf. He looked at the leaf in his hand and said casually,

"What do you think our village should be called?"

Senju Hashirama was still in excitement and did not notice anything unusual about Uchiha Madara. He looked at his ideal village and thought that there was no name here yet, so he called out to his best friend,

"I thought the dream was just a dream."

After hearing this, Uchiha Madara regained consciousness, raised the leaf in his hand, looked through the small hole at the embryonic village below, pondered for a moment, recalled his fear of being dominated by Mudun, and then spoke suggested,

"Konoha Ninja Village, how is it?"

"Haha, then the leader of the village will be called Hokage, what do you think?"

Upon hearing the word "Konoha", Senju Hashirama immediately felt happy. This title hit his heart. He nodded with a smile and said the name of the leader he had thought of in advance.

"Haha, as long as you like it."

Uchiha Madara, who felt secretly happy in his heart, could hardly suppress the smile on his lips. The Uchiha clan was famous for their fire escape. Isn't the title of Hokage just to commemorate the Uchiha clan?

"Everything will be fine~"

"Brother, I don't have enough money."

Senju Hashirama was sitting in the office, reviewing applications from famous ninja clans, big and small, including famous families like Hinata and Sarutobi. Just when he was about to take them all, Senju looked sad. Tobirama pushed the door open, looked at his eldest brother, and told him about the village's current predicament.

"Have the Senju Clan run out of money?"

"After using it up, even your son's New Year's money was included."

"Ah! Taohua will fight me tooth and nail~"

Hearing that all the New Year's money his son had saved over the years was thrown into the bottomless pit of the village, Senju Hashirama was heartbroken. He really didn't expect that a village would spend so much money.

"Tobirama Amen, help me~"

Thinking that his brother had many clever ideas, Senju Hashirama grabbed his brother with tears in his eyes and begged him to help him.

"Well, the Uchiha side seems to be quite wealthy. The construction team hired from outside is built by that clan, which is a bit more luxurious than the Senju clan."

Senju Tobirama rolled his eyes and shook the wealth of the Uchiha clan to nothing.

"Huh? Motora is so rich? Go and invite him~"

Unexpectedly, his best friend had a rich family as usual. With the mentality of "what's yours is mine", Senju Hashirama ordered his men to invite Uchiha Madara to come and discuss important matters.

"Dong dong dong~"

"Please come in quickly!"

After a while, the door was knocked, but the person who came in was not the one Senju Hashirama had in mind. Looking at the familiar curly hair of the other party, Senju Tobirama on the side took the lead and asked,

"Uchiha Gin, where is your clan leader?"

"Ha~ My eldest cousin is retreating in the family shrine. Now I will take care of all the family affairs for the time being."

Uchiha Gin, who was yawning, rolled his eyes helplessly and looked at the Senju brothers in front of him. He spread his little hands and looked as innocent as possible on his handsome face.

"Oh, it's really troublesome. It's all my fault for that kid Izuna. He's so stupid and stupid that it makes people worry~"

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