Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 220 A blond young man who looks familiar

"Brother Hashirama, are you in any trouble?"

Uchiha Gin skillfully pulled out a chair and sat on it. At the same time, he crossed his legs and glanced at the bright red numbers on the desk. There was a hint of understanding in his slightly narrowed eyes.

From Senju Hashirama's undisguised expression of embarrassment, he had probably guessed what kind of difficulties this prison boy who had just become the village chief had encountered.

"Ah this."

If the visitor were Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama would probably speak freely, cry with snot and tears, and then defraud an angel investment that he would never repay. But if the visitor was Uchiha Gin, this would make him He was a little embarrassed to speak.

After all, Uchiha Gin is Momoka's good friend. If his son's hair wasn't very smooth and his eyes were bright, he would have been a little suspicious of his motive for giving red envelopes during the holidays.

"Brother, let me tell you."

The village is the most important thing. You, Senju Hashirama, are too embarrassed to offend anyone, but I, Senju Tobirama, don’t care about these worldly things.

Then he turned around and looked at Uchiha Gin, who looked like an old man. He handed over the financial planning report in his hand. His scarlet eyes rested on the other person's fluffy curly hair for a moment before continuing to speak in a rare tone. Not stiff,

"According to the pre-planning, the prototype of the village's infrastructure has been basically completed. However, there are still several important places that have encountered some problems and cannot start construction smoothly."

"Well, let's see. Isn't it right? You don't even have the money to repair the Hokage Building?"

From Senju Tobirama's words, Uchiha Gin had vaguely heard that something was wrong. He reached out and took the financial report document. After taking a closer look, he couldn't help but scream in surprise,

"Why did you add so many residential areas?"

Uchiha Gin pointed to the huge number of residential areas that were subsequently added to the financial report, frowned and asked,

"Well~ we are all big brothers"

Hearing Uchiha Gin's to-the-point soul torture question, Senju Hashirama covered his face, looking ashamed to see others, and directly sold the culprit, Senju Hashirama, completely.

"Haha, there are so many ninjas who have submitted applications to us. We can't let people come and have no place to live, right?"

As the initiator of the financial deficit, Senju Hashirama smiled awkwardly, rubbed his big head, and argued for his actions.

"If they want to join, let them come and build it themselves. Why are you so anxious?"

Unexpectedly, the mainstays of Konoha in the future have begun to gather together. Uchiha Gin raised his eyebrows and continued,

"It's us, Konoha, who gives them peaceful asylum. It's not bad that they don't ask for money. We also provide them with food and accommodation?"

"That's right, brother, you are really degrading yourself by doing this."

Could it be that Senju Tobirama had the same opinion as Uchiha? He looked at his elder brother with scarlet eyes. The harsh meaning in it could be said to be visible to the naked eye.

"Alas~ Now the deal is done, the residential areas have been built, it's too late!"

Even though he was the talker of Konoha, Senju Hashirama still showed no dignity at all in front of these two people. He lowered his head timidly and shouted in a low voice in a very rude tone,

"So, you are looking for a loan from your eldest cousin?"

Throwing the financial report aside, Uchiha Gin looked at the Senju brothers in front of him, sighed helplessly, and asked aloud,

"Haha, you are really good at judging people~"

Senju Hashirama smiled when he heard this, and stepped forward with great enthusiasm. He put his big hands on Uchiha Gin's shoulders and kneaded them vigorously. His big, bright eyes were narrowed into a slit at this moment, revealing a cunning expression. the light,

Tsk! It’s so heartbreaking. Look, what does power bring to men?

"This brother Hashirama, although I want to help, but the landlord's family doesn't have any food left."

Facing the attentive Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Gin looked embarrassed, and then talked about the current situation of the Uchiha clan,

"You don't know how valuable firewood and rice are when you are not a family member. The Uchiha clan is not as big as you Senju. Every penny we spend is on the cutting edge. Excluding the cost of materials, the construction of the clan land is all done free of charge by the clan members. With my help, it was built brick by brick~"

"Clan members? But how did I hear that you, the Uchiha clan, hired architects from other countries with high salaries to design and build your clan land?"

Senju Tobirama on the side, after hearing Uchiha Gin's complaint, immediately frowned and mercilessly exposed this curly hair's true lie.

The Country of Waves is known for its expertise in building infrastructure. For this construction of the clan, Uchiha Gin specifically contacted Uchiha Tajima and asked him to send a large number of construction teams from the Country of Waves to help build the Uchiha clan. In addition to the craftsmen from the Land of Waves, there are also many Uchiha people who want to go home and visit.

"Hey~ You are talking about the masters of the Kingdom of Waves. In fact, this is the situation."

I didn't expect that this kid Senju Tobirama would keep such a close eye on the Uchiha clan. He had just brought some experts from his old uncle and was discovered by this guy. Fortunately, he was not exposed. All he could see was the silver eyes of the Uchiha. As soon as I turned around, I had a countermeasure in my mind.

"We signed a contract with the Country of Waves. The Uchiha clan paid a small part of the payment as a down payment. After the clan land is completed, the remaining balance will be returned to the Country of Waves in proportion every year with interest. ”

"Is there such a good thing?"

Upon hearing this contract that was too advanced, Senju Hashirama's eyes lit up. Is there still such a thing as getting on the bus first and paying for the ticket later?

"Both principal and interest? How much is the interest?"

Compared to his simple-minded brother, the younger brother, Senju Tobirama, is concerned about the interest. If the Wave Country is really so easy to talk to, then the Senju clan can also sign a contract with them. In this way, the construction of the village will be temporarily guaranteed.

"It's quite high, thirty-five points?"

Uchiha Gin's heart tightened. Why did this white-haired man look like he was investigating? He was worried that the other party would investigate, so he told him what he thought was a high interest rate, which was only one point lower than the loan shark standard, just to make this kid give up.

But he didn't expect that he still underestimated the lending standards of the ninja world.

"Quick! Give me the contact information of the Wave Country."

As soon as he finished speaking, Senju Tobirama looked impatient, and instantly flashed in front of Uchiha Gin, grabbed his shoulders, and urged,

"Huh? Thirty-five points, didn't you hear it clearly?"

This shake confused Uchiha Gin. This is an interest rate of thirty-five points. Anyone who sees it will shake their heads. Why is this kid so impatient?

"I heard it for real. You Uchiha clan are really secretive. You guys are keeping this good thing to yourself."


Finally, under the persistent pestering of Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Gin had no choice but to bite the bullet and leave the contact information of Wave Country. In the end, he lost his usefulness and was kicked out by Senju Tobirama.

"Tsk, that's weird, are you happy to take out a small loan?"

After coming out of the temporary office building of Hashirama Senju, Uchiha Gin went straight back to the clan land that was under construction. Looking at the busy construction site, he stopped a strange craftsman casually,

"My dear brother, where is your leader?"

"Huh? Who are you?"

The craftsman stopped by Uchiha Gin, still holding tools in his hands, did not have a good face when facing the strange curly-haired man who delayed his work, so he pulled the other's hand and said impatiently,

"I am your employer, brother, give me some face~"

Uchiha Gin was not angry because of the other party's impolite behavior. Instead, he looked at the other party's golden hair under the helmet with curiosity, and explained in a calm tone,

"Oh, it turned out to be the boss, sorry, sorry, it's I am so rude~"

When the young craftsman heard that he was the employer, he changed his face on the spot, smiling as bright as the sun, and bowed respectfully to Uchiha Yin,

"It's okay, I disturbed your work first, are you from the Wave Country?"

"Yes, I am a native of the Wave Country."

Hearing Uchiha Yin's question, the young man did not hide it, and his blue eyes were full of sincerity,

"What do you think of the Fire Country?"

Staring at the familiar face of the young man in front of him, Uchiha Yin raised his eyebrows and asked,

"It's pretty good. Compared with the Wave Country, the climate is much better. If I have the chance, I would like to settle here~"


After chatting with the blond craftsman for a few words, Uchiha Yin followed his instructions and found the leader of the craftsmen in the Wave Country.

"Master Yin!"

After seeing the leader of the craftsmen of the Land of Waves, Uchiha Yin hadn't spoken yet, but the other party bowed to Uchiha Yin respectfully. When he was puzzled, the other party formed seals with both hands, and as the smoke dissipated, the strange craftsman turned into a member of the Uchiha clan with black hair and black eyes.

"Um, are you also back to visit relatives?"

Knowing that there were many clan members who came back to visit relatives among the craftsmen, but I didn't expect that this leader was also a member of the Uchiha clan, so I asked curiously,

"Reply to the master, I am the contact person sent by the old clan daimyo to be responsible for liaison."

Hearing Uchiha Yin's question, such a clan member He shook his head and told Uchiha Gin the identity of his contact person.

"The daimyo ordered that I will only contact you and will not acknowledge anyone else."

"My uncle is quite careful. Since you are one of us, let me tell you something."

I had originally thought about informing the craftsmen of Wave Country about the fabricated loan to build the clan land. Now that they are all one of us, it will be much easier.

So, Uchiha Gin told this clan member about the loan to build the clan land, and finally told him that if the Senju clan came to them, they should sign a contract according to this interest rate and then build it for them.

"Ah? Thirty-five points?"

After listening to Uchiha Gin's arrangement, this clan member looked at him strangely, with a strong sense of doubt in his tone, and confirmed again,

"Master Gin, are you sure it is thirty-five points, not three hundred and fifty?"

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