Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 221 Brother and sister recognize each other, the girl's choice

"Oh! You're careless, you're careless~"

After being educated by the clan members disguised as the leader of the craftsmen, Uchiha Gin couldn't help but beat his chest and scream in annoyance, which could be heard clearly from several streets away.

The so-called wealth is found in danger!

In this war-torn era, the loan business is a very risky business. There is no guarantee that the borrower will be cheated as soon as he leaves the house, or that he will default on the loan due to his tyrannical strength. Under the influence of other uncertain factors, , resulting in extremely strict industry standards for this business.

Generally speaking, if there is a mortgage, the interest rate is 200%. If there is no mortgage and it is purely guaranteed by the spirit of the contract, the interest will only double.

"If I had known better, I would have missed the great opportunity to trick Baimao~"

What makes Uchiha Gin more disappointed than the small amount of money he lost is that he missed a good opportunity to cheat Senju Tobirama. But now that the matter is over, the words are out, so just think of yourself as contributing to the construction of Konoha.

From now on, I can pat the door of Konoha and proudly tell others that this was donated by me~

A few days later, when he saw the familiar blond craftsman leading a team of people rushing towards the Senju clan, Uchiha Gin knew that the contract between the two parties had been concluded.

Isn't he considered a creditor of Konoha now?

"Brother, do we really want to go?"

While Uchiha Gin was wandering outside, a tall black-haired figure dragged a very reluctant white-haired figure towards Uchiha Gin's current residence.

"I still have a lot of official business to deal with, how about you go alone, brother?"

Senju Tobirama, who looked very unhappy, looked at his excited elder brother, frowned and said,

"How can this be done? Brother Yin has helped us solve our urgent need. Whether it's public or private, we all come to thank you."

Senju Hashirama, who was holding his younger brother with one hand and carrying a basket of yellow mysterious fruits with the other, smiled brightly and patiently explained to Senju Tobirama, who was very resistant,

"I negotiated the matter!"

Thinking back on the stinky face of the craftsman leader of the Land of Waves, Senju Tobirama who kept his posture very low during the negotiation, I feel very angry.

"If Brother Yin hadn't been the matchmaker, how would we have had the chance to sign a construction contract at an almost free interest rate?"

Seeing his ignorant brother, Senju Hashirama was a little angry. This Tobirama was good at everything, but he was so stubborn with his little temper, unlike the well-behaved Wasama and the cute Itama, which made him worry-free.

"Oh~ just this time, okay?"

Recalling his two younger brothers and sisters who died in the war, Senju Hashirama suddenly felt stuffed in his heart, and his tone towards Senju Tobirama softened. He was the only younger brother now, and he would not condone anyone else.

"Well, since you said so, brother, I will reluctantly go there once."

Facing his obedient elder brother, Senju Tobirama sighed in his heart, isn't it just to say thank you to an Uchiha? For Curly's sake, he went there himself.

"Haha, I knew you were the most obedient Tobirama~"

After a while, according to the route they had inquired in advance, the two came to a very impressive wooden house. Looking at the gorgeous house made of pure wood, the two Qianju brothers had their own thoughts in their hearts. ,

"Tsk, this Curly Hair is indeed as rich as the legend says. I don't know if he came from the right way or not."

A certain Bai Mao looked at the small building in front of him that was many times more gorgeous than his own home, and said sadly in his heart,

"Um, this house is the product of Mudun?"

Compared to his brother's objections, Senju Hashirama looked confused. As the first and only user of Wood Release today, he could clearly sense the aura of Wood Release that pervaded the small western-style building in front of him. ,

But in his skill bar, he has not yet mastered the wood escape and house building skills.

"Dong dong dong~"

With doubts in mind, Senju Hashirama stepped forward first and knocked on the door decorated with gorgeous patterns.

"Hey! You curly-haired baboon, did you forget to bring it with you again?"

Hearing the knock on the door, Senju Itama was lying on the sofa in a daze. A trace of helplessness flashed in her black pupils. She thought that Uchiha Gin, who had just gone out not long ago, had returned. She stood up and shook her head. She walked over and opened the door. Without even looking at it, she complained in an extremely impatient tone. As soon as she finished speaking, she found that the other party didn't say anything back. She looked at her in surprise and was frightened to the point of being scared out of her mind.


Senju Itama, who had sharp eyes and quick hands, slammed the door shut at the moment when the other party was stunned. A man leaned behind the door, his delicate body trembling violently. He didn't know whether it was fear or excitement. His black eyes trembled wildly, and he pressed against the door. The veins on his fair hands were bulging, and the black and white hair on his head was wet with sweat.

Now she and Uchiha Hikaru are the only ones left in the house, but for some reason, the old woman has been making noises at night and staying awake during the day, which is equivalent to being alone.

"Brother, who is so rude?"

Because Senju Hashirama's sight was blocked by Senju Hashirama's tall figure, Senju Tobirama, who did not see the person opening the door, stepped forward in confusion, patted his motionless brother, and asked with a calm expression,

Humph~ Uchiha people don't know any manners at all. Unlike our Senju clan, all the men are gentlemen. Let's not mention the women.

"Tobirama, pinch me."

Just when Senju Tobirama was complaining in his heart, Senju Hashirama, who seemed to have been possessed by a restraining spell, suddenly said,

"Ah? When did you get this hobby?"

After hearing his elder brother's words, Senju Hashirama was confused for a moment, but he obediently pinched the soft flesh around Senju Hashirama's waist, then looked at the other person's red face and asked aloud road,

"Huh~ Are you really pinching me?"

He carefully touched the wound on his waist and waited for a few breaths before recovering. Senju Hashirama frowned, his eyes filled with surprise. He looked at the closed door and rubbed his wrinkled lips. He frowned, turned to his brother and said,

"I may have been too tired recently, and I actually saw the dead souls."

"Huh? How is that possible? Uchiha Gin must be faking it!"

Senju Tobirama, who had always believed in science, heard such unbelievable remarks and immediately said that everything was just Uchiha Gin making up mysteries. How could there be monsters, demons and snake gods in the world?

Death: I'm going to eat you, kid!

"Really! I saw a woman who looked like my mother, she"

Seeing that his brother didn't believe it, Senju Hashirama quickly explained. The surprise in his eyes didn't seem to be fake. This made Senju Tobirama's heart sink. Could it be that ghosts really exist in the world?

Death: Okay, okay, I'll vomit it out of my stomach again!

"Did you read it wrong? How many years has it been since Mother passed away?"

In the end, Senju Tobirama still chose to believe in science, shook his head, and interrupted his brother's nonsense.

"I read that right, it's definitely mom!"

"Then tell me how old that woman is, what she looks like, and what color her hair is."

Faced with the confident elder brother, Senju Hashirama had no choice but to ask him to describe the appearance of the woman in the house, so as to determine whether Senju Hashirama was hallucinating.

"About 20 years old. She looks like she was carved from the same mold as her mother. There is a strange mark on her head. She has short hair, half black and half white. Ahhhh!"

After hearing this, Senju Hashirama began to recall the woman he had just glanced at. He first mentioned her age, then the appearance that impressed him deeply. Finally, when he mentioned hair, he paused and thought about it carefully. , told the other party’s weird hair color, and as a result, this rare hair color touched a certain switch in his heart, causing him to scream in surprise.

"Ah! Ah! Ah"

As a listener, Senju Tobirama simulated the portrait of the woman described by Senju Hashirama in his mind. The moment his elder brother mentioned the hair color, a portrait he was very familiar with appeared in his mind, and he was shocked. He had to sing three tenor notes directly.

"It's so noisy! Can you shut up?"

Amidst the screams of the two brothers Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, Senju Itama suddenly opened the door with a look of surprise. In his black eyes, he looked at the two in front of him without any fear. A man with a very high status in Konoha scolded,


"Come in, remember to change your shoes."

Just now, Senju Itama, who was hiding behind the door, felt like a mess in her heart. After so many years, even if the Senju clan led by her eldest brother defeated the Uchiha clan, she still did not dare to appear in front of the Senju clan. There is timidity in it, but more of it is a kind of reluctance.

She was very worried about whether she would be able to get along with Uchiha Gin like she did before when she went back.

She didn't want to gamble, let alone gamble.

However, now that the two tribes are building a village together, their identity will be exposed sooner or later. In this case, it is better to cut through the mess quickly and make this matter clear.

"Are you..."

Seeing the powerful woman, Senju Hashirama felt a little weak because she looked so much like his mother. He followed her quietly. After a while, he asked cautiously. The curiosity in his eyes was about to overthrow the entire roof.

"No way, you should be dead long ago."

Compared to the somewhat fearful Senju Hashirama, the more thoughtful Senju Tobirama frowned and stared at the tall woman in front of him, looking at her familiar face and rare hair color, coldly. asked aloud,

The sacrificed Senju Koji once swore that his young sister had no chance of surviving after being besieged by several adult Uchihas.

"No, I'm not dead."

Seeing that the two of them had confirmed their identities, Senju Itama no longer kept secret. He sat on the sofa and casually picked up the Q version of the three-tailed Isofu next to him. There was a look of memory in his blurred eyes, and he slowly recalled the years. He told his two brothers about the past events of the past.

"Back then, it was Uchiha Gin who withstood the pressure and saved me as a young child from a group of extremely vicious Uchiha tribesmen."

Speaking of those days, Senju Itama recalled the Uchiha Gin who was carrying him and was unwilling to let go no matter the difficulties and dangers. An inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his cold mouth.

And this smile was caught by the always sharp Senju Tobirama, which immediately set off alarm bells in his heart, and he was vaguely aware that something big might happen to his little cabbage.

"In this way, I lived with him, but don't get me wrong, he didn't do anything wrong to me. On the contrary, because of this strange name given by my father, for a long time, he had been Thought I was a boy, hee hee~"

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