Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 224: Grateful to Uchiha for saving my son’s life

Because Konoha was still in its infancy stage at this time, and in a small village, any slightest disturbance would attract nearby melon-eating people to stop and watch. Once the accident on Uchiha Gin's side happened, the already small village The spacious street was instantly surrounded by water.

The unsuspecting onlookers outside stood on tiptoe curiously, wanting to see what was going on inside, while the people inside who were watching enthusiastically clicked their tongues one by one, making the people outside feel like cats scratching their hearts, secretly hating themselves. Why haven't you learned Earth Escape and Diving in the Earth? Otherwise, you could have squeezed into the first row to watch the show.

"What happened?"

People outside who could not see the live broadcast curiously patted the shoulders of the people in the front row and asked,

"I don't know~ I just came here too!"

When asked about the person, he touched his head helplessly. When he went out to make some soy sauce, he was squeezed into the middle position by the crowd. There were men on the left and right. His barbecue restaurant had just been repaired, and there were still a lot of things to deal with in the store.

"I heard he was a shameless Uchiha who bullied children on the street. He was caught by the security team and even alerted Lord Tobirama."

A man with a distinctive Thousand Hands look turned his head and spread the truth to the onlookers behind him who didn't know the truth.

"Bah! Despicable Senju, he was obviously the one who wanted to touch our Uchiha clan. After being exposed, he became angry and the two sides fought. This led to the security team. As for Senju Tobirama coming, he just wanted to Just take the opportunity to suppress our Uchiha clan!"

In the row ahead, a black-haired man wearing a high-collar windbreaker heard that someone was spreading rumors. He immediately turned his head and faced the Thousand Hands tribesman with a fierce attack.

"Stop arguing. Lord Tobirama seems to have had a quarrel with that Uchiha. Damn it, Lord Tobirama is out with a sword! How can that Uchiha hide away from me when I'm so aggressive?"

"To be able to fight evenly among Senju Tobi must be the master of our Uchiha clan. Tell me quickly, who is that Uchiha, the clan leader, or Izuna-sama?"

As soon as they heard the fight between Senju and Uchiha, the crowd behind them became excited. They all stood on tiptoes and held their necks, trying to see clearly the wonderful battle that took place in the middle, but the Uchiha tribesmen couldn't see anything clearly. , couldn’t help but drag the person in front and asked loudly,

"I am a Senju, and I know you Uchiha, but that guy is not your clan leader."

As a front-line intelligence agent, this innocent Thousand Hands was dragged to pieces, but he still insisted on reporting the situation on the front line one by one.

"Who could that be? Which elder could it be?"

"It should be easy for you to recognize him, that guy has curly hair."

"Curly hair? It's gone. It's Uchiha Gin~"

The Uchiha people who were still very excited all rolled their eyes when they heard that the person involved was Uchiha Silver. However, all the young people who grew up in the Uchiha tribe had a certain feeling for a certain curly hair. Not a small shadow of childhood.

"It's Ah Yin, then I'm relieved~"

The honest man carrying the soy sauce looked back at the wall of people, smiled and left.

During the more than ten years that Uchiha Gin was active, countless Uchiha boys and girls suffered humiliation. Even now, when recalling that unbearable past, these Uchiha young people in their prime years will subconsciously tighten their grip. Buttocks, feeling burning phantom limb pain.

"If it's Uchiha Gin, then it's absolutely true. I didn't expect that after so many years, that pervert still likes to bully children."

The frightened Uchiha young man, whose black eyes were full of fear for someone, did not care to quarrel with the Senju clan, and escaped from the crowd like the wind, far away from his childhood nightmare.

For a time, the news spread that the person involved was Uchiha Gin. Many Uchiha youths turned their heads and ran away with pale faces. It could be seen from the gesture of running away with their buttocks covered that they must be in a hurry.

"Are these Uchiha collectively suffering from food poisoning?"

The Senju clan members who did not understand the value of childhood nightmares all had puzzled expressions, thinking that these Uchihas ate unclean fried chicken with snail noodles during the clan meeting, leading to a collective poisoning accident.

At the end of the street, two tall figures came slowly. Senju Itama, who was worried about something, found his best friend for life without having anywhere to talk. The two met to go shopping and have a heart-to-heart talk.

"Hey, why are there so many people gathered over there? Itama, let's go take a look!"

With a peaceful smile in his eyes, Uchiha Governance pulled the absent-minded Senju Itama and walked on the newly established commercial street. Suddenly he saw the bustling crowd in the distance, a trace of curiosity flashed in his beautiful eyes, and then he turned his head, He asked Senju Itama beside him,

"Um okay."

Senju Itama, who was suddenly called, was stunned and replied casually,

"Brother, what happened earlier? Why are you all in such a hurry? Is there something urgent?"

The Uchiha governor stopped an ugly-looking Uchiha tribesman, frowned his delicate brows, and asked softly,

"Well, I advise you not to get involved and leave quickly~"

Such a clansman obviously didn't know the Uchiha ruler, but after seeing the conspicuous Uchiha fan on her body, he gave her a kind words of persuasion, then covered his butt and ran away.

"It's really curious, Itama, let's go~"

The less she said, the more curious she became. As the little princess of the Eight Diagrams, the Uchiha Governance had the Eight Diagrams flame burning in her eyes. With anxiety in her heart, she pulled up Senju Itama, who was wandering in the sky, and the fleeing Uchiha In the crowd, I became a rebel.

"Brother, if you have any melons, please share them~"

Uchiha's three steps turned into two steps, and he arrived outside the crowd that had shrunk by more than half. He poked a chubby strange ninja in front of him and asked with a smile,

"The melon is mine, so I won't let you eat it!"

Before the man who was poked turned around, an ignorant voice came from above his head. Uchiha Governor raised his head curiously,

Only then did she realize that there was a chubby little boy riding on the neck of the man in front of him. There were two clusters of blush on his bulging cheeks. A few black melon seeds were stuck on them. The watermelon in his hand had already been eaten. Most of them were watching the two women warily at this moment, as they had always snatched their snacks.

"Qifeng, dad taught you that you must be generous and don't be so stingy."

The chubby man turned his head this time, with a kind smile on his similarly round face. He first criticized his son, and then said to Uchiha Governance,

"I'm sorry, Quanzi is not sensible. Let's just take this melon as an apology for being so rude."

As he spoke, the man took out a large watermelon from the bag in his hand and handed it over with a sincere apology in his eyes.

"Wow~ What a big watermelon."

"No need, Tong Yanwuji, please tell us, big brother, what happened earlier?"

Looking at the huge watermelon in front of him, Uchiha, who had very strict body control, grabbed the drooling Senju Itama, smiled and refused, and then asked what happened.

"Well, at first, Kenichi and his son from the Shimura family had a conflict with an Uchiha clansman, and they were educated. Although the Konoha security team came, it seemed that neither party was satisfied with the result of the mediation. Then Sarutobi Sasuke He came to mediate, but before he could think of it, his son was also brutally murdered. When the two of them were confronting each other, a thousand-handed sword fell from the sky."

The chubby man opened his mouth while recalling, and told the whole incident from beginning to end,

"Whose general is this Uchiha? He is so brave!"

After listening to the summary of the incident, Uchiha Governance had a look of curiosity in her eyes. As she was more concerned about practical matters, she had naturally heard of the names of Kenichi Shimura and Sasuke Sarutobi.

I also know that these families came here to inspect Konoha on the spot and prepare to join. Unexpectedly, they would be beaten violently by an unknown Uchiha in the street. If Senju Tobirama does not handle it properly, then these families who are preparing to join will , as well as the families who are still waiting and watching, will express doubts about the fair peace preached by Konoha.

"Well, I'm also new to this treasure land, so I don't know that Uchiha."

The chubby man scratched his head in embarrassment and replied sheepishly,

"It's okay, I'll ask other people~"

For this kind foreigner, Uchiha Governance expressed his understanding, then smiled and waved his hand, preparing to take Itama with him to find the target again.

"Hiccup~ I know! Those people who ran away just now said that guy's name was Uchiha Gin!"

Just as the two girls were about to leave, Akimichi Tifeng, who was sitting on his father's shoulders, burped, wiped his mouth, and said,

"Nani? Mr. Silver?"

"Curly baboon?"

When the two women heard this, they stopped for a moment, then turned to look at Qiudao Qifeng, who looked satisfied, and asked aloud,

"Did you hear that correctly?"

"Definitely not. My ears are really good. What else did those people say about 'curly hair'~"

Patting his swollen belly, Qiu Daotifeng said with a smile,

"No, Mr. Yin is afraid that Qianju Feijian will suffer a loss!"

Uchiha Governance, who cared about his master, had a scarlet color in his eyes, and a strong cold power overflowed, which shocked the chubby man. He looked at the purple-haired girl in front of him who had just been harmless, and swallowed subconsciously. Drooling, he continued to say,

"I heard that Senju Tobirama had a fight with that Uchiha after saying a few words. Now I don't know what the outcome will be. You."

"Thank you, Itama, don't move here, I'll come as soon as I can!"

With scarlet eyes open and a cold expression on his face, Uchiha Administrative Nodded to the chubby man to express his gratitude. Then he gave a few instructions to Senju Itama who looked guilty, and then flew across the crowd. Rush towards the place where the incident occurred.

"Mr. Yin, you must hold on!"

"Can you swear to God that what you just said is true?"

Qian Ju Tojian, who was accustomed to crossing his chest with both hands, looked sharply at the hateful Curly Hair talking in front of him. An almost substantial murderous intention was brewing in his body. He asked in an extremely cold tone, with ten fingers in his hands. The fingers are tense, always ready to release the killing blow.

This is the last chance he gives Uchiha Gin, hoping that the other party can seize it.

"Huh? What does your look mean? You think I'm lying?"

Uchiha Gin, who was suddenly questioned, was confused at the moment. It was clear that not long ago, the two had a very friendly discussion on the education issue of Uchiha Mirror. How come in the blink of an eye, this Senju Tobirama was like a Sichuan Opera master? Likewise, he changed his face for himself. Confused in his heart, he asked aloud,

"Don't be careless about me, answer quickly!"

When Senju Tobirama thought that his cute and well-behaved sister had been humiliated and played with by this beastly Uchiha for so many years, the regret and anger in his heart instantly reached the peak. For fear that he could not control it, he would Gritting his teeth, he issued an ultimatum.

"Hi, I am Uchiha Gin, nicknamed Honest Young Man. I never say a word that is false or adulterated."

Thinking that Senju Tobirama was asking for an explanation for the Shimura and Sarutobi clans, Uchiha Gin immediately said that he just likes to play with children, and the white-haired man did not bother to inquire about his good reputation among Uchiha children. Everyone wants to play with him.

"Flying Thunder God Slash! Die!"

Unexpectedly, before Uchiha Gin finished speaking, the Senju Tobirama in front of him instantly turned into a silver lightning and disappeared from the place, which made him tighten his anus.

As for that, you are going to kill me for Danzo and Monkey? You don’t want to see what they will do to Konoha in the future~


Uchiha Gin sensed the sudden aura behind him, secretly tsked, controlled his waist, twisted to the left, and avoided Senju Tobirama's usual "kidney-stealing chop".

"Flying Thunder God's two-stage slash!"

Senju Tobirama, who was slightly surprised, had no time to think about why Uchiha Gin could narrowly avoid his attack. The blade turned and struck again with the Flying Thunder God Slash.

"We are all adults, why can't we sit down and talk calmly?"

Looking at Senju Tobirama coming at him again, Uchiha Gin sighed in his heart, then twisted his waist to the right, and dodged the attack again in a fraction of a second.

"Ignore that truth, the accelerator has been pushed to the bottom~"

Facing the long knife wielded by Senju Tobirama, the calm Uchiha Gin even had time to hum a ditty. The cheerful tune made Bai Mao, who had been targeting the two bright red waists, instantly His energy and blood surged up, and he almost couldn't hold the knife in his hand.

"Don't ask me why oh why~~~~~"

Uchiha Gin was humming a little tune, twisting his water snake waist seductively to the cheerful rhythm, and narrowly dodged Senju Tobirama's "kidney-stealing chop" again and again.

"Dirty Uchiha Laoden!"

The furious Senju Tobirama looked at the contented Uchiha Gin, stopped the long sword in his hand, put his hands together, and prepared to release his special water release. He was determined to cut this filthy Uchiha in two. Let's see. Is it yellow in the middle?

"Mr. Silver, be careful!"

Rich water-attribute chakra was condensed in his mouth, and Senju Tobirama was about to release the water break wave. He was suddenly interrupted by a purple figure. An anxious-looking Uchiha governance was seen falling from the sky, holding an inconspicuous gray short sword in his hand. The sword was blocked in front of Uchiha Gin, and he looked at the white hair who was ready to attack with a wary expression.

"Hmph~ You can save your life."

The appearance of Uchiha Governance restored some clarity to Senju Tobirama's overloaded brain. He stopped what he was doing and recalled his impulsive behavior just now. He couldn't help but frown and thought about why he became so irritable.

"Thousands of Hands Tobirama, if you want to take action against Mr. Silver, you must get through me first!"

There was a faint thunder on the gray dagger in his hand. Looking at the pale Senju Tobirama in front of him, Uchiha said coldly,

"Small governance is just a small scene, and a teacher can handle it~"

It's true that a friend in need is a friend indeed. He was indeed his disciple for nothing. Uchiha Gin, who was protected by the Uchiha ruler, couldn't help but feel a little moved. Then he patted the girl on the shoulder, said comforting words, and looked at Senju Fei. There was a strange color in Jian's eyes, as if he smelled the scent of an acquaintance~

"Hey! Who is it? Does he have any qualities?"

A hole was suddenly torn open in the crowd watching the show, and each of the fat and muscular Thousand-Hands men was pulled aside by a tall figure. The angry Thousand-Hands tribesmen repeatedly accused the visitor of being arrogant and unreasonable. However, he was not the enemy of the other party, so he could only avoid it angrily.

"Why did the curly baboon fight with the second brother? Didn't it say that the two families shook hands and made peace?"

I saw a black and white head emerge from the crowd. Senju Itama looked at the three people confronting each other with a puzzled face and said worriedly, with a look of struggle in his eyes. Faced with this situation, she really Bad choice.

"Uchiha Gin, I thought you were a rare exception among Uchiha, but I didn't expect that you are just the same."

After calming down, Senju Tobirama stared at Uchiha Gin with his scarlet eyes, feeling extremely sad in his heart. He regretted that he did not get rid of this curly evil root earlier and allowed his sister to be humiliated by him. .

"You white-haired guy, aren't you just teasing these two brats? As for those who got so angry, I have cured them. I guarantee that not only will they recover as before, but they will also reach a higher level."

I didn't expect Senju Tobirama to be so angry. Uchiha Gin, who felt that he might have played a little too much, scratched his curly hair and explained with a guilty conscience, then pointed at the two brats who had already lifted their pants, and said in a loud voice,

"Danzo, Hiruzen, are you really okay?"

Everyone present just now was attracted by the appearance of Senju Tobirama, and no longer paid attention to the two victims. After hearing Uchiha Gin's explanation, Sarutobi Sasuke was confused, and then turned his head and asked about the two children. Condition,

"Hmph~ It's obviously still hurting~"

Xiaodanzo lifted up his pants and refused to recognize anyone, covered his slightly raised butt, and retorted loudly,

"Well, it seems like everything is really fine, and"

Compared to Danzo who was making a confession, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was covering his crotch, looked at his father with a strange look on his face.

"Damn it, why is it so big?"

Under his father's doubtful gaze, Sarutobi Hiruzen opened his pants and let him take a look at his private parts, which earned him an envious exclamation.

This Uchiha might be a good person.

After checking his son's private parts, Sarutobi Sasuke had a strange expression on his face. When he looked at Uchiha Gin, his eyes no longer had the hatred as before, but instead contained a bit of gratitude and a trace of imperceptible pleading.

"Master Tobirama, I think there must be some misunderstanding. This gentleman from the Uchiha clan may really just be playing with Inuko~"

Sasuke Sarutobi, who received an unexpected surprise, stood in front of Uchiha Gin and faced the cold-faced Senju Tobirama, and said with a serious face,

"Sasuke? What do you mean, my beating was in vain?"

Uchiha Gin only treated two brats. Kenichi Shimura, who was the fuse, did not receive such treatment. Dragging his scarred body, he asked his friend in disbelief,

"Shut up! You must have made a mistake first, so this gentleman will give you a small punishment. I didn't expect that not only did you not reflect on it, but you also spoke nonsense like this. It really damages the face of our ninja alliance!"

Sasuke Sarutobi, who was well aware of his friend's character, immediately staged a righteous act of annihilation. He scolded the confused Kenichi Shimura, only to press him on the head and kowtow to Uchiha Gin.

"Now it's not just about your ninja alliance. This guy and I have other problems to solve."

Senju Tobirama glanced at Sarutobi Sasuke, whose attitude had changed 180°, shook his head, and explained aloud,

"Chief Sarutobi, now that your misunderstanding has been resolved, go back and rest first. We will discuss the specific details of joining tomorrow."

"There is no need to talk about it anymore. I didn't expect that with the help of Mr. Uchiha, the medical master, my son's body was restored to normal. On behalf of the Sarutobi clan, I personally agree to join Konoha. I also hope that Lord Tobirama can Communicate well with this gentleman, there may be some misunderstandings between you.”

Sensing that there were other conflicts between Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Gin, the grateful Sarutobi Sasuke immediately patted his chest and agreed to join Konoha, saying that the two might have a misunderstanding and there was no need to go to war. .

"You guys, did you cast a genjutsu on the Sarutobi clan leader?"

Unexpectedly, Sasuke Sarutobi would favor Uchiha Gin again and again, which inevitably made Senju Tobirama wonder whether the opponent was under Curly Hair's illusion. After all, as an Uchiha clan member, apart from breathing fire, he could Good at this skill.

"You're worrying too much, I don't have the brain yet."

Seeing that Senju Tobirama was going to frame him, Uchiha Gin, who never took the blame, immediately spread his hands and said that he was simple-minded and could not think of such a vicious plan, so it must be the murderer!

"Hmph~ You can't even put it in a plastic bag. Let's leave the rest aside and explain to me. You said you adopted a five-year-old child and played with her in different ways every day. Is this true? ."

Seeing Uchiha Gin escape safely from the initial dispute, Senju Tobirama, who was dissatisfied, snorted coldly, with anger in his scarlet eyes. Looking at Curly Hair who was pretending to be innocent, his teeth were almost broken, and he was bitten from the gap between his teeth. Squeezing out a sentence of soul torture, he vowed to recover his sister's innocence!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

However, before Qian Shu Tobijian could finish his question, a high-pitched scream resounded throughout the audience, making the ears of the onlookers who were listening to the exciting inside story feel like they were hit hard.

Immediately afterwards, a tall figure appeared in the sky, covered with light blue light, and descended from the sky. She raised a fair and delicate little fist high and struck it hard on the head of Qianju Feijian, who had a ferocious look on his face. , knocking back his next words.

"Curly-haired baboon, I'm not too late~"

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