Chapter 225 Sharingan (×) Hip Escape ()

Although he didn't get along well with Senju Tobirama, looking at the evil white hair stuck on the ground in a shameful posture, Uchiha Gin couldn't help but feel a trace of sadness for the death of a rabbit and a fox, and then faced a Senju Itama, who was preparing his posture, quietly asked,

"I told you to show your face less in public. Why are you here? And that's your brother. Do you really want to kill him?"

"Lusuo, if it wasn't to save you, I wouldn't have come!"

Senju Itama, who clenched his hands into fists and assumed an attack posture, the aura surging on his body unabated, replied without turning his head, and the vague panic in his eyes was not noticed by the careless Uchiha Gin.

"Ahem, who are you, a little thief? How dare you carry out a sneak attack? I'll kill you if you don't."

Fortunately, although Senju Tobirama had white hair, he was of pure blood after all. With the blessing of Senju's bloodline, he quickly regained his consciousness, pulled his head out of the ground, touched the huge swelling on his head, and looked into his scarlet eyes. Full of resentment, he gritted his teeth and cursed loudly,

But when he saw the culprit who attacked him, the mute button seemed to be pressed on his cursing mouth. His eyes were dull as he looked at the posture of Senju Itama, and his heart was like ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past.

"I can explain this, she is"

Uchiha Gin, who noticed Senju Tobirama's strange expression and thought Senju Tobirama's identity had been revealed, stepped in front of the girl and said loudly to the frowning Shiromao,

"Who is she? Uchiha Gin, take care of your people."

But before he could think of it, before Uchiha Gin could tell a lie, Senju Tobirama opposite him had already regained his indifferent attitude. He looked at Senju Tobirama as if he were looking at a stranger, patting the dust off his body, coldly. warning aloud.


Could it be that the white-haired head was damaged? Uchiha Gin couldn't help but look up and down Senju Tobirama, but found that his eyes had been staying on Senju Tobirama's face, as if he wanted to remember the attacker's appearance. In the heart.

【Your question has many points】

Behind Uchiha Gin, Senju Tobirama, who was stuck in a blind corner, opened his red lips lightly, and said a silent but threatening lip language, which made the cold-faced Senju Tobirama couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes.

"Konoha has just been established. We can't let people outside see the joke. This matter is over. Please be more careful in the future."

Just when Uchiha Gin was wondering how the Senju Tobirama in front of him would target this unrecognized sister, the sound of the white hair in front of him suddenly sounded in his ears, and his anus tightened immediately.

After listening to Senju Tobirama's far-fetched explanation with a strange look on his face, Uchiha Gin nodded without any trace. The white haired man opposite him understood and held the bulge on his head. He said loudly without changing his expression,

"Since Chief Sarutobi has clarified the misunderstanding between you, I will no longer pursue it. As for the attack on me, for the sake of being a Konoha man, I will not do it again."

As soon as Senju Tobirama finished speaking, the audience burst into thunderous applause, especially the crowd of spectators from the Senju clan, who all clapped their hands with pride and presented gifts to their Lord Tobirama, who understood the righteousness of the people. Great respect.

"Tobirama-sama is so merciful that he spared the Uchiha who attacked him."

The Qianju clan members who were watching heard the words of Qianju Feijian, and for a while, they heard endless praises.

"The people of Konoha are really family~"

And when those ninjas who came to inspect saw that Senju Tobirama, who had always hated Uchiha, could put aside their years of grudges and choose to forgive each other, they couldn't help but feel a little more longing for Konoha in their hearts.

Senju Tobirama raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that his words would actually increase his reputation a lot, and at the same time gain the favor of many ninjas. Looking at the curly hair standing with his sister, he also There was a hint of recognition.

The incident came to a successful conclusion. The onlookers looked like they were still unsatisfied. They left in groups of twos and threes. When there were only a few parties involved in the center of the venue, Uchiha Gin was afraid that something would change if it was too late, so he was about to drag the two girls away, but he was slapped in the face. A grateful Sarutobi Sasuke blocked the way.

"Mr. Uchiha Gin, right? Thank you so much~"

After learning Uchiha Gin's name from other people's mouths, Sarutobi Sasuke couldn't help but feel grateful after the people around him had dispersed. He pulled his son and immediately found Curly Hair who was about to run away. He was excited. Say thank you out loud,


"Hiruzhan, why don't you kneel down to thank the miracle doctor!"

Uchiha Gin looked confused, looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen kneeling in front of him with a serious face, and asked strangely,

"When did I become a miracle doctor?"

"Mr. Yin, you're welcome. My son has been suffering from a hidden disease since he was a child. The area is only the size of a peanut. I have consulted various famous doctors, but they are unable to do anything. They asked me to practice the trumpet again, otherwise I may not be able to survive."

Facing Uchiha Gin who had the gift of reconstruction, Sarutobi Sasuke didn't hide anything. He opened his mouth and told his son's congenital problems. After speaking, he pointed at Sarutobi Hiruzen's private parts and put a mask on his face. With a deep smile,

"I checked just now. After Mr. Silver's treatment, Hiruzen's penis has become full of life. The size has also increased several sizes and has returned to normal size. I don't know how to thank you for saving the bird~"

"So it's this, a minor surgery, nothing worth mentioning~"

After listening to Sarutobi Sasuke's explanation, Uchiha Gin breathed a sigh of relief. It was just that when he was treating these two brats, he added a little bit of life force and reshaped their private parts.

Unexpectedly, this unintentional move actually saved the inheritance of the incense of the Sarutobi clan, and indirectly helped him get rid of some unnecessary troubles. It was really gratifying.

"Mr. Yin, I know that there is a newly opened barbecue restaurant not far ahead. It is said that it has an excellent reputation. Why not move here?"

"No, no, I have something to do at home. Let's have barbecue together next time~"

After rejecting Sarutobi Sasuke's invitation, Uchiha Gin took the two girls and quickly disappeared into the crowd, leaving behind Sarutobi and his son who looked regretful, and Shimura and his son who were sulking next to them.

"Sasuke, have you really decided to join here?"

Seeing that Uchiha Gin finally left, the trembling Shimura Kenichi dared to speak, and his first sentence hit the point.

"That's right, this was not an impulsive choice on my part. It was a decision I made after long discussions with the Thousand Hands Clan. What I said just now was just following the trend."

Sarutobi Sasuke, as the leader of this ninja envoy group, has had several negotiations with the Senju brothers. The conditions offered by the other party and the spirit of the village made it difficult for him to refuse.

"Sasuke, the food here is delicious. I agree with your decision."

The chubby man carried his son on his back, walked to Sarutobi Sasuke, threw the snack in his hand into his mouth, and then said with a smile,

"Danzo, why did your butt become so big like you used the doubling technique?"

Akimichi Tifeng, who was sitting on his father's shoulder, scurried down in a hurry, holding a bucket of snacks, pointed at Danzo's butt, and asked strangely,

"Why don't you let that damn curly hair get swollen? Humph~ I will definitely take revenge!"

Seeing that he was being teased, Xiaodanzo was immediately furious. He held his buttocks and said fiercely,

"Qifeng, when we were being beaten, were you there OMO?"

"Otherwise, come up and get beaten with you?"

Qiudao Qiaofeng, who looked honest and honest, was actually as considerate as a hair. He puffed up his little face and said disdainfully,

"I've finally seen through you, fat boy. If it's Yan, he will definitely come and help me!"


"Don't call me fat boy!"

There was a muffled sound, and Danzo, who had been talking nonsense just now, was slapped away by the angry Akimichi Tifeng. After drawing a parabola in the air, he landed with his butt on the ground.


However, just when they thought that Danzo's butt was about to suffer another blow, several people present opened their mouths and looked at in surprise. Danzo bounced up safely with the Q-bounce on his buttocks, unable to say a word. .

"Father, father, I have decided that I will develop a set of physical skills about the butt!"

Glancing at the place where he landed, he saw a few broken stones. The young Danzo was very excited. He had just felt the majestic power from his butt, and then an idea flashed, and he excitedly approached his father and threw him away. Shaking her slightly round and plump butt, she expressed her bold and avant-garde thoughts.


"Xianyi, your son may be a genius~"

Kenichi Shimura was so shocked that he was speechless for a long time. Sasuke Sarutobi, who looked strange at the side, stepped forward, patted his friend on the shoulder, and said in a sincere tone.

"Hiruzhan, let me do the Butt Whirlwind Dance!"

On the side, Danzo, adhering to the principle of just doing what he said, began to develop his own secret technique of Butt-ryu. He moved his buttocks and pressed against the frightened Sarutobi Hiruzen, causing him to run away.

"Duanzo! Don't come here!"

"Ignore it~ Ignore it~"

"What do you want me to say to you? If your brother recognizes you and traces back to you, I will be done~"

On the other side, Uchiha Gin, who was walking down the street with two girls, couldn't help but complain to Senju Itama, who had his head lowered beside him.

"Hmph~ You should treat your kindness like a donkey's liver and lungs. If I had known better, I wouldn't have rescued you. I would have let you be stabbed into a sieve by my second brother!"

Hearing Uchiha Gin's words, Senju Itama immediately became unhappy. I've already come to help you support the occasion, but you still blame me, and immediately replied unceremoniously,

"Tsk~ You guys, do you think I don't hit women?"

Unexpectedly, his complaints would be met with such an anti-Tiangang answer. The stagnant Uchiha Gin raised his hands out of habit, ready to show this disobedient guy some family tricks, but when his eyes glanced at After seeing the purple mark on the other person's forehead, he felt like a deflated rubber ball. He lowered his hand helplessly and said harshly,

"Hmph~ Come on, come on, you can hit me~"

Seeing Uchiha Gin's troubled expression, Senju Itama became very arrogant. She stood up with her pair of majestic towering curly hairs, approaching her eyes with evasive eyes. She spoke provocatively in a tone reserved for female brats,

"Okay, okay, thank you for saving my life from the despicable Thousand Hands White Hair~"

Smelling the faint fragrance coming from the other person's body, Uchiha Gin felt itchy on his nose. The two pairs of towering objects were so oppressive that he quickly moved his vision upwards, only to see a pair of them hanging on the other person's fair and tender face. , beautiful black eyes full of embarrassment, cherry-red lips slightly raised, revealing two cute tiger teeth, the whole person exudes an aura of purity and sexiness, even though he has experienced many battles, he still has some Dry mouth.

"Hmph~ That's pretty much it. Sister Zhi, let's leave him alone and continue shopping!"

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Senju Itama laughed, pulled up the thoughtful Uchiha Jiji beside him, and walked towards the other direction of the street.

"Itama, are you hiding something from us?"

After witnessing Senju Itama's series of operations, Uchiha Jiji, who was already meticulous, asked her bestie after she was away from Uchiha Gin, with a hint of unknown meaning in her black eyes.

She had clearly told the other party not to get close to the scene, but Senju Itama, who always listened to her, not only dared to appear on the scene, but also hit Senju Tobirama hard. However, after doing a series of outrageous operations, the petty white-haired man actually chose to forgive, which was extremely unreasonable, and there was definitely something fishy.

"No, I was just worried that the curly-haired baboon would be irrational because of my second brother, so I accidentally came out in a hurry. And you see, my second brother, that idiot, didn't recognize me at all, hahaha."

Senju Banjian, who was suddenly asked, was a little at a loss for a moment. After a brief hesitation, she gave a set of explanations that sounded reasonable with her eyes evasive.


Uchiha Zhizhi narrowed his eyes slightly, and a suffocating sense of oppression came over him.

"Hahaha, oh, I forgot that I have something to do, so I won't go shopping for now. Let's make an appointment next time~"

Not daring to look directly into Uchiha Zhizhi's eyes, Senju Banjian, who was very guilty, suddenly slapped his forehead, stuck out his tongue, smiled embarrassedly, and made an excuse for his escape.

After that, Senju Banjian ran away without looking back, leaving Uchiha Zhizhi, whose eyes were shining with wisdom, analyzing the case there.

"Huh~ I almost got exposed. Sister Zhili's sense of smell is still so sharp."

Hidden in a corner, Qian Shou Ban Jian patted her chest, and with a surge of waves, she let out a long sigh and said with lingering fear. She was now afraid that the matter would be exposed, and then she might only have the option of returning to the family.

"Ah! Who are you?"

Just as she was thinking about how to keep the secret, a big hand stretched out from the dark corner and pulled her in. The sudden change startled Qian Shou Ban Jian's heart, and her hands glowed blue the next moment, ready to give this bold guy a taste of strange power.

"Hush~Keep your voice down!"

"Second brother? Why are you here?"

Just when Senju Itama's fist was about to hit the other's head, the other's familiar voice made her fist stop in mid-air. Looking at Senju Tobirama, whose head had not yet healed, the girl who had just killed her own brother for the sake of justice cried out in surprise,

"My long-lost Yimaoto, you are so cruel."

Senju Tobirama, with an unhappy face, hugged his chest and began to criticize his rebellious sister with a sense of regret. Senju Itama, who felt guilty, lowered his head and accepted his second brother's criticism silently.

"What you said to us is completely different from what that curly-haired man said. The five-year-old child he adopted is actually you. He treated you like that, and you still stayed with him?"

Recalling what Uchiha Gin said, Senju Tobirama became more and more angry, and he didn't care about keeping his demeanor. He bit his teeth and made a sound, wishing to eat his flesh alive.

"Huh? Don't listen to his nonsense. That curly-haired baboon just likes to talk big. When he is asked to fight with real swords and guns, he is a coward." Seeing that his second brother was about to go berserk, Senju Banjian hurriedly explained, with an inexplicable emotion and a trace of resentment in his eyes. Humph~ Why do you always go into that old woman's room at night? She is obviously closer to me, and she never closes the door when she sleeps! "Really?" Hearing his sister's explanation, Senju Tobirama calmed down a little, narrowed his scarlet eyes, and questioned, "I swear in the name of my ancestors that since he found out that I am a woman, he has never done anything presumptuous to me." Senju Banjian straightened his face, raised his palm and began to swear, his words were firm and convincing. "Well~ Since you said so, then. Uh. Wait, after he found out? What about before he found out? What did he do!"

Since he swore by his ancestors, what he said should be true. Thinking of this, Senju Tobirama, who wanted to let it go, suddenly found the loophole in Senju Itama's words, so he widened his eyes and asked,

"I didn't do anything, just ordinary same-sex contact~"

As expected of his second brother, he is narrow-minded and careful. Senju Itama, who found that he couldn't hide something, could only explain hesitantly,

"For example?"

"Hey~ It's the kind of thing that doesn't listen to the lesson It's just a common move when talking about children. I don't take it seriously. "

"Don't stop me, I'm going to kill that curly-haired one!!!"

"Second brother, calm down. Ignorance is not a crime. If you want to do something to that curly-haired baboon, first..."

The eyes couldn't stop the furious second generation. Senju Banjian flashed in front of him and said solemnly,

"Okay, okay, you are still protecting him at this time. Do I have to step over your body first before I can kill that curly-haired one?"

Senju Tobirama, who was stagnant, had blue veins on his hands. He looked at his sister and asked with gritted teeth,

"Huh? What are you thinking? I mean you have to get through me first~"

The curly-haired baboon taught you that you cannot sit still and wait for death. Therefore, Senju Banjian, who was full of strong life breath, waved his fists with strange power, leaving bursts of sound in the turbulent air. However, there was originally some sound. Qian Shu Feijian, who was full of fighting spirit, suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

Many years ago, Senju Tobirama suffered from a lack of perception. Since then, he has practiced the art of perception and became the ninja with the strongest perception in the Senju clan.

At this moment, his perception skills told him that the aura exuding from his sister was no worse than that of his elder brother, and the power contained in those small fists was even better.

"Hey, just be happy~"

The Senju Tobirama in front of him was one of the few relatives he had in the world. Senju Tobirama, who did not want to turn against him, dispersed the chakra he had refined, lowered his hands, and looked helplessly at his love mind. Laman's sister sighed and said,

"Hey, I know that second brother loves me the most~"

After receiving the permission, Senju Itama's eyes smiled like a pair of crescent moons.

The flickering light made Senju Tobirama in front of him shake his head. Recalling the scene when they first met, this ninja who was famous for his coldness couldn't help but smile.

Earlier today.

"Itama, come back with us!"

Listening carefully to what Senju Itama said about his experiences over the years, Senju Hashirama, who looked excited, immediately jumped up, with a smile that was lost and found on his honest face, and said aloud to his sister who was lost in memories,


Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Senju Itama, who was still looking very interested, frowned and immediately fell into silence.

"Yes, Itama, now we and Uchiha are considered allies, you can return with peace of mind."

Thinking that his sister was concerned about the Uchiha clan's attitude, Senju Tobirama comforted him from the side,

"Big brother and second brother, I'm sorry, I can't go back yet."

The sincere words of the two brothers moved Senju Itama very much, but recalling the figure in her mind, her hesitant heart became firm again. She raised her head, revealed her resolute face, and said slowly,

"Did that guy Uchiha Gin cast some illusion or curse seal on you?"

Unexpectedly, his sister would refuse. Senju Tobirama, who was good at scientific research, frowned and looked at Senju Tobirama up and down. After focusing on the purple diamond mark on the opponent's forehead, he felt the chakra surging inside and said coldly. asked,

"Well, no, I've never been hit by a curse mark or illusion. I have a reason why I can't leave."

Shaking his head to dispel his second brother's doubts, Senju Banma pointed at his chest, with a hint of inexplicable emotion in his eyes, and said,

"This is here, it tells me that I can't leave~"

"What do you mean, that curly hair left a prison inside your body?"

It turned out to be an evil Uchiha. I was mistaken!

"No, no, no, second brother, you don't understand. Big brother, you should understand. After all, you have someone you love."

He glanced at his second brother who he didn't know how to love, then turned to look at Senju Hashirama who was looking thoughtful. Senju Hashirama smiled brightly, narrowed his eyes to a small slit, and said slowly,

Although Senju Hashirama usually looks carefree and careless, as an older brother, he is also very thoughtful.

Looking at his sister who looked like she was falling in love, the man who had already entered the marriage grave let out a long sigh, with a "you don't understand" in his eyes, and spoke to his confused brother. said,

"Oh~ Tobirama, we may have another family~"

"That damn beast, isn't Itama pregnant out of wedlock?"

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