Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 226 The company went bankrupt

"Itama, come home often and visit when you have time~"

As the door of Uchiha Gin's house was pushed open, Senju Hashirama sent his two brothers to the door. Senju Hashirama's eyes showed the concern of his brother. He looked at his sister who had come back from the dead and said sincerely. ,

"If you have any grievances, just tell them to your brothers. Although my eldest brother is not good at words, he also knows a little bit about fists and kicks~"

"Don't underestimate me, I can handle it myself."

"Itama, did you just want to kill me?"

Compared to Senju Hashirama who had a look of reluctance, Senju Tobirama, who was completely intact but had a full shadow in his heart, asked in an inexplicable tone,

Just now, because I misinterpreted Senju Hashirama's words, I almost took a full-power monster heart punch. Fortunately, my elder brother had quick eyesight and blocked the blow, otherwise he might have to see his father. .

"Hmph! Who told you to talk nonsense? If you let me hear you say weird things again, I will blow your head off!"

Thinking of what Senju Tobirama just said, a few red clouds appeared on the girl's face, and then she put her hands on her hips, bared her two cute little tiger teeth, and warned in a sweet voice, but the shyness written in her eyes made the two brothers I feel bitter in my heart.

"Okay, we will keep our agreement and pretend we don't know you in public."

Senju Hashirama waved his hands helplessly. He couldn't figure out why Yimao Tuo, whom he hadn't seen for many years, asked the two brothers to pretend that they didn't know each other. Was there any unspeakable secret?

But as long as a person is still alive, it is a great joy, so there is nothing unacceptable about this strange agreement.

"Yeah, yeah, you guys, come on, I'm going shopping with my bestie later~"

After calculating the time in her mind, Senju Itama urged the two of them to leave. She was very confused now and needed to find someone of the same sex she could trust to express her true feelings.

"Itama, I have heard that that Uchiha Gin's private life is extremely inappropriate. He not only lives with an underage girl, but also hooks up with a widow. You must keep your eyes open!"

After all, Senshou Tobirama, who still refused to give up, used rumors to slander Bai Yueguang in his sister's heart.

"Will win!"

? ? ? ? ? ?

The storm had subsided, and Uchiha Gin, who had left the two-woman team, continued his exploration mode. Compared with the previous few days, there were more and more unfamiliar faces on the streets of newborn Konoha.

There are also many temporary stalls on both sides of the street, filled with special products of various ethnic groups.

There is an Inuzuka clan that sells dog food, um... buy some for your eldest cousin, he should like to eat it.

There is also the chubby Akimichi clan, who is selling the secret medicine that his little cousin once gave him, with the advertisement written next to it,

[Increase growth and last longer, it’s good for you, me and her]

Well... I have a friend who needs it very much. He will buy it later when there are fewer people!

"Boss, how do you sell this deer antler?"

Suddenly, when passing by a stall, Uchiha Gin raised his eyebrows, squatted down, picked up a good-quality deer antler, and asked the listless stall owner,

"The grand opening offer is that for only 10,000 taels, you can take home wild-raised deer antlers from our Nara clan, which can stimulate the muscles and activate blood circulation...especially to strengthen yang and kidneys, the effect is excellent!"

When he heard that there was a visitor coming to his door, the sleepy young man from the Nara clan immediately became energetic. Looking at Uchiha Gin who looked like he had a weak kidney, he introduced him very professionally,

"Uh...what do you mean by that? Who are you looking down on?"

Uchiha Gin, who was holding his waist, frowned and glared angrily at the pineapple head talking nonsense in front of him. His terrifying momentum made the Nara boy who had just arrived a little breathless.

"Hmph! Wrap it all up for me. I have a friend who just needs some mending..."

Just when the Nara boy was thinking rapidly, he saw a golden object photographed in front of him, and then Uchiha Gin's confident voice came to his ears,

Subconsciously he picked up the gold and took a bite. After the test was correct, he hurriedly packaged the deer antlers on the ground and respectfully delivered them to the big customer in front of him.

"This guest, if your friend still needs help, remember to contact our Nara clan."

"Are you, the Nara clan, ready to join Konoha?"

Taking the deer antler he bought for his friend, Uchiha Gin curiously looked at the distinctive pineapple head in front of him and asked aloud,

"Yes, our clan leader has moved all the family properties here, right in the forest outside Konoha."

The Nara boy, who was happily holding the gold brick, did not hide anything and truthfully informed Uchiha Gin about the Nara clan's joining.

Tsk! Even the herds of deer came over, and the Nara clan understood the situation quite clearly.

After all, although Konoha seems like a grassroots team now, with the blessing of the two major families, Senju and Uchiha, it is definitely an excellent place for a family like them, which is not a big one, to thrive.

"Welcome, let's play chess together when you have time~"

Thinking of this, Uchiha Gin picked up the deer antler on his back, said hello to the Nara boy, and turned to leave.

"Hey, how did he know that I like to play chess?"

The Nara boy who was still looking at the gold brick in his hand suddenly froze when he heard Uchiha Gin's words, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Then he saw a chess record scattered on the ground, and suddenly realized that the other party must have seen the chess record that he used to study, so he said this.

"That pineapple head should belong to Grandpa Shikamaru, or why he looks so similar."

Carrying the heavy antler on his back, Uchiha Gin looked up at the rock wall above Konoha Village.

"Now we just need a rock sculpture. It's worth noting that after so many years of struggling, I finally managed to survive the Leaf Village~"

With a sigh, Uchiha Gin hummed a tune and walked towards his friend's newly opened barbecue restaurant. After all, he had bought so many high-quality deer antlers, and it was not good for him to keep them all to himself, so he took out a few as gifts. An opening gift for Dalang!

On the other side, in the temporary office of the Senju Brothers.

"So, you still haven't escaped Itama's iron fist after all!"

Senju Hashirama, who was immersed in processing documents, heard his brother's nagging, raised his head with a strange expression, looked at the big bag displayed by Senju Tobirama, and said with a smile,

"Oh~ I don't know what kind of education Itama has received over the years. He has turned from such a well-behaved and sensible child into what he is now."

Qianju Feijian's palms glowed with green light, and he carefully treated his red and swollen wounds. He winced in pain, gritted his teeth and complained,

"Well... I think Itama looks more and more like my mother."

After flexing his slightly swollen wrist, Senju Hashirama, who had also been punched, looked back with nostalgia in his eyes as he recalled his mother's voice, appearance, and smile. He compared it with his pretty and cute sister and found that they were exactly the same.

"Okay, now that I know the good news that Itama is still alive, you should be more motivated to work, right?"

Seeing the smiling elder brother, Senju Tobirama, who was removing the swelling from the wound on his head, rolled his eyes and said,

"That's natural. By the way, you just said that the Sarutobi clan also agreed to join. Is that true?"

"Sarutobi Sasuke promised it himself, and as the leader of his mission, the members of the Ninja Alliance should all agree in the near future."

There was a thoughtful light in Senju Tobirama's eyes. Although the ninja alliance headed by the Sarutobi clan did not have supermodel combat power, its overall strength should not be underestimated.

If such a force joins Konoha, then they can move on to the next step, that crucial plan.

"If they agree, then will the conditions mentioned before be fulfilled?"

From the pile of documents, he dug out the details of their negotiations with the ninja clan. Senju Hashirama found the money that was written as a request but actually as a condition. He frowned and asked,

"Since they agree to join, we must also show corresponding sincerity. Brother, do you want to talk about this matter?"

When he thought of having to deal with those hateful hedgehogs, Qianju Tobirama felt uncomfortable all over. His face immediately became not so good, and he asked with a very subtle expression,

"I have long been angry with Madagascar about this matter. He said that the Uchiha clan can accept it. After all...those people also need to eat~"


Smell the smell and walked all the way to Dalang's newly opened barbecue restaurant. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a few familiar people sitting at a table. Uchiha Gin's eyes lit up and he immediately came over.

"Hey, you didn't even call me at the party. Did you treat me like an outsider?"

Uchiha Gin pulled out the chair and sat down without any hesitation. He threw the velvet antler behind him on the table. He looked at the familiar tribesmen in front of him and complained with a pursed lips,

"What are you talking about? We were just afraid of disturbing Mr. Yin's rest, so we didn't inform you."

The first person to speak was Uchiha Gin's best tool, Uchiha Ryoza, known as the King of Overtime. After years of training, this once cautious jailer had become a bit more magnanimous, but facing himself Bole, he was still accustomed to lowering his posture, with a touch of respect in his eyes.

"Lu Cha, how many times have I told you that after we leave the dungeon, we are buddies. Why don't you be polite to me?"

Facing the respectful attitude of Uchiha Rocha, Uchiha Gin criticized that iron is not as good as steel,

"That's right, don't you understand what kind of person Brother Lu Cha and Brother Yin are?"

Uchiha Jiro, who was sitting next to him, curiously poked at the fishy antler, and then said,

"Erlang, where is your brother?"

"There was a chubby customer just now who ordered a barbecue for twenty people. Is the eldest brother preparing it in the kitchen now?"

"It seems that after moving to Konoha, your brother's business has become more and more prosperous!"

Uchiha Gin, who probably guessed who the customer was, was sincerely happy for his friend. If the Akimichi clan became a stable customer, Dalang would still be able to make a lot of money.

"Master Yin, I'm really sorry that I couldn't be of much help today."

After Uchiha Gin finished sighing, Ponytail Kakeru, who was sitting next to Erlang, lowered his head and apologized with some restraint,

"It's okay. You have handled it well. Now is a troubled time. The Uchiha clan should not be too public for the time being."

He saw Uchiha Huohe's partial behavior today. Naturally, he had no objections to this straight-headed young man. However, he suddenly thought of the young man following Huohe who didn't look like a good person. He asked more questions. One sentence,

"Who is that kid who is following you and whose breath is louder than athlete's foot?"

"Uh... Lord Gin, don't you remember? That was Setsuna!"

"Setsuna? Oh~ I think of it, he is Brother Liuying's youngest son, right?"

After Uchiha Gin muttered for a few times, he suddenly remembered that the gloomy look in that kid's eyes was exactly the same as Uchiha Ryukage's, wasn't it the same Kossuna he had tortured~

When it comes to Setsuna, Uchiha Gin can't help but miss the leisurely time in the dungeon. At that time, Uchiha Ryukage always liked to take his youngest son to work.

Facing an ignorant and arrogant kid, Uchiha Gin took action without hesitation. While gaining a lot of mental energy, he made the young Uchiha Setsuna experience the dangers of the world. In the end, the kid ran away crying. It was said that he went to the training camp for further study. After that, he never met again.

Unexpectedly, after many years, the kid's character is still so bad. That kind of typical narrow-minded Uchiha thought needs to be reformed in the dungeon.

"By the way, why did you guys think of getting together?"

Grabbing a handful of melon seeds on the table, Uchiha Gin asked curiously while cracking them,

"Brother Gin, don't you know?"

"Uh... I haven't been to work recently, tell me about it."

Facing the puzzled looks of the three people, Uchiha Gin scratched his head a little embarrassedly, then raised his neck and explained,

"My eldest cousin has been in seclusion recently, and I am not handling government affairs on his behalf~"

"Then Lord Gin, you should know what happened, right?"

"Ahem... I caught a cold, and I just took a leave of absence yesterday."

Thinking back to the government affairs that were thrown to his younger cousin, Uchiha Gin, who had always pretended to be busy, talked nonsense seriously,

"Oh~ Sweep and kill."

Hearing Uchiha Gin's pale and weak explanation, the three people who knew his character well all had an expression of "I see", and looked at each other tacitly, with teasing in their eyes.

"Okay, stop keeping us in suspense. I'll pay for this meal. Go ahead!"

Uchiha Yin scratched his face guiltily and waved his hand, indicating that the whole table would be paid by Yin Gongzi.

"Okay, that's what I've been waiting for, big brother! Give us ten more servings of premium beef!"

Hearing that someone was paying, Uchiha Jiro stood up excitedly and shouted to his brother who was busy in the kitchen,

"And oysters, give me another ten dozen!"

Uchiha Lucha followed closely behind. He had been working overtime for a certain curly-haired man for several nights, but he couldn't let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


Uchiha Gin looked at the two impolite bastards speechlessly, and turned his gaze to Uchiha Huohe who had not spoken yet. Just as he was about to praise him, this kid still had a conscience, he heard him slowly speak,

"Ten servings of tuna, and caviar, thank you~"


After all, I was wrong. I thought you, a ponytail with thick eyebrows and big eyes, were a good person, but I never expected...

"Master Gin, there is actually something I have never told you."

After ordering the expensive tuna, Uchiha Huohe looked at Uchiha Gin who was in grief, and said in a strange tone,

"Nani, do you have any other shocking secrets?"

Uchiha Gin, who was immersed in sadness, changed his face after hearing Uchiha Huohe's words, and the false sadness disappeared instantly. There was a strong curiosity on his face, wanting to hear what secrets this kid had hidden.

"I have a very close brother, his name is Uchiha Ryoichi."


Uchiha Gin, dumbfounded, looked at the embarrassed look in Uchiha Huhe's eyes, and suddenly understood everything.

Huhe, this kid, would "backstab" him, it turned out to avenge his brother. He endured humiliation for many years, and finally found an opportunity to cheat him out of ten portions of tuna plus caviar.

"Is Ryoichi doing well in prison?"

No wonder he looked so familiar with the boy's ponytail. It turned out that he was the brother of an old friend. Memories of the past came to his mind. Uchiha Gin sighed at the passing of time, and a trace of worry emerged in his heart. Then he asked,

"After the armistice, Brother Ryoichi was appointed as an instructor in the training camp, specializing in teaching the art of throwing."

It was not the bad news that Uchiha Gin imagined. On the contrary, Ryoichi was doing well, and his exquisite throwing skills were also useful.

"Not only Brother Liangyi, but also Brother Feihe is in charge of teaching swordsmanship."

"Where is Captain Fenghuo?"

They are a team of four, how can they be without Uchiha Fenghuo.

"I was just about to say that Uchiha Fenghuo is the principal of the training camp now."

Unexpectedly, the brothers who had carried guns together back then have found a good destination one by one, some went to sea, some went ashore, which is really gratifying.

Thinking about his identity as the chief warden, Uchiha Yin couldn't help but sigh that everyone has caught up with a good era. If it was after the establishment of Konoha, the degree of internal competition in the industry would be very serious, and there would be dozens of people coveting one position.

"Hey, the barbecue is here!"

Just as they were chatting, Uchiha Dalang, with a smile on his face, came over with a preheated grill.

"Dalang, you want to sit down and eat something?"

The stove exuded a hot breath, and the pre-baked barbecue on it made a sizzling sound, which made everyone's appetites whet. Uchiha Yin looked at Uchiha Dalang, whose face was already quite frosted, and greeted him.

"I still have ingredients to prepare in the kitchen. There is a big order tonight. I, Uchiha Dalang, represent the pinnacle of the Uchiha food industry. I will make those foreigners succumb to my secret barbecue!"

Uchiha Dalang shook his head resolutely, waved his fist, his eyes ignited with fighting spirit, and his tone was full of fighting spirit, which made Uchiha Yin speechless.

Tsk! You just grilled the meat and made me more enthusiastic than Boruto. Do you want to study in the world of the little master?

"Sure enough, careerism can make people younger. Look at Da Lang, does he live like an eighteen-year-old boy? So as long as young people are willing to work, they will always be young~"

Yes, so does the salary!

Looking at Uchiha Dairo's leaving figure, Uchiha Gin nodded in agreement, and then, using the tone of someone who had come before, he scooped a bowl of poisonous chicken soup for the three people who were showing off their barbecue.


You are the least qualified to say such a thing, you fisherman, the most stubborn salary thief of the Uchiha clan!

The three of them rolled their eyes in unison, ignored the fake Uchiha Gin, and continued to show off their barbecue.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't go around eating. You haven't told me yet, what happened?"

Uchiha Gin couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he failed to cleanse the dirty souls of the three people. Could it be that he had talked too much in the past few years, so that these guys had acquired immune antibodies.

"Oh, I almost forgot. During your absence, the patriarch issued a pardon document. We just finished checking the contents and files today, so we came to have a dinner to celebrate the successful completion of the final work!"

Uchiha Roshi patted his chest, swallowed the fat and thin roasted meat in his mouth, showed an expression of enjoyment, then put down his chopsticks and began to explain the whole story to Uchiha Gin,

"Pardon document? What is it?"

In fact, it's not that Uchiha Gin wants to skip work, it's all because of some unspeakable personal reasons. He has to work overtime until late at night every night, and then drags his tired body back to his room to rest. When he wakes up, he's almost on his first day of work. It's afternoon the next day.

"That guy Senju Hashirama, in order to get the outside ninjas to join Konoha, promised to release the ninja prisoners imprisoned in the dungeon."

When it comes to releasing the prisoner, Uchiha Ryoza's face instantly became unsightly. After all, being imprisoned for many years means that this prisoner must have done something that harmed the interests of the Uchiha clan. He was released so easily that he, a pure man, How could the Uchiha tribe accept it?

"Nani, how can this be done!"

Those criminals who have committed heinous crimes are Uchiha Gin's stable suppliers of Anima Points. Although they have been squeezed out in recent years, they are still better than nothing. Otherwise, he would have to knock on doors door to door to see if there is anyone he can bully. Child.

"That's right, the people locked up in the dungeon are basically the ninja prisoners. If they are all released, the dungeon will be emptied!"

Uchiha Jiro on the side was flipping the barbecue skillfully, with the same look of displeasure on his face, and his tone of voice was not very good either.

"There are rumors that the Senju clan has begun to release their prisoners. Now we, the Uchiha clan, are being roasted on the rack. If we hesitate for a moment, we may be labeled as being detrimental to the development of Konoha. "

As the clan leader's personal guard, Uchiha Fire Core knew the inside story a little more than two people behind Uchiha Lu. He stuffed the tender fish meat into his mouth, with a rare anger on his cold face. , analyzed aloud,

It seems that the Senju brothers are really fighting for the development of Konoha, and they are even willing to release their former enemies to attract the ninja clan to join.

However, the Senju clan did it with great fanfare, while the Uchiha clan did it quietly. When the time comes, they will all be released. Those ninja clan will only be grateful to the Senju clan who made the announcement.

The Uchiha who do the hardest and most tiring work may not necessarily receive praise, and may even be labeled as being detrimental to unity as Huo He said.

"Hmph! There are only so many prisoners in their Senju clan. With their despicable fighting methods, it is difficult for the enemy to survive. Unlike us Uchiha, who use illusions to control them and use powerful fire balls..."

Dairou Uchiha, who had been listening attentively in the kitchen, couldn't help but lift the curtain and complained from the distance,

Okay, okay, I understand, we Uchiha are the most caring ninjas.

No one understands the value of Hao Fireball’s compassion better than me.

"Alas~ You have said so much, but it is already too late. The Ninja Alliance headed by the Sarutobi clan has almost decided to join."

Sasuke Sarutobi, whom I met today, has publicly confirmed that he will join Konoha. The leaders have already entered the circle, so why don't the little Karami behind him just enter with their eyes closed.

"Yes, this matter is the general trend. A few of us just complain and can't change anything."

After hearing the latest news from Uchiha Gin, the three of them sighed in unison, imagining the sizzling and greasy barbecue into the hateful Senju, and continued to launch fierce attacks.

"By the way, it's not a bad thing. If the dungeon is empty, we can rest for a long time~"

Finally, Uchiha Gin found a good thing that could comfort them among a bunch of bad things.

"Huh? Master Gin, didn't you receive the notice that the Uchiha clan's dungeon is going to be closed and you are already unemployed!"

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