Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 229 This curly-haired guy is pretty good

"Just do it, cousin, I still have this power."

Seeing Uchiha Gin's face glowing with the glory of a great man, Uchiha Izuna was very moved. His cousin would always put the interests of the family first at all times. Such a loyal minister was truly a blessing to the Uchiha clan.


After receiving the approval of his little cousin, the acting clan leader, Uchiha's silver smile reached to his ears, secretly thinking about how to teach the new ninjas to Konoha a good lesson and let them know that this village is Who holds up half the sky!

"Wait a minute. Cousin, Senju Hashirama sent someone over today. He wants us to have a highly respected clan member to accompany him to a negotiation."

Uchiha Gin, who was full of anger, turned around and wanted to leave, but was stopped by Uchiha Izuna with a thoughtful look in his eyes. He then informed him of the notification he had received this morning, telling him that he was given to his cousin who seemed to be very idle. ,


Highly respected? Tell me what, do any of these four words have something to do with me?

"Everyone is very busy, so I'd like to ask you, cousin, to go there. Please, please~"

Now all the members of the Uchiha clan, from top to bottom, are all spinning around. They really can't spare anyone to participate in any negotiations. He was still worrying about this matter just now, but he didn't expect Uchiha Gin to hit the muzzle of the gun. It was purely Throw yourself into a trap.

"Um okay, when."

It seemed that he still couldn't escape the fate of a tool man. Looking at his little cousin who was about to be hollowed out, Uchiha Gin felt soft and agreed. Then he asked about the time of the negotiation. As for the content, he didn't want to know at all. Anyway, Just go there to increase your numbers and just be in a daze.

"Tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay, tell Brother Hashirama that I will be there on time~"

Although the time is very tight, if you squeeze in, there will always be something.

After coming out of the clan, Uchiha Gin rushed to the dungeon where he had worked for many years. Looking at the slightly dilapidated door in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional. This was his second home that had been with him for many years. Now, If you say no, it will be gone.

"Master Yin, why are you here?"

Just when Uchiha Gin's face was full of sighs, a familiar voice came from the door. After a closer look, it turned out to be his old friend Uchiha Tiedan.

"Brother Tiedan, are you on duty today?"

Since Uchiha merged into Konoha, there are only a few clan members left in the old clan, who are responsible for patrolling security work. As the former clan gatekeeper, Uchiha Tiedan wears many hats and occasionally makes a guest appearance in the dungeon. guard.

"Yes, Lord Silver, but I am on the last shift. Tomorrow, the prisoners inside will be escorted to the temporary detention point in Konoha Village, waiting for their families to claim them."

Uchiha Tiedan, who is already in his fifties, has a bit of emotion on his face that is slightly weathered. He is also an old employee of the dungeon, and he still has some feelings for this place.


Uchiha Gin showed a look of understanding. Fortunately, he found his little cousin today, otherwise waiting for tomorrow would have delayed important matters.

"Don't be sad, brother Tiedan, I will find a way to get a severance package for the brothers in the dungeon."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Gin smiled and nodded to Uchiha Tiedan. With the other party's confused expression, he got into the dark cell and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

"Oh~ I really wrongly blamed Master Yin back then. I don't know which turtle grandson actually slandered him like this."

Seeing the other person's disappearing figure, Uchiha Tiedan, who once regarded Uchiha Gin as a scourge, felt sad in his heart and couldn't help cursing the rumor spreaders.

Stepping on the slightly uneven pavement of the dungeon, there were not many candles left on the walls on both sides of the corridor, exuding afterglow, and sniffing the moist and cold air, Uchiha Gin went straight to Cell No. 1, where the ninja criminals were imprisoned.

With the migration of the Uchiha clan, Cell No. 2 and Cell No. 3 were emptied one after another. The prisoners held in them all regained their freedom after paying a ransom.

Only Cell No. 1, which contains higher-risk cells, is still in operation, and the purpose of Uchiha Bank's trip is to mobilize these guys and wait until tomorrow to sell them at a good price.

"Haha, I will be free soon. Then I must make that hateful guy look good!"

"Hey, I won't stop you if you want to die. Anyway, I don't want to see that guy again~"

"Have you heard that when we get out, this dungeon will be abandoned, so that guy, isn't he?"

"Stop it! I'm honest, please let me go~"


Before he stepped into the door of Cell No. 1, Uchiha Gin heard the roar of people inside from a distance. His old friends were chatting enthusiastically at the moment, and their conversations were filled with beautiful thoughts about the future.

"Hey, hey, my old friends, do you miss me?"

Pushing open the dungeon door, Uchiha Gin, standing under the candlelight, raised his eyebrows, showed a warm smile to the excited prisoners, and greeted them warmly,


As a result, with the appearance of Uchiha Gin, the dungeon that was bustling just now seemed to be under a silence spell. All the prisoners were covered with quilts and fell into a false sleep. For a while, false snores came one after another, as if they had just been Talking loudly is an illusory dream.

"Tsk~ We all know each other so well, and now that we are about to part ways, what's the point of doing this?"

Seeing everyone's uncooperative performance, Uchiha Gin couldn't help rolling his eyes, looking at the people huddled in the quilt, his words were full of sadness,

"You guys, you want to play tricks on us before you leave?"

After hearing Uchiha Gin's "sincere words", an old man with white hair with a hint of brown poked his head out from under the quilt, his face full of suspicion. He didn't believe that the curly hair in front of him came this time. What good intentions are there?

"Brother Soichiro, you actually look at me like this. Think about it, have I ever treated you badly in these years?"

The first person to speak was Souichiro Yamanaka, whom Uchiha Gin had fought against when he first entered the dungeon.

The man who was in his prime back then has now turned into a little old man. However, the long-term dungeon life did not torture him into an adult. Instead, he looked full of energy.


Yamanaka Soichiro, who originally wanted to retort, was momentarily speechless after meeting Uchiha Gin's sincere eyes. As a ninja who is good at using mental power, although he is old, his memory is still very good.

Looking at the hateful curly hair in front of him, Yamanaka Soichiro's thoughts went back many years ago. When he first entered the dungeon, an old injury recurred. Just when he closed his eyes and waited to die, he felt a warm force.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw Uchiha Gin with a puzzled look on his face. The green light on his hand had not dissipated. From that day on, he began to feel a little more towards this seemingly hateful curly hair. A different view.

"Hmph~ At worst, I'll buy you a drink after we go out!"

Yamanaka Soichiro's old but rosy face had a trace of imperceptible softness, his mouth was slightly raised, he snorted coldly and said,

"Definitely, definitely~"

Looking at the energetic little old man in front of him, Uchiha Gin smiled and said politely, while thinking about how many buns Souichiro Yamanaka could hold.

After exchanging a few pleasantries with Yamanaka Soichiro, he then walked towards the prisoners behind him, offering cordial condolences along the way, which made these ninjas, who were often harassed, feel doubtful in their hearts. I feel like this curly hair is holding back some bad water.

"You evil fleece, tell us what's going on!"

When Uchiha Gin reached the last cell, before he could say anything, the black-haired middle-aged man imprisoned inside opened his eyes, frowned, and asked the doubts in the minds of everyone in the dungeon.

"Brother Jinji~ I remember you said you have a nephew named Kenichi, right?"

Looking at the sinister-looking man in front of him, Uchiha Gin smiled. This was a big customer and he had to be comforted. Then he asked aloud,

"What did you do to Kenichi?"

Shinji Shimura, who was originally indifferent, became nervous instantly after hearing Uchiha Gin say Kenichi's name, his eyes widened, and he rushed to the cell door excitedly, staring at the front of his eyes. With a teasing curly face, he gritted his teeth and asked,

"Hi, brother Jinji, there is no ninja more caring than me. I just happened to meet your 'nephew' a few days ago. He and his son look really similar to you~ "

In the early years, when Uchiha Gin was interrogating Shimura Shinji, he used genjutsu to inadvertently interrogate a little secret about this guy's private life.

It turned out that Shimura Shinji, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, actually had an affair with his sister-in-law, and secretly had a baby, giving birth to a child named Shimura Kenichi.

"Xianyi already has a son? I want to be one."

Dazzled by the sudden good news, Shimura Shinji, who had always been cautious, paced back and forth in the cell excitedly after hearing that Shimura Kenichi had a son, muttering excitedly to himself,

"You've been polite for so long. Just say what you say. As long as it's not excessive, we can accept it."

However, after seeing Uchiha Gin's embarrassed eyes, he calmed down. His brows were no longer as tense as before, and his face was much softer. Now he just wanted to go out safely and reunite with his "nephew", and then He opened his mouth and said,

"Although you are usually a bit strange, you are not a bad person. If something really happens, you just ask for it. If you are so secretive, don't you treat us like outsiders?"

A fat and strong man stood in front of the cell door after Shimura Shinji finished speaking. There was no hatred in his narrowed eyes, but he looked familiar.

The meals that Uchiha Gin usually arranges can be said to be good for every meal. As a great gourmet of the Akimichi clan, he has never suffered any hardship since he came in. On the contrary, he is a bit fatter than before.

"That's right, that's right~"

"Where are the lemons you're polite to me?"


Seeing the good people in the dungeon supporting his work so much, Uchiha Gin sighed in his heart that good people are rewarded. Then he smiled and said,

"Hehe, I'd like to trouble you all and show your strength during the performance tomorrow. The brothers in our dungeon are still waiting for rice to be cooked at home~"

The next day, Uchiha Gin led a group of tribesmen and took out the prisoners in the No. 1 dungeon one by one. When a tribesman was about to use shackles, he waved his hand to stop him.

"No need to cuff me, we are all buddies, just go through the motions~"

"Master Yin, is it really okay?"

The tribesman held the shackles in his hands and asked hesitantly,

"You don't understand, the shackles of the soul are much more effective than these things~"

"Hahaha, finally free!"

Looking up at the scorching sun and breathing in the fragrance of green grass in the air, Yamanaka Soichiro, who was about to regain his freedom, couldn't help but smile so happily.

"Elder Soichiro, that Curly, what did you mean by what you said yesterday?"

A middle-aged man with brown hair who was following Souichiro Yamanaka looked at Uchiha Gin who was settling down his tribe not far away, and couldn't help but ask,

"I don't know either, but when the time comes, just listen to him. Anyway, that guy won't harm us."

After hearing his junior's question, Yamanaka Soichiro shook his head. If Uchiha Gin really wanted to harm them, there have been many opportunities to do it in recent years. Why wait until now, when peace is about to usher in?

"Hoomis, hold on a little longer, freedom is right in front of you~"

Looking at the prisoners who were in a stable mood with satisfaction, Uchiha Gin spoke up and then waved to the tribesmen behind him,

"Set off!"

On the other side, in Konoha Village.

"Brother, a tribesman was injured just now due to the sudden violence of the prisoner. He is still being rescued."

With a gloomy expression, Senju Tobirama found Senju Hashirama who was busy, and coldly informed him of the accident that had just occurred.

"Didn't I tell them before that they would be free soon?"

Unexpectedly, something like this would happen at this critical moment. Senju Hashirama, who looked tired, frowned and asked,

"It may be a personal grudge. The tribesman who was attacked is the jailer on duty in the dungeon."

Recalling the prisoner's ferocious face, Senshou Tobirama, still frightened, opened his mouth to explain,

"Hey~how is that prisoner doing?"

After pinching his Seimei point, Senju Hashirama, who had a headache, asked aloud, if the prisoner on the list suddenly died suddenly, he would still have to waste some time.

"My life has been saved, but my career as a ninja is probably over."

After the violent criminal injured the tribesman, his hands were cut off by the Thousand Hands tribesmen who came after him, and he was reduced to a cripple.

"Just go and deal with this Tobirama and don't affect the prisoner handover ceremony."

After thinking for a moment, Senju Hashirama had a look of helplessness in his eyes, raised his head and arranged for his brother,


As brothers who have known each other for many years, Senju Tobirama naturally understood his brother's hint and it was his duty to help his eldest brother solve his problems. He then nodded and turned to leave.

In order to highlight Konoha's sincerity, Senju Hashirama specially chose the venue for this prisoner handover ceremony in the middle of the village, where there are the most densely populated areas.

The temporary detention point of the Senju clan is located in the most visible location, while the detention point of the Uchiha clan was placed in an inconspicuous corner intentionally or unintentionally by Senju Tobirama.

Compared to the crowded Senju side, the Uchiha clan's detention point is a bit deserted. After all, there are far more people coming to watch the excitement than the ninja clan picking people up.

And what Senju Tobirama wants is this kind of effect. He wants to take this opportunity to increase the popularity of the Senju clan among ordinary people.

"Brother Lu Cha, something happened at Qianju this morning. The noise was quite loud."

Because the prisoners had not yet arrived, the deserted Uchiha detention point was only guarded by a few clan members who had served in the dungeon. Uchiha Jiro, who was full of gossip, quietly told Uchiha Roshi in front of him what happened in the morning. Accident, eloquently told,

"I heard that a prisoner took advantage of someone's unpreparedness and attacked a prison guard of the Senju family. He was forced into the rescue room on the spot, and he himself had his limbs broken and his hands cut off on the spot. Tsk, tsk, tsk, that scene. , not to mention how exciting~"


Uchiha Ryosha is no longer the little jailer he once was. He has succeeded to the position of the elder of the internal affairs. At this moment, he can see things further. His eyes turn to the crowded Senju detention point, and he frowns slightly and asks,

"Not dead, but I heard people are stupid."

He didn't die. The people of the Thousand Hands clan were really tolerant. In the past, not to mention this prisoner, his family would probably have suffered a lot.

"Have you finished the things that Mr. Yin arranged before?"

Hearing that no one was killed, Uchiha Roshi felt a little disappointed, so he didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he changed the topic and asked Uchiha Jiro if his mission was completed.

"It's done. I knocked on several tailor shops last night and finished the banner arranged by Brother Yin."

Uchiha Jiro, who looked a little sluggish, nodded immediately, indicating that he had successfully completed the task.

"Okay, let's look at the time. Lord Gin and the others should be arriving soon. Now go and pull up the banner. No one can beat us, the Uchiha clan, yet!"

When it comes to showing off, it has to be Uchiha.

"Brothers, let's get to work!"

After hearing the instructions, Uchiha Jiro's face was filled with excitement. He waved his hand to the tribesmen behind him and began to get busy.

It's our Uchiha's turn to show off~

In front of the Senju Clan's detention point, the members of the Ninja Clan Alliance led by Sarutobi Sasuke were waiting eagerly. They received the notice early and rushed over before dawn, thinking only of getting rid of the suffering tribesmen as soon as possible. Take them all back.

"Sasuke, why are you waiting here? My uncle is being imprisoned at the Uchiha side?"

In the crowd, Kenichi Shimura, who looked unhappy, couldn't help complaining to his friend that the Senju clan only imprisoned a few ordinary clan members, but the uncle who treated him as his own son, but Suffering inhuman torture on the Uchiha side.

"Senju Tobirama specifically asked us to wait here. Senju Hashirama will have an important speech at that time. As for the prisoners on the Uchiha side, they will hand over to us privately after the speech here."

There was also a trace of dissatisfaction in Sarutobi Sasuke's eyes at this moment. You must know that Sarutobi Takinosuke was his former mentor. I heard that he suffered severe mental trauma from the Uchiha clan, and I don't know if he still remembers him as his disciple.

"Chief Sarutobi, the elder Soichiro of our clan had an old illness before he was captured. Now that so many years have passed, he must be on his deathbed. I hope we can be allowed to go to the Uchiha clan first to take the elder back. , let his soul return to his hometown.”

A beautiful-looking woman with long brown hair and blue eyes full of worry. As a representative of the Yamanaka clan, she came here to take back Souichiro Yamanaka, who has a high reputation in the clan.

But now, she was wasting her time on the Thousand Hands Clan, which made her feel very tormented.

After hearing the demands of the representatives of the Yamanaka clan, everyone in the Ninja clan turned their attention to the representatives they pushed out, hoping that Sarutobi Sasuke could speak for them.

"I'm sorry everyone, this is also one of the conditions for Konoha's promise to release our people, and we can only abide by it now."

Sarutobi Sasuke, who was struggling in his heart, recalled the black-haired man who seemed gentle but actually had a powerful aura during the negotiation. A feeling of powerlessness surged in his once proud heart. He then lowered his head and explained to his allies with a gloomy expression. road.

"Hey, hey, when will it start? We've been waiting all morning!"

A villager who had been waiting here for a long time and was wearing civilian clothes couldn't help but ask the Thousand Hands people at the detention point. They are not like ninjas who have stronger bodies than ordinary people.

"It will start naturally when Lord Tobirama arrives."

The Senju tribe member was not in a good mood. He glared coldly at the villager who asked the question, and then explained expressionlessly, you know, the tribe member who was injured this morning was his good friend.

"Hmph~Who are you embarrassing me for?"

Faced with the disrespectful attitude of the Thousand Hands tribesmen, the villagers, as ordinary people, could only whisper BB from the sidelines.

It was noon at this moment, and everyone present could not help but feel a little anxious under the scorching sun. Just when everyone was frowning, a white-haired man came belatedly,

"I'm sorry, we just dealt with an emergency and kept you waiting for a long time."

Senju Tobirama, who was wearing a loose robe, said apologetic words, but there was no trace of apology on his face. Standing in front of the Senju detention point, he continued to speak to the depressed ninjas in front of him,

"We in Konoha adhere to the concept of peace and accept any ninja clan and civilians who yearn for stability and harmony. Today, in order to show Konoha's sincerity, the Senju clan decided to put aside their past hatred and release the ninja clan who have been imprisoned in the family dungeon. Prisoners, I hope that after regaining their freedom, these people will not only be grateful to the Senju clan, but also contribute their own share of the future development and construction of Konoha! "



As Senshou Tobirama finished his opening remarks, sparse applause erupted from the crowd. Most of the villagers who came to watch were onlookers who didn't mind the excitement, so naturally they didn't take Bai Mao's words to heart. ,

And those ninjas don't have much good looks on their faces. Senju Tobirama's words seem to be giving them alms. You must know that joining Konoha, these ninjas are also taking the risk of annihilation. Now their future is It’s not clear, everything is uncertain.

"Okay, the ceremony begins."

Qianju Tobijian, who did not receive the wave of applause he expected, did not show his dissatisfaction on his face, but waved to the tribesmen behind him to signal the ceremony to begin.

"Sarutobi clan, Sarutobi***"

After receiving the order from Senju Tobirama, the Senju clan member responsible for managing the prisoners immediately stepped forward, opened the list in his hand, and shouted loudly. As soon as he finished speaking, a pale-faced man with a hunched body was dragged away. When he came out, his hands were shackled with heavy shackles, and his whole body was sluggish.

Although there did not appear to be any external injuries, ninjas who were proficient in perception could see at a glance that the chaotic chakra in this man's body clearly indicated that the meridians were damaged.

"Go and take him down."

It just so happened that Sarutobi Sasuke was a ninja who was proficient in perception. The first time he saw this clansman, he knew that this man was already a invalid. Even if he was cured, he would be unlikely to make any achievements in the future, but at least his life was saved. It can be regarded as an explanation to the clan members.

"Shimura Clan, Shimura ***"

Next, as the prisoners of each ninja clan were released one by one, some people began to appear in the crowd. Praising remarks about Senju's kindness made Senju Tobirama's tense old face relax slightly.

But just when he thought everything would develop in a good direction, there was a commotion in the crowd, and he heard a roar, and Qian Shu Fei Jian's heart, which had just been relieved, became suspended again.

"What's wrong with my brother? Didn't I say he was just a little weak before? Why is he like this now!"

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