Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 236: Not writing it doesn’t mean he is a eunuch

"Quenna, eat slowly, no one will compete with you~"

Madara Uchiha looked at his brother who was devouring his food with distress. The black hair that once reached the sky was now dull and stuck to his scalp.

The handsome face that was originally rich in collagen was also covered with green and yellow haggard, and the black eyes were filled with the smell called "Ban". The whole person looked as decadent as a little old man. It is no wonder that Uchiha Gin recognized him as A strange uncle passing by,

"That's right, eat some garlic to replenish your energy."

Uchiha Gin, who seemed to have realized something, suddenly became very attentive. He generously gave the leftover garlic in front of him to the hungry Uchiha Izuna, trying to block his mouth and stop this kid from slandering him. sentence,

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Thank you spicy~"

"Cousin, what's going on with Quan Nai? What happened to the clan?"

Uchiha Madara, who frowned, turned to Uchiha Gin, whose eyes were wandering. He remembered that before he went into seclusion, he asked his cousin to take charge of clan affairs with Izuna. Why did his cousin just look a little weak, while Izumi Nai felt as if he was being sucked in, and those who didn't know thought he had used some forbidden technique to overdraw Yangshou.

"Well, maybe it's because my little cousin rewarded himself too much while you were away~"

Uchiha Gin, who felt a little guilty, scratched his face and blamed all the reasons why Izuna became like this on his own indulgence.

"Hiccup~ Brother, cousin, he is not a human being!"

On the other side, Uchiha Izuna, who licked the plate clean, finally regained some vitality. He looked at the rumor-mongering Uchiha Gin with a pair of resentful eyes. With tears streaming down his face, he grabbed the corner of his eldest brother's clothes and complained loudly,

"Wash your hands first and speak slowly."

Seeing the miserable appearance of his brother, Uchiha Madara already had some idea in his heart. He glanced at the righteous Uchiha Gin next to him with a helpless look. He knew clearly that Izuna had been betrayed by this older cousin again. Tricked,

"Cousin, have you really done nothing practical?"

After comforting Izuna, Uchiha Madara scratched the back of his head and asked Uchiha Gin who was looking at him intently, but there was no hint of blame in his tone.

"It's not like nothing. I finally helped the brothers in the dungeon get a severance package without spending a penny from the family~"

Uchiha Gin rolled his eyes when he heard this, scratched his head in embarrassment, and spoke out his great contribution,

"You still have the nerve to say that yesterday you directly offended all the newly joined ninja alliances!"

Hearing his eldest cousin talking proudly, the veins on Uchiha Senna's forehead suddenly popped up. What Uchiha Gin did yesterday caused a stir in the city. According to his report, the total number of Ninja Alliance members It took nearly three billion to redeem the prisoners in the dungeon. Every one of them counted them one by one. They must have recorded the Uchiha clan in their notebooks and prepared to find opportunities to settle accounts in the future.

"Is this happening?"

Uchiha Madara frowned. Although he was not worried about the revenge of these ninjas, his eldest cousin was naturally weak. If the other party acted crazily, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Don't worry, those are all buddies. If you don't believe me, I'll introduce them to you next time~"

In response to Uchiha Izuna's slander, Uchiha Gin immediately protested and said that these ninja alliances are all very kind and as close as one family.

"Quannai, what's going on with Hasi hot mom recently?"

Uchiha Madara sighed slightly when he learned that his eldest cousin had been fishing and had no involvement in political affairs. He then asked Izuna about the current situation in the village.

"Recently, Senju Hashirama seems to be discussing with the daimyo to establish the legal status of Konoha Village."

Uchiha Izuna thought for a while and told the latest news,

"Did it succeed?"

Unexpectedly, Hasi Lama had a bigger plan than just building a village.

"The nobles also want to end the war, otherwise taxes will not increase and their lives will not be easy."

The current peaceful situation in the Fire Country is what the nobles want to see most, so when faced with Senju Hashirama's actions to establish a ninja village and unify ninjas, they all expressed their support.

"Furthermore, the daimyo has invited Senju Hashirama to meet in person, so it should be a sure bet."

Although I don't want to see the Senju clan in the limelight, this matter is indeed very beneficial to the ninja profession and is related to the future of many ninja clans.

"We've come this far, Haxi hot mom~"

Hearing so much explosive information as soon as he came out of seclusion, Uchiha Madara couldn't help but be filled with emotion. He heard that Konoha, which they had built by themselves, was prospering under the leadership of Senju Hashirama. While he was happy, his silent heart was filled with emotion. Another strange thought occurred.

Half a month later, members of the Ninja Clan Alliance and the Hyuga Clan began to move into Konoha Village one after another. The clan land planned for them in advance gradually became alive, and there were more people on the streets.

After welcoming the last group of ninja members, Senju Hashirama led a team out of the capital of the Land of Fire and was invited to attend a meeting.

A few days later, a beaming Senju Hashirama returned to Konoha with good news.

In Senju Hashirama's temporary office, the not-so-large room was now crowded with representatives of all races. Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara were sitting behind the desks, one on the left and one on the right, with eyes that could not be concealed. The color of joy,

"Brother, everyone is here, we can make an announcement."

Seeing that people had almost arrived, Senju Tobirama, who was standing by the desk as a guest secretary, whispered to his elder brother,

"It's a motor, tell me~"

Staring at the documents on the table, Senju Hashirama did not choose to pick them up. Instead, he turned to look at Madara Uchiha, who was beside him, and said with a smile, causing the standing Senju Hashirama to roll his eyes.

"You negotiated this matter and made a lot of personal sacrifices. I won't take your credit."

Looking at Senju Hashirama's smiling face, the corners of Uchiha Madara's mouth curled up without a trace, and then he shook his head, indicating that he was the one to announce the matter. When he caught a glimpse of Senju Hashirama's expression of confusion from the corner of his cold eyes, The corners of his originally raised mouth suddenly drooped, and his eyes became a little gloomy. He didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Um, okay, we both agree!"

After hearing this, Senju Hashirama felt relieved, nodded with a smile, picked up the documents on the table, and stood up.

"Everyone, I have a good news for you today."

The standing ninja representatives, after seeing Senju Hashirama stand up, all became upright and looked like they were listening attentively.

"The daimyo has signed a one-country-one-village system with our Konoha. Our Konoha village has become the only legal ninja gathering place in the Fire Country. From now on, the daimyo will allocate funds to the village every year for infrastructure construction and talent training, and we want What I do is to stabilize the security of the Fire Country, accept tasks reasonably and legally, and earn rewards.”

When Senju Hashirama eloquently announced the contents of the document in his hand, it caused an uproar. The ninja representatives in the venue began to whisper to each other in low voices.

"May I ask, Commander Thousand Hands, does this mean that from now on, we will be under the employment of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire for a long time?"

Sure enough, someone showed some doubts about this explosive news. A middle-aged man with a pineapple head, his narrow eyes filled with thoughts, raised his hands and asked loudly,

"No, Head of the Nara Family, we in Konoha Village are now on an equal footing with the Country of Fire. There is no distinction between them, but rather in a state of mutually beneficial cooperation."

Senju Hashirama heard the question from the head of the Nara family, smiled, shook his head, and answered,

"Then I'll be fine~"

After hearing Senju Hashirama's explanation, the head of the Nara family did not continue to ask questions. It was enough to know that Konoha had autonomy.

"Congratulations, Commander Thousand Hands~"

"Konoha board~"


Others who had no doubts had already opened the champagne to celebrate their success in joining the ranks, and that future generations would be born into the ranks.

After the meeting, Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara went together to the cliff where they always went when they were children. They looked at the bustling Konoha Village below. They felt indescribable satisfaction in their hearts and their smiles were on their faces. On the corner of the mouth,

"Haxi hot mom, why didn't you tell me about your sacrifice? Those guys thought you just talked the talk and got rid of those nobles~"

After blowing the evening breeze for a while, Uchiha Madara turned to look at the smiling Senju Hashirama, and slowly asked,

"Hahaha, it's not a sacrifice. Who told the daimyo to fall in love with my boy and insist on marrying his daughter to him?"

Senju Hashirama touched his head and smiled heartily. On this trip, he not only signed an agreement with the daimyo, but also arranged a marriage for his son. The object was the youngest daughter who the daimyo regarded as the apple of his eye.


If it weren't for a marriage, the daimyo wouldn't be able to sign a one-country-one-village agreement with Konoha without worry, right?

"Actually, you don't have to. I remember that your son has a good talent. Marrying a noble will only delay him."

Uchiha Madara sighed slightly, with a deep sense of regret in his tone.

"It's not something that can't be helped. Who's the name of Motor? You have no heirs, otherwise I would recommend you~"

This is natural blackness, exposing others' shortcomings with a smile.

"Well, it's not that there is none. I have a very suitable candidate~"

Uchiha Madara was so angry that he couldn't think of a retort for a long time. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he said with a nervous smile,

"Huh? Do you have an illegitimate child?"

Senju Hashirama was shocked. He didn't expect that Madara would make the same mistakes that men make.

"Bah! Don't slander me. I'm talking about my eldest cousin. He is still single now. Although he usually looks lazy, but after tidying up, he can still be considered charming and sending him to the capital, the daimyo should be able to accept it."

Uchiha Madara smiled very happily and sold all the Uchiha silver in his words.

"Brother Yin. Indeed, I remember the daimyo said that he also has an unmarried sister named Yunying. She is only in her fifties this year. They are about the same age. They are really a match made in heaven~"

Hearing the teasing tone in Uchiha Madara's words, Senju Hashirama borrowed the donkey from the slope and began to arrange Uchiha Gin.


After they finished speaking, the two looked at each other, and time seemed to go back decades ago. At that time, two ignorant teenagers were chatting like this. The past came to mind, and the happy laughter resounded throughout the film. sky~

"Ah sneeze!!!"

At the same time, on a small island in the ocean, a curly-haired man with hands full of unknown liquid sneezed hard, wiped his sore nose with his still clean forearm, and whispered doubtfully. road,

"Who missed me again? Bi Luo?"

"Mr. Human Trafficker, hurry up, I can't wait~"

In front of him, lay a smooth jade back, with no pores even visible on the skin as white and tender as snow. The owner of the voice turned his head away in confusion, looked at Uchiha Gin who had stopped moving, and urged him coquettishly. road,

It would be a pity not to cup this back~

"You came just as you said you would, but you brought some props with you. Do you think I have too few tricks?"

Stretching out his hands covered with unknown viscous liquid, he pressed them on the two restless little feet of the girl in front of him. He inserted his fingers into the gaps between the jade toes and wiped them repeatedly. The mucus with a slight paralysis effect was applied to the weakest part between the toes. , brought a strange excitement to the girl,

"Ha~ so itchy~"

Feeling the numbness coming from her feet, the girl who couldn't bear it anymore raised her head high, biting her plump red lips with her white jade-like white teeth, her bright red hair drew a perfect arc in the air,


As the strands of blue chakra from Uchiha's silver fingertips seeped into Yuzu's various acupuncture points, the girl's body curled up like a cooked prawn, and the sweat instantly wet the entire snow.

"Huh? That's it. I haven't gotten in the car yet?"

Uchiha Gin, who had just finished the foot massage, raised his head in confusion and looked at the trembling red-haired girl with her legs clamped together. She couldn't help but complain,

"Huh~ Mr. Trafficker's skills are as good as ever."

As the climax ended, Uzumaki Mito, who was completely powerless, stared straight at Uchiha Gin next to him with his beautiful black eyes full of spring water, and commented softly,

As she spoke, she stretched out a snow-white catkin, caressed her naughty little brother on the side of her face, and licked her red lips with her pink tongue.

"Hey, hey, slow down, you are famous now, can't you be more prudent when doing things?"

Uchiha Gin, who squinted his eyes, felt the numbness under the warm wrap and couldn't help but cry out in comfort. However, as Uzumaki Mito's swallowing speed increased, he lowered his head in confusion and asked aloud,


"Huh~huh, why does it smell like other women? Don't think I can't taste it. Did you secretly find other women before you came to me?"

After moving her somewhat weak jaw, Uzumaki Mito's eyes were full of resentment. You know, as a daimyo of the country of Uzumaki, she would only have three or four secret meetings with Uchiha Gin in a month. She just wanted something good. experience, is her request too much?

"Huh? No, I haven't looked for it in the past few days. Wait, is it Xiao An?"

Unexpectedly, the Uzumaki Mito in front of him not only has excellent perception, but also has a taste far beyond ordinary people, but he really hasn't been looking for a woman these days. When he was about to argue, he suddenly remembered the time last night when he comforted Poppy-chan who stayed up late. , I seemed to see a pair of scarlet eyes in a trance, and then fell asleep in a daze. When I woke up again, Xiaoguang was sleeping soundly beside me.

"Tsk! Sure enough, someone stole a chicken. Damn it. I thought she was a kind person in vain. I couldn't bear to take her to Turtle Island to be tortured. I didn't expect that she turned out to be a sneaky rat!"

Hearing Uchiha Gin's muttering, he guessed who the owner of the smell was, Uzumaki Mito. He angrily squeezed his fists, gritted his teeth and complained,

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, at worst, I'll let her taste you next time~"

Putting his hands around the angry girl's slender waist, Uchiha Gin rubbed her snow-white neck with his cheek, breathed his warm breath on the other's delicate earlobe, and whispered comfort,

"Hmph~ Doesn't that give her an advantage?"

Suddenly feeling a familiar firmness behind him, Uzumaki Mito's unhappy expression disappeared, and he shook his slender waist coquettishly, trying to control his acquaintance.


"How do you know that the one-village-one-country system will be implemented?"

After a hearty duel, the paralyzed Uzumaki Mito nestled against Uchiha Gin's strong chest, gently circling it with his snow-white fingers, panting slightly with his full red lips, his beautiful black eyes With a confused expression, she looked at the man in front of her who had fascinated her, and asked in a low voice,

"The general trend is the general trend, and isn't the effect of your implementation in the Country of Whirlpool good?"

Uchiha Gin freed up one hand to stroke the bright red hair of the girl in his arms, and the other hand was not idle, playing with the soft top, making Mito Uzumaki in his arms smile sweetly.

"Pinch gently~"

"Our country of Whirlpool is originally a country built on villages. The top and bottom work together, so there is no obstacle to the implementation of the one-country-one-village system."

Reaching out to knock off Uchiha Gin's mischievous hand, Uzumaki Mito, with a flushed face, spoke out and introduced,

"The one-country-one-village system is conducive to the development of the country's comprehensive strength. From now on, any country that is a step late will fall far behind."

The Fire Nation daimyo has signed a one-country-one-village system with Konoha. In the next few years, the Fire Nation's comprehensive strength will definitely grow like a blowout. When the surrounding countries see it, they will definitely rush to imitate it.

"How about I take the Uzumaki clan and join you in Konoha? Staying in the country of Uzumaki is too boring~"

Uzumaki Mito, who had fallen into the love trap, did not want to leave the warm embrace of Uchiha Gin at all. He hugged his arm tightly and promised to surrender with his clan.

"Don't. If one day we Uchiha can no longer stay in Konoha, there is still a sea route."

Uchiha Gin knows very well that eggs cannot be put in one basket and women cannot live in the same house. The two and a half people in the house now are enough for him. If Uzumaki Mito is added to the mix.

The picture was so beautiful that he didn't dare to think about it.

"Okay, then you have to come see me every week~"

Uzumaki Mito frowned after being rejected. She also knew that this incident did not mean that the country of Uzumaki was now developing in full swing. It was in a continuous line with the country of waves and had basically occupied the entire East China Sea of ​​the country of fire. , even more so than the Kingdom of Water on the sea.

"That's for sure. By the way, you haven't had any trouble recently, right?"

Quietly touching his sore waist, Uchiha Gin showed a forced smile, responded in a loud voice, and then asked about what happened recently,

"It's okay. Last time I met the old man named Bai Lian, I used the hammer you gave me and opened his head on the spot. Both of his eyes were smashed into squints, haha~"

Hearing the concern in Uchiha Gin's words, Uzumaki Mito's heart felt warm, and he immediately spoke out and told what happened not long ago, his eyes narrowed in a smile, and the corners of his mouth even reached behind his ears.

"As long as you're fine"

Thinking of the image of Uzumaki Mito wielding a huge shipbreaker, one person destroying a ship, Uchiha Gin couldn't help but feel a chill in his crotch. His giant ship shouldn't be her target, right?

"It's time to go."

After being warm for a while, Uchiha Gin stood up and touched the forehead of Uzumaki Mito next to him. He felt that the aura contained in the bright purple mark on it was getting thicker and thicker, and he slowly said,


Without continuing to mess around, Uzumaki Mito got up and put on his clothes. In a moment, he transformed back into the heroic overlord of the sea. His long red hair was also tied into Uchiha Gin's familiar bun, which made him feel dazed for a while.

"I'll take you back first~"

Seeing that the other party had packed up, Uchiha Gin put his hand on the other party's shoulder, raised his fingers slightly, and disappeared in the next moment,

"Remember to come see me next week~"

The Mark of the Flying Thunder God of the Country of Uzumaki was placed in the palace of Uzumaki Mito. When parting, the girl's eyes were full of reluctance. She looked at Uchiha Gin's tall figure and said,

"It's covered, wait for me~"

Uchiha Gin smiled heartily, then turned into a golden light and disappeared on the spot,

"Well~ I have to wait another week. What fun props should I use next time~"

"Moda, you will be the Hokage, but your expression is a bit fierce. You should be pretty when you are carving the rock statue~"

Late at night, in the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Madara had a long conversation with Senju Hashirama for a long time. This incident kept echoing in his head, making him toss and turn and find it difficult to sleep.

"Hokage. Can I really do that?"

With deep doubts, Uchiha Madara slowly closed his eyes. Konoha, as his and Senju Hashirama's childhood dream village, carried too much of their hard work.

The name Konoha was created by him in memory of Senju Hashirama, who was good at wood escape.

And Naruto is the title designed by Senju Hashirama to let future generations remember the contribution of Uchiha of the Fire Clan.

To say that Uchiha Madara didn't want to be Hokage would definitely be false, but he didn't want to be let out as Hokage by Senju Hashirama. He wanted to serve as Hokage in an honest and upright manner, with the willing support of the people in the village.

"Haxi Hot Mom, I won't lose to you again this time!"

With fighting spirit igniting in his eyes again, Madara Uchiha clenched his fists and secretly swore in his heart that he would get the position of Hokage through his own efforts.

On the other side, the Senju brothers were also having a fierce quarrel because of this matter.

"Hokage? Brother, I'm begging you, can you please stop making your own decisions? I can still accept recommending that guy Uchiha Madara as a candidate, but if you want to go through the back door, I can't bear it. This is no longer the era of my father. Everything must be in accordance with public opinion!”

My driving skills are still not up to the mark. I won’t drive randomly next time. I will delete, delete, and change hundreds of words. In the end, I got out of jail with the help of an editor~

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