Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 238 Black Zetsu is overjoyed, beta version of the tailed beast capture plan

The other party had a hostage in hand. Qianju Tojian could only grit his teeth and lower his noble white hair to the curly hair in front of him.

Ah, this guy also took the wrong medicine?

This sudden change made Uchiha Gin wonder if this white-haired man was pretending to be someone else and had learned to speak softly, so he secretly turned on his super sense, scanned up and down, and after confirming that it was Tobirama Honma, He immediately relaxed his brows and nodded with satisfaction.

"Humph~ Since you are so sincere, I will tell you the origin of these dolls."

Looking past the strange-looking Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Gin pointed to the eight dolls lined up in the exhibition cabinet and introduced them aloud,

"These are creatures called tailed beasts. Don't look at the dolls, but the real ones are hundreds of feet long."

With that said, Uchiha Gin took out a round doll from the cabinet and continued to say to Senju Tobirama,

"For example, this tanuki, his name is Shukaku. He should be in jail in the Kingdom of Wind now."

"Jail? What do you mean?"

The quick-thinking Senju Tobirama, after hearing Uchiha Gin's introduction, looked at the khaki tanuki in his hand, imagined the scene of the hundred-meter-tall Shukaku wreaking havoc, and couldn't help but ask,

"This kind of creature is essentially made of chakra and can be sealed. By coincidence, Shukaku, the unlucky guy, was sealed by the people from the Kingdom of Wind."

Squeezing the fat face of the Shukaku doll in his hand, Uchiha Gin patiently explained to Senju Tobirama,

Chakra creatures. Doesn't that mean they can be used!

Senju Tobirama, who was very cautious, after hearing Uchiha Gin's explanation, a flash of light flashed in his scarlet eyes, and he immediately had the idea of ​​a tailed beast in his mind.

If there is no owner, the one who can take care of it will live there.

"But...how did you know this kind of secret information?"

Senju Tobirama, who was thinking about how to use the tailed beast, suddenly came back to his senses. How did Gin Uchiha know this kind of confidential information? I'm afraid it wasn't fake news.

"I don't have any other hobbies. I just like to make friends. I happen to have an iron porcelain in the Kingdom of Wind. He told me about this."

Uchiha Gin replied seriously, his expression didn't seem to be fake,

"Do you still have friends from the Kingdom of Wind?"

Regarding Uchiha Gin's words, Senju Tobirama was very skeptical. He didn't believe that this guy who never went out of the door would know people from other countries.

"My thick rice is spread all over the world. No matter which country I go to in the future, as long as my name is reported, I will definitely have your good juice."


This is getting more and more outrageous, just you?

"Do you have any news about other tailed beasts?"

Since the one-tailed beast is sealed in the Kingdom of Wind, let’s skip it. Anyway, this one-tailed tanuki doesn’t look very strong. Then he looked at the other tailed beasts in the display cabinet and asked aloud,

"I don't know about this, but these tailed beasts are huge and have obvious features. With a little investigation, you can find clues."

Although he was very confused as to why Senju Tobirama was suddenly interested in tailed beasts, Uchiha Gin still told him everything he didn't know.

"Are these the only tailed beasts?"

After counting the remaining seven tailed beasts, Senshou Tobirama turned his head and asked aloud,

"There are nine in total, and I'm still missing one."

Shaking his head regretfully, Uchiha Gin looked at the vacancy behind the Ushiki doll, where another Nine Lama should be placed.

"Collect what?"

At this time, Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, who had made love, were attracted by the conversation between Uchiha Gin and Uchiha Gin. They stepped forward and asked what they were talking about.

"Tailed beast, I still need one nine tails, so I can gather all the tailed beast doll bonds."

Uchiha Gin put the Shukaku doll back in his hand and replied with a regretful tone,

Brother Zhou Xuan's health is getting worse and worse, and I don't know when my nine-tail doll will arrive.

"Nine-tails? Is it the nine-tailed demon fox?"

After hearing Uchiha Gin's words, Senju Hashirama touched his chin and pondered for a while. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he asked aloud,

"Brother Ezhujian, how do you know?"

"Haha, I once heard the elders of the family say that according to legend, there is a beast that wreaks havoc everywhere in the Fire Country. It is called the nine-tailed demon fox. It is a hundred feet tall, has a cruel temperament, and cannibalize countless people. It specializes in eating food that does not sleep at night. Child~"

"Stop it! What a bedtime story, why haven't I heard it from my elders?"

The more he listened, the more something was wrong. Qianju Feijian quickly interrupted,

"Because Tobirama you fall asleep every time and miss the wonderful story time."

Senju Hashirama on the side was rubbing his head with a look of regret on his face.

Tobirama, this is your missing childhood!

"Nine-tailed demon fox."

After confirming the true existence of the tailed beast, Senju Tobirama's eyes flashed slightly, and a bold plan began to take shape in his mind.

"Cousin, you are missing nine tails. Do you want me to catch a real one for you? You can keep it in the backyard and play with it!"

Seeing that Uchiha Gin really liked tailed beast dolls, Uchiha Madara immediately patted his chest and promised to his eldest cousin,

They are just beasts, but they still have to bow before me, Uchiha.


When Uchiha Gin heard this, he did not respond immediately. Instead, he looked at his confident cousin with a teasing look, making the other party confused for a while.

"Brother, the news has been notified, we should go back."

Senju Tobirama, who already had a new plan in mind, didn't want to waste a moment, and immediately pulled his elder brother and prepared to leave.

"Ah? So soon, the tea hasn't even been served yet?"

Senju Hashirama, who was somewhat reluctant to leave, looked at a figure standing outside the door with a pleading look, but received a cold look from the other party, and immediately became depressed.


"I should leave too. As I said, I will definitely win the position of Hokage. Just watch me, cousin!"

Seeing that Senju Hashirama was about to leave, Uchiha Madara no longer wanted to stay, so he immediately got up and said goodbye, chasing after his hot mom, and before leaving, he did not forget to mention his dream of being a Hokage.

"Come on, I'm rooting for you~"

After everyone left, the Uchiha Gin family regained their former tranquility. Senju Itama, dressed in home clothes, finally showed up, humming a meaningless tune, and methodically cleaning up the traces left behind.

Looking at his expression, he was not as sad as Uchiha Gin imagined.

"Are you not ready to recognize each other yet? While the relationship between the two families is still in the honeymoon period, why don't you go back to recognize your ancestors?"

Looking at Senju Itama, who was in a good mood, Uchiha Gin picked up Frowning, he asked tentatively,


"Okay, okay, as long as you are happy~"

Seeing that the smiling Senju Banjian turned into an angry female beast in an instant after he asked, and looked at him with an extremely unexpected expression, Uchiha Gin immediately raised his hands in surrender,

"Hmph~ What do you want to eat for lunch?"

Senju Banjian, whose expression returned to normal, glanced at the cowardly Uchiha Gin, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly,

"Banjian, I want to eat fish~"

Today, it is another leisurely day.

The next day.


Uchiha Madara was sorting out the official business at hand when the door of his office was suddenly pushed open. Then a hurried figure walked in with something similar to a notice in his hand.

"Izuna, how many times have I told you that you are almost thirty years old, don't be so impatient."

In the entire Uchiha family, there are only two people who dare to push the door like this. Uchiha Gin must still be sleeping at this time, so only his most beloved Ou Doudou is left.

"Brother, take a look at this, the competition organized by Senju Tobirama."


Uchiha Madara frowned when he heard this. Anything related to Senju Tobirama is definitely not well-suppressed.

"Let me see the Tailed Beast Hunting Competition? What's this Senju Tobirama up to?"

After taking the notice handed over by Izuna, Uchiha Madara saw the big words on it at a glance, and then moved his eyes down to see the specific details,

"To determine the candidate for Hokage based on the number of captured tailed beasts, this is too..."

The more Uchiha Madara looked at it, the brighter the light in his eyes became, and he said with a sound of his mouth,

"That's right, it's too hasty."

Izuna shook his head and sneered at Senju Tobirama's plan,

"Too grandpa It's a tie!"


"This Senju Tobirama has done a rare good thing. Now my position as Hokage is almost certain~"

At the same time, all the ninja clans in Konoha received this notice at the same time, and there were wailing everywhere.

"Sasuke! This Senju Tobirama is obviously playing tricks on us!"

Shimura Kenichi was so angry that his face flushed. He slapped the notice in his hand in front of his best friend and said angrily,

"The tailed beast is a famous beast. It can kill dozens of ninjas with one blow. The terrifying existence of the tailed beasts is not a creature that humans can contend with. "

"What do you think?"

Sarutobi Sasuke, who also knew the reputation of the tailed beasts, ignored his noisy friend, but turned his head and asked the three people sitting opposite him,

"Hahaha, I don't know if the meat of the tailed beasts is delicious?"

The chubby Akimichi Shinji patted his big belly and smiled with squinting eyes,

"I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. The notice said that the tailed beasts are suspected to be a collection of chakras and do not have real flesh and blood."

The pineapple-headed man sitting in the middle read the notice in his hand carefully, trying to analyze more information,

"Can you give up? The Yamanaka clan is not interested in Hokage or anything like that. We just want to make money now."

As the only woman present, Minako Yama had thick dark circles on her beautiful face, and she looked like she hadn't slept well. Facing the discussion of the people present about the tailed beasts, she showed a lack of interest.

After all, she still owed several hundred million, and the interest alone was several million a day. How could she sleep!

"I know, this is the Senju clan, they want us to retreat in the face of difficulties."

After analyzing for a long time, the pineapple-headed man raised his head and looked at their backbone Sarutobi Sasuke, with an expression of understanding,

"I think so too."

Sarutobi Sasuke nodded in agreement, turned to look at the people around him, and said loudly,

"Now that the Senju clan is very strong, we should keep a low profile. One day, the position of Hokage will be our turn to sit on the ninja clan!"

While speaking, Sarutobi Sasuke's eyes flashed with a firm light. He believed that in the near future, his Sarutobi clan would definitely be able to produce a Hokage as the leader of the village.

"Humph~ That's for sure!"

The ambitious Shimura Kenichi was the first to stand up and respond to the call. He believed that there would definitely be a Hokage among his descendants.

"Hahaha, as long as our Akimichi clan is well fed and full, it doesn't matter who becomes the Hokage~"


The eyes of the pineapple-headed man sparkled with wisdom. As a member of the Nara clan, he had always believed that force was by no means the first element of a leader, but the mind was the most important.

"Make money, make money, make money."

The scene turned, and in a quiet and luxurious courtyard, an old man with white eyes and a weathered face was holding an announcement. He was thinking about something in his eyes. After a while, he raised his head, looked at the respectful young people in the audience, and slowly He slowly spoke out,

"Tian Yao, what do you think?"

"Father, if we use our clan's strength, it is very possible for our Hyuga clan to capture a tailed beast, but with the power of just one person, it is simply impossible."

Facing his father, the always unruly Rixiang Tianyao was as obedient as a sheep at the moment, lowering his head with only respect in his words.

"Hey Senju Hashirama, he wants us to retreat in spite of the difficulties~"

The white-eyed old man has a look of old age in his eyes. He is nearly 70 years old and has long lost the scornful look he had when he was young. Now he has too many things to think about. These mundane things have become shackles, like a caged bird on the head of a divided family.

Their clan is nothing more than a caged bird that cannot spread its wings.

"Then we."

Rixiang Tianyao raised his head carefully, looked at his lamented father, and asked aloud,

"We, the Hyuga clan, have given up competing for the position of Hokage. You should stop looking for that Uchiha these days. Now is the time to take sides. Don't let the Senju clan speak out against you."

I thought that the position of Hokage was reserved for the able, but I didn't expect that Senju Tobirama's sudden appearance was obviously to make the ninjas like them retreat in the face of difficulties, and then his brother would take over.

The reputation of Senju Hashirama is known to everyone in the Fire Kingdom. With his strength and sufficient preparation, how can he take down a tailed beast?

"Mr. Eyin is a good man with high moral character. With his character, he will never get involved in political disputes."

Hearing his father's words, Hyuga Tenyao made a rare protest. As Uchiha Gin who had guided his secondary development, he had always retained great respect.

"Everything in the world is unpredictable. Who named him Uchiha? Starting today, you will go to the ancestral hall to spend some time and study the secrets left by your ancestors."

Unexpectedly, his son, who had always been obedient, would rebel one day. A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the white-eyed old man Furui Muha. He didn't expect that Uchiha's personality charm was so terrifying, and then he made arrangements,


To put it mildly, it was to go to the ancestral hall for enlightenment. To put it lightly, it was to be grounded. It seemed that Hinata Tenyao would be locked up for a long time, at least until the position of Hokage was confirmed, he would not be able to get out.

"Tobirama, what kind of trouble are you trying to make with this announcement?"

In the temporary office of the Senju clan, Senju Hashirama looked at the stack of "voluntarily giving up commitment letters" in front of him with a headache. He originally wanted to mobilize all the ninja clan in Konoha to participate in the Hokage selection and find Uchiha Madara. These backstops made him feel better even if he lost. Unexpectedly, he was stabbed in the back by his own brother. An announcement of the "Tailed Beast Hunting Competition" made those ninjas vote at the beginning.

"It's reasonable to withdraw from the race, but I have my own considerations."

Faced with his brother's accusation, Senju Tobirama was somewhat satisfied with his results, and then nodded and explained aloud,

"Brother, this plan I made is not unreasonable. After I came back yesterday, I went through the ancient books and integrated the information about the tailed beasts. I found that this creature is not only incredibly destructive, but also immortal. existence.”

While talking, Senshou Tobirama placed a stack of compiled information in front of his elder brother and motioned for him to read it.

"Tailed beasts can actually be used as war weapons?"

Senju Hashirama opened the information in confusion, his expression gradually changed from relaxed to anxious. Looking at the previous records of tailed beasts, he frowned and asked,

"Yes, tailed beasts, as a collection of chakra, can be controlled by seals. If used properly, drop it into the enemy, and then break the seal, the crazy tailed beast will destroy everything living in front of it, and it will not stop. "

Nodding, Senju Tobirama told how people used tailed beasts in the past. Although it was a one-time use, the lethality should not be underestimated.

"Too dangerous, this creature."

When he thought of tailed beasts being released into the Konoha Village by someone with ulterior motives, Senju Hashirama couldn't help but feel nervous. The destructiveness of tailed beasts to ordinary people could not be overstated. In such a small place like Konoha, how many tailed beasts could be allowed to hit? He immediately listed the leader as the first disaster.

"So, we must hold the tailed beast firmly in our hands to prevent small people from causing harm to Konoha."

Seeing that his brother was afraid of the tailed beast, Senju Tobirama immediately struck while the iron was hot and revealed his ultimate goal.

Under the guise of competing for the position of Hokage, he collects tailed beasts. In the end, the Hokage is his own, and the tailed beasts are also his own. This is not a clever plan to kill two birds with one stone.

"Tobirama, you are right!"

As long as the safety of Konoha is concerned, Senju Hashirama seems to be a different person. His whole body's momentum is stagnant, and the tyrannical pressure comes out of his body, making Senju Tobirama on the opposite side feel suffocated.

"Without further ado, when will we set off?"

"Don't worry, wait until all the ninjas hand in the abandonment forms before you set off. You first look at the tailed beast's information."

Senju Tobirama held down the impatient Senju Hashirama. There are still some ninjas who have not submitted their resignation letters. After all of them give up, the eldest brother can legitimately set off.

"Has One-Tail been sealed?"

"Well, in the Kingdom of Wind."

"Well, be careful of the country of wind. Do you want me to give you a warning?"

"No need for now, you catch the others first. Then they will be the ones to throw a tantrum."

Senju Hashirama was looking through the information and found that the first tailed beast had been captured. He immediately asked anxiously. After learning that it was the seal of the Kingdom of Wind, an inexplicable look flashed in his eyes and he asked Tobirama. Not to be intimidated, but rejected.

After a while, Senju Hashirama received letters of resignation one after another, and his face became more and more beautiful. After he checked the list for a long time, his face turned ugly again, which made Senju Hashirama who was reading the information confused. ,

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Good news, all ninjas have given up."

Senju Tobirama looked at the document in his hand with a puzzled expression and said slowly.

"You mean there's still bad news?"

"That's right, that guy Uchiha Madara is asking when the competition will start."

"Haha, I knew Ma Da would never give up~"

Senju Hashirama, who thought he was going to fight alone, put a smile on his face. He knew that his best friend would not give up in spite of difficulties.

"Humph~ Brother, you can't let it go this time. This is related to the future of Konoha. You must not be careless."

Senju Tobirama, who was worried that her elder brother was obsessed with sex, began to take vaccinations vigorously.

"Okay, okay, I can still distinguish this kind of thing."

Senju Hashirama, who was in a good mood, waved his hands with a smile on his face and said,

"But, Tobirama, why are these pictures of tailed beasts so sexy?"

Senju Hashirama, who picked up the information again, looked at the tailed beasts that were cuter than the last, and asked in confusion,

"Ahem, after all, we are short of time. This is the appearance of the tailed beast that I painted based on the tailed beast doll at Gin Uchiha's house. It should be very similar."

Senju Tobirama pointed at the data with a strange expression on the tailed beasts competing against each other, and assured them with certainty,

"That's it~"

On the other side, Uchiha Gindan looked at Madara Uchiha holding his tailed beast doll in pain, and couldn't help but complained,

"Cousin, you don't have to look for them with dolls. The tailed beasts all look so distinctive, so they should be easy to identify."

"Well, it's my fault, Meng Lang."

Uchiha Madara was about to run away with the baby in his arms. After being stopped by a short-haired girl with a blank expression, he turned around and returned with some embarrassment.

"Besides, what's the difference between you and a headless fly? The ninja world is so big, you don't want to search for it inch by inch, right?"

Looking at his excited cousin, Uchiha Gin held his forehead and reminded him loudly,

"How is that possible? I'm not an idiot."

Uchiha Madara was shocked when he heard this, and then said harshly with his eyes evasive,

He was originally going to fly to the skies in the Susanoo to patrol the ninja world.

"I don't understand you. Now, take this to Koneko-chan. She will help you collect information about the location of the tailed beast~"

Knowing his cousin's reckless temperament, Uchiha Gin shook his head. After groping for a long time in his backpack, he took out a golden gold coin for cats and threw it into Uchiha Madara's hand.

"This is?"

Looking at the gold coin in his hand, Uchiha Madara raised his eyebrows. When he was rubbing it, he found words on the back. He turned it over and found a big word "sugar" written on the back. He asked doubtfully,

"I have some friendship with Koneko-chan from the Sky Realm. If you go there with my token, she will help you."

"Kukai is the supplier that specializes in providing weapons to the Uchiha clan. When did they start acting as information dealers?"

As the leader of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Madara still knew something about the place in the Sky Realm. In his impression, the other party was just a simple weapons dealer.

"You see, this is the importance of intelligence~"

Wagging his finger at the confused Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Gin said mysteriously,

"The current talker in Kongjie is a real cat fan. He started raising ninja cats in captivity not long ago. You know, cats have a very wide circle of friends~"

I will join the group in the next few days, and everyone is welcome to join the discussion~

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