Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 285: Senju Hashirama: The Nine-Tails and I are evenly matched

"A child cannot be taught!"

After some careful teaching, Wang Liang still only calls himself Curly Hair, which makes Uchiha Ginton, who was originally full of confidence, feel hopeless.

"Oh~ I wonder how the clone I created, Uchiha Gin, is so resourceful that he is so wise."

Uchiha Gin, who was sitting paralyzed on the side, couldn't help shaking his head and sighing as he looked at the still heavy body.

"One more drink~"

Facing Uchiha Gin's ridicule, Kaguya was not angry and pushed the empty cup over with her backhand.

As long as this descendant can provide her with a stable supply of secret sweet water, it is not unacceptable for Uchiha Gin to take advantage of her.

"Want more?"

Uchiha Gin turned to look at the lemons contributed by his little cousin, and found that the raw materials had been exhausted, and now not a drop could be squeezed out, and then waved his hand and said,

"No more, no more~"

Kaguya frowned when he heard this. This descendant was really ungrateful. She asked him to make a confession to her because she thought highly of him. In the past, those humans who wanted to give her gifts had to line up for the lottery half a year in advance.

"One more drink!"

Wang Liang's tone this time was more humane than before. After hearing this, Uchiha Gin raised his eyebrows in surprise. Looking at her cold and beautiful little face, he found that there was a slight hint of anger between her eyebrows. color.

"The lemons are gone. Do you want some ice cream?"

Feeling that the two men in front of him were behaving more and more like humans, Uchiha Gin, with a spirit of inquiry, glanced at the ice cream machine behind the bar and asked aloud,

Ice cream?

Kaguya Maro frowned, she had never heard of such a thing before.

"Try it, it's a cold drink developed and made by me, Uchiha Gin, and it's delicious~"

That's right, the ice cream sold by the little manager is made by Uchiha Gin.

After the founding of Konoha, Uchiha Gin asked for a store with the best location from the clan and gave it to Mrs. Eimi, allowing her to resume her old business and open a cold drink shop.

But Uchiha Gin got really tired of eating shaved ice all the time, so he created the ice cream from his previous life. Unexpectedly, the sales were pretty good, and while it was well received, it also attracted many foreign friends.

It is said that not long ago, there was a child from the Kingdom of Wind who was addicted to ice cream and did not even want to return to the country. She clamored to join Konoha, but in the end she was knocked unconscious and carried away by her master.

If it weren't for the unstable world, Uchiha Gin really wanted to open a drink shop in Konoha, and he already had a name figured out.

It’s called Honey X Bingcheng~

While talking, Uchiha Gin had already entered the bar, operated the ice cream machine, and squeezed out a large sundae.

Kaguya tilted her head in confusion. The white food exuding cold air in front of her had a strong milky aroma. She swallowed subconsciously, looked up at Uchiha Gin with a warm smile, and chose to eat a large portion. The sundae was taken.

"Eat quickly, or it will melt later~"

Seeing Wang Liang's cautious look, Uchiha Gin couldn't help but smile and urge,

After hesitating for a moment, Kaguya stretched out a slender finger and tentatively touched the top of the sundae. The cold touch made her shiver.

After retracting her fingers, looking at the milky white ice cream on her fingertips, Kaguya slowly took it into her mouth.

"Ou Yixi!"

Kaguya sucked her fingers hard. The rich sweetness of the cream ice cream made her eyes light up. It was so delicious that she only ate it today. Her previous thousands of years were considered in vain.

She picked up a large portion of the sundae on the table and ate it hungrily. Her rough eating method splashed the ice cream everywhere, and her little dark face was covered with thick milky white liquid.

"Eat slowly, no one will compete with you."

He didn't even use a spoon and just went to chew it. It was indeed a puppet that had just awakened its intelligence. Uchiha Gin felt that he had a long way to go to cultivate himself.

But Kaguya couldn't hear Uchiha Gin's words, and still buried her head in the storm. The scene was simply too miserable to watch.

"Oh~ look up."

Uchiha Gin couldn't stand it any longer, so he took out a tissue and said,


This time Kaguya listened, and raised her little head in confusion, wanting to see what Uchiha Gin was going to do.

The next moment, a warm hand stretched out and wiped the ice cream on her face very gently. Kaguya, who had never been treated like this before, idled on the spot and let Uchiha Gin control her.

When Uchiha Gin's fingers inadvertently brushed her lips, Kaguya's heart, which had been silent for thousands of years, began to accelerate for the first time. A blush spread uncontrollably on her face, and the top of her head There was even steam rising faintly from the white hair.


At this ambiguous moment, the door of the cold drink shop was suddenly pushed open. At the same time, the sound of bells on the door curtain also woke up the dying Kaguya.

"It's the little manager, go back quickly!"

Just by hearing the footsteps, Uchiha Gin knew who was coming, so he quickly stood up and stood in front of Kaguya, urging in a low voice,

The fact that Uchiha Gin turned on the kaleidoscope has not been revealed to anyone yet. If others discover the existence of Wang Liang, he will not be able to explain it even if he has the words.

"Um? Mr. Yin, why are you here?"

The person who came was none other than Uchiha Gin. He saw the girl carrying two large bags of yellow fruits that Uchiha Gin looked very familiar to. She looked at him with a surprised look on her face.

However, the girl, who had been careful since she was a child, immediately sharpened her eyes after seeing Uchiha Gin's panicked expression, and quickly looked around, trying to find something.

Uchiha Gin took the time to glance behind him and found that the seat where he had just been sitting was empty. Before leaving, he even took away the unfinished sundae ice cream.


The relieved Uchiha Gin's nervous expression slowly faded away, but the purple-haired girl in front of him frowned more and more.

"A little governance, a long time."

Uchiha Gin took a step forward, ready to say hello to his disciple.

"Mr. Silver, please stop!"

Unexpectedly, the usually docile Uchiha Gin unexpectedly stopped his teacher by drinking. There was an expression of disgust on his beautiful face, which made Uchiha Gin who was about to step forward a little confused.

"What happened?"

"Mr. Yin, if you really can't help it, please go to the toilet and do this kind of thing."


Hearing this, Uchiha Gin froze on the spot. In confusion, he followed the girl's disgusted gaze, slowly lowered his head, and looked at the tissue in his hand. The milky white unknown liquid on it was slowly dripping. fall.

"I didn't! This is not the case! Listen to my explanation!"

Shadow Realm

Kaguya sat on her exclusive big bed, holding a sundae brought from the real world, tasting it in small sips, recalling the touch on her lips, her dark little face was uncontrollably hot, and her white eyes were Full of meaningless thoughts.

"That descendant is called Uchiha Gin, right?"

In the Hokage's office, Senju Hashirama, who had returned to his regular job due to the lack of a helper, was working overtime. When he reviewed a report about the slow progress of a certain project, his eyebrows slowly rose and he looked up to the side who was sorting out documents. In the Thousand Hands Door, he slowly said,

"Tobirama, when will the money arrive?"

Konoha is now using money. Although Senju Tobirama got back part of the dividends before, they were basically used to pay Uchiha Gin, and now the account is still full of deficits.

"Brother, don't worry, the shipping company in the Country of Waves has just started, and the profits will not be received for a while. Wait, wait, wait~"

Senju Tobirama's body froze when he was asked, and then he remembered the tea and letters sent by the official from the Country of Waves, and immediately put his heart back into his stomach,

“But money is needed everywhere now!”

If it were someone else who had embezzled public funds, Senju Hashirama would have used wooden figures to make horses and kill chickens for him. How could he be so easy to talk to?

"It's really not possible to give away some of the family's ancestral property. Let's solve this urgent need first."

Regarding Konoha's financial problems, Senju Tobirama actually knows better than anyone else, but he firmly believes that money begets money. As long as the shipping company of the Country of Waves takes off, he will definitely make money every day, and then he can be in that volume. In front of Mao, he straightened up and behaved.



Just when the two Qianju brothers were planning to sell off their property, the door of the office was pushed open from the outside, and then a burst of harsh footsteps reached their ears, making them frown immediately.

Who is so rude and thinks that the Hokage's office belongs to him?

As a result, the two brothers, who were not worried, turned their attention to the intruder and prepared to teach this rude person a lesson.

"Who are you."

However, because the appearance of the person who came was too crude, Senju Tobirama had to swallow the words he blurted out.

I saw that I was wearing a pair of exaggerated sunglasses on my face, a tight black T-shirt on my upper body, a huge Sharingan pattern embroidered on the chest, white shorts on the lower half, and golden pointed-toe Chelsea boots, with a The dazzling green leather bag was standing in front of the door, shaking his head and posing.

"oioioi, isn't this a hot Hasi mother? We haven't seen her for a few days, why are you acting like this?"

Listening to the voice, this man with a unique appearance turned out to be Senju Hashirama's best friend Uchiha Madara, whom he had not seen for a few days. He walked to the desk with steps that he didn't recognize, pushed up the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and spoke in a very arrogant tone. said.


"Moda, what are you wearing?"

After finally recovering from the shock, Senju Hashirama's eyes were full of disbelief. It was obvious that the Madara before was well-dressed and well-behaved, resembling a boudoir girl from a scholarly family.

Unexpectedly, she has transformed into a rebellious spiritual girl.

This is really a surprise!

Contrast, the main thing is a contrast~

"How about it? This is the most fashionable outfit recently. Your robe and coat have long been out of date. When you go out, people will think you are an antique~"

Uchiha Madara, who had completed his transformation, pointed at Senju Hashirama's plain robe and mocked in a very disdainful tone.

I don't know when this trend suddenly became popular in Konoha, and it was first started by an unknown and cheerful Mr. Sasuke.

Then it spread like a plague, and for a while this style of clothing became popular on the streets. Any ninja with some strength would spend a lot of money to customize an exclusive suit from an unknown designer.

"So, I have indeed seen a lot of people dressed like this recently."

Senju Hashirama was not angry after being ridiculed. Instead, he showed a teasing smile and looked at Uchiha Madara's tight buttocks with interest.

What a handsome outfit, I want it too!

"Hmph! This kind of unhealthy trend should be banned. Brother, please order a ban on this kind of clothing!"

Seeing that his eldest brother was so entranced, Qianju Feijian's lungs almost exploded, and then he said with a gloomy face,

"Huh? Since when did Konoha become so feudal? It can't even realize the freedom of dressing. If someone becomes the Hokage, I'm afraid even the color of the underwear must be uniform."

Madara Uchiha glanced at the furious Senju Tobirama, his eyes filled with disdain, followed by a strange aura.

"Okay, okay, why do you two get so excited when you meet each other? We are all a family~"

It was a familiar scene again. Senju Hashirama stood up helplessly to break up the fight, as if this had become his daily routine.


The two people quarreling turned their heads away at the same time, neither paying attention to the other.

Seeing that the two of them had calmed down, Senju Hashirama breathed a sigh of relief and sat back down.

"Moda, why don't you rest for a few more days?"

It had only been a few days since the last time Uchiha Gin forcibly took away Uchiha Madara. Unexpectedly, he recovered his energy so quickly and came to work.

"Everything in the clan has been left to that boy, Quan Nai. I am just idle, so I might as well come back to work."

Skillfully flipping the green bag into position, Uchiha Madara replied casually,

"Okay, okay, I was worried that I couldn't finish the work at hand, so you came~"

For free labor, Senju Hashirama welcomes it with all his limbs. He is not only capable, but also eye-catching, so he can enjoy it secretly!

"I knew Konoha would fall apart without me."

Uchiha Madara nodded in agreement, and then sat down in his previous office position. At this moment, it was already filled with documents waiting for approval, so he quickly got into the state and processed them quickly.

Senju Tobirama, who was sitting opposite him, saw this scene and chose to shut up, sit down silently and continue working.

Although Senju Tobirama hates this guy Uchiha Madara, he has to admit that he is a rare talent, with abundant strength and fair resourcefulness, but his mood is not stable.

"Konoha is short of money again recently?"

Looking at the monthly financial report in his hand, Madara Uchiha frowned under his sunglasses. He had long known that Senju Tobirama was unreliable, and the whereabouts of the embezzled public funds were still unknown.

"It's nothing, it's a small problem, we have already thought of a solution~"

When Uchiha Madara mentioned this, Senju Hashirama, who cared about his younger brother, answered first,

"The Kingdom of Water attacks the Kingdom of Whirlpool? What's going on? Doesn't it mean there's an armistice?"

After uncovering this matter, Uchiha Madara turned over another piece of information from abroad. When he saw the word war, his brows that had just relaxed wrinkled again. It was obvious that he had just signed a peace agreement before, so why did he turn around and attack his neighbor? .

"I know about this, but the Kingdom of Water did not get any advantage. The tailed beast I just bought was almost captured by the Kingdom of Whirlpool."

Senju Tobirama on the opposite side raised his head, with a thoughtful look in his scarlet eyes, and then explained,

"Regardless of whether you get any benefits or not, why can the Kingdom of Water start a war at will?"

Regardless of the outcome, Uchiha Madara just wanted to know what the motivation was for starting the war.

"Alas~ Motor, there is nothing we can do about it. The peace agreement we signed at that time only included the five major countries, and only wars between the five major countries were prohibited. As for the small countries, it was not included."

It turns out that the Kingdom of Water is stuck in a loophole in the agreement. In order to avenge the previous revenge, he went to the Kingdom of Whirlpool with the tailed beast he just acquired, hoping to regain the place he had lost before. Unexpectedly, the ninjas of the Kingdom of Whirlpool also Not vegetarian.

The three tails, who were thrown into the territorial waters of the Kingdom of Whirlpool by the Kingdom of Water, just opened their eyes and saw the sky full of chains coming towards them. Before they could say anything, they were disarmed on the spot.

If Byakuren hadn't brought the healed ghost lights, Gengetsu and Katsura, first trapped the ninjas of the Uzumaki clan with a mirage illusion, and then fought with his life to snatch back the three-tails that had been frozen, how could they in the Kingdom of Water have survived? It's really like losing your wife and losing your troops.

"You are asking for trouble. Who doesn't know that the sealing skills of those red-haired ones in the Whirlpool Kingdom are top-notch, and they can't deal with the tailed beasts with just one hand."

Shaking his head disdainfully, Uchiha Madara, who knew the whole story, had no sympathy for the tragic experience of the Water Kingdom.

"He indeed deserves it. I heard that the old guy Bai Lian was seriously injured and may be about to abdicate."

Senju Tobirama rarely has the same opinion as Uchiha Madara.

"Fortunately, it is the Country of Whirlpool. If it were other small countries, it might have fallen."

Even though there have been fewer contacts over the years, the blood relationship still exists. If the Kingdom of Whirlpool is really in trouble, Senju Hashirama will definitely come to help as soon as possible.

"Tailed beasts are indeed a troublesome existence."

Through this incident, Senju Tobirama saw more profoundly than the other two. Nuclear weapons like tailed beasts were a deterrent during non-war times and a killer weapon during war.

Although the eldest brother and Madara Uchiha can easily control the tailed beasts, after a few years, Konoha will be replaced by new generations, and there will no longer be strong men like the two of them to support the situation. Then Konoha without the tailed beasts in hand, wouldn't it be like other countries? The existence of arbitrary slaughter in the eyes.

"Tobirama, do you have anything to say?"

Seeing his brother's deep expression, Senju Hashirama, who knew his habits, asked aloud,

"Brother, I think Konoha needs tailed beasts too."

Senju Tobirama, who was asked, raised his head and replied seriously,

"Hmph~ What's the use of something like that that kicks its legs when you stare at it?"

As Madara Uchiha who had personally captured a tailed beast, he sneered at Senju Tobirama's words. No matter how many tailed beasts he had, they couldn't compare to his pair of eternal kaleidoscopes.

"Do you think anyone can be like you?"

Senju Tobirama rubbed his temples with a headache. On such an issue related to the survival of Konoha, he did not want to have a meaningless quarrel with Uchiha Madara.

"Well, it's not like nothing."

Uchiha Madara originally wanted to say no, but when he recalled the woman next to his eldest cousin, he scratched his face in embarrassment, and his tone lost the arrogance before.


"I mean, after many years, when none of us are alive, can you guarantee that there will still be people with the same strength as you in Konoha?"

"I can guarantee that."

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Madara answered very neatly this time, which caught Senju Tobirama off guard.

"Don't be blindly confident, things are unpredictable."

"If my eldest cousin can live a long time, the Uchiha Hikaru next to him will definitely live a long life too."

Uchiha Madara shook his head and mentioned Uchiha Gin's name.

"That Curly Hair, you mean, the Yin Seal?"

Being reminded by Uchiha Madara, Senju Tobirama woke up from a dream. Yes, the Uchiha Hikari, whose strength was unknown, had learned Uchiha Gin's Yin Seal Technique, and his lifespan was greatly extended. As long as he did not attack frequently , can we hope that Konoha will have long-term peace and stability.

The tailed beast is invading, go and invite Ancestor Hikari!

However, when Senju Tobirama remembered that the other party was from the Uchiha clan, his brows flew up.

If it was like what he thought, then in the future Konoha would have to act based on the Uchiha clan's eyes, which would be a result he didn't want to see.

No, we can't just rely on the Uchiha clan. Konoha needs its own nuclear weapons.

"I think it's better to have a tailed beast as a deterrent. This can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble."

Senju Tobirama shook his head and still insisted on his point of view.

"It doesn't matter, they are all native chickens and dogs anyway."

Uchiha Madara, who didn't care about this matter, just mocked coldly and did not refuse.

"Tobirama, your idea is good, but all the tailed beasts have been sold, where can we find extra ones?"

Senju Hashirama, who was listening on the side, scratched his head and interrupted, saying that when they sold tailed beasts before, they didn't keep any of them in Konoha~

"Brother, isn't there another one?"

Qian Shu Feijian raised the corner of his mouth and smiled very strangely.

"And... you mean..."

"Yes, it's Kyuubi!"

"Ah? I made an agreement with it!"

Yes, after the previous Tailed Beast Pokémon Contest, Senju Hashirama promised to let Kyuubi go free and promised that he would never catch it again.

However, the despicable Bai Mao actually ignored the agreement between Senju Hashirama and Kyuubi and wanted to capture the helpless Kyuubi again.

"Hmph! What kind of ethics do you have with the beast? Just catch it again!"

"No, no, I swore in the name of the Immortal of Six Paths before that if I catch it again, I will die without a burial place and will never be reincarnated."

Senju Hashirama showed a rare expression of embarrassment, and expressed his inability to respond to his brother's request.


Knowing that his elder brother was a man who valued his promises, Senju Tobirama had no choice but to give up and let Senju Hashirama capture Kyuubi.

While he was thinking, he suddenly saw Uchiha Madara who was writing furiously at his workstation. A flash of light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and a conspiratorial smile quietly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Konoha cannot live without tailed beasts, just like the Land of Fire cannot live without Konoha."

Suddenly, Senju Tobirama said something incomprehensible, and Uchiha Madara, who was dealing with documents, immediately raised his head in confusion, wanting to see what tricks the white-haired man was playing.

"Uchiha Madara, do you know Kyuubi?"

During the previous tailed beast war, the tailed beast controlled by Uchiha Madara lost one-sidedly to the Kyuubi, and thus missed the position of Hokage. Now that Senju Tobirama is bringing up old things again, he must have his purpose.

"The nine-tailed one is the one that Hashi hot mom won in the end."

Of course Uchiha Madara remembered that hateful big fox. If it hadn't been for it, he would have been riding on Senju Hashirama's head to dominate him. How could he still work here for free day and night like a social animal? .

"Brother, how strong is the Nine-Tails?"

I don’t know why Senju Tobirama asked this. Just when Senju Hashirama was about to answer casually, he suddenly remembered what he said to Uchiha Madara after winning the Tailed Beast War before, and then he blurted out with erratic eyes,

"Well, it's very strong. Have you seen my hands? I'm evenly matched with them after using them." (End of Chapter)

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