Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 284 Black Zetsu, someone got your mom pregnant

In the end, Uchiha Izuna, who got the approval of her eldest cousin, happily took the first step and gave the lemon in her hand to Uchiha Gin before leaving.

"Cousin, as long as Mieko and I can succeed, we will have enough lemon tubes from now on!"

Accepting the bribe with peace of mind, Uchiha Gin frowned as he looked at his little cousin's spiritual suit.

"You go back and change your style. If you keep looking like this, I'm afraid you will have to be single for the rest of your life."

Hearing this, Uchiha Izuna looked down at his shiny shoes in confusion. He felt that he was so handsome. He had a 200% head-turning rate when walking among the crowd.

"Really? I think Mieko likes my style, huh?"

"Just do it when I ask you to, why is there all this nonsense!"

After giving his little cousin a violent shudder, Uchiha Gin said with a cold face,

"Okay, okay, I'll change it now~"

Rubbing his aching head, Uchiha Izuna chose to succumb to Uchiha Gin's lustful power.

Otherwise, if the eldest cousin says, "I don't agree with this marriage," then he and Mieko will not be able to achieve success.

Looking at his brother's retreating back, Madara Uchiha, who was sullen at the side, gradually softened his tense expression, and he snorted and cursed,

"Hmph! I think this kid Quan Nai is just greedy for other people's bodies. He is despicable!"

"I think you are envious~"

Uchiha Gin turned his head away and looked at his eldest cousin with a shy smile on his face.

"Huh? I would envy him?"

Uchiha Madara immediately rolled his eyes, but there was a trace of unnoticeable relief and joy on his cold face.


Uchiha Gin was already accustomed to his eldest cousin's distasteful character, so he immediately gave instructions,

"I've arranged a leave for you. Just take a good rest these days, handle family affairs, and give your little cousin some private space."

"But me."

Upon hearing this arrangement, Uchiha Madara was immediately unhappy. Now is the critical moment in the competition for the second generation goal.

If he was absent for a few days, maybe the Bai Mao from Qianju Tobijian would take the opportunity to steal the house, and all his previous efforts would be in vain.

"Hmph! If you dare to go to work secretly, I will reveal your dirty information to that white-haired man."

Seeing through Uchiha Madara's thoughts, Uchiha Gin was not polite and directly took out his trump card. You know, the dirty information he had saved was enough to prey on his cousin for a lifetime.

Senju Tobirama: Is there such a good thing?

"Huh~ I know."

Uchiha Madara, who almost lost his breath, saw that Uchiha Gin's expression was serious and not fake, and his whole body was like a deflated rubber ball, so he could only nod in agreement.

"Okay, I'll take a walk again, you go back and rest~"

Uchiha Gin, who was holding a lemon, waved to Uchiha Madara and then walked toward the entrance of the village.

When visiting orphans and widows, one cannot go empty-handed.

Uchiha Madara, who had been threatened by Uchiha Gin, returned to the clan leader's mansion alone. He pushed open the clan leader's office, which he had not entered for a long time, and found that the spacious desk was filled with thick documents.

Uchiha Izuna, who had parted before, was burying his head in correcting documents with a serious look on his face, showing no sign of the spirited young man who had just been on the street.

"Leave it there, I'll look at it later~"

Uchiha Izuna, who was concentrating on reviewing the documents, did not raise his head. He thought it was a tribesman who came to deliver the documents, and then said,


Uchiha Madara didn't say anything. Looking at his younger brother who already had a light nasolabial fold on his cheek, a trace of sadness suddenly surged in his heart.

"Why don't you leave?"

I didn't hear any movement for a long time, but when I sensed someone in front of me, Izuna immediately frowned.

"Are you so busy now?"

Uchiha Madara's eyes fell on the table nearby, where there was already cold food. It seemed that his younger brother was too busy to sleep and eat, and then asked in a deep voice,

"Ah? Brother! Why are you here, Ben?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Uchiha Izuna raised his head in surprise. When he saw Uchiha Madara standing in front of him with a face filled with self-blame, he quickly stood up and asked,

"Stop talking, I'm sorry Quan Nai, I really deserve to die for saying that to you before!"

Thinking of his harsh expression towards Uchiha Izuna just now, Uchiha Madara wanted to slap himself twice.


Uchiha Izuna stood up and was immediately confused. He touched his head in confusion, guessing which one his elder brother was playing.

"Go and rest, Izuna, and leave the rest of the work to me~"

Uchiha Madara took a few steps forward, pulled down the confused Uchiha Izuna, sat on the clan leader's throne, and began to take over the affairs of the clan.

"Brother, aren't you working in the Hokage's office? Why did you remember to come back?"

Looking at Uchiha Madara who was busy writing, Uchiha Izuna asked cautiously,

"If I don't come back, how will you have time to do business?"

After glancing at his younger brother, Uchiha Madara chuckled and said,

"Doing business?"

"Don't act stupid, I agree. As long as you don't do anything outrageous, you can feel free to chase that fruit shop girl!"

"What did you say???"

Uchiha Izuna's sudden overreaction made Uchiha Madara, who was nodding his head for his own righteousness, confused. Looking at his younger brother who was gradually getting redder and warmer, he asked doubtfully,

"Are you okay? I'm happy, don't be Hongwen!"

After a while, Uchiha Izuna's face returned to its normal color. His face was gloomy to the point of dripping water, his eyes were full of destructive colors, and he squeezed out an inexplicable sentence from between his teeth,

"How dare he lie to me!"


The door to the patriarch's office was suddenly pushed open, and a hurried figure broke in. It turned out to be Uchiha Izuna again. He was sweating profusely, and his clothes were a little crooked. He shouted in a very embarrassed manner,

"I'm exhausted! Going out for research is not an easy job. I really envy your clone that you can stay in a cool office~"

After the intruder Uchiha Izuna finished talking to himself, he realized that the person sitting in the patriarch's seat had been changed. He immediately asked in surprise,

"Um, brother, why are you here? Aren't you shopping with your eldest cousin?"

Uchiha Madara looked at his two younger brothers standing in the room with a strange expression, and for a moment he didn't know how to speak.

Uchiha Izuna, who was first in the office to approve the document, was the first to speak. His cold gaze fell directly on Uchiha Izuna who had just entered the door, with a faint murderous intention surging.

"Ontology, is it hard to go out for inspection and research?"

"It's not hard! It's not hard! There's no clone of you who's working hard~"

Uchiha Izuna, who felt a hint of coldness, immediately shook his head like a rattle,

"No, no, no, no matter how hard you work, how is Mieko?"

"No, no, the pigtails Mieko wore today are super cute!"



The scene fell into a fatal silence for a time. The original body, Izuna, with a stiff face, fell to the ground with her legs weak, and kowtowed to the gloomy-looking clone.

"Sorry, I'm an undercover agent!"

"Okay, okay, the guy who tricked me into burning oil and lighting the lamp here is working day and night. It would be better for you to go out and pick up girls under the guise of research. You are really a good person in the ninja world."

After hearing this, Madara Uchiha finally understood the whole story, and the look he looked at his younger brother, who was sitting on the throne, also had a hint of evil in his eyes.

Unfortunately, I thought you were dedicated to your job, but I didn't expect you to be a cunning guy. You actually let your shadow clone work here while you went out to flirt with girls.

Why didn't I think of this despicable method earlier?

When Madara Uchiha thought about the documents he had personally reviewed before, he felt even more uncomfortable than if he had lost 100 million.

"Fuck you!"

The furious clone pounced on the hungry tiger and killed the original Izuna who was kneeling on the ground in repentance. Today he would seek justice for himself.

Avatars also have human rights!


Uchiha Izuna, who was on guard for a long time, secretly pinched the decryption seal, and the clone in mid-air instantly turned into a puff of smoke.


Although he escaped the revenge of his clone, the massive amount of memories during this period was enough for Uchiha Izuna to drink from. He was seen rolling on the ground with his head covered, sweat oozing from his forehead, and moaning in pain for a long time. After that, it gradually became quiet.

"Huh~ I thought I was going to die."

After forcibly digesting the memory, Uchiha Izuna got up from the ground, wiped the sweat from his head, and looked like he was surviving the disaster.

"You think this is the end?"

At this moment, Uchiha Madara's cold voice sounded in his ears, and Izuna stood at attention instantly.

"Brother, I am using ninjutsu properly."

Seeing Uchiha Madara's unkind expression, Izuna, who felt guilty, quickly explained,

"You are really good at picking up girls in your career."

"It's okay, it's okay~"

Quan Nai scratched her head in embarrassment, but her eldest brother seldom praised others.

"Do you think I'm praising you? You're so stupid for coming to work!"

Uchiha Madara stood up, pointed at the clan leader's throne, and ordered,

"Ah! My eldest cousin just asked me to chase Mieko!"

Izuna, who was trembling in her heart, had no choice but to move out Uchiha Gin, but Uchiha Madara did not accept this trick. He only saw his eyes condensed, and the sense of oppression emanating from his body made Uchiha Izuna swallow subconsciously.

"I'll do it, I'll do it! But Mieko's side."

Forced by the power, Uchiha Izuna, who was crying, had to take up the post again, but he had just made some progress with Mieko. If he missed it, he would really miss it.

"Change to your avatar and just work here obediently."

Let your kid also have a taste of the treatment of a clone.


Am I green myself?

After Uchiha Senna's arrangements were clearly arranged, Uchiha Madara left the patriarch's office with satisfaction and walked towards Nanga Shrine where he usually retreats.

"Sure enough, you can calm down here."

There was a faint candlelight in the empty shrine. Uchiha Madara sat cross-legged in front of the blue ancestral stone tablet, his eyes slowly turning scarlet, looking straight at the obscure words on the stone tablet.

With the blessing of pupil power, the tadpole-like words gradually turned into content that Uchiha Madara could understand.

"Why can't I still see the last part clearly? My eyes are obviously at the peak of the Sharingan?"

Uchiha Madara, who was wondering why he couldn't see the truth, immediately increased the output of his pupil power, but even though the kaleidoscope in his eyes was spinning so fast that it was smoking, he still couldn't see the last content on the stone tablet.

"Could it be said that the Eternal Eye is not the limit of the Sharingan?"

Slowly closing his eyes, Uchiha Madara frowned. At this moment, he suddenly remembered the content recorded on the stone tablet, and a flash of light flashed in his mind.

"There are so many things"

According to the stele, the combination of the power of Senju and Uchiha will create the power of all things. So this power may be the key to interpreting the final content of the stele.

When he thought of this, Uchiha Madara's eyes flashed with thoughts, and he didn't know what he was considering.

In a corner not far from him, a dark figure slowly poked his head out, looking at Uchiha Madara who was thinking hard. Black Zetsu, who had been waiting here for a long time, nodded happily,

It seems that this reincarnation of Indra has fallen into some kind of confusion. Should he add fuel to his fire and make him his most advantageous chess piece?

The last content of the stone tablet can only be seen clearly by eyes with the Samsara Eye level. It records the specific methods of implementing the Infinite Tsukuyomi Plan, including how to summon the heretic golem and the role of the tailed beast, etc.

"Let him turn against that reincarnation of Asura first, and then I can take advantage of the opportunity to sneak in after he has betrayed his relatives and separated from his family."

Hei Jue was hiding in the corner, planning his grand plan, his bean-like eyes full of hesitation.

"Mother, you are about to be released from the prison!"

Uchiha Gin, who had just said goodbye to Uchiha Madara, took a lemon and went to the cold drink shop at the entrance of the village. The four big words "Suspended" hanging on the door made him feel like he was in mourning. Fortunately, Mrs. Eimi had told him the key to the shop before. Where.

After opening the door in a few seconds, Uchiha Gin strutted into the empty cold drink shop, but his dry lips made him a little tempted, but he was too lazy to do anything.

But as a man with a pony, Uchiha Ginshi's eyes flashed red, and he made a brilliant appearance.


The squinting Uchiha Gin looked like an old god was present, but after seeing the dark-skinned girl teleported from the Shadow Realm, his eyes widened in surprise.

"What kind of look do you have?"

Ji Liang still looks like the same black-skinned iceberg as before, but this time when she comes out, there are two more rabbit ears on the top of her white-haired head, and they don't look like decorations, but more like real ones.

The last moment, Kaguya, who was enjoying an elegant afternoon tea in the Shadow Realm, suddenly felt a call, touched the rabbit ears growing on her head, stood up with an unhappy face, and accepted the teleportation.

These two rabbit ears only grew after the last transformation with Gin Uchiha. Kaguya herself was puzzled.

Although her true form is a rabbit, this kind of mutation never happened when she was Otsutsuki~

"By the way, you can't speak~"

Uchiha Gin, who didn't get a response for a long time, just remembered that Zengliangchan couldn't speak, and then he patted his forehead and didn't continue to ask.


Kaguya, who was summoned, remained in the state of an iceberg, but her two big eyes looked curiously at the cold drink shop. Looking at the cute decorations in the shop, her young girl also had a slight tremor.

Yes, when I rule the world in the future, I will treat this place as my palace~

Let this descendant show me the gate.

Just when Kaguya fell into fantasy, she suddenly felt a numbness on the top of her head, which scared her so much that she almost screamed.

"They are really rabbit ears, and they also have warmth!"

I saw Uchiha Gin walking around behind Kaguya at some point, rubbing the ears on the top of her head with his big hands, and was licking his tongue in surprise as he touched them.


Kaguya had never experienced such an insult before, so she immediately waved away Uchiha Gin's evil hand, with a trace of disgust on her face.

"Hu~hu~ Yes, that's the expression!"

Breathing into his red and swollen palms, Uchiha Gin looked at Ji Liang with a human expression and nodded with satisfaction.

Uchiha Yao has not yet fully developed the pupil technique of Zengliang. Uchiha Gin feels that the pupil technique of Zengliang-chan will never be as simple as a fighting puppet. If he trains and trains more, he might actually be able to develop an intelligent AI. .

It's not impossible to suddenly speak one day.

"Zeng Liangjiang, make me a hand-beaten lemon, it's full of sugar!"

Looking up and down at the restored black skin, Uchiha Gin tried to issue a command,

After the training of the two intelligent puppets Zuo Ling and You Ling, now it is time to review the results.


After hearing Uchiha Gin's strange order, the cold-faced Kaguya immediately squeezed out an angry mark on her forehead, and her eyes became evil.

"Um, don't you know? Then I'll demonstrate it to you~"

Uchiha Ginjian was stunned on the spot, looking at a loss, thinking that she couldn't do it, so he scratched his head and said,

After that, he skillfully picked up a few lemons, walked into the bar of the cold drink shop and started to operate.

"Pah pah pah pah~"

Just hearing a fierce beating sound, Uchiha Gin's skillful posture made the onlookers Kaguya feel a little dumb. I didn't expect that this descendant still had some skills, so let's upgrade him from a janitor to a chef~

"Ding-deng-deng~Hand-made lemon is done!"

With the blessing of strange power, Uchiha Gin squeezed the lemon very easily and threw a large amount of honey syrup into the attractive juice. A cup of Uchiha's special hand-made lemon was completed.

What is professional? This is called professional~

"You want to try it?"

Uchiha Gin, who was about to enjoy it by himself, suddenly saw the look of hope on the face of Yuliang-chan beside him. While he was confused, he tried to ask aloud,

After all, as a creature of the pupil technique, Guliang should not need to consume human food.


Hearing Uchiha Gin's words, Kaguya nodded subconsciously.


Uchiha Gin tilted his head in surprise, and his curly hair was covered with question marks. He just asked casually. Unexpectedly, he nodded, but he didn't think much and handed over the prepared lemon.

Seeing the orange hand hitting the lemon in front of her, Kaguya was suddenly startled and felt bad, she was about to be exposed.

After a while, she discovered that Uchiha Gin was not suspicious and still looked curious. Kaguya, who was heartbroken, reached out and grabbed the hand that exuded a seductive aura to hit the lemon.

"Tons, tons, tons~"

Kaguya, who didn't know how to write the word polite, took a drink of milk and lemon juice, and her eyes widened instantly.

The lemon bursts out with the most original refreshing feeling under the strong beating, combined with the sweet syrup and the dense honey. The perfect fusion of sour and sweet, the intertwining of refreshing and mellow, creates a perfect summer cup. Drinks.

This descendant is qualified to enter my harem.

After drinking a glass of hand-made lemon in one gulp, Kaguya licked her full lips as she still wanted to drink more. For the first time, there was a visible need in her emotionless eyes.

"You still want to drink?"

Kaguya nodded hurriedly, acting more humane than before.

"Then wait a moment~"

Uchiha Gin, who guessed whether the two had evolved another step, immediately started making it.

As cups of hand-made lemons were brought up, the relaxed Kaguya simply lost her reserve and sat on the stool, pouring cup after cup of hand-made lemons made by Uchiha into her mouth.

After a while, Kaguya's originally flat belly slowly bulged out.

As the story goes, Uchiha Gin made Kaguya's belly bigger.


As the last glass of hand-made lemon was downed, Kaguya, who was already drunk, immediately said a big word.


This startled Gin Uchiha, who was cleaning up the lemon remains, and he appeared in front of Kaguya, staring straight at her slightly red face. That charming red color, even with black skin, was Can't cover it up.

Kaguya, who had already drank, had not yet realized what she had said. She looked down at the empty cup in her hand, and then glanced at Uchiha Gin standing in front of her. She subconsciously handed the cup over.

"One more drink~"

"Woooooo~ I'm done! I'm done!"

The imaginary suspicion did not appear, only Uchiha Gin was seen crying with joy while holding the cup.

In his opinion, the miraculous evolution that only happened due to his unremitting efforts was the reason why Wang Liang was able to speak.

After all, the Sharingan is known as the mirror of the soul, and the pupil technique has a certain amount of idealism in it.


Uchiha Gin's reaction confused Kaguya. At this time, she also realized that she had spoken and was thinking about how to remedy it.

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Gin, who discovered her secret, actually cried while holding his hands and hitting the lemon, without doubting his intentions at all.

"罔 Liang-chan! Do you know who I am?"

Wiping away tears of joy from the corners of his eyes, Uchiha Gin stared into Kaguya's eyes and asked in a deep voice,


Kaguya, who was being stared at, was a little restless, her eyes fell on the top of Uchiha Gin's head, and she returned with a cold tone,

"NO! I am your master!"

Uchiha Gin made an

"Okay Curly, got it Curly."

Now that her ability to speak has been exposed, Kaguya stopped pretending to be mute. Her cold face returned to its previous three-nothing state, and she slowly spoke, with an extremely hard-to-detect smile hidden in her beautiful eyes.

"No, learn from me, Master!"

For the sake of her ability to transform into a belt, Uchiha Gin ignored her words and began to teach her seriously.


Kaguya hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly in agreement,

"Why are you nodding! I am the master, not you!"

Unexpectedly, it was so difficult to teach, and Uchiha Gin jumped angrily on the spot.

"Are you the master?"

Hearing this, Kaguya tilted her head in confusion and asked softly,

"Yes, yes, you are the master!"

Uchiha was overjoyed when he heard this. He was indeed a good teacher and educated people. Even the puppets who could not speak were trained by him to become eloquent.

Since you said so, I won’t be polite~


Kaguya nodded vigorously.

Sure enough, this descendant didn't look very smart, so his worries were unnecessary.

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