Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 44 The more I look at Wang Liang, the more familiar he looks

Isn’t this a simplified version of unlimited monthly reading?

As the leader of the Eight Thousand Spears, Wuming can not only mentally control the opponent, but also endlessly absorb the chakra of the person who is imprinted with it.

"Isn't this what makes you invincible?"

Uchiha Gin asked doubtfully,

"Since there are two such powerful 'weapons', why did Uchiha Tajima fail?"

"Haha, after all his tricks, he still didn't realize that I had already seen through his conspiracy."

Uchiha Yao touched the gray beard on his chin and said proudly.

"I broke the seal left in the Sharingan of that kid, Kin, and saw the scene recording the murder of Uchiha Tajima."

Uchiha Yao said in a sad tone,

"The moment I saw Kim die, my pain was at its peak, so I..."

"Awakening eyes full of resentment."

Following Uchiha Yao's words, his only remaining eyeball slowly turned red, and the black magatama in the middle finally turned into an equilateral triangle with a hollow middle.

Uchiha Yao actually awakened the kaleidoscope.

Looking at the unfamiliar pattern in his eyes, the uncertain Uchiha Gin asked cautiously,

"Your kaleidoscope power is..."

"My kaleidoscope ability is called '甔二'."

Uchiha Yao did not hide anything and explained,

"My kaleidoscope produces a 'shadow clone', which is the incarnation of my will and has a certain degree of self-awareness. Because it is made of shadows, it can be said to be an incorporeal clone. I call it a shadow clone."

The more Uchiha Gin heard, the more something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. Anyway, his head was itching and he felt like he was growing a brain.

"Is that the old jailer?"

"That's right."

No wonder the opponent can sneak into the shadows and ignore physical attacks. It turns out that he does not belong to the category of human beings, but is the product of Uchiha Yao's Mangekyō Sharingan.

With the introduction of Uchiha Yao, the strange old jailer in the darkness appeared again.

There was still that chilling smile on his face, and his two gray eyes were looking straight at him.

For some reason, Uchiha Gin was able to faintly sense a trace of hidden and profound malice in this old jailer.

"Zengliang can conceal his own aura and sneak around. He can also attach himself to people and control their bodies to a certain extent."

Uchiha Yao continued to explain.

Um, why is the smell getting stronger and stronger?

When Uchiha Gin heard about this ability, he couldn't help but look at the old jailer from head to toe, but the other man remained unmoved, like an obedient puppet.

"After awakening the kaleidoscope, I immediately used the sword to lurk next to Uchiha Tajima, looking for your traces while passing on the conspiracy he planned."

"At that time, you had been brainwashed by Uchiha Tajima. I couldn't contact you, so I could only watch them conduct various experiments on you from a distance."

Uchiha Yao said sadly again.

"Until one day, Wang Liang from the Surveillance Research Institute passed me a piece of news about you."

"?" Uchiha Gin was full of curiosity about this matter. He had been brainwashed and what else could happen.

"When Uchiha Miao was checking your health, he found that your body functions began to decline, especially the vision in both eyes began to plummet."

Isn't this a common problem with the Mangekyō Sharingan? In particular, this purely offensive Sharingan is used more frequently and lasts longer.

In the original work, Uchiha Itachi didn't use it a few times, and his body became as weak as a pineapple. He became sick at the age of twenty-one, and eventually drowned in the sea he released.

"Uchiha Miao immediately reported the situation. After Uchiha Tajima learned about it, he decided to wait until your body reaches its limit, dig out your Sharingan, and transplant the pupil technique to Wuming, who is very compatible with you."

Uchiha said bitterly, almost breaking his teeth.

The original owners were really miserable. After their parents died, they turned into kaleidoscopes. Instead of taking revenge, they were brainwashed by their enemies. They drained the value of their use and had their eyes gouged out.

"Of course I can't let them succeed. When they weren't paying attention, I ordered the two to possess you and wait for the right time to give Uchiha Tajima a big surprise."

Uchiha Yao's eyes flashed with a crazy and violent aura.

Uchiha Gin frowned when he heard this. Has he ever been possessed by this old jailer?

In fact, he still maintained a skeptical attitude towards Uchiha Yao's words. The old man who called himself his grandfather did not seem to be as simple as he said.

"When the Kaguya clan is tricked into the clan and Uchiha Tajima manipulates you to start killing people, I will urge you to control your body, lift the seal in your brain, and start killing Uchiha Tajima's people. Launch an attack."

Uchiha Yao said quietly.

"You didn't succeed, right?"

Uchiha Gin sighed and said, if he succeeded as Uchiha Yao said, Uchiha Tajima would not be alive until now, and he would not be imprisoned in this hidden dungeon.

"Yes, I still underestimated Uchiha Tajima. I never expected that there were four pairs of Mangekyo present at that time."

Uchiha Yao said with regret.

"I failed. Uchiha Tajima's Sharingan can modify people's cognition. That special pupil technique that turns enemies into friends can tamper with your memory.

I was powerless to fight against the three pairs of Mangekyō, and finally I could only regretfully lose, and was finally locked up in this dungeon. "

After telling the secrets of the past that he knew like a story, Uchiha Yao sighed, lowered his head inexplicably, and didn't know what expression to make.


In Uchiha Tajima's office

Uchiha Yan and Uchiha Miao were busy preparing for their respective tasks and had already left.

Uchiha Tajima sat alone in the position of the clan leader, his eyes closed as if he was asleep.

"Father! I overheard that my brother and that person agreed to meet by the river in three days."

Uchiha Izuna, who was still in a hurry, rushed in and interrupted Uchiha Tajima's meditation,

"I know, I will take people there in three days. ”

Uchiha Tajima, who was disturbed by his son, opened his eyes and looked at his lively son in front of him. His tiger eyes were full of love. He had six such lively children, including Uchiha Gin, who was not his own.

Now, as long as he closed his eyes in the middle of the night, he was filled with the scene of his wife and children being slaughtered. The tragic situation of the clan kept him awake at night and also made him suffer from an unknown brain disease.

Not knowing how much time he had left, Uchiha Tajima wanted to hand over a strong and united Uchiha clan to his son before he died.

Therefore, the sealed "weapon" must be in the hands of the Uchiha clan!

The old clan leader handed over the two children who opened the Mangekyo to him, hoping that he, who was designated as the heir, would carefully train him to strengthen the family's power.

I took good care of the two children. , especially among them, Uchiha Gin is the son of his sister, with whom he has a good relationship, and his father, Uchiha Kin, is his senior brother.

Both of them were disciples of Uchiha Yao, who was extremely knowledgeable at the time.

Thinking of his former teacher, Uchiha Tajima couldn't help but frown.

His teacher was not only powerful, but also had unique research on the Uchiha clan, especially on the Sharingan, which was unmatched, but his personality was a bit weird.

Uchiha Kin, as his son, did not get along well with him, and often broke up unhappily because of different ideas.

Finally, there was a conflict of ideas on a certain research topic. From then on, the two stopped communicating until Uchiha Kin and his wife died.

Not long after, because the old clan leader died of illness, Uchiha Tajima, who had just got married, took over the position of clan leader.

"Ah! ~"

The headache came again, Uchiha Tajima closed his eyes and massaged his temples, and his thoughts went back to more than ten years ago.

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