Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 45 The original owner's extra story: Childhood sweetheart

fourteen years ago

Caressing his wife's bulging belly at home, young Uchiha Tajima was very happy. Let's call his first child Madara!

At this time, there was a slow knock on the door. He opened the door in confusion. The person who came was actually his teacher Uchiha Yao, whom he had not seen for a long time.

"Teacher, you have been living in a quiet world these past few years. How come you have time to come to me today?"

Uchiha Tajima stretched out his hand to welcome him in.

"Tajima, ah no, Lord Patriarch."

Uchiha Yao was ready to salute.

"Teacher, don't be so polite. I will always be your disciple in front of you."

Uchiha Tajima quickly stopped the other party from saluting.

"The etiquette cannot be abolished."

"Well, the teacher doesn't go to the Three Treasures Hall for any reason. What's the matter?"

Unable to resist, Uchiha Tajima had no choice but to say.

"I gave away the white-haired man to the black-haired man. There is only one child left in Jin's family, Yin. I hope to live with him and don't want this child to spend his childhood alone."

Uchiha Yao raised his head, his two ink-like eyes as deep and dark as black holes.

Uchiha Tajima looked embarrassed. These two boys and girls who had awakened the kaleidoscope were entrusted to him by the old patriarch himself.

Carrying a power that is beyond his age, if not guided, it will definitely become a time bomb.

"Sorry, teacher."

Seeing Uchiha Tajima's struggle, Uchiha Yao showed an expected expression, his face softened and he continued,

"Then, let me join their research. I heard Uchiha Miao say that you are studying their Sharingan ability, and I should be able to help."

"In that case, let's trouble the teacher."

Uchiha Tajima, knowing that he could not evade, had no choice but to agree. Moreover, Uchiha Yao's research on Sharingan was unparalleled in the clan.

With his joining, it will be of great help to the two children in controlling their strength.

After getting the answer he wanted, Uchiha Yao had no reason to stay any longer. He simply said goodbye and disappeared into the night.

In the following years, Uchiha Yao joined the research of these two children, and gradually replaced Uchiha Miao as the leader of the experiment.

At that time, Uchiha Tajima's wife just gave birth. As a new father, he couldn't get away from the trivial matters within the clan and the trivial matters at home. All the research work on the kaleidoscope of the two children fell to Uchiha Yao alone. body.

But Uchiha Tajima was not defenseless. In addition to Uchiha Miao as his deputy, he also sent the loyal Uchiha Yan to guard the research institute and monitor Uchiha Yao's every move.

Several years passed like this, and several of Uchiha Tajima's children were born successfully.

Because of his status, Uchiha Gin could temporarily allow him to enter and leave Uchiha Tajima's mansion outside of experiments, while Wuming could not leave the research institute because of his Eight Thousand Spear Eye Technique.

Such peaceful days,

Lasted until six years ago

"What? Uchiha Yao proposed to train two children as war 'weapons'?"

One day, Uchiha Tajima, who was correcting documents at his desk, raised his head in surprise, looked at the worried Uchiha Miao in front of him, and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, according to Uchiha Yao's research, he discovered that Uchiha Gin's kaleidoscope ability and the nameless ability can complement each other.

The nameless pupil technique with earth life can control the strengthened Uchiha Gin's Amaterasu, and upgrade the black flame into a form-changing escape technique, which increases the lethality to a higher level.

And Uchiha Gin's Tsukuyomi can help the nameless Eight Thousand Spears group to mark the enemy. The Eight Thousand Spears absorb chakra and feed it back to Uchiha Gin's Tsukuyomi, making the two form a permanent motion. "

Uchiha Miao held this document in his hand and reported to Uchiha Tajima based on the experimental results.

"Uchiha Gin is his grandson, how can he do it?"

Uchiha Tajima asked in confusion. As the clan leader, he naturally knew the meaning of "war weapons".

It would be a cruel and inhumane torture. Those labeled as "weapons" would have to give up their identity as humans and live as weapons without self-thought.

"I don't know about this, but he has already begun to conduct experiments, starting with Wuming."

Uchiha Miao's haggard face had a hint of worry, and he knew very well the ability of the Nameless Eight Thousand Spears.

Compared with Uchiha Gin's two purely combat-based pupil techniques, the unknown Eight Thousand Spears are too threatening. Mind control plus chakra absorption is a weapon for large-scale protracted battles.

"No! Ask him to stop the experiment immediately. You go take his place and comfort the two children first."

Uchiha Tajima heard that Uchiha Yao had started testing "war weapons" without passing his instructions, and immediately ordered the other party to stop it.


Miao Uchiha immediately set off to return after receiving the order.

In the research institute, there were two beds in a white ward. The boy by the window was yawning boredly, not knowing that the nightmare was about to come.

A ray of sunshine shone on his black curly hair, and his movements were filled with a lazy atmosphere. He turned his head to look at the slender girl on the other hospital bed and asked aloud,

"Xiaoguang, do you really don't want to go out? I can ask my uncle to take you out to play next time when I go out. Let me tell you, Quan Nai wet the bed a few days ago. Hahaha, I was beaten hard by my aunt. Tackled it hard."

The curly-haired boy's smiling eyes narrowed together. As he spoke, he looked around pretending to be alert. After confirming that no one was around, he raised a hand to his mouth to make a trumpet shape and whispered,

"But I know that the sheets are actually Madara's. That boy is so bad. He bullied Izuna because he was young, so he framed him for bedwetting."

After hearing what the young man said, the girl who closed her eyes to relax opened her eyes. Her beautiful eyes were full of helplessness. She rolled her eyes. The girl stood up and said,

"Don't tell me any more embarrassing stories about your brothers. I'm really not interested."

"As for going out, I have nothing to miss outside. It's good to stay here. Anyway, I have you."

The girl whose parents are dead has no other relatives outside. Her only support now may be the boy in front of her.

Thinking of this, the girl's eyes fell on the boy with a funny face who was trying to make her happy, and the conversation changed.

"Yin, if you are really bored, go find your grandpa. He has locked himself in the laboratory for several months. Are you really not worried about him?"

The girl thought of Uchiha Yao, whom she had not seen much recently, and mentioned it casually.

"Oh, why are you mentioning him? Every time he comes, we are asked to go to the laboratory for testing. He is so exhausted that he doesn't even give me a candy. In comparison, Grandpa Yan is better. He always gives me candy secretly."

The young man's eyes drooped, showing a fish-like expression, and he madly complained about his grandfather.

Eight years ago, two young children were brought to the research institute. At first, Uchiha Tajima often came to visit them, but later he heard that he had succeeded as the patriarch, and the frequency of his visits gradually became less and less.

Uchiha Gin is okay and is taken back by him from time to time. Uchiha Hikaru is grounded in the research institute because his Sharingan is still unstable and his pupil control is immature. He is guarded by Uchiha Miao, who is thin, tall and has a cold face. .

After some time, a new old man with the same hairstyle as Uchiha Gin arrived. He claimed to be Uchiha Gin's biological grandfather. After taking over Uchiha Miao's job, he often played with his two children and left many children behind. Few photos.

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