Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 92 I didn't ask you to break that armor.

Uchiha Tajima turned aside in confusion, wanting to see what his nephew was up to. You know, space seals require extremely high innate attainments of time and space power to penetrate, and ordinary ninjas may not even be able to reach the threshold in their entire lives.

Uchiha Gin fumbled from behind, and then slowly pulled out a... big axe from behind?

Uchiha Tajima, with his eyes wide open, had no time to think about which four-dimensional chrysanthemum this guy took out such a big thing from, and the other party was already touching the big axe and nodded with satisfaction.

[Obsidian Cutter] can produce armor-breaking effects when attacking targets.

Uchiha Gin wielded a black double-edged axe that was wider than his own, and jumped and chopped directly on the flaw in the seal. The airflow generated by the collision rushed wildly in an instant, and the flying sand made Uchiha Tajima subconsciously close his eyes.

When the dust cleared, the double-edged axe in Uchiha Gin's hand had been deeply embedded in the stone coffin, but the spell on the stone coffin was still flowing slowly and repairing the damage caused by the giant axe. The wriggling spell seemed to laugh at Uchiha Gin's efforts.

"Is armor-breaking useless?"

He frowned and pulled the black knife out of the stone coffin. The seal spell was not broken by his blow.

Uchiha Gin thought that he could easily break the seal with the auxiliary artifact produced by the system, but this thing taught him a solid lesson. It turned out that the artifact of the system was not omnipotent.

"Ahem, the power of your weapon is indeed amazing, but the seal involves the power of time and space, and ordinary weapons can't hurt it at all."

Uchiha Tajima, who was choked by the dust, stood up to explain. He saw that the giant axe in Uchiha Gin's hand was definitely not an ordinary thing, but it was a pity that there was no space power blessing, and it could not cause substantial damage to the seal.

I don't believe it? Look at me using force to defeat cleverness!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Gin put away the Black Cutter, frowned and continued to fumble in the bag behind him. After a while, he took out another large piece of equipment.

The next scene really made Uchiha Tajima a little suffocated. He thought that his nephew who failed would give up.

Unexpectedly, the other party fumbled behind him for a long time and took out an inconspicuous silver-gray short sword. When he waved it, it was accompanied by crackling lightning and filled with a strong breath of lightning chakra.

[Statik Electric Blade] Attack the target 3 times to cause additional lightning damage and break the defense.

"Hahahaha!!! Electricity for me!"

Uchiha Gin, who was laughing strangely, turned into Professor Yang, and quickly swung the electric knife in his hand and chopped it on the seal like raindrops. In an instant, there was a sound of lightning and thunder, and the electric light illuminated the entire pit.

Uchiha Gin wore sunglasses that he didn't know where he came from, and conscientiously carried out his arc cutting work.

The spell on the stone coffin was trembling with electricity, but it still stubbornly guarded the seal and did not dissipate.

"Stop! Stop!"

Uchiha Tajima, who was blinded by the lightning at first, covered his face and stopped loudly,

"What's the matter?"

Uchiha Gin, who was stopped, stopped his work and raised his head curiously to ask,

"I said that it must be cracked with the power of space, but you insisted on messing around here. What do you smell?"

[Warm Tip: Pay attention to the harmful gases produced when welding in a limited space. ]

"The power of space"

Shaking his numb hands, Uchiha Gin put away the electric knife embarrassedly. This is indeed a violation of safe operation. It will not happen again.

He touched his chin and thought about the power of time and space, while continuing to fumble in his bag. He had exploded so many system native artifacts, but there was no one with the power of time and space. The dog system is really flashy.

After complaining about the system's products, he suddenly touched a long-forgotten thing in the corner of his bag. Thinking of the introduction of this thing, Uchiha Gin's eyes lit up.

This time, he didn't take out any exaggerated things. Seeing Uchiha Gin take out a weird-shaped kunai from behind, Uchiha Tajima breathed a sigh of relief and finally took out a normal thing.

[Flying Thunder God Kunai*1] The weapon used by Namikaze Minato contains a trace amount of time and space power. Note: Wearing it can accelerate the comprehension of time and space ninjutsu.

He actually forgot about this thing completely. It was all because the system later issued some fancy equipment that confused his eyes, so that this weapon has been gathering dust.

Touching the Sword of Ninja Love in his hand, Uchiha Gin could clearly feel the time and space power contained in it.

What surprised him was that the power of time and space on the weapon actually had some connection with his newly-acquired mutant Byakugan. There was a voice reminding him that using the power of space would work wonders with his mutant Byakugan.

Adjusting the sunglasses on his face, Uchiha Gin had already considered it. While holding the Sword of Ninja Love, he operated his chakra and urged his eyes to open the new eye technique that had just awakened. He was still wearing sunglasses in the dark, which perfectly concealed the abnormality of his eyes.

"Have you opened your Sharingan? It seems that this kid has the confidence to break it this time."

As a master of eye technique, Uchiha Tajima keenly sensed the flow of chakra in Uchiha Gin's eyes, but he did not doubt it. After all, Uchiha Gin did not hide the fact that he had opened his eyes from him.

Now Uchiha Gin has entered a mysterious state. His new eyes can actually see the slowly flowing space ripples in the space. The feeling tells him that he can cut it off at any time if he uses the Sword of Ninja Love in his hand.

Fixing his eyes on the stone coffin, all the nodes of the seal were clearly visible to these eyes. The flaw that Uchiha Tajima mentioned was shining with a light that was completely different from other nodes. It seemed that it was there.

Suppressing the restlessness in his heart, Uchiha Yin took a deep breath, held the sword of love with both hands, aimed at the flaw, and stabbed it fiercely.

With the sound of eggshell breaking on the stone coffin, the seal spell began to wriggle wildly. As Uchiha Yin's chakra with space power penetrated into it, the black spell was gradually eroded and finally dissipated between heaven and earth.

Seeing that there was no accident, Uchiha Yin, who put away the sword of love, breathed a sigh of relief, closed his eyes and closed the pupil technique, took off his glasses and said to Uchiha Tajima with a smile,

"Uncle, you dare to be alone! A small seal is not easy to catch."

After speaking, he lowered his head and prepared to lift the stone coffin with his hands to let Xiaoguang, who had been trapped for many years, see the light of day again.


Uchiha Gin was a little puzzled. Is this coffin nailed so firmly? Even with his strange power, it didn't move at all. Could it be that the Sarutobi clan and the Senju clan have a backup plan?

At this moment, the girl's face was puffed up like a bun inside the stone coffin. Her small hands tightly grasped the coffin board, trying her best to prevent the people outside from opening it.

"I surrender to the old man outside. What are you doing?"

Although she longed for freedom, the girl swore that it would be better to be locked in this stone coffin for the rest of her life than to let herself go out like this.

Time went back to when Uchiha Gin took out the black cutter.

As his axe flew down, the girl in the stone coffin, who was expecting the person who spoke outside to save her, began to pray silently.

Unexpectedly, a violent impact came from outside, which shocked her. After dizziness, the girl was surprised to find that her clothes were somehow torn apart and turned into strands of cloth barely hanging on her body.

Before the surprised girl could react, another arc of electricity came in. The already dizzy girl was directly electrocuted. Her hair was changed into an afro, and her whole body was electrified with smoke. The cloth hanging on her body turned into charcoal.

After recovering from the shock, the girl with red eyes had nothing but magatama in her eyes. She gritted her teeth and swore to the Uchiha ancestor that if she could get out, she would definitely make the guys outside look bad.

The girl, who had been tortured twice, breathed a sigh of relief when she found that there was no movement outside. In addition to being lucky, she also felt a little desperate. It seemed that the other party had chosen to give up, so she didn't know how long she would have to stay.

I really miss Gin. It would be great if Gin was by her side.

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