Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 93 Times have changed and you are no longer the boy you once were.

The girl who fell into EMO was stimulated and began to think wildly. At this moment, she heard the noise outside again, and learned the previous lesson. This time the girl did not take it lightly anymore, she pricked up her ears and listened carefully.

"If you dare to do it alone, the seal will be at your fingertips."

The girl who probably heard the meaning instantly became energetic. At this moment, she could feel that the stagnant time around her began to flow. She returned to the normal timeline, and she would be free soon!

The ecstatic girl was about to push open the coffin board that had sealed her for a long time, but she hesitated when black coal-like fingers pressed against it.

He looked down at himself who couldn't see the strands, and smelled the smell of his burning hair. The hand that was originally pushing the door suddenly changed its position and firmly held the coffin board to prevent it from being opened.

At this time, Uchiha Gin outside raised his head in confusion, looked at Uchiha Tajima not far away and said,

"Uncle, me"

"I understand. You guys haven't seen each other for so many years. You must have a lot to say. Uncle, I won't interrupt you."

Uchiha Tajima, who was prone to misunderstandings, had a shy smile on his face, turned around, jumped out of the pit and walked away, thinking of giving the two young people some private space.

I'm really a good uncle in the ninja world.

"Ah? No, I want to say why can't this thing be opened?"

Looking at Uchiha Tajima's unobtrusive back, Uchiha Gin complained speechlessly,

But it happened that the old uncle avoided it, so he could use his eyes to see what was going on.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Gin opened his mutated white eyes again, glanced at the stone coffin and immediately turned away, muttering incessantly,

"Why is it still like that? I remembered that I turned down the power!"

Just now he glanced over and saw an ordinary girl again, but he had originally lowered the penetrating power of his white eyes to avoid suspicion. It should be said that he could only see through the coffin board. It seemed that these eyes needed to be studied carefully.

Why! Uchiha Gin would rather suspect that there was something wrong with his eyes than suspect that there was something wrong with the girl.

"I am here to save people, I am here to save people..."

Uchiha Gin used self-hypnosis, then opened his eyes and looked as clear as a saint, calmly scanning the stone coffin to check whether there was any backhand from the sealer.

The girl in the stone coffin felt something in her heart, and for some reason she had the illusion of being spied on, so she subconsciously let go of her hands to protect her vital parts.

"No trace of chakra."

Uchiha Gin rubbed his eyes in confusion, making sure that there was no backhand. He forced himself not to see through the scene in the stone coffin, and once again stretched out his big hand to tightly grasp the coffin board.

What is important in this kind of thing is to integrate the waist and horse into one, brace the horse stance to stabilize the lower body, and pour a steady stream of chakra into both arms.

Uchiha Gin held his breath, as the veins on his arms popped out and the muscles became knotted.

Give it to me! ! !

Something unexpected happened. The coffin board that was so heavy just now became lighter. Uchiha Gin, who used too much force, flew out with the coffin board in his arms and fell heavily to the ground.

"My waist is so tight! My brand new electric motor with no wear and tear from the factory is so strong that my waist is so strong!"

Now he could no longer care about the stone coffin. Uchiha Gin, who was holding his waist and standing on the ground, was wailing miserably.

"Um, this voice?"

In the darkness, she heard her longing voice, but the tone and way of speaking were completely different from the person in her memory. The girl who carefully huddled in the stone coffin quietly stretched out her head and looked towards the source of the sound. .

Uchiha Gin, who was still holding his kidneys and erecting his corpse on the ground, felt a scorching gaze and subconsciously looked over, only to see a black sea urchin head shivering in the stone coffin.


When the girl saw that the figure lying there was not the young man in her mind, she felt excited. When the other person raised his head, she quickly shrank back in fear.

But unfortunately, the sequelae of the electrotherapy just now were not relieved. The girl's long black hair was electrocuted into a sea urchin, and the narrow stone coffin could no longer accommodate her.

"I've seen you!"

Uchiha Gin stood up, patted the dust on his body, and showed what he thought was a warm smile, thinking of giving Xiaoguang in his memory a wonderful reunion.

"Don't come over here!"

Before Uchiha Gin could get closer, the girl's frightened voice came from the stone coffin,

"If you dare to come here, I'll be rude to you!"

Tsk, I’m still shy.

Uchiha Gin chuckled. It seemed that the other party didn't recognize him, so he decided to give the girl he hadn't seen for many years a big surprise.

Tiptoeing closer to the stone coffin, Uchiha Gin put his head in with a smile and said softly,

"Welcome back, little one. Hey, hey? Hey! Who are you?"

What he saw was not the quiet and intellectual girl in his memory, but an unknown creature with a completely black body and a sea urchin head.

As he questioned three times, the girl who was crouching in defense raised her head in shock and saw a face lying in front of her. Before she could see clearly in the darkness, the shame and anger that the girl had accumulated for a long time suddenly burst out.

"Die to me!"

Uchiha Gin was still in a shocked expression, but the girl in the stone coffin had already taken action with hatred. The eyes of the dark unknown creature turned scarlet, and a familiar pattern appeared in her eyes.

A pair of large cherry-red hands quietly stretched out from behind the girl, pinched Uchiha Gin who had not yet recovered, and lifted him up through the air.

"If I kill you, Ah Yin won't know about this, hehe."

The black creature was actually emitting visible black air, and Uchiha Gin, who was attacked by surprise, was so scared that his anus tightened.

"Wuwuwu, I am a good citizen!"

Uchiha Gin, who was suddenly pinched, almost couldn't breathe. He looked at the cherry-red skeleton emerging from the back of the black creature in surprise. Uchiha Gin hurriedly explained that this trick had been used, and the identity of the strange creature in front of him was about to be revealed.

"Xiaoguang! Xiaoguang! I am Ah Yin!"

I didn't expect that this seal could actually change the skin, and directly changed the girl to a set of Thunder Country Laoda limited skin.

"Uh? Ah Yin?"

The girl who fell into the dark wanted to kill and silence her, but she didn't expect that the person who was caught actually called out her name and claimed to be Ah Yin.

After calming down her chaotic mood, the girl let go of Susano's big hand and revealed the face of the person caught inside.

"Hmph, you old thing actually dared to pretend to be Gin, I will let you taste what the punishment of Tsukuyomi is!"

The guy in his hand actually licked his old face and said that he was Gin, and he didn't even look in the mirror to see his shameful face. My Gin is a sunny, cheerful, gentle and warm dancing elephant boy.

The girl recalled the peerless elegance of the boy in her heart with longing, and the head that was exposed in the stone coffin looked at the old Deng in Susanoo with disdain.

After I deal with this guy, I will clean up and go to find my Gin.

"Don't, don't, I'm really Gin!"

Feeling the pressure on him getting heavier and heavier, Uchiha Gin was a little panicked. He didn't know if the three-piece suit on his body could withstand Susanoo, but the most urgent thing was to make the girl believe that she was Gin.

"Xiaoguang, you came to my house to play when you were five years old and wet your pants! When you were six years old, you went to the river to play and fell into the river. I saved you! Seven years old."

In order to prove his identity, Uchiha Gin began to expose the girl's black material crazily, trying to evoke her memories.


The girl paused while controlling Susanoo. When she showed her head, her scarlet eyes were filled with doubt. Only she and Gin knew these things, but the person in front of her knew them so well. Could it be that...?

"Tell me, what did you do to my Gin!"

Susanoo's big hand suddenly tightened, and Uchiha Gin, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, was pinched again until he saw stars.

"I've been walking on thin ice all my life."

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