Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 27: 1 sad story

   With the muffled sound of Kumu, Sa Yin Shangren dies unwillingly.


   "I want to kill you to avenge him!"

   The other two Sand Shinobu were restrained by the Shang Shinobi at this time, and watched his teammate die in the hands of an imp.

   The seeds of hatred spread again. Everyone is involved in the vortex of revenge for the sake of their own fetters.

   But this kind of philosophical question is not something the ninjas present have to think about. Survival is everyone's first consideration.

   So he pulled out the Kunai Uchiha Tatsumi, and walked straight towards the remaining two sands. For a time, Sand Shinobu, who was still dominant, immediately became the weaker side.

   They obviously discovered this too. A Shinobu and the others can win together. However, if the opponent had another upper endurance, then the original advantage would only disappear.

  What, you said that it was just a kid wearing a ninja vest, not a ninja? !

   Stop teasing, have you ever seen a Zhongren who kills Shinobu like a chicken?

Do not believe? ! Come on, Iwaki’s body is still warm now, would you like to shoot while it’s hot?

   So the two Sand Shinobu checked each other's eyes, and years of tacit understanding made them feel good.

   In that case, let’s go first, as for Iwagi, let’s avenge him later!

   So a perfect escape plan was completed in one second.

   Sand Shinobu burst out of tremendous combat power, and Shang Shinobu, who was already at a disadvantage, suddenly couldn't stand it.

   The complicated chakra line flicked slightly, and the puppets hidden in the ground immediately got out. A seductive crimson gas ejected from the puppet's ass.

  ——Wind escape breakthrough

   Seeing the red poisonous gas, Uchiha Tatsu who had already guarded this hand immediately held his breath. At the same time, both hands were sealed, and a wind ninjutsu blew back the poison in the puppet.

   The two sand ninjas didn't care about other things. The smoke bombs, detonators, toilet paper, and a certain rubber balloon in the ninja bag were thrown out in desperation.

   The smoke from the explosion filled the air for a while.

   This time I don't need Uchiha Tatsu to do it, and the few people who rushed started to use the wind to blow away the smoke. After the smoke cleared, Sand Shinobu disappeared.

   So Shinobu ran off now? It's agreed to take revenge.

   If it was in normal times, Uchiha Tatsuno would definitely catch up and continue to make up the knife to kill the two sand ninja puppet masters.

   But forget it now.

  Who knows if there is any other Sand Shinobi on the road, what if he plunges into the opponent's circle?

   Seeing that the danger disappeared, Shinobu was also a little collapsed, and sat down on the ground. He shouted at the location of Uchiha Tatsun: "Thank you for saving us."

   Uchiha Tatsuno didn't talk, but looked at the ninja quietly, and then fell into deep thought.

   The other person feels like twenty years old, and feels like thirty years old. He has a black explosive hairstyle and a beard that has grown luxuriantly due to long periods of care.

   Uchiha Tatsun knocked his head. He always feels like he has seen each other. I must have seen such a wretched face somewhere! But I just can't remember.

   Just when Uchiha Tatsumi was still pretending to be deep, Shinobu couldn't bear this kid's eyes came over.

   Did I owe you money, so look at me like this?

   approached Uchiha Tatsumi only to find that the opponent's back was stained with blood, which showed that the battle just now was also very fierce.

   "Hey, where I always feel I have seen him, what do you think?" Uchiha Tatsu pushed the arm of Rope Tree.

   "That's what you said..." The rope tree held his chin, "Let me search in my palace of memory."

   Uchiha Tatsun: "..."

   "Are you brother Shinnosuke?" Nose Shu is not good in other aspects, but he is the leader in intelligence.

   "Eh, are you... a rope tree? It's all grown up like this." The uncle Hu also recognized the rope tree.

   "It's really you, we haven't seen it for five years. I remember you are only seventeen years old this year, how did you become like this?" Rope Shu asked.

   Uchiha Tatsu was shocked, Mikoto was shocked, and everyone present was shocked.

   Rope tree, are you sure this person is seventeen years old? He has a beard, you say I believe him at 30.

   Shinnosuke touched his beard awkwardly, "Accidents are purely accidents. I am also a man who pays attention to personal hygiene, and also has some cleanliness. Trust me!"

   I believe in your evil.

   Ropeki pointed at Shinnosuke, "I will introduce you to you. This is the son of Uncle Naruto, Brother Sarutobi Shinnosuke."

Oh! Uchiha Tatsun finally remembered. No wonder he always feels like he has seen each other everywhere. Isn't this wretched face exactly the same as the three-generation old man?

   Uchiha Tatsuno was still a little excited. He finally met the worst man in Konoha in the legend.

   Why do you say that? Naruto is full of large areas for memory.

   But in so many pages, there is a person who has never been recalled by his father, younger brother, and son. How miserable this **** is.

   But think about Konoha Maru when he was born, he was fifty years old. In other words, this Shinnosuke classmate gave birth to Konoha Maru when he was almost forty years old.

   Maybe he has a problem in that area. Otherwise, there is no way to explain it. How about the three generations of Hokage who came out of the arena and gave birth to Asma at the age of 40?

   Uchiha Tatsuno seems to have discovered something~www.readwn.com~ By the way, Niinosuke hasn't heard anything from you all these years? "The rope tree asked.

   Over the years, he has been inquiring about the other party's news, but unfortunately there is no news.

   "I have been thrown into Anbe these years." Sarutobi Shinnosuke said helplessly.

   Of course, this story started many years ago.

   At that time Konoha had a violent demon king. She relied on being an official for three generations to do whatever she wanted.

   That devil has only three special hobbies in his life, namely gambling, losing money and drinking.

   Generally speaking, such a person with bad social atmosphere must be closely guarded by the guards or the Anbu, but because of his special status, basically no one dares to provoke him.

   After losing a lot of money, she gathered a group of children with deep backgrounds as her thugs. Among them, Sarutobi Shinnosuke is her firm supporter.

   After three generations of government-minded Hokage, this illegal organization was banned.

   Other people in the organization were smoothly whitewashed and became good citizens. Only Sarutobi Shinnosuke was thrown into Anbe by his father.

   So, this is really a sad story.



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